Spinoff: Why do men cheat but then fiercly defender the wives against the mistresses?

Re: Spinoff: Why do men cheat but then fiercly defender the wives against the mistres

Traditionally, a mistress has been defined as a woman who sleeps with married men. We can go back and forth about the semantics (but I think that's pointless). We all know the general definition of a mistress.

Now how do you define winning? That's not how I define winning. I can't win when I go against my values and morals, I can't admire or view immoral behavior as winning. To some they might be winning, to me they aren't. It depends on what you mean by winning and what's important to you in your life.

I see what you mean. I define "winning" as going in with an idea (whatever it may be) and getting exactly what you want out of it...and being happy with the results. I always asked myself about how people are getting around without any "integrity"...but it's working for them!. Regardless of what my, our your moral compass maybe. no matter how much we wag our fingers and :nono::nono::nono:, society has revealed, thanks to the media, that h@es be winning.

Especially since the wife sometimes walks away with wayyy less. Especially if there are children in the picture.
Re: Spinoff: Why do men cheat but then fiercly defender the wives against the mistres

The cheating spouse has a lot to loose. The wife will take him to the cleaners. Plus if he is outted he needs to save face, cuz when the door closes and the ex-mistress leaves the premise, he is in dog dodo. Hahaha.

I really think it is because it is not the wife fault or mess, it is his and he needs to protect her from his sh*t, which he should.

This is what I believe exactly! Nothing more. Love my foot. No love there in my book.

My question is who is a mistress to think she can step to a wife? Being a mistress is about sex and mystery. What makes a woman think that she has a right to step to a wife who has put in time, effort, and Kids with a man?

If that man is going to leave that woman, he will do it on his own terms, not cause his side piece is growing impatient.

Every cheating man claims his wife is a horrible person. And she hardly ever is. If she was, his arse would be gone...not cheating and then rushing home before his wife gets suspicious.

Men really know how to pit women against each other. What I look like telling a woman ' your husband loves me,' while he's pushing me out the door... :lachen: lawd no!!!

So so true. I'm telling you men win win win, every time. They are given too much power and they know it.

I don't believe that they really love any of these women (the wife or the mistress). I think they do have feelings for the mistress and I think they do have feelings for their wife, but ultimately the only person they really care about is themselves.

Exactly. The only love they really have is for themselves. Love (for someone else) is selfLESS not selfish.

Because he "bought" the wife. The mistress is on lease and can go back to the lot anytime she becomes to expensive or burdensom to keep around.

At the end of the day, the wife is "his" and the mistress really isn't.

Crudely put but I agree. Protection of self once again.
Re: Spinoff: Why do men cheat but then fiercly defender the wives against the mistres

They do it because they don't want to mess up what they have w/ the wife. Whether they love them or not, even though they can love the wife and cheat on her.

My question is who is a mistress to think she can step to a wife? Being a mistress is about sex and mystery. What makes a woman think that she has a right to step to a wife who has put in time, effort, and Kids with a man?

If that man is going to leave that woman, he will do it on his own terms, not cause his side piece is growing impatient.

Right, if you gone play that role, stay in your position.
This thread made me think of the song what these itches what from a ninja...I think it sums it up it a cutthroat way.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Re: Spinoff: Why do men cheat but then fiercly defender the wives against the mistres

As much as I dont really care for men being in this forum, I'd give anything to see a man up in here who has done it and will keep it gully with us. A few men at that. Yeah, that would be quite interesting.
Re: Spinoff: Why do men cheat but then fiercly defender the wives against the mistres

I don't believe that they really love any of these women (the wife or the mistress). I think they do have feelings for the mistress and I think they do have feelings for their wife, but ultimately the only person they really care about is themselves.

I'm about to vent, ya'll. Get your napkins, because I'm about the spill the tea about my dangerous brush with mistressdom.

