That's what I'm saying. If a random sampling (hardly random - probably his five homeboys) of 5 people is considered acceptable, could you imagine the other nonsense that folks would have us believing is true???
I know 5 people who think Bush brought down the world trade centers but you don't hear that mess being reported as fact.
I can think of 5 famous people who think they are god (scientologists) - you don't hear folks reporting that John Travolta is in fact God on the news.
Shoot, that would mean that Victoria Beckham is talented, Kobe is in fact the next Michael Jordan, Oprah is gay, Ashley Simpson never had plastic surgery, Queen Latifah is straight, that its perfectly normal to breastfeed an 8 year old in a booth at Red Robin, that cigarettes are healthy, that guns don't kill people "people kill people" and that Tyra is NOT annoying...
Hell - I know 5 people who think L'il Wayne is the finest piece to walk this earth - and well....yea.