Flying to SC tomorrow to meet my online BF...

Hey Everyone,

And Good Sunday Morning and isn't life wonderful! I mean really it is. We have so much to be thankful for. I'm just grinning from ear to ear. And it has nothing to do with SC, nor did I hit the lottery ticket, and yes The Spawn is home with the "fur ball" (new girlfriend, this chile has so much hair it was either "fur ball" or 'Cousin It").

Now granted some of these are reasons to smile and some could be reasons to wipe away a smile. But nevertheless I am just happy. For a lot of reasons. But the one I want to share with you all is that I am able to sit here in front on this big old huge oak tree, look out my window as I sip my morning coffee and WRITE. Now that is priceless. I just love it.

When people say what would you do for free, for me this is it. I just paid Girl $40 Baby to take Daddy Duty for me today. And you know for a "wanna be struggling college student" that's like $400. She's already divided it up into light bill, gas, groceries, pedicure and getting her ends clipped. :huh: I only wish there tuition and dorm fees could work like that.

At any rate, someone has to stay with my dad while my mom goes to church. So since I was there last night when I got in, I figured I would give the chile some cash. Honestly,today I just really wanted to be here writing. I LOVE TO WRITE. That updates on the house for everyone.

Oh ladies, please see my earlier post on where the pics are. Since I'm home I am putting up more.

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SC Trip to Houston Part 4

Saturday morning. I awake before him…before the sun. This is my time. Before anyone else can insist on sharing the day with me. I slip from the bed, and pad barefoot to his side of the bed. I grab his London Fog slippers that feel like a soft pair of hands on my feet (yeah these are totally mine now) and with robe in hand I leave my bedroom.

Glancing behind me I smile as he sleepily turns over onto his back. I take a moment to see if he is awake. But no he’s sound asleep, his face now half buried in my pillow, he sighs once deeply as if inhaling my scent. Then he’s back to breathing easy. That early morning sleep that makes you want to throw the ringing alarm clock, right out the window.

I slip into my robe and the slippers and close my bedroom door. I make my way to the kitchen to put on my morning coffee. Not wanting to wake him I don’t grind fresh beans, instead I settle for the Folgers’. My number two coffee…lol. Moments later with coffee in hand I disarm the alarm and quietly slip out the patio door. Jaden stretches yawns and comes over to greet me. “Hey girl” I say. She yawns again and looks at my coffee cup. Yeah I think. I guess I could have brought you out a biscuit or something.

I follow the sidewalk which leads to the courtyard and push open the side door to the garage. Once inside I pause for a moment, listening for human sounds. In a garage, this close to night there are always non-human sounds. Tiny feet scurring away, wondering what the hell I'm doing here this early in the morning. Satisfied I'm alone besides Charlotte and her webs, I head to the pantry. From the many shelves I reach for the doggie treats. They’re all some variation of bacon and cheese. Don’t we as humans always buy the treats that look the tastiest to us?

I mean I don’t like lamb and rice, so my dog will never get any. Beef, or bacon and cheese sound good to me, and so it is. She sits quietly while I open it. I pour a handful into her bowl and give it to her. She sits and waits for me to leave before she begins eating it. Now she’s having a happy morning too. I walk back to the patio area. The sun is now kissing the morning. Everything is bathed in pink and amber light. I sip my coffee and lean against the patio column. I wonder what today will bring. It’s supposed to rain. I hope it doesn’t. There is so much I want to show SC. So much of my life, I want to share with him.

I want to take him to the Japanese Garden in Hermann Park, one of my favorite places to take a book on a date. I want to take him to the Border’s Bookstore on Shepherd, which use to be the old Alabama Movie Theater. It’s neat because they left all the old architecture of the theater including the balcony, which now holds books and tables where you can sit and read and have coffee and some desert if you like. I go there when my book budget is on “cannot buy but can read all you want” mode. Smile. Yeah I have to give myself a budget when it comes to books.

I also want to take him to the “Down Under”. Well that’s what me and my kids have deemed it. It’s actually the Buffalo Bayou waterway underneath Allen Parkway.You can walk the trail from White Oak bayou all the way into downtown. There you will pass the homeless camps, where citizens of Houston live but don’t pay rent. They have their own laundry mat but need not coins. They wash their clothes in the water of the bayou and hang them to dry on the branches of trees and the bushes that grow along the trails.

