Deep Conditioining Challenge

When I finish up my stuff that I have Im going for the DR line!

Im using up my sap moss right now and I can feel my hair is loving it!!!
Hey :wave:

The first time my hair ever really felt moist was after using the Aveda DR conditioner. There are three products in the Aveda DR line--a conditioner, a treatment (which is a light protein conditioner), and a poo. I've never tried the poo but I love the treatment and conditioner. I like using a variety of products, but if I had to pick one protein and one moisturizing condish, I'd pick from the DR line.

sweetie thanks a bunches for getting back to me. I was actually putting together a list of aveda products to purchase. So far, I have the following:
pre poo: sap moss nourishing con.
clarifier: hair detoxifier
poo: ?
co: dr(for moisture); dr treatment(for protein)
leave in: elixir

I was thinking I should try the scalp benefits shampoo out but I do not know if it is moisturizing/detangling.

ETA: I am deep conditiong now with silk2 moistec super moisturizing co.
Re: Deep Conditioning Challenge


Here it is:
deep Condition your hair AT LEAST three times per week for an hour each time.
It can be with or without heat/steam/cap/towel.

Dang Rachi...I was going to join this until I realized it said 3x a week for an hour. I can't do it...I don't like being in my hair during the week if I can help it.

I usually spend about 6-8 hours conditioning one of the weekend days (today's my day for the week).

Requesting a special cousin pass...cause I'm thinking at least 6 hrs in 1 day is at least the equivalent of 3x a week for an hour.:look:
do you find the sap moss to be moisturizing/detangling?


**Butting in** I have relaxed hair and I'm not impressed with Sap Moss line. I'm trying to use it up. The Aveda DR line is MUCH better and more moisturizing.

**Tiptoes out of thread**
Still going strong with the deep conditioning! My hair is so soft and moisturized, it's really loving all of this extra attention it's getting! My newgrowth is becoming very well behaved. In some spots, the newgrowth is so soft and smooth, I can't even tell it's there! :pulpdance:
Hey glad to see evryone still here and doing their thang!!!
I needed this challenge badly because I have seriously neglected my hair for the past 7 or so months and I cant beleive how fast the turn around has been!! Im so glad to see that so many of us are benefitting from it too. YAY!!!!

I have been busy but Ive got my DC fix no matter...hows crazy is it that this is addictive??? lol

Ive got my last bits of D&L moisture plus (cut open that tube...thanks sareca...there was loads in there!) and a lil bit of pantene long n black conitioner...had it on my hair under a pastic bag for about since 12.30 (aiming for 3 hours ...need to wash before I go to work at 4pm)

Ive lost few few hairs...not even the "normal" 100 per day due to natural shedding lark!
Ive lost at most 20 hairs in a pre dc, poo and post con...20??? I cant even believe it Im like huh???

And one last point it seems like my hair has already grown...I had plenty of new growth but wow I feel I'm nearly at WL!
I need to take some pics..but I need to touch up first....hmmm

Girl i know right?
I am loving this so much that i am giving myself and extra day a week to do this. So now i am dc'ing on Mondays,Wednesdays,Fridays,and Saturdays or Sundays. I did not dc yesterday,so i am dc'ing today. I bought some Cantu shea butter leave-in. Thi stuff is really good.The ingredients are nice( i think so anyways) and i think that i am going to check out their line some more when i finish up some stuff i just bought.I am using this a s a pre-poo as well as a leave in,as the instructions basically say you can baggy with it...go figure.
I am thinking of mixing some of that Pantene breakage defense mask or Cantu shea butter dc'er in my Kenra MC.I don't know yet.
Anyhoo,i've rambled enough.I love this!!!
do you find the sap moss to be moisturizing/detangling?

I like it, it is moistursising but doesnt give my hair that silky feeling really if you know what I mean...I feel the moisture goes deep into the hair and doesnt just sit on top. My hair feels stronger definately! Not so great at the detangling but I didnt use much - not as much as I would have with a cheaper conditioner I'm trying to make my conditioner last the same time as the poo!! (not gonna happen lol!)
I would buy it again if it didnt smell so icky! Its not a nice smell at all...I may have to bu the pre poo thingy to boost it but I shall see.
I havent used anything else from aveda to compare it with I cant wait to try the DR range...when ive used up all my stuff of course! lol

Dang Rachi...I was going to join this until I realized it said 3x a week for an hour. I can't do it...I don't like being in my hair during the week if I can help it.

I usually spend about 6-8 hours conditioning one of the weekend days (today's my day for the week).

Requesting a special cousin pass...cause I'm thinking at least 6 hrs in 1 day is at least the equivalent of 3x a week for an hour.:look:

Aight you gets a "speshul" :look: cuz
As long as you meeting the hourly requirements Ima let you in cuz you like my crazy cuz...i mean "spesul"
but side note...6 - 8 hours on a weekend DAY???wow wow!! I admire that I get bored!

