Can You Be A Mistress?

YESSS. Why are the married men so thirsty for friendly women? The single men are more cautious I have found. One guy gave me his number. I asked if he was married and he said yes but she has a boyfriend. :perplexed And get this, he already has another woman on the side. He was trying to make me #2. :spinning:

Some of them really are thirsty. I see so many dudes out, often with their SOs right there, eyes just darting to and fro, looking at any and every chick, hoping that one will lock in on their stares and give a go ahead stare back or nod. I hate having to dodge eyes from some unavailable dude staring holes in my head. Meanwhile single guys looking at the sky, their phones, lint on their jacket, etc. I find it all quite ironic.
Thank you for being honest Barbie.
The bolded is something I have thought as well, but with men with girlfriends not wives. (I still won't touch them either.)
I figure he decides the man he wants to be and it's his relationship not mine.
But on the other hand I also think I am a participant in hurting someone else.
Is this not a moral dilemma.

If you don't mind me asking, how did it end?

Just kinda fell off.

He worked a lot do his schedule was crazy. He probably had other side pieces too. I was busy with more pressing priorities to worry about (myself) and I think I started seeing someone too. Either way I was literally and mentally preoccupied.

Only a fool with emotional invest or romantically attach themselves to a married person. Married people are already invested in someone else whether they want to be or not. I don't handle coming in second to someone else very well. I dont even like when friends spouses try to pull rank on me in my presence. I don't even like it when people answer non-business related phone calls during time they said they wanted to be with me. But when I call you have one time not to answer and call back immediately. The second time it happens you can expect that the next time you call I'll ask "Who's this?" because I deleted your number. Nah boo. Every other day is your time, but the few times I'm around this is the BARBIE show. If you managed to get me to sacrifice my time for you, time that I had to take out of my life to compromise my schedule, accommodate your wants and invest my time/space/energy on you when I could have been doing something more productive of higher priority like investing in the betterment of me---you better had put in work to show me you were worth it.

But this brings me to what I dont understand some women that play mistress then act crazy on some fatal attraction ish. Too many thirsty, desperate no self-respect having females running around playing with fire. Like the man is married, why do you even care about him in the first place? You shouldnt know what he's doing, you shouldnt wonder what he's doing when he's not with you and you def shouldnt be initiating any type of effort him Dude was married, he was older, I knew when I met him that I would never GAF about him. My guy was very sweet, attentive and laid back but my boundaries were drawn from day 1. I knew I would never be #1 which disturbed my soul he started off on my "not interested" list even though I spent time with him. So when we fell off I honestly didnt even notice I hadnt spoken to him until months later.
I don't think knowingly walking into a mistress situation is ever a good idea except if you are certain, with no delusion that you can take the man AND he significantly upgrades your life.

Don't get me wrong, that's grimy, but that's the only way some women are ever going to get a come up.

I don't think I could do the mistress thing because in most situations it's too much work for very little reward.
Successful Mistresses don't need to take the man. Just his money. Man in this situation should be seen as a fun job to stack coins not permanent. I'd rather build a bag collection and see them 3 times a month than have full custody :nono:
I don't want to be THAT girl. :nono:
But since all I run into are horny married men, I have been pondering this question for myself. :perplexed

What say you?
Would love to here from the resident LHCF side pieces especially.

Why are you only running into horny, married, men? I wonder if you are attracting men that view you as having low self-esteem or confidence and want to use you? Very telling.
I love when the gas stove is on in a thread and @barbiesocialite just comes and throws a lit match on that ish :lol:



It's just the delivery I think. Honestly, the content is basic and usually not much different thank what other people post. There are other mistresses in this thread but this is probably why my feelings were hurt early today when I was accused of not knowing what to say out of mouth.:ohwell: I need to learn to choose better words to give other people the oppurtunity to take the heat so they can be noticed for the ridiculous things they do and say too.:lol:

*crosses fingers that some wayward heathen heaux posts about her married bf---but denies being a mistress*
I handled some business for a black CEO he was buying a vehicle for his girlfriend. He was taking her on vacation on Dec 26 ( LOL) Dude is anal controls everything from rent, furniture and cars. Keeps her on a short leash. Majority of the times she has her FAM member to keep her company and control things for him like the girl has no brain. FAM member even knows the millage on her car. Girl kept saying the BF is a CEO of a major company. When I got home I used the power of google and the name of my documents. Behold he is married with children. Young chick too its like she sacrificed freedom for second best. He does not even keep her in high standards either. She told me her background. She is a hood chick who does not know her value or his net worth.

