Living with The Passive Aggressive man - When He Withholds Sex.

What I’m dealing with:

He convienently forgets things. When I ask him about it or get mad he says that don’t i see that he is trying?

He especially forgets things they cost him money. He will say he will pay for my car to get washed then “forget”. If I remind him all of a sudden I’m inconviencing him.

He will sabotage sex. He can’t take criticism. So if I say ooh do it like this or touch me here he will do it for maybe 2 minutes and stop. The next time we have sex it’s like he “forgot” what I asked for. If I bring it up it’s because I expect him to have sex with me like all the other guys I’ve been with.

He is mad about the things from our past. I treat him well now but he is wishy washy in how he treats me. If I address it he is unbothered because no one cared how he felt years ago.

He told me he doesn’t care about me doing xyz. Then in an argument he hates that I don’t do xyz. He switches it up if it’s convienent.

He sulks when he doesn’t get his way. He’s secretive but gives me information when it’s convenient for him but it’s for him to play victim and make me feel bad for scolding him. I can be going off on him for taking out the trash and he’s switch subjects like yeah....they found out my uncle only has 3 Months to live. He has cancer. Bruh what that got to do with the price of tea in China and the trash.

Seems like classic sociopathic behavior to me.
Why did you say being passive aggressive backfires? Thats exactly what I have been doing. And it was worked for the time being.

1. He forgot his ring the other day. Has never forgotten his ring. I left it there and passive aggressively put the baby’s Tylenol next to it so he would know I saw it.
2. He forgot to take out the trash and I just tossed it outside and didn’t say anything as I usually do.
3. He up and didn’t come home from work until midnight. I was sleep when he came home.
4. The next day he said he was leaving again to his parents house. I said that’s wonderful take the baby with u and I left the house.
5. I noticed he packed all his clothes and I looked at him with big brown puppy eyes and said baby did I do something wrong and asked questions until he got quiet and said no you haven’t done anything. You haven’t done anything wrong to me in months.
6. He texted me he’s fearful of me and he’s only here to make sure the baby and I are straight. I said I understand and cut off communication.
7. I met with the pastor alone and played damsel in distress (which is not a lie)

I’ve been playing The victim back real hard. Right now he is very confused. I usually lash out. Then he can call me abusive. And I think he stayed out the whole weekend so I would kick him out and he can cry to his parents I kicked him out the house and he won’t go back to someone mistreating him. Now I’ve been overly nice or indifferent. I see him scratching his head often or sulking alone. But I’m going crazy because I feel like every few days he evolves. So it’s like playing a video game. Every other day I’m like...what comes next.

He's not wearing his ring, coming home late, not doing chores, packing his stuff and sleeping outside the house. Sounds like he's preparing to leave you. Please focus on you and your kid.
He told me he had to go to work from. 1-5 today lol my friend ran into him at the mall.

He wants to leave but doesn’t want to be the one to walk out. So he’s doing all of these things to make you be the one to end things. I’m not sure the extent of your situation i.e. finances, but the longer this drags on the resentment grows.

What are your plans moving forward? If you care to share. You can PM me if you don’t wish to share here.
Is it possible, that he took a break from work or adjusted his schedule to buy you a Valentine's Day gift? Did you ask him what happened that he was at the mall? In my experience it isn't a good thing to assume anything, but to ask questions when things don't seem right...and ask doesn't mean interrogate or convict. I can think of many times when my day plan changed and I went left, when I said I was going right.
He wants to leave but doesn’t want to be the one to walk out. So he’s doing all of these things to make you be the one to end things. I’m not sure the extent of your situation i.e. finances, but the longer this drags on the resentment grows.

What are your plans moving forward? If you care to share. You can PM me if you don’t wish to share here.

Yeah...he doesn't want to man up and just leave the relationship. The minute she gives him the out of the relationship, he will run for the door so fast. Of course, he will try to pretend that's not what he wants but she deserves to be happy yadda yadda. It's all game to get his freedom papers that he has been longing for. All those childish acts are to get YOU to pull the plug. He sounds like he left the marriage a long time ago. It's really sad that he just won't say what he really wants. All the attitudes and starting arguments and such would get old.
Yeah...he doesn't want to man up and just leave the relationship. The minute she gives him the out of the relationship, he will run for the door so fast. Of course, he will try to pretend that's not what he wants but she deserves to be happy yadda yadda. It's all game to get his freedom papers that he has been longing for. All those childish acts are to get YOU to pull the plug. He sounds like he left the marriage a long time ago. It's really sad that he just won't say what he really wants. All the attitudes and starting arguments and such would get old.
It’s a game. She will also be blamed for leaving the marriage, or divorcing him, but it shouldn’t matter. Freedom and peace of mind is gold. That’s real winning. Being with someone that is just going tomistreat you and be emotionally abusive is no way to live. It will eat away at your spirit.
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:bighug:just for you Priss...

I read this entire thread, and as someone else stated, PA behavior = narcissist... plain and simple. All of the things you described are classic N behavior, and your responses / struggles sound like codependency.

So much of what you wrote resonated with me, as I spent years going in the same circles. The sad truth is that NOTHING you do or say will change him. Being the "good wife" or the "bad wife". This is HIS stuff and not yours.

As others have said, it's time to focus on YOU and your precious children. If ignoring him gives you peace, do that. Just make sure you aren't secretly hoping for some type of reaction from him. Question why YOU do things and not him and start to work on loving you. Most definitely work on an exit strategy, as continuing to stay in the situation will only continue to chisel away at your self esteem and well being.

You are valuable, you are loved, you are beautiful!!! Tell yourself that every day. You is is is impotent (yes, I know the word is important... think "The Help"

I wish you much strength in your journey, and if at all possible, get a support group together that understands your struggles (CODA and Al-Anon are good). Sharing your feelings / thoughts in a positive non-judgmental environment does wonders for the soul.
:bighug:just for you Priss...

I read this entire thread, and as someone else stated, PA behavior = narcissist... plain and simple. All of the things you described are classic N behavior, and your responses / struggles sound like codependency.

So much of what you wrote resonated with me, as I spent years going in the same circles. The sad truth is that NOTHING you do or say will change him. Being the "good wife" or the "bad wife". This is HIS stuff and not yours.

As others have said, it's time to focus on YOU and your precious children. If ignoring him gives you peace, do that. Just make sure you aren't secretly hoping for some type of reaction from him. Question why YOU do things and not him and start to work on loving you. Most definitely work on an exit strategy, as continuing to stay in the situation will only continue to chisel away at your self esteem and well being.

You are valuable, you are loved, you are beautiful!!! Tell yourself that every day. You is is is impotent (yes, I know the word is important... think "The Help"

I wish you much strength in your journey, and if at all possible, get a support group together that understands your struggles (CODA and Al-Anon are good). Sharing your feelings / thoughts in a positive non-judgmental environment does wonders for the soul.

I always thought the PA behavior was that of a Narcissist behavior. I had a relationship with one and he would do the most childish stuff. He would say things that anyone would know would be offensive. Then when I would call him out on it, he would act like I was so serious and can't take a joke. When he meant every word to be offensive and just mean. I could ask him a yes or no question and it would go in a whole other direction. A question that could be answered and done with, would turn into a whole paragraph of words, and off the wall responses. I would remain in my same calm demeanor. He would make comments referencing to it getting harder and harder hard to have a conversation with me or he could feel tension rising when I talked to him. I would look at him like he was crazy that he got all that from a question and calm demeanor. He hated that he would bring up a subject meant to start drama and I would diffuse it quickly with a logical answer and go on about my business!:lachen:

I can't tell you how many times he used to speak about knowing I don't want to bother with him, I can't wait for him to leave for work to have peace....all these statements. I would just ignore him, never to have made any of those statements at all and continue on with whatever I was doing. When that was not enough he would start speaking about me not cleaning just anything to get a response out of me. :lachen:

