Deep Conditioining Challenge

Wow I cant believe that theres so many of us...that needed a DC kick up the butt! :grin:
I might just have to do that Aggie!!

What do you ladies think? start a new one or increase this to 3 months? I like small steps/goals to get me started but since Im on track now (finally!) I'd like to hear what you ladies have to say.



My silicone mix didn't come yesterday. Yesterday was MLK observance (no deliveries). Too bad I had to work. :( It came today, but I DC'd yesterday with Biolage ceramide <something or another> in a tube. My hair feels unreal. :drunk: I'm definitely adding this one to the rotation. I've used it before but I only left it on for 10 minutes (or whatever they said on the box). This time i did the whole hour with heat. Oh man! I think I just fell in love :love3:Talk about a great way to use up old products. I've already empty to almost empty bottles of stuff I didn't love. It's funny but even a so-so products work better when you add a little heat and a lot of time.

ETA: Or you guys DC'g dry or after a poo? I'm doing dry hair that a spray with a little water.
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My silicone mix didn't come yesterday. Yesterday was MLK observance (no deliveries). Too bad I had to work. :( It came today, but I DC'd yesterday with Biolage ceramide <something or another> in a tube. My hair feels unreal. :drunk: I'm definitely adding this one to the rotation. I've used it before but I only left it on for 10 minutes (or whatever they said on the box). This time i did the whole hour with heat. Oh man! I think I just fell in love :love3:Talk about a great way to use up old products. I've already empty to almost empty bottles of stuff I didn't love. It's funny but even a so-so products work better when you add a little heat and a lot of time.

ETA: Or you guys DC'g dry or after a poo? I'm doing dry hair that a spray with a little water.

I am doing mine after a poo, I might go ahead and do round two of supercharged tonight
I normally do twice a week, but I have a presentation @ work tomorrow so I need to do my hair tonight. So that will be three DCs this week (last nite, tonite then on Friday).

I'm gonna use AO Honeysuckle Rose. I haven't used that in a min. On dry hair w/ heat for 30, w/o heat for 30. :yep:

Ya'll are makin the PJ in me wake up tho... All this Biolage and Paul Mitchell talk.. :look:
Can I join, or is it too late?

I could def use some accountability...

Course you can join...I'm like you I need to stay on track...its so easy to get led astray!

but I DC'd yesterday with Biolage ceramide <something or another> in a tube. My hair feels unreal. :drunk: I'm definitely adding this one to the rotation. I've already empty to almost empty bottles of stuff I didn't love. It's funny but even a so-so products work better when you add a little heat and a lot of time.

ETA: Or you guys DC'g dry or after a poo? I'm doing dry hair that a spray with a little water.

Sareca, Ive been eyeing the biolage range since you said you used it in another thread to combat breakage...I dont have breakage but the PJ in me says buy it for a post relaxer treat!!
I agree about the length of time allowing the product to give better results...I too have finished up 3 just over half tubes of stuff and am on to finished my 4th tomorrow I think!

Ya'll are makin the PJ in me wake up tho... All this Biolage and Paul Mitchell talk.. :look:

Lol but just think of the stuff you are using up!

My silicone mix didn't come yesterday. Yesterday was MLK observance (no deliveries). Too bad I had to work. :( It came today, but I DC'd yesterday with Biolage ceramide <something or another> in a tube. My hair feels unreal. :drunk: I'm definitely adding this one to the rotation. I've used it before but I only left it on for 10 minutes (or whatever they said on the box). This time i did the whole hour with heat. Oh man! I think I just fell in love :love3:Talk about a great way to use up old products. I've already empty to almost empty bottles of stuff I didn't love. It's funny but even a so-so products work better when you add a little heat and a lot of time.

ETA: Or you guys DC'g dry or after a poo? I'm doing dry hair that a spray with a little water.
I prefer to do it on dry hair(thanks to you:yep:)
But if i need to shampoo my hair i go ahead and do that and then DC.I feel like if i DC on hair that needs to be shampooed,it will cause build-up:ohwell:
(i don't know if it's true or not,i just prefer it this way)
My silicone mix didn't come yesterday. Yesterday was MLK observance (no deliveries). Too bad I had to work. :( It came today, but I DC'd yesterday with Biolage ceramide <something or another> in a tube. My hair feels unreal. :drunk: I'm definitely adding this one to the rotation. I've used it before but I only left it on for 10 minutes (or whatever they said on the box). This time i did the whole hour with heat. Oh man! I think I just fell in love :love3:Talk about a great way to use up old products. I've already empty to almost empty bottles of stuff I didn't love. It's funny but even a so-so products work better when you add a little heat and a lot of time.

ETA: Or you guys DC'g dry or after a poo? I'm doing dry hair that a spray with a little water.

I've noticed that too! I'm using up a bunch of conditioners that were just rotting in my drawer! I never thought I'd use them again, but under heat for an hour, they're pretty decent! My hair's doing great :spinning:

I only dc on dry hair. Sometimes I might spray on a little water first. In a Cosmo magazine a while ago, this hair stylist said that conditioner penetrates a lot better on dry hair with heat. He suggested dc'ing on dry hair, shampooing and then doing a quickie condition. I tried it and my hair came out fantastic :drunk:
LOl thanks for pointing out it was a weave...duh! I didnt read her siggy...lemme go check this out
Thanks sareca


LOL! Y'all are crazy! YOu know, when I took that pick I thought "ooooh-weee! This hurr look just like Sareca's!"...someday soon it will be a reality!
Oh please count me in. I love DC. Last night I made of mix of Organix Coconut Conditioner, honey and Kemi Oyl. It smells so yummy. :lick:
If it's not too late I'd like to join. I've been lazy with dc'ing and my hair has been dry lately because of it. So I'm all in.
Cool so we'll extend to 15 weeks...hopefully long enough to make it a real long term habit! lol
Welcome to the new members!! Glad to have you onboard!

Hey Raven!

What conditioner(s) are you going to use for this challenge?

:wave:Hi HoneyCurlz! I don't have a set plan yet. I have a lot of conditioners to choose from and I'm hoping to use some up while on this challenge. My main deep conditioner is Kerastase Masquintense and I will keep using that at least once a week. For the other times, I will rotate between a variety of conditioners: Crede ER, Phiten Bella, Nigelle AX, Kerastase Oleo-Relax and whatever else I have on hand.
Co-signing on the Biolage ceramides. I have them as well and they are great on hair for longer than the recommended time especially for our dry hair type. I also co-washed this morning before I went to work and I want to do my third DC tomorrow for the week, then I start all over again on Sunday for my second round, week 2.

Yippee!! We're going for 15 more weeks:yep:.
Tonight I decided to mix together a few conditioners that didn't work for me before. Nexxus Humectress, Nexxus Keraphix and Aubrey Organics Desert. I put the mix on my head, covered with a plastic cap and dc'ed for about 3 hours (1 hour under the dryer and 2 hours cleaning the house)

When I washed it out, I was like :shocked: My newgrowth is soft, my ends feel like silk and I had very little breakage for being 11 weeks post. I am sooo loving this challenge! :happydance:
This morning I got up to do some tae bo exercise but before I did, I put some mixture of Pantene R/N mask, mizani moisturefuse, Africa's Best hair mayo, about 3 TBLS of coconut milk and half a lime in a bowl and applied it to my hair concentrating on my new growth area.

After applying the mix to my hair then I exercised for about 35 minutes with it on and now I'm Dc-ing under the dryer for maybe another 20 minutes and only because I have to get ready for work soon.

I want to DC for longer but time won't permit this morning. I will make up for it on the next round though.

How is everybody else making it with their dc-ing? Are you still diligent with it or no? I haven't seen a few people who joined doing their updates. What's up ladies? Don't fall off now, especially coz this is working so well and let alone a lot of fun. :brucelee:Brucelee that laziness gurls, :clap:GO, GO, DC CHALLENGERS!!!
Im sat here with a mix of mayo, honey, avocado oil and D&L Moisture seal conditioner under a plastic bag.
Am aiming to keep it on for two hours then shampoo and condition.

Uzz *dc'ing hard cuz I dont want Aggie to Bruce Lee my butt!*

Im sat here with a mix of mayo, honey, avocado oil and D&L Moisture seal conditioner under a plastic bag.
Am aiming to keep it on for two hours then shampoo and condition.

Uzz *dc'ing hard cuz I dont want Aggie to Bruce Lee my butt!*


:lachen::lachen::lachen:And you know I would too. This is so funny.