Flying to SC tomorrow to meet my online BF...

Originally Posted by CantBeCopied
I'm late. As LATE as they come! But, I still would like to see this yoga/zane/technique..erm...instructional...narrative, thingy . Please share? :p

Me too please!!!

me three...i want em all, big girls version, pics i missed...ill pm u my email..but Eliza im so happy for you..what a wonderful story!
Love this.....I'm happy for you? How did this past weekend go? And if it's no bother......may I have the grown and sexy version? I would love to see pics I missed as well............Pleeeeeease. :grin:
I cannot believe the way I'm waiting for events to unravel this weekend so that I can get the scoop. I'm loving it completely!! :lachen:I'm sure you've made your decision on your tops already EB, either one is a great choice for you. I hope you both have a great, love filled weekend. Your girls will be here waiting on you. :yep:
Hi All,

I had an A-B-S-O-L-U-T-E-L-Y wonderful weekend. It rained almost every day here, but trust me "a great time was had by all".

Updates coming soon!

So please stay tuned....
wheew!!..... ( *wiping forehead in disbelief , because i can't believe Im finished reading*)it took me 2 days to read this thread. Anyway can't wait to hear about your weekend.....If its not to late to ask, can a girl get the zane,BGO ,pics and all that good stuff....I enjoyed guys make a good couple.....I wish you nothing but happeniess.
“My flight to Houston has been delayed 45 minutes”…I hear him in the distance clearly….but yet it sounded like a foreign tongue. “what did you say” I stammer. “My flight” he says, “ it’s going to be delayed almost an hour”. The only thing I can manage is “are you serious?” I’m already in route, so even though I take my time getting to the airport I still arrive early enough to meet his original flight, scheduled to land at 4:00pm. I park in the parking garage and make my way to the security area. I badge my way to get to the gate, so that I can see him as soon as he lands.

Earlier, after much indecision….yet again, about which outfit to wear, I decided to let my sisters on LHCF decide for me. So here I am wearing some tight “check out my ass-sets” tan cargo pants, a dark brown peasant type blouse, fitting in all the right places and of course open toe 3” dark brown sandals. I’m a bit nervous, and don’t know why. I mean it’s not that we don’t have some serious carnal knowledge of each other already. But regardless, nervous I am. I pull out the two magazines I’d bought earlier. Cottage Living and Essence.

I glance out the window at the gate. Gate A62 is still void of the plane I’ve been hoping to see. So now it’s only 4:20pm. The delayed arrival time is 4:58pm. A whole 30 minutes away. It might as well have been 30 days. I glance back down at Gabrielle Union gracing the Essence cover. She's rocking a short cut in a pretty pale blue dress. The header reads: “Wedded Bliss: 6 Women share how they got the love they deserved” I take the Cottage Living magazine and return it to my satchel. Come on Essence I think, for once be more than just pretty pictures, tell me the secret to getting the love I deserve. Surely out of 6 women, at least 1 of them has a bonafide formula. I push the “home” button on my Treo phone, the screen comes to life. The time is now 4:30pm. Dang only 10 minutes have passed. I settle down to read.

I briefly glance at the opening ads in the Essence. More and more beautiful sisters. Glance out the window…still…no plane. Make eye contact with the old white dude that’s been checking me since I sauntered up to gate seating. He misreads my glance as mutual interest. He shifts in his seat sucking in his stomach. I look away and meet up with the smoldering eyes of a fine dark chocolate brother. He’s sporting a throw back jersey and some too tight straight leg jeans, replete with a black doo rag. He breaks out in a huge multi-gold tooth grin and begins nodding to music only he can hear.

I glance around the waiting area. More people have wandered closer to the gate area. White guy has moved two seats closer to me and is busy pretending to be studying what appears to be a recently uncrumpled bag from Mc Donald's. Lord please don’t let him start trying to actually talk to me. I check the time on my phone again. It's now 4:38pm. I sigh deeply…another l-o-n-g 20 minutes. I glance over at Chocolate to make sure he hasn’t advanced positions also. He’s in the same place but is now staring me down swaying from side to side still nodding. Now I’m sure somewhere that truly “gangster move” is considered sexy. I just can’t imagine where.

I go back to the Essence. I quickly scan the contents page. The article I want is on page 112. I glance up and find the back fin of the plane at the gate. Damn he’s here. When did…never mind. I rummage in my purse for my lip gloss and mirror. I know he’s seated at the rear of the plane, so that means I have a few minutes. I look up and Chocolate is standing directly in front of me. Whoa! Where did hell did he come from that quick. He leans his head to the side like his neck is made of slinky wire and makes the kiss me face, licks his extra pink lips and says “how you doing sexy Red?”