It could not be me. Men are trifling creatures. They will play with a woman's heart strings just to have their way.
YESSS. Why are the married men so thirsty for friendly women? The single men are more cautious I have found. One guy gave me his number. I asked if he was married and he said yes but she has a boyfriend. :perplexed And get this, he already has another woman on the side. He was trying to make me #2. :spinning:

Cause their wives become nags and grow up to focus on adult responsibilities like children and maintaining the home and they still wanna act like young men with no responsibilities
I remember a mistress telling me that she could smell the wife on her lover.

She was talking the truth:look: It's like the wife was emanating from his skin like alcohol does with alcoholics. Even though he showers twice a day. Sometimes it's masked with heavy cologne. But if you are together long enough you may eventually smell her.

One of the disgusting parts of being a mistress or side piece. Or one way of finding out you are not the main chick.
Why are you only running into horny, married, men? I wonder if you are attracting men that view you as having low self-esteem or confidence and want to use you? Very telling.

Lol that's a bit harsh! Horny married men are everywhere once you get to a certain age it's nothing to do with the poster or her self esteem if she's not dating then
Successful Mistresses don't need to take the man. Just his money. Man in this situation should be seen as a fun job to stack coins not permanent. I'd rather build a bag collection and see them 3 times a month than have full custody :nono:

This made me laugh, but I have a friend like this. She's older, been married before but a bad arse unicorn. She gets trips, money, gifts and only bothered every few weeks. She told the current one she'd been seeing for 3 years who wanted to leave his wife, she told him.. if you do....we can't see each other anymore. Lol. She doesn't want full custody or attention.

I couldn't do it with my current state if mind, but I'll never say never. Lol.
I couldn't. Not really a moral dilemma for me. I just don't like to knowingly put myself in situations where I could end up on the Next 48 or Snapped or Inside Edition, etc. I don't want to get caught up in anyone's "War of Roses". You never know what type bullisht people have going on. I feel like if I were to ever take on the role of mistress, I would have to focus all of my attention on him and keep tabs on his wife. Lest I slip up and end up with my throat slit.

I just... I know how I would be if my future husband had a mistress. It wouldn't end pretty.

What I think some women forget in the whole "well he's the married man and should know better mess" is that the wife is or was in love with him, not the "piece".

See if my husband was doing something like this, while I wouldn't want him, I'd be sure to mess up the trick, just because...well it would amuse me. So she could definitely have him and half of anything he's worth, (if that) if he wants her once I'm finished with her. Though I don't think he's want anything to do with her once my "hired party" was done. IMO If he's worth your face and potential life...hey go for it. Tor will make sure I stay out of jail.

Of course some women are nicer than I am, but I have a mean streak.
I remember a mistress telling me that she could smell the wife on her lover.

She was talking the truth:look: It's like the wife was emanating from his skin like alcohol does with alcoholics. Even though he showers twice a day. Sometimes it's masked with heavy cologne. But if you are together long enough you may eventually smell her.

One of the disgusting parts of being a mistress or side piece. Or one way of finding out you are not the main chick.

I both want to :lachen: and :barf:

TILD: wives seep out of men's skin like garlic. :rofl:
Only for Christians though...

For most major religions it is a sin. Polygamy is not considered adultery.

