Deep Conditioining Challenge

LOl thanks for pointing out it was a weave...duh! I didnt read her siggy...lemme go check this out
Thanks sareca


I wasn't trying to out her... I swear. :lachen: The second i saw that pic I started reading for a reggie! I've seen that hair in my dreams... but it was on my head. :ohwell:
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Hmmm I might can hang with this one. I already plan on DCing twice a week for the next 6 weeks. I'm trying to see where I have time to fit in another DC session.

Good challenge. :yep:
I have joined the challenge this week. I am planning to do 3 times a week. I have silk elements cholesterol and silk elements conditioner. I also add different oils. I use heat for 20 minutes or sleep with it.

My dry hair will love this challenge:drunk:
Im in since this part of my weekly regimen. I will only use moisture products since I only do a deep protein every 6-8 weeks.
My choices of conditioner will be:
Curls Asian Hair Tea
Lustrasilk Shea butter
Dominican Diez y uno (10 in 1)
Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose
Giovannis Tea Tree ( I know its not formulated as a deep conditioner- but I add honey and olive oil.)
Im trying to avoid cones so ill miss Humectress!
I have joined the challenge this week. I am planning to do 3 times a week. I have silk elements cholesterol and silk elements conditioner. I also add different oils. I use heat for 20 minutes or sleep with it.

My dry hair will love this challenge:drunk:

What is your experience using these conditioners, and does it work well for Type 4 a/b hair? :perplexed:
Im in since this part of my weekly regimen. I will only use moisture products since I only do a deep protein every 6-8 weeks.
My choices of conditioner will be:
Curls Asian Hair Tea
Lustrasilk Shea butter
Dominican Diez y uno (10 in 1)
Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose
Giovannis Tea Tree ( I know its not formulated as a deep conditioner- but I add honey and olive oil.)
Im trying to avoid cones so ill miss Humectress!

hey napp! :wave:
how do you like this one?It sounds yummy
I'll join. . . seein how I just spent half my gosh darn check on hair stuff! I'll go with 3 times a week. . . for at least 45 minutes. . . if more than 1.5 hours, I have the tendency to fall asleep. . . and my hair takes FOREVER to air dry.
Re: Deep Conditioning Challenge

Im terrible at keeping up with challenges and even worse at Dc'ing my hair. So I thought (with the push and help of Aggie :) ...) that I would do this since I dont think there is one.

Im going to keep it really simple because I need it that way for my own sanity and to be able to actually do the darn thing.

Here it is:
deep Condition your hair AT LEAST three times per week for an hour each time.
It can be with or without heat/steam/cap/towel.

I will do this at the sauna at the gym...since I can't work out yet Im just going to plaster my (dry) hair with any conditioner (I'm on a personal challenge to not spend more than £3 per Deep Conditioner!) cheap or otherwise and sit in the steam and sauna for half an hour each. Failing that I will be putting conditioner in my hair at home and putting on a cap and leaving, overnight if I dare. Then rinsing out and con washing, applying a conditioner and bunning.

How does everybody feel to keep up the challenge for 6 weeks so that should take us to Feb 26th which is the last Tuesday in Feb - might as well start it today since Im going to the sauna this evening.

Anybody else wanna join...Im volunteering

Thanks ladies.


Hi Rachique,

Thank you for pm-ing me. I was so tired yesterday, I didn't even turn on my computer. I got in from work and just relaxed my tired self:grin:. Well you know for sure I'm in this challenge. I did start to slack off a bit because I was so busy at work and coming home tired everyday.

Six weeks is a good number of weeks to start with and perhaps, the next one could be 3 months and so on:yep:.
I'm on it! I've been doing 2X/week for 30 minutes with heat. I'll do 3X/week 30 minutes with heat and 30 minutes without.

Great challenge! My hair thinks anything less than 20 minutes is a joke. :spinning:

This is so funny but I agree with you on this too:yep:.
Count me in. I usually deep condition for at least 45 minutes. A steady hour, three times a week will be a nice change. My plan is to try to walk for an hour on the treadmill three times a week with the conditioner on.

Great challenge!

Wow Raven, this is a good idea. Thanks, I'm gonna try this cause I'm in the focusing on health challenge for 2008 with Sareca and I'm in the boot camp 2008 challenge as well.

Now as for me, I will be DC-ing 3x a week. ITA with Sareca and Gymfreak on the 2 moisturizing and 1 protein DC treatments being a grear idea so I will follow this regimen alternating Kenra moisturizing conditioner and mizani moisturefuse as my moisturizing conditioners, and for my protein, I have Aphogee 2 minute keratin reconstructor and CON Conditioning Reconstructor which I will use alternately.

I'll be DC-ing in the evenings after my gym workouts.
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I missed my DC lastnight, but I did this morning while I was on a conference call. :) My next one will be tomorrow using Aveda DR. I used Joico Intense Hydrator today.
I dc'd This week, I cant remember whether it was twice or just the once. I did on Tuesday with D&L Ultra Cholesterol for 1hr in the steam and sauna.
I plan on doing it tonight overnight and then sunday also at the sauna/steam room - not sure What I will ise since my D&L chol ran out Tuesday.

I'm sitting under the dryer now :grin:

I had a little bit of Silicon Mix, Capilo Avocado and Silk Elements Choleserol, but not enough of either one to use on my whole head. So I mixed them all up and slapped the concoction on my head. Hopefully my hair will come out good :crossfingers:
I just DC-ed tonight using Mizani Moisturefuse on dry hair for 30 minutes with heat and my hair is feelin' sooo good! I think my hair is longer but I'm not due for a next photo session until March 27th, 2008 right after my next relaxer at 15 weeks post. I try to take progress pics every 3 months or so. I will try to stretch a little longer, but it will depend on whether or not my hair is breaking at the point of demarcation or not. If it's not breaking then I will take it about two weeks at a time leading up to a needed relaxer.
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I planned on deep conditioning for an hour with heat today. My time started to run short, so instead of going under the dryer/heat cap after I washed my hair, I just left the conditioner in and pulled my hair back in a ponytail. It looks ok but feels dry. I am washing it out tomorrow and starting over with a good moisturizing deep condition.
I deep conditioned with Kenra MC for about 1 1/2 hours last night. My hair was like :yay: :bighug: It would have kissed me if it could. I think I might do it again tomorrow.
I just finished deep conditioning for an hour with Kerastase Oleo Relax Masque. I think I'm going to have to scale back to deep conditioning two times per week instead of three.
I hope its not too late to join.

I plan on DC every 3 days.

I will use DR conditoner twice and then the DR intensive for 30 mins with heat. I plan to only use shampoo when I use the DR intensive.
I hope its not too late to join.

I plan on DC every 3 days.

I will use DR conditoner twice and then the DR intensive for 30 mins with heat. I plan to only use shampoo when I use the DR intensive.

No not at all, glad to have you with us.

I Dc'd today with a mixture of pantene smooth n sleek and KMS Curl Up curl prepare just because they were there. I sprayed on some surge first...just to try and use it up...then applied the conditioner to dry hair and put on a plastic bag and a towel. I didnt wash it out yet. Im going to sleep with it in but I did take off the towel and plastic about three hours later.

I just had a wonderful dc tonight!

I put Dove Advanced Care Conditioner on dry hair and sat under the dryer for an hour on medium heat. Then I washed with NTM poo, rinsed and put on Suave Tropical Coconut Conditioner for like 10 minutes. My hair is like :woot: :woot: :woot:

It's soooo soft, slippy and SHINY!!!! I mean, it's super shiny. I didn't even know my hair could shine like this! Woo hoo!!! :yay: