What are easy ways to spot a bum without actually wasting my time getting to know them?
Ahem....*clears throat* I'll take this one.
1. Bums usually never talk about anything of substance/value. Also, if they are unemployed or underemployed, they never talk about work.
2. They will change the subject without answering your question and get you to talk about your job/career instead, whereas a guy with a good career (just like guys that are well-endowed) will let you know upfront what they do or talk about their work day freely and openly.
3. If they literally look "dusty" everytime you see them, that's usually also a good indicator.
4. If you live in a major Metropolitan City where having a car is more of a nuisance or a hassle than a necessity, and he doesn't have a car, he could be a professional man that's just taking the bus because that's what everyone does in a major city where cars are more of a hassle to have, or he really could be a bum. If this is the case, you will have to ask more questions to determine which one is the case before you completely write him off.
However, if you live in a regular city or small city where you absolutely need a car to get from point A to point B and public transportation is slim to none or unreliable and he doesn't have a car, he's a bum.
4.5- Also you can add to that if he is constantly borrowing somebody else's car to get around, in a new rental every 2 weeks, or with a new car with a paper tag every other month b/c of repossessions, he is a bum.
Number 5.... if he is always saying "my car is in the shop, can you drive?" then yeah, he's a bum. Do not entertain a man with no car trying to date you.
You will end up driving him everywhere, dates included. Plus, it might be hard for you to tell if he is genuinely interested in you or if he's just there for the free ride (literally and figuratively speaking).
6. I would be remiss if I did not point out that if he doesn't have a car he should at least be actively trying to figure out how to get a car. If he is not, please leave that man alone.
7. A man should always, always, always be enterprising in some way, shape, form or fashion. So if he is not thinking about ways to get more money and actively getting more money on a consistent basis to improve his financial standing and position in life overall, he's a bum.
****I'm interrupting this bulletin for an anecdote break****
I dated a guy that used to be a mechanic. He worked as a mechanic Monday through Friday (and every other Saturday). In addition to that, he also sold and delivered tires on the weekends after he got off. His hustle was so tight he was also fixing people's cars on the low at the same place he worked but he would write up the service ticket as an oil change and they would just pay him a fraction of what the shop would have charged.
My gay guy friend had car trouble and he was like "baby, tell your boy I got him, and I need to change the oil in your truck too so ya'll come through now." That bill for my friend's car was over $700.00 and he totaled it out to zero because he loved me.
Of course he always changed my oil and did regular maintenance on my car for free.
He also got money in other ways, legally of course. But he always used to joke with me and say "I wasn't always a tax-paying citizen."
So I said all that to say a man should always have money or be trying to get it. If he's not then that man is a bum and therefore not deserving of you or your time.
*******back to my list*******
So getting back to that example about the car being in the shop if the car is legitimately in the shop and he's enterprising and he's about his business and getting his bread, that car should not be in the shop more than a few days to a week at the most.
If it's in the shop longer than that or for months on end, or if he always has an excuse for why the car isn't fixed yet or why he hasn't gone to pay for said repairs and pick it up, bruh.... just give it up you ain't got no car.
Stay away from the old "Damn, I lost my wallet" ssa type dudes. Or, "I was rushing out the house and I forgot my wallet." The wallet should be the first thing you leave out of the house with, along with your keys! Nah, just say you broke.
Another way to tell is that they won't be in a panic over the fact that they "lost" or "forgot" the wallet because they don't have ish to begin with. A man with a lot to lose will be fretting over where he might have misplaced it or getting on the phone to cancel credit cards, etc. to prevent fraud/identity theft.
These types of guys are bums for the simple fact that they expect you to foot the bill, wine and dine them and spend your money to take care of them. Don't even start because like I said in another post, whatever you start you have to be willing to continue.
Now a man who legitimately has forgotten his wallet is only going to forget that wallet one time because he is going to remember how he felt to be without currency. (Real) men do not like being broke, ever! Remember that, ladies! If a man is comfortable being broke or comfortable watching you struggle and not willing to help, he is a bum.
Even if he does forget his wallet, let me tell you how you handle that. If you're with him you can just be like, "oh, well sweetie that's ok... we can swing back by your house and get it. I don't mind. We have plenty of time before we have to make our reservation/pick up concert tickets/etc." But only pay if you bout that life. And if you ain't bout that life just be like," Oh, I'm sorry to hear you lost your wallet. We can go out another time. That will give you a chance to handle your business and order new cards and cancel the old ones."
A man of substance that really did forget his wallet is going to be extremely uncomfortable with you paying, and if you do pay, he is going to work overtime to redeem himself and not allow you to continue perceiving him as a sucker or a scrub.
A bum that is used to women paying for everything would not even flinch in that situation and he wouldn't look the least bit bothered that you are doing what he should be doing.
But DO NOT fix your face to say you will pay, and you won't ever have that problem.
9. All the things TLC mentioned in "No Scrubs"
but especially if he lives with his mom or has 6 or 7 roommates...girl let that man go. As far as the roommate situation goes, you will never have privacy because a man like that will never spring to take you on a weekend getaway, and if he does, he will be nickeling and dimeing you to death the whole time.
It also shows that he may not be all that responsible because more than likely if he has a roommate (or several) the bills might not even be in his name. Some or all of the bills (and the lease) might be in other people's names. Also, he will never know what it is like to be the head of the household and support a family without factoring in your money and that is how you end up with a bill-splitter.
Now conversely, there may be legitimate reasons he lives at home with his parents (elderly, sick/shut-in and he may be a caregiver, etc.) and he is otherwise doing alright for himself or maybe he lives alone but spends the night there a few times a week to help out. But these types of things you have to find out quickly so as not to waste your time.
You do that by asking the right questions. Here are a few examples:
- Tell me about your
home life. What was that like for you growing up, and how is it now? (if his answer is consistent and doesn't change much, more than likely he lives at home with his family.)
-Or you could go with "What is your background?"
The type of answer you are looking for is one that clearly states he is independent, has moved out of his parents' house and has established himself as a (gainfully employed, financially stable) grown man. Only you know what an acceptable answer to that question is for yourself, but to me, a good example of what a decent man might say is this: "I grew up in (insert city here) but I knew from a young age I wanted to be (insert lucrative career here) so I worked hard in HS, got a scholarship to (insert prestigious college/university) and majored in (finance, accounting, pre-med, engineering, etc.) I interned at (xyz company) and they hired me right out of college. I moved away and I've been working there ever since and I'm on track to make partner, get a promotion, etc. My family and I are close. I visit on holidays or weekends when I have time."
where do you live, and
with whom? If that is too direct, use this one as an alternative:
"Are there others that we will need to be considerate of if we have a romantic night at your place?" or "what does a romantic night at home look like for you and a potential bachelorette?"
If he comes back with "I'll probably get a room for us somewhere," or you get to that point and he is using someone else's place as a front for his spot, (you can ALWAYS tell if this is the case-more on that later) then you have your answers, or you need to do some more digging to see what he could be hiding.
-can we go to
your place for a night cap? (Use your discretion if
You just met....even if you just met still ask but frame it differently by adding "once we get to know each other a little better, of course" or whatever variation of that question that you are comfortable with.) Now, be flirty and breezy when you are asking this line of questioning I'm mentioning. If you treat him like you are interrogating a hostile witness, you will NOT get the information you need.
10. Pay attention to his answers, as well as his actions. A man who lives alone (especially if he just bought a house) are very proud of their accomplishments and want to show you what they have to offer or what they are capable of providing for you.
11. A bum is only going to show you that they are lazy and have no ambition to get up and get their own ish.
12. Bums literally come to the table with nothing, and have nothing to lose. People like that will make sure you lose
EVERYTHING. They also make sure they leave the table with something. Oftentimes, it might be at your expense.
13. Watch his spending habits. Does he blow money fast even though he hasn't put anything in savings or paid bills and taken care of other responsibilities (groceries, repairs, etc.) yet?
14. Is he "robbing Peter to pay Paul?"
15. Does he make a habit out of borrowing money from people on a regular basis to make it look like he is employed and then ghosting them when it's time to pay them back?
16. Is he donating blood or plasma or sperm to make ends meet?
17. Is he spending all hours in a late-night or 24-hour type of establishment out of
necessity and not because he actually
wants to? (He might be homeless) or jumping from (friend's/family's) house to (friend's/family)house.
18. Does he call you from a private number or a different phone all the time and tell you not to call the phone back after ya'll finish talking?
19. Are people "looking for him" on a regular basis?
20. If he is always pulling a scam to get by in life, he is a bum. Run the other way, because at some point you will become a victim of his cons and scams.