I look back at the passengers coming off the plane. I cannot let SC see this fool up in my face. I drop the lip gloss and simultaneously pick up my badge. He glances down at the shining gold metal. “Move” I say, without smiling or really even looking at him. He mumbles something that sounds like “didn’t nobody ask to marry you ****” But he’s looking around like he really wishes he were back from where he came over by the exit sign. I see white dude from the corner of my eye, just looking bewildered.

I gather my stuff and push past him. I find myself out of the merging crowd. I lean against the wall, check my blouse; adjust my pants…look casual I tell myself. I glance toward the plane as the passengers file past me. In the distance I spot broad shoulders with a strap to a satchel going across an even broader chest.

The crowd changes direction momentarily and I can see two sexy bow legs in a pair of navy and white shorts headed down the ramp way. I can see him clearly now. Head down, walking fast (damn this man is too fine) busy pushing buttons on his phone. Predictably my phone starts to play “In the Club” the remix of course. “Baby” he says when I pick up “I’m here”. “I see” I say back. A huge smile splashes across his face and he looks in my direction. Now I’m grinning as much as he is.

He walks toward me, stepping around the little blonde toddler just learning to walk. He barely glances at her or the child’s mother busy chasing down the 4 year old brother who just decided to run off. Can someone please tell me why people don’t keep up with their children at the airports? And when they get snatched they will be the first ones looking for snapshots for the back of the milk carton. Just keep up with your kids. Tis all.

We make eye contact and he locks in on me. I can see his eyes roaming over me taking me all in. He smiles and looks sideways. Then he does that thing with his nose and lips, that is so damn sexy. It’s like he’s sniffing and licking his top lip at the same time. I cannot describe it but I do know it always seems to precipitate “a great time to be had by all”. “Hey” he says and steps into my space. “Hey Baby” I return with a smile. He puts his face to mine but we don’t kiss. “Why you over here posted up, looking all sexy” Our lips touch as he says this. I smile and turn my head as I slip the tip of my tongue out and lightly slide it across his bottom lip. He makes that “thumpt “noise from his throat. His eyes are lowered and looking down at me. I smile and kiss him again “Hey baby” I repeat. I kiss him again. “I missed you baby” I look up at him and smile.

He slides his arm around my waist and puts his hand into the left back pocket of my pants. Now our bodies are completely aligned. I tilt my head back and look at him. He pecks me on the lips and says “Let’s go which way is baggage?” Now I have to tell ya’ll I was waiting for a real kiss. I guess awaiting I would be. So like the gentleman he is, he reaches down and picks up my computer satchel, throwing it over his shoulder, joining it with his. He reaches for my hand and we fall into the stream of passengers headed toward baggage claim.

After collecting his two suitcases we take the elevator up to parking. I ask him if he’s hungry. I know he’s gotta be because he went straight from work to the airport. I asks him what he feels like eating...after a moment he guessed it bar-b-que. We go to Pappas Bar-B-Que by the old Northline Mall. This use to be “our” mall. It’s where black people shopped because there wasn’t a Greenspoint or Willowbrook. Now the mall has been torn down and strip shopping malls have taken it’s place. They even tore down the Magic Johnson Theater too.

He orders the chopped beef and pulled pork, beans and sweet potatoes. I order the pork rib plate with cole slaw, rice and potato salad. He orders ice tea and a lemonade for me. We sit down and he puts both hands on the table. I place my hands in his and he blesses the food. We eat like the Clumps.
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Afterwards I decide, before heading home we should stop at my parent's and get the introductions over with. My mom is 84 and a three time cancer survivor, my dad is 86 and suffers from Alzheimer’s. On the way to my parents house, I repay him the favor he did me on my trip to SC. I show him the elementary school I attended. The church home I grew up in, even though I no longer attend there. The Bar-b-que shack called “Burns” (it’s actually the owner’s last name) where people come from miles away to eat or just to buy the sauce. I show him the land stolen from my father by unscrupulous developers.

We pull into my parent's driveway and four fat mut puppies and their non-pedigreed mother run to meet the car. The puppies are descendants of Dalmatians, but they could be mixed with anything by now, chickens…cats…bird. We get out and my father meets us at the door. “Hey daddy” I say and kiss my father on the cheek. “Where’s momma? I ask. “Kid? (My mother’s nickname)” my father shouts to the back room. “There’s some people here to see you”. I smile at SC. My father turns to me and says while reaching for my hand “What your name is again?” SC puts his head down. Fighting back tears I tell my father my name. “Okay” he says, “Hold on just a minute” “Kid, it’s people from the church here” .