I swear if he wasn't the victim...he was the hero. He would try to blame all his poor choices and behaviors on me. He would always say I couldn't give him what he wanted. See...he wanted to be loved and cherished no matter what disrespectful thing he did. When that didn't happen he would get upset. That whole relationship got old, his tactics got old, his woe is me got old, his mini tantrums got old. So I can relate to OP and her situation. It was not until I got deeper into focusing on me and concentrating on my ME goals that all that faded away!:lachen:

Honestly, I couldn't even feel anger toward him because what I really felt was a deep sadness for him!
Yeah Valentine's Day was hard. For Christmas he bought me some VS pajamas that were entirely too big. I felt disrespected because I felt he didn't try to get something I would like. I'm 4'4 and you bring me these long victoria secret pants I can't wear and I'm 100 pounds but you buy me a size small so the pajamas look like somebody's granny's pajamas. But I also felt ungrateful for eventually saying it. Of course he felt hurt because he tried really hard to get something I would like and I didn't like it.

For my Birthday three weeks later I don't think he had anything planned. So I planned the whole weekend, but he was a body just sitting there. I asked him to get my nails done and buy me an outfit. He did. I asked him to take me poetry night. He did. And sat there. I did a poem dedicated to him for open mic night and he just sat there. I wanted to do something he liked to do so I asked if he wanted to go to the casino. He sulked and said he didn't have any money so we went home. I wanted to cuddle or have sex afterwards and he said nah he was tired. So I went to sleep. Great birthday though right. I looked nice. I went somewhere. What else do you want.

But I'm just sitting back looking at this text. He sent, "I'm resentful I haven't left you all these years. You wanted a compliment when you wore the pink dress(That he bought me two years ago for Vday). But all I thought about is how you criticized me for not planning better." I felt so sad when I read it but it made me so mad because he was the victim again.

BUT when you bought me this pink dress YOU DIDN'T PLAN ANYTHING FOR VALENTINE'S DAY. NOTHING. Of course I got mad. Of course I deserve more. I told you don't come back home without something for me. You did. The pink dress. BUT why do I always have to MAKE you do something nice for me. It should just be a given. I can't control what you do but I just keep hearing....if I was your Bey-once you wouldn't do this. You wouldn't withhold affection or sex from me. You wouldn't "forget" to do something for my birthday or Valentine's would do SOMETHING.
Just get out of that marriage. There's nothing left to save.
He's told you he is fearful of you, that he's resentful, he lies etc etc. Is that really the type of man you want closest to your heart?
Stop writing poems and wanting to cuddle. It's not leading anywhere. Spend your energy on your baby instead...
Just get out of that marriage. There's nothing left to save.
He's told you he is fearful of you, that he's resentful, he lies etc etc. Is that really the type of man you want closest to your heart?
Stop writing poems and wanting to cuddle. It's not leading anywhere. Spend your energy on your baby instead...
I agree. This relationship is a wrap. It was a wrap from the start. Priss you gotta think about everything from the beginning. You have been mentally fighting with trying to make this man into something he clearly isn’t and you know he isn’t aggressive, so he is lashing out passively. He is probably mad you aren’t working anymore. No more trying to fix this. It’s done. He has told you it’s done. Work on your plan. See if he was a real G he would have sent you some divorce papers by now, instead of playing games. But nope, he is gonna drag this out to make you miserable. Own your part in how ya’ll got to this point, work on you and your plan. Get out of that marriage. You really need to see if ya’ll insurance will cover therapy for you (just you).
Just get out of that marriage. There's nothing left to save.
He's told you he is fearful of you, that he's resentful, he lies etc etc. Is that really the type of man you want closest to your heart?
Stop writing poems and wanting to cuddle. It's not leading anywhere. Spend your energy on your baby instead...
I would be worried about my kid picking up that behavior in the long term. Actually that was the motivator to get me away from a PA man. Couldn't have her picking up stuff like that.

Hope your plan is coming together....
I would be worried about my kid picking up that behavior in the long term. Actually that was the motivator to get me away from a PA man. Couldn't have her picking up stuff like that.

Hope your plan is coming together....
That was what I said. That’s a big deciding factor. I wish DS would sulk when I ask him to mow the grass because he wants to play video games . I will lovingly kick him :mad:
@PrissiSippi - You already know what you need to do.