If I were to become widowed after maybe 40, I would consider being a second wife to a wealthy. As long as he didn't expect children and we only saw each other every quarter or so. The other wife would have to be onboard also :look:
I can't believe this is even a topic. On one hand we complain about absent fathers, broken marriages, and single parent households caused by infidelity, what a shame it is, and how it is effecting the black community and our off spring but on the other hand we are saying we don't mind being side hoes and if he is cheating or not is him and his wife's business. I'm not going to spare any ones feeling or be PC. Knowingly participating in a side relationship for money and sex is straight up trashy. What about the wife/husband? What about possible std's? What about their union? Do vows mean so little today? What about the kids/ family? What about the people that would get hurt? Do y'all have no shame? So what he was looking for a** outside his marriage. Just because he is a cheater doesn't mean it's okay to indulge as well. The same women advocating being side hoes are the same who are going to be distraught once they get married or in a committed relationship and find their man has been sleeping with every jane that gave him the eye. Close your legs to married men! Doesn't any one value marriage and commitment anymore?
You can stay married forever and have a mistress. That used to be a time honored tradition. Not saying it's right just saying that's history.
Nothing to add to this but the topic reminded me of a conversation I just had with my grandma. She said, "the best boyfriend I ever had was married". Gotta love that lady and her honesty.
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Lonely? Get some new friends. Need a date? Date yourself. Go to a movie and dinner. Wanna take a trip? Hop on the bus, Gus. You don't need to discuss much. Want a fling? Whip out your battery-operated boyfriend. It's less painful for you, him and his family. Don't do it, OP.
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Successful Mistresses don't need to take the man. Just his money. Man in this situation should be seen as a fun job to stack coins not permanent. I'd rather build a bag collection and see them 3 times a month than have full custody :nono:

Handbag collection? I expected more from you Mortons. :nono:

The only retirement plan in this mistress game is to get the ring and the legal entitlement to half. Whatever (s)he's tricking off while you're a side chick is a drop in the bucket to what you have access to as a wife, so either go big or go home. If a woman is going to do this, it needs to be a job not a hobby otherwise it's not worth the effort.
I can't believe this is even a topic. On one hand we complain about absent fathers, broken marriages, and single parent households caused by infidelity, what a shame it is, and how it is effecting the black community and our off spring but on the other hand we are saying we don't mind being side hoes and if he is cheating or not is him and his wife's business. I'm not going to spare any ones feeling or be PC. Knowingly participating in a side relationship for money and sex is straight up trashy. What about the wife/husband? What about possible std's? What about their union? Do vows mean so little today? What about the kids/ family? What about the people that would get hurt? Do y'all have no shame? So what he was looking for a** outside his marriage. Just because he is a cheater doesn't mean it's okay to indulge as well. The same women advocating being side hoes are the same who are going to be distraught once they get married or in a committed relationship and find their man has been sleeping with every jane that gave him the eye. Close your legs to married men! Doesn't any one value marriage and commitment anymore?

Infidelity is not a valid reason to divorce or break up a family. nope. :roadrunner:

That's why it's important to be discerning and choose wisely. Some women were SOL before he even proposed, they married him anyway. Others need to be realistic, is it til death do us part? or is it until he cheats or hurts my feelings? both are an individual's pejorative, people should just be honest and realistic with themselves in advance. no one can predict the future. you can't control other people. life changes. people change. it's not always everything we like. so if the perfect man who was faithful for 20 years unexpectedly cheats, either you leave or stay. No one else is responsible for your marriage but the two people in it.
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You can stay married forever and have a mistress. That used to be a time honored tradition. Not saying it's right just saying that's history.

I like asking old people about this topic for some reason lol

Whenever I ask an old person (married) about their thoughts on unfaithful spouses I've yet to hear a response even remotely suggesting divorce or even condeming the person as an ain't ish effed up individuals. For the most part, regardless of delivery and personality, the general consensus is more along the tone of "ish happens" :lol: <---of course not in those words but you get my gist
Infidelity is not a valid reason to divorce or break up a family. nope. :roadrunner: That's why it's important to be discerning and choose wisely. Some women were SOL before he even proposed, they married him anyway. Others need to be realistic, is it til death do us part? or is it until he cheats or hurts my feelings? both are an individual's pejorative, people should just be honest and realistic with themselves in advance. no one can predict the future. you can't control other people. life changes. people changes. it's not always everything we like. so if the perfect man who was faithful for 20 years unexpectedly cheats, either you leave or stay. No one else is responsible for your marriage but the two people in it.

Spoken like an old married lady, lol.
I couldn't cos

1. I'd psyche myself into believing that I'm guaranteed the hottest spot in hell for doing it.
2. I'm a firm believer in Karma. I wouldn't want anyone to take DH away from me.
3. If my kids find out, they may never ever forgive me. I can't live with that.