If A Man Invites You On A Trip, Who Pays?

I'm sorry what? :eek: I can't even compute this.

Exactly. She talks about it as if it's perfectly normal - I can't sense any anger when she mentions it.

It might be his revenge. Apparently she often cooks for herself and her child and will leave him to fend for himself. I'll have to figure out which offense came first.
I have a coworker (white) in her late 40's she's been with her husband for 13 years; married for 3, and they split EVERYTHING 50/50--rent, bills, groceries, trips, etc. I'm not judging that, because I know a lot of couples do, but he really nickels and dimes her. She recently came home and he'd gone grocery shopping; he cooked her a great meal, but afterwards... He brought out the grocery bill... Asking for her half...For the surprise dinner he cooked for her...:confused: So then they had to argue about "I didn't ask you to do this"..."well you ate".... Ridiculous. I LOL'd the whole time she was telling me, but how disgusting to treat your wife that way. I don't understand these "men".

Wow, this reminds me of that couple in The Joy Luck Club. :confused:

ETA: Whoops, should've read all the posts before commenting. :lol:
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Even if I'm the one suggesting a trip to an SO or someone I'm dating, they know that means this is where I want YOU to Take Me... I don't understand what kinda man wouldn't pay. My FH is not a rich man; if he couldn't afford to pay for the whole shabang, he'd just stay home. Where's the masculinity in splitting a bill with your woman?

It's so odd to me that these dilemma's have never come up for me in real life. Even men I've dated who were otherwise trifling, have never expected me to pay for anything. It's never even come up. Maybe it's because I've only really dated alpha men with big egos.

I have a coworker (white) in her late 40's she's been with her husband for 13 years; married for 3, and they split EVERYTHING 50/50--rent, bills, groceries, trips, etc. I'm not judging that, because I know a lot of couples do, but he really nickels and dimes her. She recently came home and he'd gone grocery shopping; he cooked her a great meal, but afterwards... He brought out the grocery bill... Asking for her half...For the surprise dinner he cooked for her...:confused: So then they had to argue about "I didn't ask you to do this"..."well you ate".... Ridiculous. I LOL'd the whole time she was telling me, but how disgusting to treat your wife that way. I don't understand these "men".


I knew a couple who split everything 50%. My homeboy & his wife came to my city for a visit and we all went out to dinner. When the check came they both pulled out their wallets and started itemizing their portion. To this day I'm still dumbfounded by it. That was the weirdest crap ever. They later divorced.
As women you shouldn't even have to carry money. Of course that's unrealistic, in case you have to escape or God knows what else but it's the principle.
It's so simple lol
I don't pay for anything
I don't even pretend like I'm going to pay.
I will stare men down until I see that wallet come out the pocket.
I don't even split entrees wtf, buy me mine and I'll take some to go :look:
If I valet my car he better pay on pick up. AND TIP.
If he don't wanna pay, then he don't wanna date.
If I drive for longer than 15 minutes I'm asking for gas money
I look confused AF if money even comes into the conversation. All of a sudden yo no hablo ingles motherfucker.
My expectation is to be pampered and to not worry about a thing. If he can't achieve that then you need to go ghost :abducted:

Talmbout 50/50
If I told him there's a 50/50 chance of pussy if he pays for everything then fools would refinance they houses, sell they cars. I know my power and it ain't FREE OR 50/50 :cry3:

Some of these men want to take and take but don't want to give anything. And some think they're the pretty princess in the house.

I have a coworker who says she goes out and shovels the sidewalk and the driveway when it snows because her husband "doesn't do snow". :ohwell:

How can he feel good about himself, laid up in a warm house, relaxing while his wife does physical labor?
Psssshhh. Aint nothin!

My neighbor stay lifting, fixing her car, loading heavy stuff.... and her husband and grown 20something son be laid up on the couch.

Just last month i saw her little 4'11, 50 something year old self struggling to get a king size mattress off a flatbed truck that she rented and drove and picked up. Unfortunately it didnt fit properly on the frame (i assume) cuz next day here she go, struggling to load the truck again. She called a friend this time and it was the two of them struggling. Still no men.