**Butting in** I have relaxed hair and I'm not impressed with Sap Moss line. I'm trying to use it up. The Aveda DR line is MUCH better and more moisturizing.

**Tiptoes out of thread**

lol, what hair type do you girlie? I like it but its not amazing but could I think be improved with the pre poo thing that they have. Im going to try the DR range after this so I have something to compare it with. Ive heard better raves/reviews on the Dr range than the sap moss but Ihave the 1.5 litre (I think) pump bottles that I wont throw away! Not for the price! lmao

Girl i know right?
I am loving this so much that i am giving myself and extra day a week to do this. So now i am dc'ing on Mondays,Wednesdays,Fridays,and Saturdays or Sundays. I did not dc yesterday,so i am dc'ing today. I bought some Cantu shea butter leave-in. Thi stuff is really good.The ingredients are nice( i think so anyways) and i think that i am going to check out their line some more when i finish up some stuff i just bought.I am using this a s a pre-poo as well as a leave in,as the instructions basically say you can baggy with it...go figure.
I am thinking of mixing some of that Pantene breakage defense mask or Cantu shea butter dc'er in my Kenra MC.I don't know yet.
Anyhoo,i've rambled enough.I love this!!!
I havent seen this stuff any place, I wonder if it penetrates the hair deeper since it says you can baggy with it...hmmmm
I didnt DC today because I did it yesterday and plan on it tomorrow but I feel like I need a fix or a hit or SOMETHING!!
This is silly lol

I like it, it is moistursising but doesnt give my hair that silky feeling really if you know what I mean...I feel the moisture goes deep into the hair and doesnt just sit on top. My hair feels stronger definately! Not so great at the detangling but I didnt use much - not as much as I would have with a cheaper conditioner I'm trying to make my conditioner last the same time as the poo!! (not gonna happen lol!)
I would buy it again if it didnt smell so icky! Its not a nice smell at all...I may have to bu the pre poo thingy to boost it but I shall see.
I havent used anything else from aveda to compare it with I cant wait to try the DR range...when ive used up all my stuff of course! lol

thanks sweetie.
This dcing with heat 3x a week has made my hair feel absolutely wonderful, it's so soft and silky. I've been doing this every other day through the week m-w-f and I can't wait to slap some conditioner on my head by the end of tues. and thurs.! I'm also getting rid of conditioners that I hadn't used in a while.
I deep conditioned this weekend -- 30 minutes with a protein treatment (DRC-28), 30 minutes with a moisturizing conditioner (Kerastase Masquintense). I'll deep condition again tomorrow and then again on the weekend.
Today's DC will be a full hour with heat and Humectress. As soon as I find what I did with the bottle. :rolleyes:
I may have to bow out of this challenge.. I forgot that my hair likes to be left alone. I may just need to cut down from 1hr to 30mins tho. I'll see what happens this week. :)
I may have to bow out of this challenge.. I forgot that my hair likes to be left alone. I may just need to cut down from 1hr to 30mins tho. I'll see what happens this week. :)

Kels, I had to cut down to 2 times per week and no more than an hour each time. I also had to give up trying to use up so many different conditioners and stick to the ones I knew worked. If I do DC for a third time in a week, I won't style my hair after, just wash n' go or put it in a ponytail.
I like it, it is moistursising but doesnt give my hair that silky feeling really if you know what I mean...I feel the moisture goes deep into the hair and doesnt just sit on top. My hair feels stronger definately! Not so great at the detangling but I didnt use much - not as much as I would have with a cheaper conditioner I'm trying to make my conditioner last the same time as the poo!! (not gonna happen lol!)
I would buy it again if it didnt smell so icky! Its not a nice smell at all...I may have to bu the pre poo thingy to boost it but I shall see.
I havent used anything else from aveda to compare it with I cant wait to try the DR range...when ive used up all my stuff of course! lol

Aight you gets a "speshul" :look: cuz
As long as you meeting the hourly requirements Ima let you in cuz you like my crazy cuz...i mean "spesul"
but side note...6 - 8 hours on a weekend DAY???wow wow!! I admire that I get bored!

lol, what hair type do you girlie? I like it but its not amazing but could I think be improved with the pre poo thing that they have. Im going to try the DR range after this so I have something to compare it with. Ive heard better raves/reviews on the Dr range than the sap moss but Ihave the 1.5 litre (I think) pump bottles that I wont throw away! Not for the price! lmao

I havent seen this stuff any place, I wonder if it penetrates the hair deeper since it says you can baggy with it...hmmmm
I didnt DC today because I did it yesterday and plan on it tomorrow but I feel like I need a fix or a hit or SOMETHING!!
This is silly lol

It's too early for me to tell,but since i've dc'ed last night,my hair is so shiny and it even looks moisturized.I got the cantu leave-in at wal-mart.One of the ones with the big "ethnic" section:rolleyes:
Kels, I had to cut down to 2 times per week and no more than an hour each time. I also had to give up trying to use up so many different conditioners and stick to the ones I knew worked. If I do DC for a third time in a week, I won't style my hair after, just wash n' go or put it in a ponytail.