I had an ex who I was still in love with try and con me into becoming his mistress basically because he missed the nature of our relationship (I'll explain more in the next paragraph), and it almost worked. He got his current wife pregnant and married her about a year after we split, but never tried anything funny with me for the first 5 years. We talked on and off for and he only complained about his wife a few times, and ironically, I sided with his wife. :ohwell: We never got into sex talk. When the whole thing blew up, I showed all the emails to a friend I really trust and she confirmed that it was all very innocent until he got frustrated with his life and started looking at his options.

As I alluded to in the first paragraph, Ex and I split up over lifestyle differences. I do not want children and enjoy moving around and he was always dreaming of a family/picket fence type deal. Well, I stayed childfree and he got married and had two kids. However, I don't think he was prepared for the real version of what it means to be married to a woman who works full-time with two small kids born 2 years apart. His wife was often tired (no sh!t) which meant that their romantic/sex life was kind of strained. He always had a high sex drive and a strong love of romance, etc., so I can see how that would be problematic. I was his last relationship before he got married, and I doted on him a lot. It wasn't hard to do since we didn't have kids and he was charming, obliging, and lighthearted. But obviously his wife can’t do that as much as I could because she has two babies that need their mom. All I had was him. Also, Ex and I are both highly sexual people. He implied that his wife liked sex, but was comparatively conservative. He missed having sex in odd places, role-playing, trips to the “toy store”, etc. He wanted to relive all that stuff with me because we were so well-paired. People actually thought we were newlyweds when we had only been dating a month. We were just that smitten with each other and it was obvious to the world. However, he didn’t want to lose the stability of his married life.

I miss our old relationship, but luckily, I realized trying to sneak behind his wife’s back to reenact what we had in the past would have been a ridiculous and pathetic recreation totally devoid of the original emotions that fueled the relationship 7 or 8 years ago. What’s more, I’d end up in the cold while he’d at least have a marriage that he could patch up. What was the point? So, I told him not to contact me anymore. He tried calling and emailing for a few weeks, but he finally stopped and I’m thankful. But, I’m not going to lie. I cried daily for least a month. Cutting him off completely kind of made it feel like he died. Sounds silly, but I’m just being as honest as I can. I can’t talk to him or see him anymore, and I miss that innocent period where he used to tell jokes and make me laugh like an old friend. I'm so relieved that the flame was snuffed out before he physically got his hands on me. Our chemistry is pretty crazy when we're together and trying to break it off once we've gone back to doing the deed would have been 7 times harder.

As I said, I was in love with him - so much so that even though he was married to someone else, I was 100% happy for him because he seemed to be happy. I wanted his marriage to be wonderful because he always dreamed of being a happily married man – and until he started to seduce my emotions, I thought he deserved it. The heartbreak came when he tried to put me in a morally offensive position because of his selfishness. He abused my love for him in a way that I never thought he would. Like Theo said, I don't believe he truly loves his wife and he certainly doesn't love me. He does care about both of us and on a superficial level and he doesn't want to see us hurt. But he was clearly willing to risk it for his personal pleasure. His actions could have been devastating to his wife, kids, and me and clearly none of us really mattered.

But, yeah, that’s the story of an almost-mistress.
Re: Spinoff: Why do men cheat but then fiercly defender the wives against the mistres

^^ i ain't pull out no napkins, but i damn sho did light up a newport one hunnit!

I can relate although storyline is not the same. He was was trying to box me into side chick without my knowledge. Very selfish. Its bc they don't know what the fcuk love is.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Re: Spinoff: Why do men cheat but then fiercly defender the wives against the mistres

I said in another thread that IMO, the majority of times cheating is not about what the other person is/isn't doing. It's usually a matter of the opportunity presenting itself and the person taking it. So it doesn't surprise me that a man would cheat but defend the wife.

I also agree that cheating doesn't necessarily mean you don't love the person.
Re: Spinoff: Why do men cheat but then fiercly defender the wives against the mistres

I don't know why but this made me bust out laughing. It's so true. Everywhere you look some sidepiece is pimping her affair with a married man and getting fame, fortune...

If you have no moral compass, and don't have a problem with being seen as a h@, there seems to be a world of opportunity out there...which is just a shame.