Psssshhh. Aint nothin!

My neighbor stay lifting, fixing her car, loading heavy stuff.... and her husband and grown 20something son be laid up on the couch.

Just last month i saw her little 4'11, 50 something year old self struggling to get a king size mattress off a flatbed truck that she rented and drove and picked up. Unfortunately it didnt fit properly on the frame (i assume) cuz next day here she go, struggling to load the truck again. She called a friend this time and it was the two of them struggling. Still no men.


Absolutely shameful. :nono: I couldn't respect a man who sat back and watched me do physical labor.
I want to fight the men in her home based on this

Poor thang a mattress

You know how hard it is to maneuver a mattress off a flat bed truck


I'm beyond pissed.

Psssshhh. Aint nothin!

My neighbor stay lifting, fixing her car, loading heavy stuff.... and her husband and grown 20something son be laid up on the couch.

Just last month i saw her little 4'11, 50 something year old self struggling to get a king size mattress off a flatbed truck that she rented and drove and picked up. Unfortunately it didnt fit properly on the frame (i assume) cuz next day here she go, struggling to load the truck again. She called a friend this time and it was the two of them struggling. Still no men.

Absolutely shameful. :nono: I couldn't respect a man who sat back and watched me do physical labor.
I want to fight the men in her home based on this

Poor thang a mattress

You know how hard it is to maneuver a mattress off a flat bed truck


I'm beyond pissed.
4'11 and mid 50s. They been together almost 30 years smh.Y'all it infuriates me. I always offer help but she refuses. Last week she was trying to put oil in her car. Hood up, with a funnel. Her husband there and i think great! This good for nothing negro walks away and leaves her to finish the automotive work. Really, fool?

I offered to help (i know how to change oil) but she didnt want it so.... idk.

Know your worth ladies! Dont waste 30 years like this.

I knew a couple who split everything 50%. My homeboy & his wife came to my city for a visit and we all went out to dinner. When the check came they both pulled out their wallets and started itemizing their portion. To this day I'm still dumbfounded by it. That was the weirdest crap ever. They later divorced.

They must have known they would not make it and we're going through breakup motions without realizing it. Slowly detaching, I guess? I would have been uncomfortable.
A friend of mine and I used to date half brothers. I specify that because one grew up with him in the home, and the other did not. Her bf only paid for her food because he saw mine did, and then he would come back and ask her for the money when they got home.

I've never been especially stingy with my cookies :look:, but I also grew up on ID tv. You ain't killing me and pushing me over the side of the cruise ship/ throwing me off the mountain/ etc. Too many possibilities. My rule when single was: no sleepovers until I had copied his driver's license and emailed the info to several people including my mama. This was a while back. I'd probably run a background check now. :yep:


In response to the OP: If my SO plans/suggests a trip, I expect him to pay for everything. If we plan a trip together I'd have no issue splitting it 50/50, but my SO has never asked me to pay and always ends up paying for everything.
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As women you shouldn't even have to carry money. Of course that's unrealistic, in case you have to escape or God knows what else but it's the principle.
It's so simple lol
I don't pay for anything
I don't even pretend like I'm going to pay.
I will stare men down until I see that wallet come out the pocket.
I don't even split entrees wtf, buy me mine and I'll take some to go :look:
If I valet my car he better pay on pick up. AND TIP.
If he don't wanna pay, then he don't wanna date.
If I drive for longer than 15 minutes I'm asking for gas money
I look confused AF if money even comes into the conversation. All of a sudden yo no hablo ingles motherfucker.
My expectation is to be pampered and to not worry about a thing. If he can't achieve that then you need to go ghost :abducted:

Talmbout 50/50
If I told him there's a 50/50 chance of pussy if he pays for everything then fools would refinance they houses, sell they cars. I know my power and it ain't FREE OR 50/50 :cry3:
Fist bump sista! You should be my e-cousin. Sounds like you learned the same game my grandma taught me.......we don't pay for ish........