I introduce SC to my father. They shake hands. My father weighs him out with pale blue eyes. Finally he tells SC, that he knows him. I look at SC and implore him without speaking to go along with my father’s failed memory. “Yes sir” he says looking my father in the eye. “You sure do sir” My father looks at me and pauses before returning his gaze to SC. “I know your daddy too” my father says. “Yes sir” SC replies again, and adds “my daddy talks about you all the time and said to say hello when I got to see you.” I know I won’t last much longer. “Daddy” I say, “I brought you something to eat, are you hungry”. I smile when he looks at me now with recognition. I know my daddy is back, like he was only on a trip somewhere close. His blue eyes twinkle when he smiles at me now. “Yeah big daughter” he says smiling broadly. “What cha got for me?”

Tears spill down my face and I turn and walk into the kitchen, as I wipe them away. I take the bags of food and begin to set out plates for him and my mom to eat. SC asks me if I need any help. “Nope, I got it” I say. I turn my back to him yet again, as I pretend to look for something in the cabinets. I don’t want him to see me crying. I don’t want to put all this on him, it’s just our second weekend. But something in my heart tells me he is the man who would understand.

I can’t imagine what is taking my mom so long to come from her bedroom. I call to her again. I know when we first came in I could see her sitting on her bed, with only her bra and panties on. I assume she is redressing. I finish fixing the plates and pour drinks for her and my father. He comes to the table and sits down. My father too is a country man and feels it’s not right to sit and eat in front of company. So we sit at the table with him. I tell him we ate on the road. He understands and can relate to traveling and travelers so much better now, for some reason. It seems to calm him that we came “from somewhere” and made it safely "home".

I guess for blacks his age, it was a big thing for someone to leave home and actually make it to their destination whole in one piece. To be able to tell about the trip and from where they came, was news to wait for. So SC and I sit with my father as he eats, and we talk about the trip. That the road was newly paved, the car full of gas, the weather was good, we had plenty to eat and yeah how we made it in after all. He nods and chews and reminisces about some trip no doubt, that didn’t turn out so well. He is very grateful we made it in, and repeats this throughout his meal.

Suddenly my mother appears from the hallway. She is dressed in her Sunday go to meeting finest. She even has on the purple sea shell shaped hat that I truly hoped I would never see again. The hat matches the purple suit she has decided to don. I introduce her to SC. She repeats every variation of his name with every letter of the alphabet that would fit. Finally I say "it’s okay momma". At which point she pronounces his name perfectly.

She tells me she of course is not hungry, but that she thanks me for coming to stay with my father while she goes back to the revival. “But I ...” I began to say. But SC shushes me and tells me that he can stay with my dad while I drive my mom to church. I just look at him. “It’s okay” he says, “we got plenty of time”. I look at my father, now indifferent to all of us. He is busy folding and unfolding his napkin. “Alright” I say. My mother does that Southern sniffing thing and turns to SC and says, “If you a church going man you are welcome to come to the revival too”. “No momma, we’ll stay here with daddy, so he won’t have to go to the revival with you” With this she doesn’t waste another moment. The thought of my father sitting with her in church is not one she wants to gamble with. With my father, every hour it’s a different world.

I take her to the church and drop her off. I return to find SC nodding on the love seat, my father is on the sofa nodding as well. Between them is the old worn checker board, with kings already made and in place. Ha! Looks to me like my dad was winning. My father has his head back with his mouth open, softly snoring. SC has one hand propping up his head. Both are sound asleep. I smile to myself. He’s going to fit in quite nicely. Quite nicely indeed.
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Ok, first off...........THANK YOU ELIZA! :grin:(releases breath that I've been holding)

That was really sweet, when you were talking about your dad my eyes started to well up a bit. It must be a relief for you to have him meet them, and like you said, he'll fit in just fine.

But you musta looked real sessy girl for 2 menz to be checkin you out like that. I wish I had a badge I can flash at people to make them move too:lachen:

(goes back to the camping spot..............:sekret:)
Ok, first off...........THANK YOU ELIZA! :grin:(releases breath that I've been holding)

That was really sweet, when you were talking about your dad my eyes started to well up a bit. It must be a relief for you to have him meet them, and like you said, he'll fit in just fine.

But you musta looked real sessy girl for 2 menz to be checkin you out like that. I wish I had a badge I can flash at people to make them move too:lachen:

(goes back to the camping spot..............:sekret:)

Thank you GG. Oh yeah, he's going to do fine for sure. He told me later that his parents cared for his g-ma who had Alzheimer's until she passed.

And yeah I was trying to look have that lollipop look going on at the airport. I guess I may have overdid it a bit with the sessy look. I didn't even get to wear half the outfits I bought for his trip here. It rained most of the weekend. But we did have fun. Heeheehee.
Whew! Thanks for the update. I was beginning to think I missed out on a move to a new website or something. You're a very good writer.
I was able to visualize everything; even the popcorn I was fake-eating!:lachen:
I can't wait to hear the future installations. I'm so happy for you (and him)in your new found loves. God bless both of you.