Well, this thread is not about celebrities or rich men. This is about everyday people. All mistresses do not know they are mistresses. They may find out months or years later or never.
Re: Spinoff: Why do men cheat but then fiercly defender the wives against the mistres

This is not always the case. There are women out there who have mutual agreements with these men. They get money, time, and attention. The role of the mistress has evolved, somewhat. Someone made a great point upthread about "emotional" cheating. This does not require a woman/mistress to relinquish her self respect or meet a man at odd hours of the night.

That is not what his thread is about. If she had a mutual agreement with the man, then I doubt that she would be confronting the wife talking about, "He looooooves ME!" And the man won't have to defend the wife. The type of woman you are describing is in it for the material things the man can give her, not for the love of the man.

I also do not know many women who will not bat an eyelash at her husband leaving her at nights to go on dates with other women. I don't know any wife who's going to sit at home alone or just with her kids on Christmas, birthdays and Valentine's Day without a very good reason. I don't know any married woman who's going to be okay with her husband staying out all night at the mistress's house. It just doesn't happen like that. The mistress is a secret, and the husband is not going to be raising these red flags for the wife.

I will use my original post as an example. The guy who was pursuing me was married. I didn't know he was married. He worked late nights, so he would have a good excuse for being away from home or unavailable to me if I had started dating him. The first day he asked me out, he left his business early to ask me out. Still, it was around 9:00 at night. I was at work and wouldn't be off until 10:00. It was a Saturday night, and he asked me if I was free on the same night.

First of all, what self-respecting woman would accept a date two hours before the date? Second of all, where could we possibly have gone at 11:00 on a first date? Probably the only thing that would have been accomplished would have been his going on a date without his wife's friends finding out. They were probably all sleeping.

2) He was planning on going home to get ready for the date. For the life of me, I cannot imagine what he would tell his wife to let him get all dressed up and leave the house that late at night!

3) He had seen me the week before and didn't ask me out. Why did he have to ask me at the last minute.

I did not go with him. I did not allow myself to be disrespected or to be placed in the mistress category. Later, he did get my number and ask if he could call me. He did not call me.

1) He may have texted me, but I didn't have text messaging. If he did text, that's men's universal language for "I don't like you. I just want to get into your pants." Also, texting would cut down on the possibility of the wife finding out. He could have been texting me while sitting right next to her, and she wouldn't have known.

2) He would act differently aroud his male and female employees. I'm sure they all knew he was married. Around the female employees, he would be all business. Around the male employees, he would be openly flirting with me.

3) I did go to see him once to tell him that he was going to call, do it before a certain time, because I was leaving town. (He had previously expressed that he felt like he was bothering me since I hadn't been responsive to him.) I wasn't responsive to last-minute date offers, but if he given me the courtesy of asking me ahead of time, I would be fine. I went into his place of business, and two of his female employees were standing there. His first words to me were, "We're closed." That was a far cry from the reception I usually get from him. I guess he thought I was going to say something that would blow up his spot. I think one of the girls is his neighbor. He then explained who I was to her. His description of me was not the one he normally gives people. I wasn't sure what was going on, and I didn't want to find out. As soon as I got what I came for, I left.

4) Even after that, he came to my job and acted like nothing had happened. I hadn't seen him for a month. He had gotten a fresh haircut, a line up, and was wearing nice clothes. Again, it was a Saturday, so I suspect he was trying to ask me on another last-minute date. Only this time, he stopped by in the morning before he went to work instead of at night after he left work. This time when he came over, he used his Amex card to pay for what he purchased. After he left, I took the credit card slip and wrote down his name.

I wasn't sure what was going on with this guy, but I knew something shady was up. If I had ignored that and still responded to his advances, I would not have been respecting myself. A prospective mistress may have made excuses for his behavior. She may have listened to what he said and dismissed his actions. In essence, I think she would have allowed herself to be disrespected like this. Therefore, I do think a man thinks his wife deserves more respect than his mistress. His wife would not have likely put up with this kind of behavior.