Men who give too much too soon.

My last boyfriend was like this. Although we didn't get into a relationship until we knew each other for 5-6 months, he came on very strong and wanted to get married by month 3. The fire that burns the brightest usually is the first to be extinguished-- he was gone after month 8. I believe he immediately found another fiance, then left her after a very short period of time, and now as a different fiance.

**Off topic, why can't dudes find women that look better than me after dating me? The chicks that he dated after me looked a hot mess... ok, I digress! :lol:
had one like that too recently, really creepy OMG:lol:
-on first date, wanted me to sleep over at his place cos he though it was too late to go back to mine(dis was at 10pm :ohwell:)

-wanted me to be affectionate and showed me the pix of his sisters wedding on second date and complained i wasn't showing interest in his life

-talking about marriage, raising kids and where we will live on third date:ohwell:

this dude actually cried :lachen: when i told him i am not attracted to him in anyway and will never pursue a relationship with him

-blowing up my phone with calls(had 13!!! missed call within 30 min:nono:) and text messages:nono: and had a massive fit because i didn't pick up his call.
i was so pissed and through at this point, am like wth :perplexed

it was just too much for me at once, tried breaking it off but he wldnt have it, i eventually had to block his number and his text messages:nono:

we study at the same university and i saw him once after the incidents above but he didn't see me:look: thank God for that, pheww
Yes, he was talking marriage and meeting the family within 3 days of meeting. Needless to say, it did not work out.
Have you ever dated a guy who was intense very quickly? He was a no-games type, integrated you in his life and treated you as his girlfriend as soon as you began dating?

A friend is recovering from a similar scenario, and it got me thinking. She met a guy who had the above characteristics, and he was very heavy early on, and seemed genuinely genuine about it. Now a few months into it, he's told her he met another girl, took her out on a date, and he wants to take a break from her:sad: I don't know if to explore things with the other girl.

It occurred to me that this guy might be one who gives too much too soon, falls too quickly, whatever. He was so heavy with her early on, and now he's suddenly contemplating something with someone else?

Have you ever dealt with a guy like that? I feel like no one talks about that type much. The kind who's sweet, engaged, maybe even boyfriend-like, and then a few months into it the intensity dies out.

People tend to call them a-holes or opportunists... but are they all? Or are some just naturally that way-- and how can women be on guard about those types.

He is searching for someone to make him happy but he needs to relise only he can make himself happy. He needs to do some self development work before he gets into another relationship and breaks more hearts.
Yes my last ex was like this and it didn't end very well because I broke up with him because he was rushing EVERYTHING--even on first meeting me he offered me to go to one of his cousins weddings that was out of town, then meeting his parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, neices, nephews etc from both sides(he was country so he had a huge family), us spending ALOT of time together, marriage, talking on the phone and texting, saying he loved me, going to church with me, meeting friends.

It just became very overwhelming for me and thats why i ended it. He was really serious about even moving in with me thats when my mouth dropped. And this was within the time span of less than a year.

But now that i think of it even my very first boyfriend our relationshp happened very fast also and both of these men were Pisces so now I'm very standoffish with this sign of men and even meeting a man like this.
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Dh was like that when we first met back in college. I ended up breaking up with him :lol: The second time around he made sure to lock it down :giggle: Ironically, he dated many other women and most never got to meet his family. The girl he dated for 6 years only met his parents after 4 years of dating. All this to say some men just know what they want. After years of knowing him, he's still all up in my face talking you are soooo beautiful, I love you, I'm so lucky to have you blah blah blah :lol:
Yep, my ex hubby is like this..every female is a potential mate/marriage material. I had to ask him to stop introducing our child to every woman he meets. We divorced a little over 2 years ago and he's on about his 7th relationship.
Yes my last ex was like this and it didn't end very well because I broke up with him because he was rushing EVERYTHING--even on first meeting me he offered me to go to one of his cousins weddings that was out of town, then meeting his parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, neices, nephews etc from both sides(he was country so he had a huge family), us spending ALOT of time together, marriage, talking on the phone and texting, saying he loved me, going to church with me, meeting friends.

It just became very overwhelming for me and thats why i ended it. He was really serious about even moving in with me thats when my mouth dropped. And this was within the time span of less than a year.

But now that i think of it even my very first boyfriend our relationshp happened very fast also and both of these men were Pisces so now I'm very standoffish with this sign of men and even meeting a man like this.

I agree this is a classic male Pisces trait-see it often
I think @tinkat summed it up right. I've met guys like this before and was in a relationship before with one. They are really intense with their emotions, into treating you right, usually beta males and really want monogamy but somewhere the flame dies and they get bored and want to move on to the next relationship. I've come to conclude men like this have some serious emotional and psychological problems, usually stemming from childhood. Strangely enough, they are usually commitment phobic even though they WILL commit for a short period of time. These types are looking to fill a void that no woman or relationship can filll. They don't need girlfriends, they need a psychologist to get to the bottom of their problem!

This is the WORST type of man, worse than a player in my opinion. My ex did the same thing to me--poured his heart out to me, proposed after two months, introduced me to family, lavished me with expensive gifts, etc. Then he broke things off a couple of months ago by email because he was trying to reconcile his ex-wife behind my back (which I just found out when she called me out of the blue.) He seems to enjoy dysfunction and drama and loves playing the victim. Glad I dodged that bullet, good riddance!
This is the WORST type of man, worse than a player in my opinion. My ex did the same thing to me--poured his heart out to me, proposed after two months, introduced me to family, lavished me with expensive gifts, etc. Then he broke things off a couple of months ago by email because he was trying to reconcile his ex-wife behind my back (which I just found out when she called me out of the blue.) He seems to enjoy dysfunction and drama and loves playing the victim. Glad I dodged that bullet, good riddance!

Me too, I've wised up now ;)