Flying to SC tomorrow to meet my online BF...

Thanks for the compliments ladies. But I have a 27 year old son (actor), a 20 year old daughter (junior in college-deans list) and an 18 year old son (gangster turned college student come August). You know what they say cops and preacher's kids.

The first three from the left are my crew.

Woman, you look fabulous, with all those grown chilluns...:grin:

Kudos, to U !!!!!!!!!

Beautiful family, EB. Just beautiful...

What pray tell, are you doing besides YOGA !!:grin:
Thanks for the compliments ladies. But I have a 27 year old son (actor), a 20 year old daughter (junior in college-deans list) and an 18 year old son (gangster turned college student come August). You know what they say cops and preacher's kids.

The first three from the left are my crew.

You and your SC man look great together! I am from SC as well. Your children are beautiful; you do not look like you have kids that old.
I have been following this love story for the past 3 days (busy schedule)...AMAZING..Good luck with everything that you do and pleaseeee keep us updated!!!:grin::grin::grin:
Woman, you look fabulous, with all those grown chilluns...:grin:

Kudos, to U !!!!!!!!!

Beautiful family, EB. Just beautiful...

What pray tell, are you doing besides YOGA !!:grin:

HeeHee...Mr. Lover Lover is only 39 a new 39 at that. No smoking and ocassional glass of wine and much "activity". I'm convinced that is the true reason.
Aww Beautiful family!

He's handsome and you look Fab!!!!!! :yep:

Thanks for posting the pics again.

I wish you both the best:grin: :rosebud:

I will be on lookout for more stories :popcorn:
Thanks for the compliments ladies. But I have a 27 year old son (actor), a 20 year old daughter (junior in college-deans list) and an 18 year old son (gangster turned college student come August). You know what they say cops and preacher's kids.

The first three from the left are my crew.

Aww.... What a Beautiful family!!!! So, It is soooo time for you to enjoy your the next chapter of your life... wow 27... I am 29..
You guys make a beautiful couple and you have a nice fam as well.

Edit to add: could someone please pm the grown folks version please :grin:
Aww.... What a Beautiful family!!!! So, It is soooo time for you to enjoy your the next chapter of your life... wow 27... I am 29..

Uh..okay now it'll be mama I started young and want to end that way.
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Thanks for the compliments ladies. But I have a 27 year old son (actor), a 20 year old daughter (junior in college-deans list) and an 18 year old son (gangster turned college student come August). You know what they say cops and preacher's kids.

The first three from the left are my crew.

Beautiful family, Eliza!!! You look super young to have these adults :yep:!
Nice pics girl. Now hurry up and take them down before some heffas try to play detective and find your man. Maybe you should post a pic of your gun as a warning!!!! :lol: Q
Oh my damny I am so behind but I finally read it all....awwww this is too sweet. I was just smiling my butt off reading this tale of your life. Dang I don't even know how to express the feeling it gave me just awwwww...

BTW now that I am finish this version can a sista get the Big Gurl version through the PM :grin:. Yep I am def old enuff (31 on the 20th).
your kids are just as good looking as you and your bf. i have to put you on my list as a shero now. you definitely have it going on for sure. :yep:
Wow. Your family is beautiful. I know you must be proud of your kids. It looks like you and I were the same age when we had our first kid. You look great and in shape. Your honey from S.C. is handsome.

BTW I met my fiance in '06 online. After two months of video cam and instant messaging we finally met face to face and have been inseparable ever since. He even moved to my state to be closer to me AND we are getting married this year.

I say all of this to say GET IT GIRL.
Dang Eliza, you could pass for one of your kids sister or something, lookin good lady :yep:. Your whole family is beautiful. Mr. Man is very blessed (and so are you)

I am going to PM all who have asked for the BGO version. I am just sort of working through somethings right now.

Lord please don't let this be my next book. But I have to tell ya'll all things right now are just not what they seem. I woke up this morning and could not for the life of me get my ex off my mind. It's like he just walked into my bedroom about 3am this morning and sat down. His essence, spirit, ghost, incubus ain't left yet. Yeah on that last one.

I honestly don't know what to do. I have no shame in telling you this, ya'll gone go back and read all my posts about him anyway. I don't care. The truth is I still love this man. How do you break the spell and move on?

I want to fall in love with my new love. I really do. God knows I do. But dang if they don't look like brothers. See look. You better look fast cause you already know I'll be hitting delete in about a minute.

My ex treated me like a queen and was very well off. Very well off. But he had a dark side, he was an internet ho. I'm just going to be straight about that. This one treats me like a queen and has the potential, no he will be very well off one day. I can tell. He's very stable just not there yet. My ex was two years older than me. He just turned 46, SC is only 39.

