If A Man Invites You On A Trip, Who Pays?

Lolol you sound legit crazy. All of this Bc I said I wouldn't go on a trip before 3 months. Im responding to a hypo at that. Sorry my reply seemed to hurt your feelings for you to go so hard. And I see no judgment in this thread except for your comments. Fool.

the judgement was implied with your comment (that answered nothing)
indicating that 3 months was too soon to go away with man

who cares where you would or wouldn't go with a man that you've been dating x amount of time
nobody bloody cares and no one asked

you do you and keep it moving
How quickly these threads turn. Hm. :pop:

And to answer op, he pays. I would have sex too cuz my hoe ass would probably already been ass up, face down a few times already by then :lachen: :duck: :rofl:

Bwaaaahahahhahhahah.....Face down butt up that's the way we like to *bleep*
A mess! But I love it.
the judgement was implied with your comment (that answered nothing)
indicating that 3 months was too soon to go away with man

who cares where you would or wouldn't go with a man that you've been dating x amount of time
nobody bloody cares and no one asked

you do you and keep it moving

there is no judgement in "i would not do that". you're the one sitting here judging me for an innocuous reply. you sound miserable and angry. and still foolish. you're a hit dog for some reason. this isn't even your thread and i did not quote you. you, like a bat out of hell, quoted me. i don't even know who you are or your font.

you thinking you are coming for me has added no value to this thread.

you do you and keep it moving psycho. now there's some "judgement" for you.
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So with most of you having established the fact that he should pay for everything since he invited you what are you offering for the gift. In most cases if guy spends that kind of money or asks you to go on an overnight trip and he's paying he probably thinks (not all guys) that he will get some bedroom benefits during the trip. :kiss::poledancer:
Would love to hear from you all!

He pays. Who cares what he thinks. I went to Italy with a guy that I wasn't really dating. He worked for the airline so he didn't pay for the flights, I'm sure. And I know he got a discount at the hotel too.

He tried it though, booked only 1 room and the hotel was full. He slept in the bathtub. lol Not kidding, And he still got me two free flights to the Bahamas later that year for a friends wedding, me and another girlfriend. He faded away after that trip.
You ladies have me rethinking how I deal with men.
I've always been the type to consider financial burdens because I wouldn't want it done to me.
I need to *****/spartan up real quick. It's scary....
But you're not the pursuer. When the last time you asked a man on a trip? :lol: Exactly.

I keep saying, you gotta let a man be a man (and pay for ish, and take out garbage, etc). If he wanna take somebody on a trip, that's on him to figure out the budget. He asked you, the girl who was just minding her business. He doesn't have the right to rope you into some financial entanglement.

If I go half on a trip, he ain't getting a whiff.
@Honey Bee

No, I understand y'alls point. I'm just acknowledging my reality which is so different, not that it's right. I've never asked a man on a trip but I've suggested trips to an SO and we both pay our seperate way. Only ONE paid for the trip and I remember that was a big deal for me! I wrote him a check in case he changed his mind lol I'm usually the one suggesting some getaway because I like to travel but nope I've never been in this situation exactly.

Anything non-financial I demand, like taking out the garbage, carrying bags etc And even that was after some reprogramming on my part. I can reprogram on this too.
As women you shouldn't even have to carry money. Of course that's unrealistic, in case you have to escape or God knows what else but it's the principle.
It's so simple lol
I don't pay for anything
I don't even pretend like I'm going to pay.
I will stare men down until I see that wallet come out the pocket.
I don't even split entrees wtf, buy me mine and I'll take some to go :look:
If I valet my car he better pay on pick up. AND TIP.
If he don't wanna pay, then he don't wanna date.
If I drive for longer than 15 minutes I'm asking for gas money
I look confused AF if money even comes into the conversation. All of a sudden yo no hablo ingles motherfucker.
My expectation is to be pampered and to not worry about a thing. If he can't achieve that then you need to go ghost :abducted:

