Chasing a Man until He Catches You

Belle Du Jour

Well-Known Member
You've probably heard the old saying that women chase a man until he catches her. That is, she pursues him in a way that leads him to think it was his idea. I don't personally believe in boldly chasing down a man, asking a man out, etc, but I don't believe in being passive either. You have to be seen to be chose. :yep:

(In light of all these threads about "Becky" and her game (getting her man) :grin: I'm thinking it might not be a bad idea to peep some books written by Beckies :look: )

Anyway, what are some ways that you "chase" a guy until he catches you?
Be mysterious. Don't reveal too much about yourself too soon. Intrigue him, and make him want to come back again and again. Make him do some work to get to know you.

"The Art of the Chase" by Hayley & Michael DiMarco
what exactly does a female do when she's chasing him?

That's what I'm trying to find out. :grin:

You know, being subtle so that he notices you and thinks it was his bright idea to ask you out. I don't mean actually calling him and asking him out and running him down. There's an art to it.
You know it's funny, Sherry Argov's book "Why Men Marry B****es" has that very same quote/saying on the back of her book.

It's a cool book IMO. Very funny, and it tells the truth about men! :yep:
for example
i went to school with this guy i really liked. i never told him i liked him because we were best friends. well i went to another school and we lost all contact. 5 yrs later he pops up.

i kept texting him and he would respond but he never made the first move so i came right out and asked him "do you really want to get to know me?" he said yes

i stopped calling to see what he would do.

2 weeks later he's been calling off the hook
Nothing wrong with striking up a conversation and being flirty with a guy who catches your eye. You don't have to sit on the sidelines and wait on a guy to approach you. But being flirty is as far as I'll go. It's up to him to show interest and take the next step.

I've seen guys do this as well. They'll strike up a convo with me and be extra flirtatious. But they never take the next step. I guess they expected me to. I fell for it in the past, and I guess they were just "testing" me because afterwards they'll disappear. This is why I no longer take the next step...I leave that to the guys.
Nothing wrong with striking up a conversation and being flirty with a guy who catches your eye. You don't have to sit on the sidelines and wait on a guy to approach you. But being flirty is as far as I'll go. It's up to him to show interest and take the next step.

I've seen guys do this as well. They'll strike up a convo with me and be extra flirtatious. But they never take the next step. I guess they expected me to. I fell for it in the past, and I guess they were just "testing" me because afterwards they'll disappear. This is why I no longer take the next step...I leave that to the guys.

I agree.. especially about the guy just disappering afterward. thats happen to me..I knew a guy who flirted with me, caught my attention and after ward when i would talk with him he would sort of ignore me, and I always felt like he didnt want me around after that.So its a little tricky but I dont chase the guy, rather I will flirt a bit and leave the rest up to them...
I don't see the point in chasing a guy. Some guys are being chsed by women when they already have a woman. So dropping hints to a guy does not mean that he is single or available.

If a guy is available, he will chase first.
Read "How to Marry the Man of Your Choice" by Margaret Kent. It's a good book on this topic. She absolutely doesn't teach you to "chase" a man, but she shows you how to plant "seeds" into his head:yep:
Read "How to Marry the Man of Your Choice" by Margaret Kent. It's a good book on this topic. She absolutely doesn't teach you to "chase" a man, but she shows you how to plant "seeds" into his head:yep:

That book is the truth, but that's for after you do a bit of the catching. That's more for keeping him. It works, I know. :grin: