Ending a relationship over a minor/moderate disagreement?


Well-Known Member
My boyfriend(or i guess its ex-boyfriend now) had an argument about random harassing emails and texts my prior exboyfriend was receiving. After months of dealing with this drama and confronting the both of them, i took it upon myself to do a little police work and did an IP address search. Ended up getting a match between my boyfriend’s computer and one of the harassing emails. I never came out and accused my ex of doing it, just presented the information to him. He got upset and ended the relationship.

Considering this is the guy who asked me to move to another state to be with him, whose mother asked me to take care of him when she couldn’t, and asked me to have his children (we dated once before back in 2004, he dumped me because i wouldnt have his baby at age 19), I’m shocked that he would end the relationship as if it meant nothing. He says otherwise, how I was his happiness and whatnot.

Until now, he has never hesistated to let me know how special I am to him. We live in different states now, but we constantly check in with each other, while giving each other space. He has said that I am his “Great White Buffalo” aka “The One who Got Away.” That’s a blessing and a curse of his: he will say what’s on his mind. During the fight he said mean and resentful things in regards to HIS exgirfriend, such as "
My life was drama free before you. I was happy with Camille, and I took a chance on you. I ignored someone I cared about to be with you”, which i specifically asked him NOT to do. I told him I didnt want him breaking up with Camille for me. Of course he later took back what he said “No I was happy 100% with you aside from all of this middle-school drama. I wanted you all along." The funny thing about him and Camille is that it was an internet relationship(they are both gamers). She’s in CA, he’s in FL, and according to him, he didn’t expect much from her because of the distance, and because of her age (she’s 19, hes 26). She was always too busy with school and work to acknowledge him for days on end. He assumed she was talking to another guy, but she eventually ended their relationship.

We had a big discussion about our first relationship attempt before getting back together the second time. He always said that now I was back in his life, he wasn’t letting go. I mean his mom was happy that I was around again, and his friends like me. I am putting on a brave face for the public and to get through the day, but I’m dying inside, honestly. I miss him terribly, and I wish I could talk to him.

He’s basically upset that I don’t trust his word, and that he wants to be single for a while because he doesn’t want to get into arguments about the harassment. We have exchanged apologies over some of the angry words that were said. I’m worried because I do love him, but at the same time, I am somewhat over it since he jumped ship, even though i never really accused him of anything.
You dodged a huge arse bullet. He sounds extremely controlling, jealous, and clingy. Run, girl, run!
umm to answer your Q no. But they guy you were dating seems off. Why is he sending emails to your ex? Sounds like insecurity to me.
umm to answer your Q no. But they guy you were dating seems off. Why is he sending emails to your ex? Sounds like insecurity to me.
I honestly do not know. He said "why would i send anything, when you are broken up, and we are together? What would i gain from that?" Good question, but i dont think IP addresses lie.

I dont think ill ever get an answer if he keeps denying it was him.
You need some time yourself. Take some time to get still and tune out all the wonderful words and beautiful promises and check to see what your intuition tells you. You have a deep down feeling within that he sent the emails or you wouldn't have gone looking. So spend some time with yourself and see what the person who loves you the most YOU, tells you is the truth about this relationship.
I keep going back to the beginning of your post. Your BF, and your Ex have been harassing each other via text and email? That sounds very childish...

Sorry about your break-up but you have your evidence right in front of you. He sounds like the type of guy who would focus his angry on the fact that you snooped, just to avoid the big picture. You caught him lying and he ends up breaking up with you for not trusting him?!?!?

This is the second time he has broken up with you...I wouldn't give him the chance to do it a third time.
I keep going back to the beginning of your post. Your BF, and your Ex have been harassing each other via text and email? That sounds very childish...

Sorry about your break-up but you have your evidence right in front of you. He sounds like the type of guy who would focus his angry on the fact that you snooped, just to avoid the big picture. You caught him lying and he ends up breaking up with you for not trusting him?!?!?

This is the second time he has broken up with you...I wouldn't give him the chance to do it a third time.
Nah, not harassing each other. My BF was sending emails and texts to my ex. He tried changing his number and email address, but we couldnt make it stop. Most of the messages were from blocked or orivate origins. Verizon could only determine it was from a spoofing service.
Nah, not harassing each other. My BF was sending emails and texts to my ex. He tried changing his number and email address, but we couldnt make it stop. Most of the messages were from blocked or orivate origins. Verizon could only determine it was from a spoofing service.

I guess I got confused when you said you confronted the both of them.
I guess I got confused when you said you confronted the both of them.
Oh im sorry, i did confront both of them. Juan, the ex, said he got pictures as well. When i asked to see them, he would stall or make an excuse as to why he couldnt send them. Out of all the pics he claimed he recieved, i only saw one. It was quite blurry...quite frustrating, and at this point, I consider them both liars.
I don't understand why you were so invested in solving the e-mail mystery in the first place or why you are still communicating so often with your ex. Seems very messy to me.