I pray you'll see that you are more than enough. You don't need to be more feminine, cook special meals or jump through hoops to earn a man's love. Just being you should be more than enough for the right man. Use this time to think of yourself and your son. Hugs to you and your son. I know this isn't easy for you.
Yeah Valentine's Day was hard. For Christmas he bought me some VS pajamas that were entirely too big. I felt disrespected because I felt he didn't try to get something I would like. I'm 4'4 and you bring me these long victoria secret pants I can't wear and I'm 100 pounds but you buy me a size small so the pajamas look like somebody's granny's pajamas. But I also felt ungrateful for eventually saying it. Of course he felt hurt because he tried really hard to get something I would like and I didn't like it.

For my Birthday three weeks later I don't think he had anything planned. So I planned the whole weekend, but he was a body just sitting there. I asked him to get my nails done and buy me an outfit. He did. I asked him to take me poetry night. He did. And sat there. I did a poem dedicated to him for open mic night and he just sat there. I wanted to do something he liked to do so I asked if he wanted to go to the casino. He sulked and said he didn't have any money so we went home. I wanted to cuddle or have sex afterwards and he said nah he was tired. So I went to sleep. Great birthday though right. I looked nice. I went somewhere. What else do you want.

But I'm just sitting back looking at this text. He sent, "I'm resentful I haven't left you all these years. You wanted a compliment when you wore the pink dress(That he bought me two years ago for Vday). But all I thought about is how you criticized me for not planning better." I felt so sad when I read it but it made me so mad because he was the victim again.

BUT when you bought me this pink dress YOU DIDN'T PLAN ANYTHING FOR VALENTINE'S DAY. NOTHING. Of course I got mad. Of course I deserve more. I told you don't come back home without something for me. You did. The pink dress. BUT why do I always have to MAKE you do something nice for me. It should just be a given. I can't control what you do but I just keep hearing....if I was your Bey-once you wouldn't do this. You wouldn't withhold affection or sex from me. You wouldn't "forget" to do something for my birthday or Valentine's would do SOMETHING.

Wow! So sorry to hear of this whole situation going on. The whole thing sounds exhausting and hurtful. So is he just going to sulk and hold resentment the whole marriage? He sounds like he holds on to anything. You should not have to tell him to buy you anything, plan anything special for your birthday. He should just want to do it! It really seems like this tug a war that is never ending. I don't tell people to end their marriage but I will tell you to find YOUR happiness. It doesn't sound like you are happy. It doesn't sound like he cares, If you are happy or not. It just sounds like a big ball of frustration and exhaustion. To live everyday like that has to be draining. I think others may have asked but Do you think he is cheating on you? He seems so far removed from the marriage. He seems to purposely hurt you and provoke you. I hope you find the courage and strength to get happy. You don't have to beg your HUSBAND for that. Get it for yourself.
@PrissiSippi I wrote you back on post 128 about his behavior and although I gave you advice on how to hold on in the meanwhile, I stressed to you that you will not be able to handle it and to start making plans to leave because this is emotional abuse and it will BREAK you.

Now, what I wrote is a temporary solution- you WILL NOT be able to tolerate this for too long. I don't want to encourage you to leave your husband but I don't want to see you broken either which is the guaranteed end result as this behavior is EMOTIONALLY ABUSIVE. I will say that you will eventually have to make a choice, you cannot win - EVER, with a PA, no matter how nice you are, how good you are or how loving you are towards them. With PA's, you will be punished for past arguments or disagreements that you thought were long resolved only to find out that the PA was reliving these arguments daily and continually keeping scores so they can use against you later. You will really need to think this out and decide if you want to stay in this type of relationship.

This is happening now. You must, for your own mental, emotional, and physical state, end this relationship. I would normally never involve myself in anyone's relationship like this but I'm stepping in. Your husband DOES NOT WANT TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP ANYMORE!!! You are on your way towards an emotional breakdown if you don't pull the plug. Your husband is a POS and a COWARD. He is WEAK! He's INSECURE! He is a FRAUD and a PUNK B :angry2:TCH! He does not want to be your husband, a father or your friend. You can't give him what he wants because he doesn't know what he wants! He is too immature for marriage or a relationship. He is dissatisfied with himself and taking it out on you. There is no relationship to save AT ALL. You went from someone fairly independent and confident to being completely controlled and codependent; he has officially trained you to accept his despicable behavior.

Prissi, like I said before, I understand what you're going through, I've been there myself and it has cost me dearly. I'm gonna get a little personal but I have wasted my precious youth on a PA man and it very nearly destroyed my sense of self and had me questioning every decision I made in life. It took me years to get back to myself and yet, I'm still not the same; the emotional toll almost took me out. What made me get out was that I realized I was repeating my parents behavior and I did not want my daughter to grow up and see that nor pick up those PA traits. I didn't want to leave, I forced myself to leave and give up the dream of a perfect family portrait. You are going to have to do the same. Have a close friend help you through this process, you will have to plan for you and your son from now on. Your husband is a Benedict Arnold, he has deliberately sabotaged his relationship to you and unknowingly his son. He will pay for that, mark my words. He is someone to be pitied but you are someone to be saved- put the life preserver on and save yourself.
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@PrissiSippi I wrote you back on post 128 about his behavior and although I gave you advice on how to hold on in the meanwhile, I stressed to you that you will not be able to handle it and to start making plans to leave because this is emotional abuse and it will BREAK you.

Now, what I wrote is a temporary solution- you WILL NOT be able to tolerate this for too long. I don't want to encourage you to leave your husband but I don't want to see you broken either which is the guaranteed end result as this behavior is EMOTIONALLY ABUSIVE. I will say that you will eventually have to make a choice, you cannot win - EVER, with a PA, no matter how nice you are, how good you are or how loving you are towards them. With PA's, you will be punished for past arguments or disagreements that you thought were long resolved only to find out that the PA was reliving these arguments daily and continually keeping scores so they can use against you later. You will really need to think this out and decide if you want to stay in this type of relationship.

This is happening now. You must, for your own mental, emotional, and physical state, end this relationship. I would normally never involve myself in anyone's relationship like this but I'm stepping in. Your husband DOES NOT WANT TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP ANYMORE!!! You are on your way towards an emotional breakdown if you don't pull the plug. Your husband is a POS and a COWARD. He is WEAK! He's INSECURE! He is a FRAUD and a PUNK B :angry2:TCH! He does not want to be your husband, a father or your friend. You can't give him what he wants because he doesn't know what he wants! He is too immature for marriage or a relationship. He is dissatisfied with himself and taking it out on you. There is no relationship to save AT ALL. You went from someone fairly independent and confident to being completely controlled and codependent; he has officially trained you to accept his despicable behavior.

Prissi, like I said before, I understand what you're going through, I've been there myself and it has cost me dearly. I'm gonna get a little personal but I have wasted my precious youth on a PA man and it very nearly destroyed my sense of self and had me questioning every decision I made in life. It took me years to get back to myself and yet, I'm still not the same; the emotional toll almost took me out. What made me get out was that I realized I was repeating my parents behavior and I did not want my daughter to grow up and see that nor pick up those PA traits. I didn't want to leave, I forced myself to leave and give up the dream of a perfect family portrait. You are going to have to do the same. Have a close friend help you through this process, you will have to plan for you and your son from now on. Your husband is a Benedict Arnold, he has deliberately sabotaged his relationship to you and unknowingly his son. He will pay for that, mark my words. He is someone to be pitied but you are someone to be saved- put the life preserver on and save yourself.
That’s how I feel too. I must save myself. I’m most important. Well of course my son and I. I just deleted all our pictures up until our wedding date. Ima delete the rest of them from the beginning tonight from Instagram. The rest of the week I’ll delete from Facebook each day.

He’s using my child as a pawn. His family needs to see him. But I’m not doing that as well. Ima stand on faith and just let it be.

I’ll get saved if I save myself.
@PrissiSippi I wrote you back on post 128 about his behavior and although I gave you advice on how to hold on in the meanwhile, I stressed to you that you will not be able to handle it and to start making plans to leave because this is emotional abuse and it will BREAK you.

Now, what I wrote is a temporary solution- you WILL NOT be able to tolerate this for too long. I don't want to encourage you to leave your husband but I don't want to see you broken either which is the guaranteed end result as this behavior is EMOTIONALLY ABUSIVE. I will say that you will eventually have to make a choice, you cannot win - EVER, with a PA, no matter how nice you are, how good you are or how loving you are towards them. With PA's, you will be punished for past arguments or disagreements that you thought were long resolved only to find out that the PA was reliving these arguments daily and continually keeping scores so they can use against you later. You will really need to think this out and decide if you want to stay in this type of relationship.

This is happening now. You must, for your own mental, emotional, and physical state, end this relationship. I would normally never involve myself in anyone's relationship like this but I'm stepping in. Your husband DOES NOT WANT TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP ANYMORE!!! You are on your way towards an emotional breakdown if you don't pull the plug. Your husband is a POS and a COWARD. He is WEAK! He's INSECURE! He is a FRAUD and a PUNK B :angry2:TCH! He does not want to be your husband, a father or your friend. You can't give him what he wants because he doesn't know what he wants! He is too immature for marriage or a relationship. He is dissatisfied with himself and taking it out on you. There is no relationship to save AT ALL. You went from someone fairly independent and confident to being completely controlled and codependent; he has officially trained you to accept his despicable behavior.

Prissi, like I said before, I understand what you're going through, I've been there myself and it has cost me dearly. I'm gonna get a little personal but I have wasted my precious youth on a PA man and it very nearly destroyed my sense of self and had me questioning every decision I made in life. It took me years to get back to myself and yet, I'm still not the same; the emotional toll almost took me out. What made me get out was that I realized I was repeating my parents behavior and I did not want my daughter to grow up and see that nor pick up those PA traits. I didn't want to leave, I forced myself to leave and give up the dream of a perfect family portrait. You are going to have to do the same. Have a close friend help you through this process, you will have to plan for you and your son from now on. Your husband is a Benedict Arnold, he has deliberately sabotaged his relationship to you and unknowingly his son. He will pay for that, mark my words. He is someone to be pitied but you are someone to be saved- put the life preserver on and save yourself.
That’s how I feel too. I must save myself. I’m most important. Well of course my son and I. I just deleted all our pictures up until our wedding date. Ima delete the rest of them from the beginning tonight from Instagram. The rest of the week I’ll delete from Facebook each day.

He’s using my child as a pawn. His family needs to see him. But I’m not doing that as well. Ima stand on faith and just let it be.

I’ll get saved if I save myself.

We are all here for you...believe that! He will regret he will!
He is dissatisfied with himself and taking it out on you.

@PrissiSippi I wrote you back on post 128 about his behavior and although I gave you advice on how to hold on in the meanwhile, I stressed to you that you will not be able to handle it and to start making plans to leave because this is emotional abuse and it will BREAK you.

Now, what I wrote is a temporary solution- you WILL NOT be able to tolerate this for too long. I don't want to encourage you to leave your husband but I don't want to see you broken either which is the guaranteed end result as this behavior is EMOTIONALLY ABUSIVE. I will say that you will eventually have to make a choice, you cannot win - EVER, with a PA, no matter how nice you are, how good you are or how loving you are towards them. With PA's, you will be punished for past arguments or disagreements that you thought were long resolved only to find out that the PA was reliving these arguments daily and continually keeping scores so they can use against you later. You will really need to think this out and decide if you want to stay in this type of relationship.

This is happening now. You must, for your own mental, emotional, and physical state, end this relationship. I would normally never involve myself in anyone's relationship like this but I'm stepping in. Your husband DOES NOT WANT TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP ANYMORE!!! You are on your way towards an emotional breakdown if you don't pull the plug. Your husband is a POS and a COWARD. He is WEAK! He's INSECURE! He is a FRAUD and a PUNK B :angry2:TCH! He does not want to be your husband, a father or your friend. You can't give him what he wants because he doesn't know what he wants! He is too immature for marriage or a relationship. He is dissatisfied with himself and taking it out on you. There is no relationship to save AT ALL. You went from someone fairly independent and confident to being completely controlled and codependent; he has officially trained you to accept his despicable behavior.

Prissi, like I said before, I understand what you're going through, I've been there myself and it has cost me dearly. I'm gonna get a little personal but I have wasted my precious youth on a PA man and it very nearly destroyed my sense of self and had me questioning every decision I made in life. It took me years to get back to myself and yet, I'm still not the same; the emotional toll almost took me out. What made me get out was that I realized I was repeating my parents behavior and I did not want my daughter to grow up and see that nor pick up those PA traits. I didn't want to leave, I forced myself to leave and give up the dream of a perfect family portrait. You are going to have to do the same. Have a close friend help you through this process, you will have to plan for you and your son from now on. Your husband is a Benedict Arnold, he has deliberately sabotaged his relationship to you and unknowingly his son. He will pay for that, mark my words. He is someone to be pitied but you are someone to be saved- put the life preserver on and save yourself.

Yes.....A man who is lost and unhappy don't want to see you happy. They will act like they are happy for your accomplishments but deep down they will resent you for them. They are VERY intentional and spiteful like a child. They know exactly what they are doing when they say and do hurtful things. The people o the outside love them because they have no idea the monster that lives beneath them. You are correct that they don't know what they want. They will punish you for not making them happy, when nothing you do will ever make them happy.

You will never be able to give them enough attention, love, support or anything. You will just lose a part of you daily spinning because it will never be enough. They know that they are flawed and that whatever you do will never satisfy them. That will not stop them from resenting you and blaming you for their emptiness. You have to just stop responding and reacting to whatever they do. You have to stop second guessing yourself and feeling inadequate because they want to make you feel that way. Then put ALL that energy into yourself and make moves. That's when they will provoke you the hardest, but you have to remain strong in your focus.

I got to the point where nothing mine did effected me. He would say things and and I wouldn't even hear it. He would purposely leave and stay gone for hours, I would be fast asleep when he got back. That was all after enjoying my me time and preparing for a good night rest. Where he was longer a concern of mine. I would not call or question when he came back. A change had come and he knew it and felt it. It bothered him so much to see, he was not a priority to me...I was. I got tired and you will too Prissi!
I agree. This relationship is a wrap. It was a wrap from the start. Priss you gotta think about everything from the beginning. You have been mentally fighting with trying to make this man into something he clearly isn’t and you know he isn’t aggressive, so he is lashing out passively. He is probably mad you aren’t working anymore. No more trying to fix this. It’s done. He has told you it’s done. Work on your plan. See if he was a real G he would have sent you some divorce papers by now, instead of playing games. But nope, he is gonna drag this out to make you miserable. Own your part in how ya’ll got to this point, work on you and your plan. Get out of that marriage. You really need to see if ya’ll insurance will cover therapy for you (just you).

Just be prepared. A Narc isn't going to make the first move in the divorce because that would make HIM look bad. He's going to do everything possible to make Priss look bad. Narcs are all about their image.

...and why are we rewarding bad behavior? NOTHING you do is going to change his behavior... poems and extras... for a guy who clearly sees you like more of an afterthought??

May I suggest thinking about WHY you do what you do for him before taking action. For instance: I'm going to dedicate a poem to this Narc... why? Is it to express my love to him just because, or is it to get him to express appreciation for my creativity and reward me with sex? If it's the latter, you're wasting your time and energy. We can't control someone else's actions and trying to do more to get less is just exhausting.

Love on that beautiful baby. Get an outfit YOU like and a nail color that YOU like and write YOURSELF a poem.

When someone shows you their true colors, don't try to repaint them. Get your exit strategy together and lean on those that truly love and support you. He's clearly not in that club.
Yeah Valentine's Day was hard. For Christmas he bought me some VS pajamas that were entirely too big. I felt disrespected because I felt he didn't try to get something I would like. I'm 4'4 and you bring me these long victoria secret pants I can't wear and I'm 100 pounds but you buy me a size small so the pajamas look like somebody's granny's pajamas. But I also felt ungrateful for eventually saying it. Of course he felt hurt because he tried really hard.

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