I'm gonna fall back in the wings now and wait for updates!:2cool:
Wow EB!!! I got tearied eyed reading this about your Dad! I can feel your love for your dad through the words that I'm reading. I also got tearied eyed when SC said he would stay with your father while your Mom goes to the revival.
EB- you held me up from getting downstairs to do my hour of callanectics for the challenge. I love your writing style. You are inspiring me to finally start to write my book. I also got teary eyed when you discussed your father. Can I be invited to the wedding?

Note to newbies to this thread, this thread was have you signing up for an online dating service hoping to have your little SC. All I see is Can't get rights online. :nono::lachen:
Welcome back. Going back to read.

eta. My eyes are welling reading about your dad and SC initial encounter. I need a moment. Very sweet read. Thank you for sharing. Both of my parents are deceased and just sharing a moment, any moment with them again would be nice. I am glad that you found someone to balance the load that you are walking. Can't wait to read more.
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I've been waiting with baited breath for this update and I'm glad everything went well. I think that he will fit in just fine with your family.
His first meeting with your parents was so sweet. I think he will definitely fit in just fine. He seems like such a caring, empathetic, understanding man.
You are a talented writer and you know how to capture moments with your words. I was :cry: as I read about your beloved father. I spilled some more at the end when you described finding your dad and SC nodding away.
I'm with GG; I need a badge to flash when trifling fools step to me too :lachen:.
Nevertheless, go 'head and work that outfit!
We get out and my father meets us at the door. “Hey daddy” I say and kiss my father on the cheek. “Where’s momma? I ask. “Kid? (My mother’s nickname)” my father shouts to the back room. “There’s some people here to see you”. I smile at SC. My father turns to me and says while reaching for my hand “What your name is again?” SC puts his head down. Fighting back tears I tell my father my name. “Okay” he says, “Hold on just a minute” “Kid, it’s people from the church here” .

I introduce SC to my father. They shake hands. My father weighs him out with pale blue eyes. Finally he tells SC, that he knows him. I look at SC and implore him without speaking to go along with my father’s failed memory. “Yes sir” he says looking my father in the eye. “You sure do sir” My father looks at me and pauses before returning his gaze to SC. “I know your daddy too”. “Yes sir” SC replies again, and adds “my daddy talks about you all the time and said to say hello when I got to see you.” I know I won’t last much longer. “Daddy” I say, “I brought you something to eat, are you hungry”. I smile when he looks at me know. I know my daddy is back, like he was only on a trip somewhere close. His blue eyes twinkle when he smiles at me now. “Yeah big daughter” he says smiling broadly. “What cha got for me?”

Tears spill down my face and I turn and walk into the kitchen, as I wipe them away. I take the bags of food and begin to set out plates for him and my mom to eat. SC asks me if I need any help. “Nope, I got it”I say. I turn my back to him yet again, as I pretend to look for something in the cabinets. I don’t want him to see me crying. I don’t want to put all this on him, it’s just our second weekend. But something in my heart tells me he is the man who would understand.


Wow.. your description of your meeting with your Dad. Is exactly the way it was with my Grandmother. So, real.. I am in tears.. We always used to say. Grandma's on a trip. She will be back.. I remember the first time she didnt recognize my brother.. He was maybe 20..The emotions that my brother went through at that time. Will never leave me. It was like a piece of my brothers life went right with my Grandma's memory. A certain glow, a joy, a part of his spirit. In fact, I do not say it outloud but it is still apparent in my brothers life now.. 6 years later after being diagonosed., 2 years after her death... She was truly the light in our day.. Anyway, sry for that but the emotion I felt reading was so strong..

Now back to the rest... I had to go get a cup of Hot Chocolate and get my laptop so I could get comfy on the lounge chair while I read. Sitting at the desk for this will just not do...
Thanks...........that was so heart warming. It's like I was there.

OK........when is "The Memoirs Of ElizaBlue" coming out?.......cause sure can write. :yep:
What a beautiful description of everything from the airport to your parents' house. I feel like I was practically there standing on the sidelines watching. Thanks for sharing this part of your life with us! :)
Awww....thank you ladies. Ya'll are just too sweet and so encouraging...I know ya'll thinking "now maybe she'll get to the good part"...I know ya'll.

It's coming...just hold your horses.
Awww....thank you ladies. Ya'll are just too sweet and so encouraging...I know ya'll thinking "now maybe she'll get to the good part"...I know ya'll.

It's coming...just hold your horses.

I actually prefer reading about the sweet non-sexual stuff since you guys are just starting out. I do like the tension though like how you were wanting a real kiss.
*Ducks to avoid ladies who might throw popcorn at me.* :lol: