Deep Conditioining Challenge

Okay ladies, I kind of have a dilemma here. Ever since joining this challenge, my hair has been unbelievably soft, smooth, light and moisturized. It's never felt this wonderful before. I'm starting to think that it might be too soft. I don't think I'm overconditioning because my hair isn't stretching or breaking or anything. My hair just feels so fantastic and it's kind of too good to be true. I keep thinking ''is this how my hair's SUPPOSED to feel?'' I can't keep my hands out of it! I'm thinking of using Nexxus Emergencee to see if this is the real deal, but my hair hates protein and always breaks when I use it, so I don't know.

Anyone else have hair that's transforming into something super soft and managable? It's like I have someone else's hair on my head! Is this normal, or should I try the protein? :confused:

I feel ya. :yep: But there's no way I'm using protein. I think it's supposed to feel like that.
Tiffers, my hair has become super soft too and I love it because I'm stretching my relaxer and I'm attempting 26 weeks so I need my hair soft as long as possible. I have noticed though that when I clarify and use a protein treatment that it seems harder (only for a short while of course) because right afterwards I use a moisturizing DC again. I love how strong and silky my hair feels. It certainly looks healthier too.

Rachique, are you using any protein treatment at all for the breakage? If not, you might need to and/or simply reduce DC-ing to twice a week instead of 3 times a week. Also, if you are experience excess shedding, incorporate some type of garlic treatment in your regiment like Alter Ego garlic treatment or Nutrine garlic poo and condish.

If these are not readily available try crushing 7 or 8 cloves of garlic and add it to 2oz extra virgin olive oil, heat in microwave oven for about 12 - 15 seconds and apply as a pre-poo for half an hour with a plastic cap on. This mixture has a very strong smell but it helps to reduce excess shedding and most importantly, it works. This can be repeated for 3 or 4 washes. I would even encourage you to do it for about 3 weeks or so. Wash with clarifying poo and dc as normal. Luckily, the garlic scent goes away after pooing. Again for breakage simply use a protein-based treatment.[/quote]

I'm having some breakage every time I deep condition. It's scaring me a little bit!!!! I was only deep conditioning once a week and now I added another day. I'm air drying and then I wear my hair slick back in a bun for my half wigs. I only see breakage when I detangle my hair while wet. I have a couple of big bottles of Duo Tex, how can I use this protein in my hair(like every other wash, or once a week, or every other week).

Hi Gelati,

I cannot recommend how to use Duo Tex as I have never used it before and I am not familiar with it's strength, however, I can recommend Aphogee 2 minute keratin reconstructor once per week followed by a moisturizing conditioner.
I'm having some breakage every time I deep condition. It's scaring me a little bit!!!! I was only deep conditioning once a week and now I added another day. I'm air drying and then I wear my hair slick back in a bun for my half wigs. I only see breakage when I detangle my hair while wet. I have a couple of big bottles of Duo Tex, how can I use this protein in my hair(like every other wash, or once a week, or every other week).

I wonder why this is it because the hair is damamged anyway and the rest of the hair gang dont want it cuz the hair gang is now super soft and fab???
I am just now going to the sauna to give my hair a treat. Im not using the HH anymore i had a reaction to it my ears were on fire as was my face and neck!!!

Im going to apply apHogee 2 mins treatment and see if it helps with the breakage Ive had. I still cant bring myself round to trying the garlic thing because I havent had a day off work yet where I can just stay at home.

Is everybody else still here?

I deep conditioned today with Joico Moisture Recovery Balm for an hour. I dried under a dryer and lightly flat ironed.
I love this stuff, I just ordered a couple of tubes from Ebay. I was just thinking that I need to up my DC's I've been just co-washing and going...but that's not going to be best over the long run. I need incentive to DC because my hair is short now I think I'm just being lazy about it.:look:
I love this stuff, I just ordered a couple of tubes from Ebay. I was just thinking that I need to up my DC's I've been just co-washing and going...but that's not going to be best over the long run. I need incentive to DC because my hair is short now I think I'm just being lazy about it.:look:

Hey girl
If I add your name to the challenge is that incentive enough?? I'll make ure name in red or purple...sorry cant do lights...but red is the closest I can get... :lachen:

Hey girl
If I add your name to the challenge is that incentive enough?? I'll make ure name in red or purple...sorry cant do lights...but red is the closest I can get... :lachen:

Red will work!! I just posted in my journal to remind my self that I am now DCing 2x per week....I'll remember to come back here to read this thread and I'll put it in my siggy!! LOL...I get really busy during the week so it's almost like I need a script to remember to care for myself during my work week days!! :lachen:

Thank you for adding me!! I am going to do a DC today as a matter of fact!:yep:
Today I dc-ed on dry hair with my Suave Humectant. It cmae out nice but not as soft as my other deepp conditioners. I guess I was looking for the slip, but there wasn't any. I'll mix it with a little jojoba oil next time and see what happens.
A superb deep conditioner is Fantasia IC Creme Moisturizer.

Here's my review.
Today was another first-time experiement with Fantasia IC Deep Penetrating Creme Moisturizer. "100% Effective" is a pretty strong claim for a product with such a frugal price! It has Castor Oil and the Aloe Vera for moisture, with Keratin Amino Acids and Yeast for strength. But, the best part of this deep conditioner is the that it also has essential oils that I use to grow hair. For instance, Nettle and Rosemary are both seen on the list.
To say that this product is 100% effective is a bit of a stretch, but I do like how soft and smooth my hair is. I have seen much less breakage and only shedded hairs. So, who knows? Maybe it does work as well as the label claims! Either way, for the price, this is a definite repurchase!
Hey Tiffers:

I, too have noticed my hair has gotten very soft to the touch. It's also very flowy. I mean, Victoria Secret, Air-through-hair-model type hair. So, you're not the only one dealing with the super soft hair. Also, my combs (K-Cutter) glides through my hair)
I am sitting under the dryer now with my deep conditioner in. I used Grow shampoo for my scalp, Alow Rid right after, then towel-dried and applied Kerastase Masquintense for the deep condition.
About to rinse out my overnight mix, poo bar, then do deep conditioning mix for at least five hours.

*thumbs up*
A Big Shout Out to all my DCing sista's...

I'm DCing with ORS Replinishing Pack under a 20 year old heating cap that I think just tried to tell me it needs replacing. I had it on medium it, felt like high, I turned it down to low and I think it got hotter:blush:

Ya'll didn't tell me DCing could be hazardous to my health!! :lachen:

Well I have another excuse to go to Sally's and use that 15% off coupon!:spinning::drunk::look:
DCed last night. I used a henna gloss for 2 hours (Henna is so last year:lachen:) shampooed and Deeped conditioned with KeraCare Humecto. My hair felt strong and soft.
I would like to join.
I work out hard at least 3 times a week so this will be great. I was actually going to start a routine like this in the spring when it warms up because I air dry my hair.

Anyway, I will work out, pick up the kids, apply a deep conditioner (Lustrasilk in the green jar, avocado and olive oil, or ghee butter), leave in until the kids go to bed, cowash out, plait, and sleep.

Works for me!
A Big Shout Out to all my DCing sista's...

I'm DCing with ORS Replinishing Pack under a 20 year old heating cap that I think just tried to tell me it needs replacing. I had it on medium it, felt like high, I turned it down to low and I think it got hotter:blush:

Ya'll didn't tell me DCing could be hazardous to my health!! :lachen:

Well I have another excuse to go to Sally's and use that 15% off coupon!:spinning::drunk::look:

Mine is probably 6-8 years old and I'm trying to get to 20+. If I start to see sparks then I'll give it up. :look:
Dang! Now my hair is over-conditioned. :rolleyes: *sigh* I found a compromise tho. I used Silicon Mix per instructions (2-3 minutes) and my hair came out perfect!
Dang! Now my hair is over-conditioned. :rolleyes: *sigh* I found a compromise tho. I used Silicon Mix per instructions (2-3 minutes) and my hair came out perfect!

I'm not officially on this challenge, but I am dcing on dry hair with heat 1 - 2 times per week. I try to mix up the conditioners depending upon what my hair is doing. I prefer moisturizing cons, but if I just got a perm, or if my hair is feeling soft, or I'm preparing for a highlights TU, I'll do a moisturizing protein next time (like Aveda DR or Joico K-Pak).

I plan on doing healthy sexy hair pumpkin puree in 15 minutes (it's a moisturizing masque that smells like pumpkin pie). :lick:
I dced the other day and my newgrowth is finally back under control.

Hey Jamila, how is that pumpkin smells yummy. Is it any good?
Well my dc with the 2 min recon went really well!!
My hair is a little less soft...and funnily thats not a bad thing! It feels so much stronger and I had no breakage or anything today. I aplied it to dry hair went to the sauna/steam for one hour and then just rinsed...wwooooooowwwww

Love it

I wonder why this is it because the hair is damamged anyway and the rest of the hair gang dont want it cuz the hair gang is now super soft and fab???

I agree, I think if it is damaged and it can't hold on. It's going to leave anyway!!!! I've learned my lesson!!!! I will never get cocky again and not take care of my hair!!!!:nono:
I'm not officially on this challenge, but I am dcing on dry hair with heat 1 - 2 times per week. I try to mix up the conditioners depending upon what my hair is doing. I prefer moisturizing cons, but if I just got a perm, or if my hair is feeling soft, or I'm preparing for a highlights TU, I'll do a moisturizing protein next time (like Aveda DR or Joico K-Pak).

I plan on doing healthy sexy hair pumpkin puree in 15 minutes (it's a moisturizing masque that smells like pumpkin pie). :lick:

Yeah, I think I need to start back on the light-med protein but not do a whole hour... maybe just 10-15 minutes... :confused:
Hi all,

I know it's a bit late but I'd like to join this challenge. I sort of DC every other day already when I'm not lazy. I've come to the conclusion that my hair thrives if it gets water daily. So when I'm not poo'ing or DC'ing I just run warm water mixed with olive and emu oil over my hair. I don't know but I think if I use just water my hair could end up feeling dry.

Anyway, i'm in. Better late than never.
Hi all,

I know it's a bit late but I'd like to join this challenge. I sort of DC every other day already when I'm not lazy. I've come to the conclusion that my hair thrives if it gets water daily. So when I'm not poo'ing or DC'ing I just run warm water mixed with olive and emu oil over my hair. I don't know but I think if I use just water my hair could end up feeling dry.

Anyway, i'm in. Better late than never.

You said it right NaijaGal. Welcome to the challenge.
I dced the other day and my newgrowth is finally back under control.

Hey Jamila, how is that pumpkin smells yummy. Is it any good?

Yes it does smell yummy. :lick: I DC'd with it for several hours. I'm about to rinse out then poo and con with Sap Moss. I'll report back tomorrow with the results. :grin:

I also have the pumpkin leave in and it is nice. Note, this stuff is expensive. :ohwell: I bought it when I had a 40% Trade Secret coupon.
I agree, I think if it is damaged and it can't hold on. It's going to leave anyway!!!! I've learned my lesson!!!! I will never get cocky again and not take care of my hair!!!!:nono:

Yup you are so right! I have not looked after my hair since the summer!!! I have been really bad and just neglected it...But no more...Im with you gelati!

Naija...welcome girl that oil/water rinse sounds good....hmmmm
Thanks for sharing