I think that's another thing - tryin to use all this stuff up instead of just using what I know my hair loves. :yep: I'm trying to figure out how to make my wash and go's work in this cold weather... I'm gonna do a test run with my diffuser tonight. I remember doing it before but I can't remember how it turned out.
I dc'd today-I mixed things I am trying to use up.DB moisture treatment/Lustrasilk shea butter/Joico moisture recovery.I was shocked at how silky my hair felt.:drunk:
You have that much stuff gurl:grin:?

I have three cabinets for hair stuff :blush: But this time I didn't lose it. My DH decided to put it away for me. He put it in the "oils and butters" cabinet. :nono: And he wonders why I get mad when he "cleans" ... *oils and butters with in with conditioners! who ever heard of such a thing*
I'm skipping the protein for a while. Silicon Mix for an hour is a little much for me. I'm going to continue 3X/week, but I'll save the Silicon Mix for cowashes and only leave it on for 3-5 minutes every 2 weeks. My hair loves moisture but it's say enough is enough to the protein. :yep:
I may have to bow out of this challenge.. I forgot that my hair likes to be left alone. I may just need to cut down from 1hr to 30mins tho. I'll see what happens this week. :)

Pssssst.....Rachi might give you a pass...:look:

My hair likes to be left alone as well... I just deep condition on one day for hours at a time, then leaving it alone until the next deep conditioning session..

I feel like my 6-8 hrs is the equivalent of at least 3x a week
Man...this cold is kicking my butt big time, I just can't risk washing my hair. I can't wait to be back on this challenge though. I can already feel the difference of not deep treating often and it sucks:perplexed
Pssssst.....Rachi might give you a pass...:look:

My hair likes to be left alone as well... I just deep condition on one day for hours at a time, then leaving it alone until the next deep conditioning session..

I feel like my 6-8 hrs is the equivalent of at least 3x a week

Can a sista get a pass too...:grin: Last Sunday I deep condition all day!!!! My hair just loved it and now my hair is loving being left alone!!!!:yep: If I can do this every Sunday this would be great!!!!:grin: I think my hair would love to be deep conditioned, 3x a week in the summer.:yep:
Wash day is tomorrow but maybe I should DC tonight. My hair is sooooo thirsty, for the past few days my wash and go has gotten dry quickly and my bun is feeling soooo dry
I may have to bow out of this challenge.. I forgot that my hair likes to be left alone. I may just need to cut down from 1hr to 30mins tho. I'll see what happens this week. :)

Don't leave Kels823, Try for at least once a week but perhaps leave it in for a longer time when you're cleaning the house or cooking, etc. Remember you can do this challenge with or without heat. I would probably put on a plastic cap and wrap a damp hot towel around it though for a little heat.

Please don't quit:crying3:.
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Now after unashamedly disgracefully grovelling for Kels not to leave:grin:, let me update. I am currently sitting under my dryer with a combination of Biolage Fortetherapie and Hydratherapie Ceramides mixed with castor oil, some amla and shikakai oils and DC-ing on dry hair for about 40 minutes as it is quite late for me to be washing my hair but hey, I made a commitment to the ladies here that I will follow through with this challenge, do or die:dighole:.

Starting next week though I may have to reduce my DC-ing from 3 to 2 a week as I am getting a sew in and I don't want it to look worn too quickly.
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Now after unashamedly disgracefully grovelling for Kels not to leave:grin:, let me update. I am currently sitting under my dryer with a combination of Biolage Fortetherapie and Hydratherapie Ceramides mixed with castor oil, some amla and shikakai oils and DC-ing on dry hair for about 40 minutes as it is quite late for me to be washing my hair but hey, I made a commitment to the ladies here that I will follow through with this challenge, do or die:dighole:.

Starting next week though I may have to reduce my DC-ing from 3 to 2 a week as I am getting a sew in and I don't want it to look worn too quickly.

Ooooh girls. OMG, my hair is sooooooo soft now. I am 7 weeks post and the new growth is wild but my hair is sooo soft. I think it was the Biolage Ceramides mixed with the oils. I ran my comb effortlessly through my hair after washing out my DC, pooing and using in my light Fast conditioner. Ma-ma mia! Mucho bueno:lick:.

Oh and I also used my Profectiv anti-tangle leave-in conditioner but it has never made my hair feel like this. I really think it was my Ceramide DC on dry hair that did the trick. I will try this again and see if I get the smae results.