It’s a walking trail of sorts. Being that you can walk it, but no one in their right minds would recommend it. I begin taking my kids there when we first moved back to Texas. They complained so much about living with my parents and not having their own rooms that I thought this would be a good idea to show them how blessed they truly were.

The homeless don’t bother anyone. No doubt feeling spied upon by us or perhaps just as curious about who this black woman and these three black children walking around their “neighborhood” were. They either ignored us mostly or smiled and waved. I guess they maybe thought we too had fallen upon hard times and were the new family on the block.

At first my kids were startled to encounter them. But after many weekends of going to the Down Under they kind of began to like it. Even asking or suggesting “can we go look at the people under the bridges”. As soon as we parked at the little gas station at Houston Avenue and White Oak, my kids would know we were headed to the Down under.

As we would cross the street to the park area, The Spawn would immediately begin telling my older son what karate move he would do if one of them pulled a knife on him. Baby Girl would always laugh and tell him “you can’t do a karate kick and run at the same time”.

It wasn’t long before they knew this was not sightseeing for them but school. And more importantly an opportunity to give. We’d take bundles of clothing and cans of food. These items were never offered upfront. That would be rude and insinuate that they were somehow worse off than the rest of the world.

No we’d simply leave the bags next to the bush as if we might come back for it. Of course it would be quickly scurried away. Or maybe a bag of burgers and fries. Never less than 5 of each, enough to be shared, but not fought after. These were left behind at the table where we’d had our lunch. The rule was of course never to leave cold cash. I didn’t want anyone thinking I would be a good mark to go after. Especially when I carried my fanny pack holster, every time we went there.

There were many occasions we’d step over women’s purses. You’d see driver’s license and other personal items strewn about. After sharing this information with my then SO (an HPD officer) and being admonished about even going there, I realized no one cared enough to recover what might have been evidence of a purse snatching. After that we simply stepped over any such paraphernalia.

We also went to The Lake. When we lived in Cleveland, OH we used to always go to Lake Erie and spend the day. Some days we just sat in the car, backed in and people watched. It was like going to the movies. There was no place like that for us when we moved back to Houston.

Well not until I stumbled upon the corner of Westheimer and Montrose. Driving around late one night, well after midnight, I turned onto Westheimer. It was like turning on cable television. We saw bonafide working girls, and not just working girls, we saw working guys dressed as girls.

We saw the troll man, a deformed man who dresses himself in the garb of a Warlock. He has long hair down his back, dyed green or sometimes purple. He walks with a staff that looks like he stole it from Moses himself. We also became acquainted with the other Houston homeless….the children. There is a children’s shelter just off Westheimer called Covenant House and if you are a runaway or a throwaway…you can go there.

But if you are not in by 10:00pm the doors are closed. We would watch those who didn’t want to be on the street quickly making their way toward the shelter as 9:30pm became 9:45pm. They’d commenced to walking-running by 9:50pm their backpacks now off their back and clutched tightly to their chest. Some times they ran in pairs but mostly alone.

Then there were those who wanted no part of the shelter, that one or any other. Maybe the home they ran from was worse than being on the streets so they weren’t taking any chances. The street was their home. Where they felt most safe.

These were the 15 and 16 year olds who were already happy being homeless. True some sought out the street pharmacist. Many got into prostitution. But some just were out there, with no real or apparent reason. There were those whose friends drove by in new BMWs or other parent provided transportation.

They’d stop and laugh and talk, maybe give the kid money or new clothes. But always before long everyone would hug and the driver and passengers would climb back into the car and drive off. Leaving the newly homeless to his or her choice.

I remember the young mixed couple. She was a White girl, about 15 or so. She had her blond hair cut short and buzzed like a boys, and she was noticeably pregnant. Her boyfriend looked older, maybe 17 and looked to be either a very light skinned Black or maybe Puerto Rican kid.

They were always together. We’d see them counting change, never quiet money as they made their way to the Burger King. They would sit together and eat away from any of the others. They always seemed to be cold even in the summer time.

