Flying to SC tomorrow to meet my online BF...


Don't turn that man into no love slave this weekend. You need to return him in the same condition that he arrives (or at least only slightly worse for wear).

This city has a lot to offer so get out there and do something. Show that country boy how we do it in the big city. You're bound to find something on this site so take a few minutes and put a plan together, so we'll have lots to read about on Tuesday. :grin:

(I know you're over there grinning for ear to ear and we're grinning right along with you.)
Best thread I read on LHCF!!!! Love it.

Also, can someone please send me the BGO version and whatever else was sent? Thanks in advance.

Okay ladies, I'm not go even lie. I have been a bit down and sullen because SC told me he wasn't going to be able to come this weekend either. He had some big contracts to come in and had planned to take care of them to get the materials and so forth ordered. So yeah I was acting a bit like a two year old all this weekend. Okay I'ma tell the truth I was throwing a hissy fit. Nothing major, just no webcam in the shower type stuff. Heehee. Yeah we do that.

So anyway. I come home today and what do I find in my email? His flight and hotel reservations to H-Town. I am so so grinning. Gotta go. I got a million things to do to get ready. Taking Friday and Monday off is the first thing on my list.

Then what? Ya'll got any ideas? I don't have any chandeliers in my house so don't even go there.....A whole four days, so yeah I will have much to tell. And some decent pics as well.

Oh and can someone please take the Spawn....just for the weekend. I promise (really I do) I will pick him up on Tuesday. Ha! Don't ya'll even fall for that. You would never ever see me again.

This is awesome news!!! I know you are so happy and excited to see him!

(Takes notes on on hissy fit throwing method....)
Alright lady... *huff puff* I'm out of breath now and it took me a few days to read all of these pages, but I'm finally finished!

Loved it! Or should I say I'm loooooving it, since this escapade is still going on. You would make a great romance novelist! :yep:

Congratulations Stella, I mean Eliza! :) Oh, and I like bluebookscafe too.
You know my schedule so I'll be emailing you.
I stumbled across this page and did not expect to actually read 82 pages in a couple of hours. This took up my whole evening!

First of all, ElizaBlue, I give you a lot of credit. Your story had me hanging on the edge of my seat and I agree with everyone else that you do have a real talent for writing. I am glad you decided to pursue it and wish you success with your writing and your relationship. I know I may be getting a little ahead of myself but I do believe this story can be made into movie. I have a photographic memory so when reading your story, I saw a cheesy romance movie. (Something to think about for the future) I know you will have a lot of supporters.

Second of all, I'm still waiting on the Zane version. I PM'd you but I will send you my address to be added to your list!

Third of all, I am so subscribing to this thread!! :grin:
Pack up and go. You have 1 life to live. You're a grown woman, ex cop and you know right from wrong. I wish the the best and be blessed.
this was soo good i read the entire thread. can someone pm me the zane verison and all versions that cannot be posted here:grin::grin:.
Hey if anyone is around. Give me your opinion of my "pick him up at the airport" outfit.

What say ye?

The Hershey kisses?

The Peasant Girl look?


Go find something else?
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I like both, but peasant girl look is my vote. Have a great time. I'm sure whatever you wear won't shield his eyes that will be penetrating through those clothes anyway!:grin:
I vote for the Hershey's Kiss shirt, I'm sure he'll get a kick out of that. Both look great and I'm sure he won't care what the heck you're wearin!:grin:
Dang, I can't see the pictures from work!!! I'm sure you will look wonderful in whatever you wear! Have a great time this weekend! I can't wait to hear about everything!!! :grin:
Thank you ladies. I absolutlely love this site. I feel like I have all these big sisters and little sisters and aunties in place. I didn't have any kind of companionship or sisterhood growing, up or even during the college (no time to pledege so not Greek). And to me....this is much better. Much better.

Okay so now. I went out yesterday and bought a few play clothes. If you look in my closet you will find probably 50 black suits with black shoes, boots, etc. My closet literally looks like "men in black". So I'm trying to wean myself off black and into color. So I bought some browns, tans, orange and cream colors.

He's bringing a mustard colored suit to wear to church. I'm not saying anything...yet. I will have absolutely nada to go with that. I hope we don't wind up looking like a bumble bee, if I have to wear one of my black suits. Well actually I do have two light colored suits. One white and one cream. Maybe the white one.
Eliza you will do just fine, relax. i was into a lot of black long ago, colors are fun. let your hair down, i know you are nervous, just enjoy. :yep:
Eliza, I like them both but the peasant top looks better for the airport meeting, he'll focus on you..the trimming makes ones eyes travel along your form....not just boobie focus.
Ok so I understand that there's been a name change. So late! Any pm's with any BG installations will be greatly appreciated. I need to do some serious catching up. Hope you're having fun EB!!!
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I finally finished this whole thread. Amazing story! I feel like I'm listening to one of my girlfriends, lol. I wish you the best and I can't wait to see how things went during his visit.

Can someone PM me the BGO's version? :yep: Please!
ElizaBlue...thanks for sharing your wonderful story with us, it's simply beautiful. I'm only on page 44 of 84, but I'm gonna keep reading because I'm curious as to how this saga continues.

In the meantime (anyone) ...can I get the PM grown-folks version:look:

uh oh! What did I miss????:look: The last I checked this thread was on page 5.....I'mma have to go back a couple of paged I see.....ooooo I hope it's juicy!!!!!!!!!!:lachen: