Deep Conditioining Challenge

Any natural 4Bs on this challenge? how do u style ur hair after each DC session...Im thinking about joining but since my hair shrinks all the way to my scalp and wash n go's dont look good on wondering how ill pull this off...
Maybe if my hair was a lil bit longer...I only have about 7-7.5 in of hair that shrinks to 2 in when washed:ohwell:

I know this doesn't help much, but since I'm on the Wig Challenge, I put my hair into 4 braids, then slap on a wig.

I know what you mean about shrinkage, though. Would it be possible for you to pull your hair into a puff? That's what I usually did to my hair when I wasn't wearing wigs, and I have the same amount of hair you do, if not less.

Does anyone else daydream about which conditioners they're gonna use? I'm sitting here imagining myself using different conditioners and fantasizing about the outcome :look:

I can't WAIT till tomorow :grin:

Me me:meme:, I do, I do, all the time.
Thanks Aggie, Rachique and Tiffers! :grin: I don't have SAA but I will try adding some olive oil. I forgot about that! :grin: I'm really trying to focus on using up all this cheapie stuff that doesn't work. That way I can enjoy all my staples (Aveda, Joico, Hot Sexy Hair) without guilt! :drunk:

You're quite welcomed Jamila75. Well it's only until you finish off the last drops of the cheapie, so it shouldn't be too bad. The added oil should help a little.
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I know this doesn't help much, but since I'm on the Wig Challenge, I put my hair into 4 braids, then slap on a wig.

I know what you mean about shrinkage, though. Would it be possible for you to pull your hair into a puff? That's what I usually did to my hair when I wasn't wearing wigs, and I have the same amount of hair you do, if not less.


Yea i have yet to find a wig that doesnt look to wiggy on me and i cant get my wet 4B into a puff without stretching it out 1st:( but thanx for tryna help Minny!!!
The PJ in me sent me once again to walgreens to stroll the hair isle like a crackhead in search of a cheapie-but-goodie. I bought that new "Olive Oil Bioinfusion Deep Conditioning Treatment". I used it for my DC last night and rinsing it out, my hair felt like a dream, but after blotting with my towel my hair felt alittle weird...stretched and maybe a bit sticky? This morning it felt nice and soft but I'm nervous about using it for tomorrow.
Same here. This weekend I tried one I'd never DC'd with before... Pantene Nourishing Mask. It was awesome. I'm using that one again tonight.
Same Here. I am a conditioner Junkie.
I have the Pantene Nourishing Mask in my stash along with the Pantene R&N Mask which I have never tried.
I hope my hair likes it too my wash day is tomorrow.
Same here. This weekend I tried one I'd never DC'd with before... Pantene Nourishing Mask. It was awesome. I'm using that one again tonight.

Dang sareca, don't do this to me, I'm desperately trying to get this PJ demon soldier under control:wallbash:. He is not standing down:nono:. i'm thinkin' Ima have to go shoot em myself - not waiting for the enemy to do it this time:grin:.
Dang sareca, don't do this to me, I'm desperately trying to get this PJ demon soldier under control:wallbash:. He is not standing down:nono:. i'm thinkin' Ima have to go shoot em myself - not waiting for the enemy to do it this time:grin:.

Yeah girl, you might have to bust a cap. :gunner7: :lachen:
Okay ladies, I kind of have a dilemma here. Ever since joining this challenge, my hair has been unbelievably soft, smooth, light and moisturized. It's never felt this wonderful before. I'm starting to think that it might be too soft. I don't think I'm overconditioning because my hair isn't stretching or breaking or anything. My hair just feels so fantastic and it's kind of too good to be true. I keep thinking ''is this how my hair's SUPPOSED to feel?'' I can't keep my hands out of it! I'm thinking of using Nexxus Emergencee to see if this is the real deal, but my hair hates protein and always breaks when I use it, so I don't know.

Anyone else have hair that's transforming into something super soft and managable? It's like I have someone else's hair on my head! Is this normal, or should I try the protein? :confused:
The PJ in me sent me once again to walgreens to stroll the hair isle like a crackhead in search of a cheapie-but-goodie. I bought that new "Olive Oil Bioinfusion Deep Conditioning Treatment". I used it for my DC last night and rinsing it out, my hair felt like a dream, but after blotting with my towel my hair felt alittle weird...stretched and maybe a bit sticky? This morning it felt nice and soft but I'm nervous about using it for tomorrow.

I don't like any of those crappy Bioinfusion products. Straight garbage :down:
Oh god I too am a conditioner junkie...I strol the aisle at one shop without actually looking at it...its straight in front of the tills and them ladies MUST know me...its bad!! So i walk slowly and just glance at the products whils looking down....
Im doing what tiffers does and am holding off on pooing and just doing so once a week, dc'ing on dry hair at all other times!

I did the herbal essences again last night! Its good but not as wonderful as my pantene...which i stocked up again from poundland!!!

I have noticed a little shedding/breakage which I never have before so I will keep an eye on that!

Hope everybody is doing well...
Tiffers, my hair has become super soft too and I love it because I'm stretching my relaxer and I'm attempting 26 weeks so I need my hair soft as long as possible. I have noticed though that when I clarify and use a protein treatment that it seems harder (only for a short while of course) because right afterwards I use a moisturizing DC again. I love how strong and silky my hair feels. It certainly looks healthier too.

Rachique, are you using any protein treatment at all for the breakage? If not, you might need to and/or simply reduce DC-ing to twice a week instead of 3 times a week. Also, if you are experience excess shedding, incorporate some type of garlic treatment in your regiment like Alter Ego garlic treatment or Nutrine garlic poo and condish.

If these are not readily available try crushing 7 or 8 cloves of garlic and add it to 2oz extra virgin olive oil, heat in microwave oven for about 12 - 15 seconds and apply as a pre-poo for half an hour with a plastic cap on. This mixture has a very strong smell but it helps to reduce excess shedding and most importantly, it works. This can be repeated for 3 or 4 washes. I would even encourage you to do it for about 3 weeks or so. Wash with clarifying poo and dc as normal. Luckily, the garlic scent goes away after pooing. Again for breakage simply use a protein-based treatment.
OT - Aggie....really admiring your goal to hit a 26 week stretch. :yep:

I've been going back in forth in my mind to do the same for the first time...I sense that I will punk out at 14 weeks...:look:...but I keep hope alive.. :lol:
OT - Aggie....really admiring your goal to hit a 26 week stretch. :yep:

I've been going back in forth in my mind to do the same for the first time...I sense that I will punk out at 14 weeks...:look:...but I keep hope alive.. :lol:

:lachen::lachen::lachen: Gurl, join me, I need company anyways.
Rachique, are you using any protein treatment at all for the breakage? If not, you might need to and/or simply reduce DC-ing to twice a week instead of 3 times a week. Also, if you are experience excess shedding, incorporate some type of garlic treatment in your regiment like Alter Ego garlic treatment or Nutrine garlic poo and condish.

If these are not readily available try crushing 7 or 8 cloves of garlic and add it to 2oz extra virgin olive oil, heat in microwave oven for about 12 - 15 seconds and apply as a pre-poo for half an hour with a plastic cap on. This mixture has a very strong smell but it helps to reduce excess shedding and most importantly, it works. This can be repeated for 3 or 4 washes. I would even encourage you to do it for about 3 weeks or so. Wash with clarifying poo and dc as normal. Luckily, the garlic scent goes away after pooing. Again for breakage simply use a protein-based treatment.

Hey Aggie
Thanks, I do use a mild protein triple amino pantene and nearly all the cons I have have wheat proteins in. The only thing I can think of is the sap moss had too much protein for my hair.
I havent seen the garlic cons anywhere but I will have a look for them. I think I will add the apHogee 2 min treatment to my wash today to see if that helps. I will post a pic of the bits that came out of my hair, its very strange to see!

I may try the garlic when I have a day off work...if I can get a day off work!
Thanks Aggie

take care

Hey Aggie
Thanks, I do use a mild protein triple amino pantene and nearly all the cons I have have wheat proteins in. The only thing I can think of is the sap moss had too much protein for my hair.
I havent seen the garlic cons anywhere but I will have a look for them. I think I will add the apHogee 2 min treatment to my wash today to see if that helps. I will post a pic of the bits that came out of my hair, its very strange to see!

I may try the garlic when I have a day off work...if I can get a day off work!
Thanks Aggie

take care


Yeah, I heard that the Sap Moss is rough on people's hair but great on others. My hair strands are too fine for it so I never even considered using it. I think I'll purchase the Nexxus Emergencee and use once a month or so and alternate that with my Aphogee 2 minute keratin reconstructor.

My hair is doing great s far though. I'm currently 9 weeks post relaxer and it's getting tougher to stretch longer but I just put in a sew-in few a few weeks to make my stretch easier. I'll continue to wash and DC with it.
Yeah, I heard that the Sap Moss is rough on people's hair but great on others. My hair strands are too fine for it so I never even considered using it. I think I'll purchase the Nexxus Emergencee and use once a month or so and alternate that with my Aphogee 2 minute keratin reconstructor.

My hair is doing great s far though. I'm currently 9 weeks post relaxer and it's getting tougher to stretch longer but I just put in a sew-in few a few weeks to make my stretch easier. I'll continue to wash and DC with it.

My hair felt amazing when I used it but its the only new thing in my hair collection/regime so its the only thing i can really blame.

I didnt do a protein recon today got busy but I will do it this weekend may even venture into the steam/sauna with it.

My hair is very soft also and I thought it was stronger too guess not!
My hair wont stay in a bun for longer than an hour it just keeps slipping out!

I need to relax again because my hair is going wild in the steam room, but I am so tempted to make it to one year...Which will be in June....Im not sure I can hang though! Im itching to get it done...

Tiffers, my hair has become super soft too and I love it because I'm stretching my relaxer and I'm attempting 26 weeks so I need my hair soft as long as possible. I have noticed though that when I clarify and use a protein treatment that it seems harder (only for a short while of course) because right afterwards I use a moisturizing DC again. I love how strong and silky my hair feels. It certainly looks healthier too.

Rachique, are you using any protein treatment at all for the breakage? If not, you might need to and/or simply reduce DC-ing to twice a week instead of 3 times a week. Also, if you are experience excess shedding, incorporate some type of garlic treatment in your regiment like Alter Ego garlic treatment or Nutrine garlic poo and condish.

If these are not readily available try crushing 7 or 8 cloves of garlic and add it to 2oz extra virgin olive oil, heat in microwave oven for about 12 - 15 seconds and apply as a pre-poo for half an hour with a plastic cap on. This mixture has a very strong smell but it helps to reduce excess shedding and most importantly, it works. This can be repeated for 3 or 4 washes. I would even encourage you to do it for about 3 weeks or so. Wash with clarifying poo and dc as normal. Luckily, the garlic scent goes away after pooing. Again for breakage simply use a protein-based treatment.[/quote]

I'm having some breakage every time I deep condition. It's scaring me a little bit!!!! I was only deep conditioning once a week and now I added another day. I'm air drying and then I wear my hair slick back in a bun for my half wigs. I only see breakage when I detangle my hair while wet. I have a couple of big bottles of Duo Tex, how can I use this protein in my hair(like every other wash, or once a week, or every other week).