The 10 signs She's the Perfect Mistress Side Piece

This is very typical of men believe it or not. And it gets worse. A few years ago I was made privy to a conversation where a group of men were saying that the best type of jump off is the one who has been sexually abused growing up, the earlier the better. Why? Because she is broken, can be broken some more and are usually very permiscuous and sexually explorative. These men LOVE damaged women they can continue taking advantage of.

Digressing a bit further: A lot of times these women confide in men thinking they are getting sympathy and empathy and all they are doing is collecting information to guide them in what they can and will do to you.

When women go running to men about their love issues talking about they dont believe in love, etc. They are thinking this man is going to WANT to be the one to prove her wrong and make a difference. Nah, he will just continue f-ing you and eventually move on to a more emotionally healthy woman. Then as stated in the article you become perfect side piece material....not a wife.

This is a sick world I tell you full of vultures, manipulators and prey.

In the words of some author whose name I don't remember: If he doesn't love you, it's none of his business.
In the words of some author whose name I don't remember: If he doesn't love you, it's none of his business.

And men LITERALLY say this ish. If they are not vested in you, they dont care about your ish. They may pretend to care in order to to keep the P around a bit longer... but they dgaf.

Rooshv (enter at your own risk :look:)
No More Mr.Nice Guy
the Art of Manliness (blog more than forum, but great nonetheless)
Very Smart Bothas (blog more than forum, but great nonetheless)