After that November we didn’t see her anymore, just him. We speculated that she’d had the baby. That maybe she had given the child up for adoption and returned home. Minus the half-black baby and the black father, perhaps her parents forgave her and let her come home. Later the following year in the spring she came back. The two of them again huddled, eating, whispering, but we never did see a baby.

Suddenly, I look toward my bedroom window and there he is. Leaning with his back against the wall, curtain in his hands, with the white bath towel wrapped around his waist. I smile at him. I wonder how long he’s been standing there watching me. He smiles back at me. He nods his head at the pool. I cross my arms and shiver, telling him it’s too cool for a swim. He nods at me again and this time looks down at the towel. My eyes follow and what I see writes the script for my next movement. I toss the contents of my coffee cup onto the lawn. I smile at him and walk back to the house.

I place the cup on the breakfast room table without even glancing at it. I return to the bedroom to find him back in bed. He’s propped up on the pillows, as if the man I just saw in the window was only a figment of my imagination.

I think this would be a good place for a marker. Be back ladies.
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I take it you like it? Not quite finished. Had to stop and congratulate MzShay! :sekret:

Hey can someone sue you for child support if you ain't the baby daddy? I mean if they blame you for getting preggo but you ain't the daddy. Just curious.

Congratulations! And I ain't fin't to blow up your spot. But I best not get no papers in the mail talking bout going ta court.
Okay I am officially hooked. I just went through 121 pages and I still want more. :grin: Thank you ElizaBlue for letting us into your life.
Running to email for updated BGO version:lick::nono: yeah ladies:grin:

FYI, there is no new BGO peoples, please don't get excited. If you have the Houston version, you are already up-to-date. If you don't have any versions, please send Eliza an email at [email protected], and include your LHCF addy. Tis all, back to your regularly scheduled programming:look:
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I must of missed the pictures.

You didn't miss the pictures, she put them back in their original posts, so they are on pages 69, 80, and 107. They include some new ones of her kids, doggie and SC. I suggest you take a peek now, they're up for a limited time only:yep:
Ok im getting anxious for another update:look:...can somebody give me the earlier BGO versions(I have the Houston one)
Ah, I see Eliza has made her triumphant return - all is right with the world now!

And sense I've finished this latest appetizer, errum, where is the main course?!

ETA: GG, keep up the good work girl. Way to hold it down for us!

I am going to PM all who have asked for the BGO version. I am just sort of working through somethings right now.

Lord please don't let this be my next book. But I have to tell ya'll all things right now are just not what they seem. I woke up this morning and could not for the life of me get my ex off my mind. It's like he just walked into my bedroom about 3am this morning and sat down. His essence, spirit, ghost, incubus ain't left yet. Yeah on that last one.

I honestly don't know what to do. I have no shame in telling you this, ya'll gone go back and read all my posts about him anyway. I don't care. The truth is I still love this man. How do you break the spell and move on?

I want to fall in love with my new love. I really do. God knows I do. But dang if they don't look like brothers. See look. You better look fast cause you already know I'll be hitting delete in about a minute.

My ex treated me like a queen and was very well off. Very well off. But he had a dark side, he was an internet ho. I'm just going to be straight about that. This one treats me like a queen and has the potential, no he will be very well off one day. I can tell. He's very stable just not there yet. My ex was two years older than me. He just turned 46, SC is only 39.

And the crazy thing is, as much as I love sex, SC walked up to my ex and slapped the crown right off his head. While my ex was okay in bed, SC is THE REIGNING KING, no doubt about it. I mean not just off the chain good, I'm talking about off the chain, through the gate, didn't look both ways before crossing, running down the middle of the road good.

So tell me why I cannot get this ex out of my mind? SC is sweet in a genuine way. He's a nice person. My ex is too, that is until we get back in the car or until he hangs up the phone or the person walks away. Then they're all kinds of crazy ish. He will curse somebody out in the middle of Walmart like his name was Sam Walton. I guess maybe money does that to you.

That is not at all what attracted me to him because I didn't initially see that side of him. But his dark side slowly presented itself to me in a way that I was never really able to say this is bad water until it was up to my neck.

This will sound crazy but he is getting ready to contact me. I have had this feeling before and whenever I cannot stop thinking about him, he finds a way to contact me. Just to update you. We were together this time last year so maybe it's the season similiarity doing this I don't know. But anyway, he refused to talk to me or see me for 5 months after the day I left his house taking all my ish.

Then somewhere around December of 07 he starts emailing me. January he texts me and wants to see me. It was like we had never broke up. There's a post about that somewhere I'm sure. I ask him point blank after he starts calling me every Sat morning and every night after he leaves the gym, what he wants. Does he want a business relationship with me or a personal. He stammers and hems and haws and finally he says business, because he always screws up in personal.

Okay...I'm thinking well damn at least I know. But I love you, is what I was thinking.
Arrrgghh....anyway. He keeps calling but this is what I notice. He's making all these damn plans for us and this new company. "And when we hire staff", and "when we file for this" and "when we branch out into that". I mean WTF!!!. I'm thinking yeah I know what he said but why plan a life around a business with someone you don't intend to be involved with, especially when you already know how they feel about you?

Well this is what I began to notice, he leaves the gym my phone rings...."what are you doing, what did you do today....did you schedule our class....yada yada yada....hold on I need to pick up my dinner". Now he's done this about four times. Here's how the conversation goes.

Restaurant Counterperson: "Hi can I take your order"
Devil Incarnate: "Oh yeah I'm hear to pick up an order for the "Liar from Hell"
Restaurant Counterperson: "okay you had "One fish dinner, one 3 piece chicken dinner and one shrimp dinner"
Devil Incarnate: Tries to mute phone. But I already got that.
Restaurant Counterperson: "Okay that'll be $45.76.
Devil Incarnate: "Did you remember my sauce, cause the last time you forgot it.
Restaurant Counterperson: "I'm sorry here's some extra. (thinking he's unmuting phone)
Devil Incarnate: "So yeah I'm back, so let me call you back as soon as I get in the house"
Me: "Oh okay" Yeah right.

He of course does not call until the next time he's leaving the gym or its Saturday morning. So I start to suspect that the ex-wife is back. She's a nurse and nurses work nights. The only reason for him to constantly be order three dinners is they eat two and she takes one to work.

He refuses to discuss or admit to any of this. So one day my car breaks down. I call him. No answer on cell so I call his house phone. He routinely calls me from that phone so why not? Please tell me why I get a call back from a female wanting to know was anyone trying to reach MRS. Jane DOE or MR. John DOE. Now I figure for her to call me back using "their" handles and last names she must know my phone number and wanted me to know who she was. Otherwise why call back at all. It's not like I left a message. Not a word from him since. Nothing.

They got divorced two years ago, but got back together and then she left and took everything but the paint off the walls. No really, she even had someone climb up on a 20 foot wall and take down the surround sound speakers. Something that makes a woman mad enough to do that can only be another woman or women. I think she found out about his internet adventures. By the way he never took his profile down, that's how I busted his dumb ***. I set up a new profile and there he was...ready and willing.

So knowing all this and knowing what I know so far about SC, why can I not erase this ex from mind like the bad memory he is. I don't want to be just using SC to get over him either. I genuinely like SC. And I for sure don't want to start second guessing him because they look so much alike.

I know I need to just give this new relationship time, because of course the first few weeks everything is everything, you know? I just don't want to find myself again in bad water up to my neck six months from now.

When SC talks about fixing things around my house and making repairs I can't help but remember the night me and my ex stayed up till 3am, hanging blinds in one of my rent houses so that the new tenant could move in the next day. He had to go to work that morning and was so sleepy, but he finished every last one.

They just sound so much alike when it comes to me wanting to pay for anything. They have both physically taken my billfold and put it back in my purse in a store. They both shave dry with a razor. They both have that dang 3A hair. They have the same eyes. No SCs lashes are They both love to...Stop it. stop it. stop it.

Okay suffice it to say they have some very obvious similiarities and some truly and thank you God differences. It would seem simple, a really simple thing to do, to just forget the evil twin and keep the good twin.

The Ex. These are pics from my birthday last year, he took me away to the beach for the weekend.

Pic #1, 4 and 5 are of SC
Pic 2 and 3 are the EX.

The Ex and SC look alike. I thought they were the same guy.