ETA: dude dumped you because you wouldn't have a baby for him at 19? And you took him back? I think it's just not meant to be for you two.
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I initially wasnt worried about the harassment, until Juan got a text message that was faked to look like it came from MY phone number. This happened the day before Halloween, and i just didnt appreciate being implicated in the whole mess. Naturally, i was upset and sprung into action.

Juan and I had a mutual, clean breakup. We only kept basic contact, i havent even seen him since July. We broke up in February, but Joe ans I didnt reunite until September. Every time he got a message, he'd text me to let me know what he got.

I am not even sure why I gave Joe a second chance. I figured 7-8 years of separation would have matured us....it seemed to mature him at first. But i guess he's the same grown baby, manipulative, lying, overly emotional being. I probably should have known history would repeat itself.
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I think Juan is a liar. Something just doesn't sound right. I think he sucked you into the drama intentionally. Also, no one is going to admit they are sending harassing texts and if they didn't do it, most people would be pissed off at being accused. So my point is you can't win either way. I understand why you got involved now but it really was his problem to solve, but again I think he was lying in the first place.

ETA: did the messages start before or after September?
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I do too, somewhat. One of the messages he recieved was from Joe's old email, an email in which he claimed he hadnt used in years.

The messages started after Juan and I broke up in February, which is also the time Joe and I started talking again.

Joe was pretty upset that I didnt believe him, and even said the whole situation was my fault, saying I bought into the drama. I really didnt buy any of it initially because Juan couldnt provide any solid evidence. I kinda got bogged down and screw it, ill find out myself so we can end of all the crap. Ended up finding more than what I set out to find.
Too much drama girl. Leave it alone.

What exactly do you miss about this guy. The same guy who told you "My life was drama free before you. I was happy with Camille, and I took a chance on you. I ignored someone I cared about to be with you” Ummm hello!!! He's only with you because Camille broke up with him.

Seriously ladies, when people tell us who they are the first time, we need to believe them!!!
Maybe this incident was moderate, but his problems are not. It sounds like he was borderline verbally/emotionally abusive.
Seriously ladies, when people tell us who they are the first time, we need to believe them!!!

It can be hard but it's definitely a lesson worth learning! Wasn't it Maya Angelou who said "when people show you who they are, believe them."
Urban I came to that conclusion as well. I tried to dismiss it, considering he met the girl online and they never met in person. BUT the fact that he would try to manipulate the situation as if I was the reason they broke up, not OK. She had nothing to do with the issue, so i dont even know why she was brought up.

Seraphina I agree, 100%. His general personality is emotionally draining.

To all: at the point, i really just want the opportunity to give him a piece of my mind. And find out why he thinks this behavior is ok.
To all: at the point, i really just want the opportunity to give him a piece of my mind. And find out why he thinks this behavior is ok.

I've been there, wanting to pick an exs brain. It has never been worth it. They either keep lying or find a way to make you the bad guy or both. And the piece of your mind won't have any effect. I'm suggesting you just leave it alone. Crazy people don't do closure well.
Wash your hands of this whole silly mess.

Send Joe back to his momma and let her take care of him. Let him go back to Camille, his online "girlfriend?" Change your phone number and get a new group of people. This all seems so juvie.....

I apologize if I came off as insulting and insensitive.
OP this gave me a headache. You dodged a bullet, leave both of them alone, because both of them have some issues.

If you like drama then keep battling with them. All of this is just a waste of time.
Its ok, i take no offense at all. Im seeking honest answers, since i cant seem to get any honesty from the people involved.

It appears Joe would prefer to have an imaginary girlfriend(sorry i find all online relationships imaginary lol) and be under his mother, than to have an independent relationship with me. Oh well.
Give it some time and you'll be so thankful he did you a favor. Now it's time to get happy and celebrate your life because the nonsense is gone.
Don't worry about if it was him. Look forward and leave the past in the past. Never, ever go back and develop another relationship with him.
It appears Joe would prefer to have an imaginary girlfriend(sorry i find all online relationships imaginary lol) and be under his mother, than to have an independent relationship with me. Oh well.

SoopremeBeing you said it yourself. :yep: Flee, girl. When you look back on this later, the only thing you'll regret is ever wasting time on a second chance with this dude.
@Urban I came to that conclusion as well. I tried to dismiss it, considering he met the girl online and they never met in person. BUT the fact that he would try to manipulate the situation as if I was the reason they broke up, not OK. She had nothing to do with the issue, so i dont even know why she was brought up.

@Seraphina I agree, 100%. His general personality is emotionally draining.

To all: at the point, i really just want the opportunity to give him a piece of my mind. And find out why he thinks this behavior is ok.

Uh ok, I understand. IA with the person that said even if you were to give him a piece of your mind, you probably won't get the closure you're looking for. If he's a manipulative person, he's never going to give you that.

The best way I've found in such a situation is to "know" that you dodged a bullet and really try to appreaciate that. What did you learn about yourself and about relationships and know that your next relationship will be much better because now that you know better. Look forward to that.