And the crazy thing is, as much as I love sex, SC walked up to my ex and slapped the crown right off his head. While my ex was okay in bed, SC is THE REIGNING KING, no doubt about it. I mean not just off the chain good, I'm talking about off the chain, through the gate, didn't look both ways before crossing, running down the middle of the road good.

So tell me why I cannot get this ex out of my mind? SC is sweet in a genuine way. He's a nice person. My ex is too, that is until we get back in the car or until he hangs up the phone or the person walks away. Then they're all kinds of crazy ish. He will curse somebody out in the middle of Walmart like his name was Sam Walton. I guess maybe money does that to you.

That is not at all what attracted me to him because I didn't initially see that side of him. But his dark side slowly presented itself to me in a way that I was never really able to say this is bad water until it was up to my neck.

This will sound crazy but he is getting ready to contact me. I have had this feeling before and whenever I cannot stop thinking about him, he finds a way to contact me. Just to update you. We were together this time last year so maybe it's the season similiarity doing this I don't know. But anyway, he refused to talk to me or see me for 5 months after the day I left his house taking all my ish.

Then somewhere around December of 07 he starts emailing me. January he texts me and wants to see me. It was like we had never broke up. There's a post about that somewhere I'm sure. I ask him point blank after he starts calling me every Sat morning and every night after he leaves the gym, what he wants. Does he want a business relationship with me or a personal. He stammers and hems and haws and finally he says business, because he always screws up in personal.

Okay...I'm thinking well damn at least I know. But I love you, is what I was thinking.
Arrrgghh....anyway. He keeps calling but this is what I notice. He's making all these damn plans for us and this new company. "And when we hire staff", and "when we file for this" and "when we branch out into that". I mean WTF!!!. I'm thinking yeah I know what he said but why plan a life around a business with someone you don't intend to be involved with, especially when you already know how they feel about you?

Well this is what I began to notice, he leaves the gym my phone rings...."what are you doing, what did you do today....did you schedule our class....yada yada yada....hold on I need to pick up my dinner". Now he's done this about four times. Here's how the conversation goes.

Restaurant Counterperson: "Hi can I take your order"
Devil Incarnate: "Oh yeah I'm hear to pick up an order for the "Liar from Hell"
Restaurant Counterperson: "okay you had "One fish dinner, one 3 piece chicken dinner and one shrimp dinner"
Devil Incarnate: Tries to mute phone. But I already got that.
Restaurant Counterperson: "Okay that'll be $45.76.
Devil Incarnate: "Did you remember my sauce, cause the last time you forgot it.
Restaurant Counterperson: "I'm sorry here's some extra. (thinking he's unmuting phone)
Devil Incarnate: "So yeah I'm back, so let me call you back as soon as I get in the house"
Me: "Oh okay" Yeah right.

He of course does not call until the next time he's leaving the gym or its Saturday morning. So I start to suspect that the ex-wife is back. She's a nurse and nurses work nights. The only reason for him to constantly be order three dinners is they eat two and she takes one to work.

He refuses to discuss or admit to any of this. So one day my car breaks down. I call him. No answer on cell so I call his house phone. He routinely calls me from that phone so why not? Please tell me why I get a call back from a female wanting to know was anyone trying to reach MRS. Jane DOE or MR. John DOE. Now I figure for her to call me back using "their" handles and last names she must know my phone number and wanted me to know who she was. Otherwise why call back at all. It's not like I left a message. Not a word from him since. Nothing.

They got divorced two years ago, but got back together and then she left and took everything but the paint off the walls. No really, she even had someone climb up on a 20 foot wall and take down the surround sound speakers. Something that makes a woman mad enough to do that can only be another woman or women. I think she found out about his internet adventures. By the way he never took his profile down, that's how I busted his dumb ***. I set up a new profile and there he was...ready and willing.

So knowing all this and knowing what I know so far about SC, why can I not erase this ex from mind like the bad memory he is. I don't want to be just using SC to get over him either. I genuinely like SC. And I for sure don't want to start second guessing him because they look so much alike.

I know I need to just give this new relationship time, because of course the first few weeks everything is everything, you know? I just don't want to find myself again in bad water up to my neck six months from now.

When SC talks about fixing things around my house and making repairs I can't help but remember the night me and my ex stayed up till 3am, hanging blinds in one of my rent houses so that the new tenant could move in the next day. He had to go to work that morning and was so sleepy, but he finished every last one.

They just sound so much alike when it comes to me wanting to pay for anything. They have both physically taken my billfold and put it back in my purse in a store. They both shave dry with a razor. They both have that dang 3A hair. They have the same eyes. No SCs lashes are They both love to...Stop it. stop it. stop it.

Okay suffice it to say they have some very obvious similiarities and some truly and thank you God differences. It would seem simple, a really simple thing to do, to just forget the evil twin and keep the good twin.

The Ex. These are pics from my birthday last year, he took me away to the beach for the weekend.

