Assumptions Made Because You're Natural

All I get is certain friends explaining to me why they "can't be" natural because of their texture. When I correct their foolishness, they act like I am the one that brought it up.

If you don't want to hear about how foolish you sound then don't bring it up to me. I don't care what you do.
-That I'm wearing my hair to fun and trendy. I might wear clothes and accessories for trendiness, but not my hair.
-That I eat tofu and braid my armpit hair
-That I read nothing but urban books and listen to jazz
-That I am trying to recruit everyone into going natural. Unless someone expresses interest, I don't say a word about natural hair to anyone.
:lachen::lachen::lachen: :funny:
That i'm some seriously afrocentric type chick..
That my hair is always notty..(it's not ..I can get it a comb thru it u b@$E$..:look: O )
That I never had long hair thats why I went natural (huh? umm yeah..smh)
(Men)That I dont like my hair pulled when coloring (says who:giggle:)
That I think I know everything about hair because i'm natural..(NOO)

and If I hear one mo reference to me looking like Jill Scott...:fistshake: OoOO .. Dont get me wrong.. I take it as a compliment but I'm tired of hearing it!!!
Some assume I'm locing my hair :ohwell: (though I think Locs are very beautiful I'm not doing it)

Some ppl have called me India Arie...even started singing "Brown skin", "I am not my hair" and "I am ready for love" everytime I walked around.

My mom thought I was gay when I BC'd...smh
Some assume I'm locing my hair :ohwell: (though I think Locs are very beautiful I'm not doing it)

Some ppl have called me India Arie...even started singing "Brown skin", "I am not my hair" and "I am ready for love" everytime I walked around.

My mom thought I was gay when I BC'd...smh

1st bold LOL

2nd Bold, I blame Wanda Sykes :look:, kidding I love her but I think that i where people are getting the assumption from.
I get this all the time and I am neither. Also...

1) I'm a vegetarian :nono:
2) I really like poetry
3) I'm afrocentric
4) I like shopping at thrift stores-LOL
5) I'm gay-I used to get this when I first bc'd 10 years ago and had a twa but not anymore
6) That I really care whether or not other people have natural hair. I always get people that come up to me telling me why they can't wear their hair natural as if I'm judging them.

I totally relate to all of the bolded. I'm not a vegetarian. I don't eat red meat tho, But I haven't eatin red meat since like 10th grade. But I DO eat chicken and turkey... alot.

I DO like poetry. But I liked Poetry Before I went natural. When I wasn't natural or rockin braid extensions ppl assumed I wasn't into poetry or hip hop. When I've always been into both. But now that i'm natural, ppl think I only listen to Mos Def, common and Kweli. I do enjoy them but I also like Gucci Mane and Suga Free.

I feel like I'm internally afrocentric. But this lady at my job assumed that I had like African decorations in my house. She was all like "I bet you have african art and statues in your house." I told her I don't decorate anything and that I certainly didn't have any african stuff in my house. Not that there's anything wrong with it, But I've been to plenty black homes where ppl weren't natural and they have african art in their house.

and as for number 6, Girl... I've gotten that so many frickin times. Why are ppl walkin up to me and tellin me why they aren't natural. I never asked or cared!
Another one made by women more than men... That I'm single and men (black men) don't hit on me cuz I'm natural... I'm I get hit on all the time and I'm not single I'm in a relationship... that i got in AFTER I went natural.
I recently BCed say about 2 weeks ago and my first comment yesterday was i hope you're not slipping to the other side
when i wear my hat and i show a lil bit of my natural hair at the front, men dont cat call anymore, they are like 'emperess' or 'queen'.
The main thing I get that I hate is they assume that I smoke W cause I have locs...After that shocker from my answer they ask me how long I been growing them...Always get that "I want to touch them look"...Not sure if itz just me but I don't like any and everybody touching my
That i'm some seriously afrocentric type chick..
That my hair is always notty..(it's not ..I can get it a comb thru it u b@$E$..:look: O )
That I never had long hair thats why I went natural (huh? umm yeah..smh)
(Men)That I dont like my hair pulled when coloring (says who:giggle:)
That I think I know everything about hair because i'm natural..(NOO)

and If I hear one mo reference to me looking like Jill Scott...:fistshake: OoOO .. Dont get me wrong.. I take it as a compliment but I'm tired of hearing it!!!

lol @ coloring! Im a sex and the city gurl too so I knx what youre talking about!

They call me Erykah Badu or Jill Scott:ohwell:

O and since I've been transitioning for sooo long I wear weave a lot...when I wear my hair out people are sooo shocked that its not short and start asking me why I wear weave...versatility not to try to fool anyone or compensate for short hair! And they also assume weave helped to grow my hair...Umm wrong answer, my hair was long BEFORE I started getting relaxers then it thinned out and became shoulder length and I decided to go back to natural....and it grows because I care for it!
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That I can be natural because I have "good" (their word, not mine) hair but that they could never do it because they have "can't 'cha don't cha" hair (whatever that means).

Also had a lady in class with me several years ago that said I must have a high self-esteem because I'm natural. She wore wigs a lot to cover severe alopecia so I think some of it could have been connected simply to the fact that I have hair at all.
That I can be natural because I have "good" (their word, not mine) hair but that they could never do it because they have "can't 'cha don't cha" hair (whatever that means).

Also had a lady in class with me several years ago that said I must have a high self-esteem because I'm natural. She wore wigs a lot to cover severe alopecia so I think some of it could have been connected simply to the fact that I have hair at all.

:lachen:Bolded means can't comb it, don't want to try. My husband first introduced me to that term when he was talking about a family member.
Black people will ask me what does my white husband think of my hair.
I think they assume because my husband is white, he would only be happy with me if I had bone straight hair :rofl:

I think me "trying to be white" would defeat the purpose of having a black wife. Just like if he "actted black" What would be the point of having a white husband LOL

I hope that makes sense
Based on some of these responses, I think it depends on what texture your hair is as a natural.

My hair texture is on the 4bz/cnapp side. I haven't gotten toyou are a very pro-black/militant type.
Person: "So, can I ask you a question?"
Me: **shrugs** Yeah
Person: "What's your hair like under there?"
Me: Under what? :rolleyes:
Person: Your head thingy
Me: "Oh you mean my hijab!"
Person: "Yeah" :blush:
Me: Am natural approaching APL
Person: "So people in your religion can't straighten their hair then?":perplexed
Me: :wallbash:
None that I know of. I think people made more assumptions about who I was and where I was from when I had a relaxer. No one seems to ask now, so whatever they are assuming (if they are at all) they're not saying to my face. (Is this because they think I'm militant???)
I've gotten the Erykah Badu comments and the assumptions that I smoke w--d and listen to reggae. I've had a few ask where I'm from, followed by Bahamas, Haiti. I also get "black movement" and Afrocentric type comments too. The most ignorant comment was a bunch of high school or college girls saying I got my style from Mufasa (Lion King).
Person: "So, can I ask you a question?"
Me: **shrugs** Yeah
Person: "What's your hair like under there?"
Me: Under what? :rolleyes:
Person: Your head thingy
Me: "Oh you mean my hijab!"
Person: "Yeah" :blush:
Me: Am natural approaching APL
Person: "So people in your religion can't straighten their hair then?":perplexed
Me: :wallbash:

LOL love this one