Talmbout 50/50
If I told him there's a 50/50 chance of pussy if he pays for everything then fools would refinance they houses, sell they cars. I know my power and it ain't FREE OR 50/50 :cry3:
As women you shouldn't even have to carry money. Of course that's unrealistic, in case you have to escape or God knows what else but it's the principle.
It's so simple lol
I don't pay for anything
I don't even pretend like I'm going to pay.
I will stare men down until I see that wallet come out the pocket.
I don't even split entrees wtf, buy me mine and I'll take some to go :look:
If I valet my car he better pay on pick up. AND TIP.
If he don't wanna pay, then he don't wanna date.
If I drive for longer than 15 minutes I'm asking for gas money
I look confused AF if money even comes into the conversation. All of a sudden yo no hablo ingles motherfucker.
My expectation is to be pampered and to not worry about a thing. If he can't achieve that then you need to go ghost :abducted:

Talmbout 50/50
If I told him there's a 50/50 chance of pussy if he pays for everything then fools would refinance they houses, sell they cars. I know my power and it ain't FREE OR 50/50 :cry3:

:cheers: :lachen:
Pretty much!!!

When I was dating I never allowed a serious potential to come to my house without bringing something
A case of water, some groceries, wine or etc whatever it was I needed or was low on
You coming empty handed is a no for me
My father taught me men should always have something to bring when he comes over!
It's the same till this day, brother, uncle or cousin

Ditto on everything you listed
Gas money definitely
And not for nothing my dates would pick me up and drop me back home
After being vetted. I don't believe women should do a ton of driving if she has a man, no!
Also when I went to dinner I ordered appetizers, entree desert... You name it I ordered it lolol

I never spare my wants or needs for anyone, my happiness is key here!
Happy me equals happy you!

If you wanna roll with lux this is how it go :):p

As women you shouldn't even have to carry money. Of course that's unrealistic, in case you have to escape or God knows what else but it's the principle.
It's so simple lol
I don't pay for anything
I don't even pretend like I'm going to pay.
I will stare men down until I see that wallet come out the pocket.
I don't even split entrees wtf, buy me mine and I'll take some to go :look:
If I valet my car he better pay on pick up. AND TIP.
If he don't wanna pay, then he don't wanna date.
If I drive for longer than 15 minutes I'm asking for gas money
I look confused AF if money even comes into the conversation. All of a sudden yo no hablo ingles motherfucker.
My expectation is to be pampered and to not worry about a thing. If he can't achieve that then you need to go ghost :abducted:

Talmbout 50/50
If I told him there's a 50/50 chance of pussy if he pays for everything then fools would refinance they houses, sell they cars. I know my power and it ain't FREE OR 50/50 :cry3:
I love this thread, a lot of times women just don't know and feel like if they're earning coins then it's only fair that they contribute. A lot of women are also afraid to appear broke or as gold diggers.

I've definitely seen the not wanting to seem like a gold digger sentiment on here many times. And it's hilarious to me because most of these ninjas don't have any gold to be digging for. If you're just an average dude making average money, it's highly unlikely someone is after your coins.
I love this thread, a lot of times women just don't know and feel like if they're earning coins then it's only fair that they contribute. A lot of women are also afraid to appear broke or as gold diggers.
I've been called a gold digger plenty of times. Every single time it's been by some BROKE ARSE FOOL. I've always been taught if he's calling you a gold digger take it as him calling you a bytch. He is calling you out of your name. Also he's showing is arse. How can I be a gold digger when you ain't got NO gold?! KIM ladies....KIM
As women you shouldn't even have to carry money. Of course that's unrealistic, in case you have to escape or God knows what else but it's the principle.
It's so simple lol
I don't pay for anything
I don't even pretend like I'm going to pay.
I will stare men down until I see that wallet come out the pocket.
I don't even split entrees wtf, buy me mine and I'll take some to go :look:
If I valet my car he better pay on pick up. AND TIP.
If he don't wanna pay, then he don't wanna date.
If I drive for longer than 15 minutes I'm asking for gas money
I look confused AF if money even comes into the conversation. All of a sudden yo no hablo ingles motherfucker.
My expectation is to be pampered and to not worry about a thing. If he can't achieve that then you need to go ghost :abducted:

Talmbout 50/50
If I told him there's a 50/50 chance of pussy if he pays for everything then fools would refinance they houses, sell they cars. I know my power and it ain't FREE OR 50/50 :cry3:

This! We rushed to Virginia recently and I realized that I forgot my purse as we walked into the hospital.
It didn't matter since DH was with me and I wasn't driving so I didn't need my license.
I agree that a man should pay for dates etc. However, unless he's filthy rich I cannot expect him to pay for every single thing. That's unrealistic. I agree they have less expenses now but if you're dating with an expectation of marriage, how is he to afford a home etc. for you both?

I guess everyone is different but I encourage the men I'm in relationships to pace themselves. Our long-term is more important than our short-term.
Pretty much!!!

When I was dating I never allowed a serious potential to come to my house without bringing something
A case of water, some groceries, wine or etc whatever it was I needed or was low on
You coming empty handed is a no for me
My father taught me men should always have something to bring when he comes over!
It's the same till this day, brother, uncle or cousin

Ditto on everything you listed
Gas money definitely
And not for nothing my dates would pick me up and drop me back home
After being vetted. I don't believe women should do a ton of driving if she has a man, no!
Also when I went to dinner I ordered appetizers, entree desert... You name it I ordered it lolol

I never spare my wants or needs for anyone, my happiness is key here!
Happy me equals happy you!

If you wanna roll with lux this is how it go :):p

I love you! Just wanna bottle you up and keep you with me :lol:.
I know the OP was addressing this situation in a new relationship, I'm curious if/ how anything changes as the relationship progresses into long term or after marriage for anyone?
I know the OP was addressing this situation in a new relationship, I'm curious if/ how anything changes as the relationship progresses into long term or after marriage for anyone?
My boyfriend and I are young professionals. I plan all of the vacations because I think it's fun. We're long distance so we each pay for our flights wherever we're going. He usually pays 2/3 of the hotel. He also pays for all of our food and drinks on vacation.

I'm not sure if that would change if we lived in the same city/ went on more dates, but I doubt it.
I have come a long way in the dating/relationship world but.....

He should be lucky to have me in his presence. My time, my words, my presence, is NOT free.

If he asks me to join him on a trip, he is paying for all of it if he wants me there. If he asks me to join him anywhere in any shape, form, or fashion, he will pay for it.

If I suggest something and he agrees, he should pay for it. If I have to drive to his house or to meet him then he needs to be filling my gas tank up... If we are out to eat, I am ordering what I want and he will pay. That doesn't mean I will order 1,000 dollars worth of food either but I don't think I should be restricted either..

Time out for wet asses and empty pocketbooks...

I'm slowly learning that "being me" should be enough.
@Honey Bee

No, I understand y'alls point. I'm just acknowledging my reality which is so different, not that it's right. I've never asked a man on a trip but I've suggested trips to an SO and we both pay our seperate way. Only ONE paid for the trip and I remember that was a big deal for me! I wrote him a check in case he changed his mind lol I'm usually the one suggesting some getaway because I like to travel but nope I've never been in this situation exactly.

Anything non-financial I demand, like taking out the garbage, carrying bags etc And even that was after some reprogramming on my part. I can reprogram on this too.

Even if I'm the one suggesting a trip to an SO or someone I'm dating, they know that means this is where I want YOU to Take Me... I don't understand what kinda man wouldn't pay. My FH is not a rich man; if he couldn't afford to pay for the whole shabang, he'd just stay home. Where's the masculinity in splitting a bill with your woman?

It's so odd to me that these dilemma's have never come up for me in real life. Even men I've dated who were otherwise trifling, have never expected me to pay for anything. It's never even come up. Maybe it's because I've only really dated alpha men with big egos.

I have a coworker (white) in her late 40's she's been with her husband for 13 years; married for 3, and they split EVERYTHING 50/50--rent, bills, groceries, trips, etc. I'm not judging that, because I know a lot of couples do, but he really nickels and dimes her. She recently came home and he'd gone grocery shopping; he cooked her a great meal, but afterwards... He brought out the grocery bill... Asking for her half...For the surprise dinner he cooked for her...:confused: So then they had to argue about "I didn't ask you to do this"..."well you ate".... Ridiculous. I LOL'd the whole time she was telling me, but how disgusting to treat your wife that way. I don't understand these "men".
Even if I'm the one suggesting a trip to an SO or someone I'm dating, they know that means this is where I want YOU to Take Me... I don't understand what kinda man wouldn't pay. My FH is not a rich man; if he couldn't afford to pay for the whole shabang, he'd just stay home. Where's the masculinity in splitting a bill with your woman?

It's so odd to me that these dilemma's have never come up for me in real life. Even men I've dated who were otherwise trifling, have never expected me to pay for anything. It's never even come up. Maybe it's because I've only really dated alpha men with big egos.

I have a coworker (white) in her late 40's she's been with her husband for 13 years; married for 3, and they split EVERYTHING 50/50--rent, bills, groceries, trips, etc. I'm not judging that, because I know a lot of couples do, but he really nickels and dimes her. She recently came home and he'd gone grocery shopping; he cooked her a great meal, but afterwards... He brought out the grocery bill... Asking for her half...For the surprise dinner he cooked for her...:confused: So then they had to argue about "I didn't ask you to do this"..."well you ate".... Ridiculous. I LOL'd the whole time she was telling me, but how disgusting to treat your wife that way. I don't understand these "men".

Girl, whet?! I would be seething if a man, especially a man I married, was hounding me for money over a meal. What a disgrace. I wouldn't feel like a man truly cared about me if he tallied up the cost of everything he bought me and demanded I pay my share.

He should get a roommate and call it a day. He wants all the benefits of a wife but won't provide for her. I'm really shocked. When she cooks, cleans, gives him a massage after a long day etc does she give him a bill? I would.
Some of these men want to take and take but don't want to give anything. And some think they're the pretty princess in the house.

I have a coworker who says she goes out and shovels the sidewalk and the driveway when it snows because her husband "doesn't do snow". :ohwell:

How can he feel good about himself, laid up in a warm house, relaxing while his wife does physical labor?
So with most of you having established the fact that he should pay for everything since he invited you what are you offering for the gift. In most cases if guy spends that kind of money or asks you to go on an overnight trip and he's paying he probably thinks (not all guys) that he will get some bedroom benefits during the trip. :kiss::poledancer:
Would love to hear from you all!
He ain't entitled to nothing except my pretty presence. That's the gift.
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I agree that a man should pay for dates etc. However, unless he's filthy rich I cannot expect him to pay for every single thing. That's unrealistic. I agree they have less expenses now but if you're dating with an expectation of marriage, how is he to afford a home etc. for you both?

I guess everyone is different but I encourage the men I'm in relationships to pace themselves. Our long-term is more important than our short-term.
I actually agree with this. But I'm still not going half. :look: If he don't got it, we can't spend it. That's why I make sure he got it. :yep:
have a coworker who says she goes out and shovels the sidewalk and the driveway when it snows because her husband "doesn't do snow". :ohwell:
I'm sorry what? :eek: I can't even compute this. And A husband who gives me a bill for the groceries I can't even, I can't imagine that :rolleyes:. They would never get sex, that is a turnoff. If I don't nickel and dime when out with friends there is no way I'm doing it with someone. I'm dating

He invites, he pays.
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