Pic #1, 4 and 5 are of SC
Pic 2 and 3 are the EX.
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EDIT:..I thought that was the new man :lachen:...I just finished reading it all...the ex was sure you will figure everything out.
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girl you and him are BOTH EQUALLY beautiful. Hopefully one day ill be able to share how much in love i am with someone.

Wait are you referring to my ex or SC?

And yes I do believe love will happen for us all eventually. It's just a matter of finding and then realizing he's the right one.
Eliza it would seem simple wouldn't it. But isn't it always like that, as soon as you get a good thing going, somebody comes and tries to throw a wrench in it.
I can see a little physical similarities between them, but IMHO, SC looks way better than the ex.
As far as not being able to stop thinking about him, girl I've been there and the only thing that helped me was time, cause the more I tried to stop thinking about him, the more I would. Plus I would think to myself, now there's a reason why he's the ex, do I really want to go back there, and then I would focus on the positive people in my life.
Your ex sounds confused, or maybe he isn't because he knows that you're happy and he still wishes that it were him hence all the "we" plans. They can have some nice tricks up their sleeves when they want to. As far as I'm concerned he's playing games with your head and needs to stay in the backseat.
What you have going on with SC seems like the real deal, and it's going to take time to develop and mature. You're not going to get over the ex in one day, maybe not in a week, but you will. I know I wasn't much help, but I do understand.
omg...they are a splittin' image of each other! u think that's what attracted you to SC man...was that he looked similar to your ex??

it's funny...b.c. I've done the same thing..i wonder why that is?

ETA: boy u like dem light skinned brothas huh! lol (just joking around)
Eliza it would seem simple wouldn't it. But isn't it always like that, as soon as you get a good thing going, somebody comes and tries to throw a wrench in it.
I can see a little physical similarities between them, but IMHO, SC looks way better than the ex.
As far as not being able to stop thinking about him, girl I've been there and the only thing that helped me was time, cause the more I tried to stop thinking about him, the more I would. Plus I would think to myself, now there's a reason why he's the ex, do I really want to go back there, and then I would focus on the positive people in my life.
Your ex sounds confused, or maybe he isn't because he knows that you're happy and he still wishes that it were him hence all the "we" plans. They can have some nice tricks up their sleeves when they want to. As far as I'm concerned he's playing games with your head and needs to stay in the backseat.
What you have going on with SC seems like the real deal, and it's going to take time to develop and mature. You're not going to get over the ex in one day, maybe not in a week, but you will. I know I wasn't much help, but I do understand.

This is true. So true. Maybe it's just the way that it ended. Or that he was really the first person I had to treat me the way he did. I was never able to prove anything he did and he denied whole heartedly that he had ever cheated on me. He told me I was making a mistake in leaving him and that what we just needed time. But I was too busy telling him to get to kicking rocks. He just looked so so hurt when I was snatching all my clothes from the closet and taking my books. He was no doubt having a flash back, wondering if I was going to take his stuff too.

He later told my daughter I broke his heart and he would never trust me again. Trust me? He was the one on the internet still.

I just really need SC to come to Houston and wipe that man right out of my head. My fear is that with SC being in SC and the ex being in Houston....Oh noooo. I just need to forget about him. I'ma go see the ju-ju woman, see if she got some roots to break a curse.
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omg...they are a splittin' image of each other! u think that's what attracted you to SC man...was that he looked similar to your ex??

it's funny...b.c. I've done the same thing..i wonder why that is?

ETA: boy u like dem light skinned brothas huh! lol (just joking around)

Well see I have this long standing years...on Allen Payne. I have dated them shoe polish black, but this is just what I seem to find lately.
Based on what you've posted I don't think your EX has anything on SC as far as looks or character. :perplexed I think it would be a mistake to become involved with your EX again be it for business or otherwise. I know its hard since you still have feelings for him. When I'm trying to get over an EX i just focus on the pain and hurt I experienced instead of the good times and that really seems to speed up the recovery process for me. They always seem to come sniffing around again when I've finally gotten over them. :rolleyes: Its almost as if they can sense it or something lol. Don't let your EX screw up a potential good thing!
Based on what you've posted I don't think your EX has anything on SC as far as looks or character. :perplexed I think it would be a mistake to become involved with your EX again be it for business or otherwise. I know its hard since you still have feelings for him. When I'm trying to get over an EX i just focus on the pain and hurt I experienced instead of the good times and that really seems to speed up the recovery process for me. They always seem to come sniffing around again when I've finally gotten over them. :rolleyes: Its almost as if they can sense it or something lol. Don't let your EX screw up a potential good thing!

I agree with everything you are saying. Eliza look forward and don't look back. Maybe everything is new with SC and your not truly over your EX. I would give SC the benefit of the doubt and give him your full attention you already know what the EX has to offer.