Natural hair Nazis

Who makes these rules anyway?

That's what I tell people that try and tell me about manipulating my hair and all that jazz. I don't think a napzi is someone that gives helpful adivce. I always took it as someone that was extreme and ready to school you on your hair. Like the ones that give you slack about defining your curls and all that. Since when was rocking a twistout not natural?

I dunno, I understand other boards having their own rules but let's not forget people take this mentality with them. You bring this stuff into your everyday life.
well we all dont live in the same place, now do we. Some of us have encountered these people. Online(muffin's post) and off

I think the fact that we all don't live in the same place has been established. Moot point. And it is MY personal experience, I rarely encounter NN's. I didn't say I never notice these comments. In fact all of my friends are natural or texlaxed. The ones without have made comments about me needing to change my regimen.

Like I said, I'm natural so the people who feel the need to "educate" me are relaxed and weaved. In fact, the worst and most hurtful experiences have been with relaxed retards.

Once again, I think it depends on what's going on with your head that attracts who's going to say what. But my personal experience has been with those that relax IRL and online.

And furthermore, the reason you may see so many extreme natural hair advocates is probably because they are bullied by the relaxed retards IRL. Not that I support it but could be an explanation........
Someone said that they never encountered a natural nazi in real life, but only relaxer nazis.

This is so true, I wonder what the dynamics of that is? I feel that if I had never gotten online, and gone to different hair boards, hair sites, and hair blogs. I would never even have know they existed. Do you think that these women are just trying to push back at what they feel has been pushed at them and some are just going overboard.

Really, something to think about...

Yes I do. That's why these boards and blogs were created. So that people could vent or give opinions that could not go expressed in person.
I visited a natural hair board :hint hint: lol when I decided on transitioning and mentioned I was wearing weaves and extensions to help my transition and I got jumped on like a flea on a dog. It hurt me so much because I was looking for support I was almost like forget about trying this I will stick to my relaxers..But luckily I ran into some AWESOME Youtubers who I heart dearly and they made it sound like a great thing to do but they spoke to me like a friend and they use commercial and natural products.

I could care less what someone does to their hair...they can set it on fiyah and yell like Micheal Jackson and I wouldn't care lol seriously too each his own
Dont worry. I dont call black americans African American at all, just find it funny when those who get offended when you dont yet get all crazy when people call them Africans

and what do you mean you cant be both? What d you call an African who is a neutralized American citizen? :ohwell:

anyway that's another topic :drunk:

No one asked me what I call myself when they were handing out the labels. I have Nigerian friends and have worked with various Africans. And they make it a point to let me know that I am not African. And I absolutely agree with them. Wherever I travel, I am female first, secondly Black then American. Not only am I American in culture but in attitude and language.

I meant I can't be both because I was born and raised in the States and do not have dual citizenship to an African country and furthermore they don't give out passports based on continents. :lachen: A naturalized American citizen would be called American. If they want to get specific they would be called "insert COUNTRY-American" example Ethiopian-American, Irish-American, South-African-American, Nigerian-American, so forth and so on.

I don't think that many Black Americans get offended to be called African just that they want to be recognized as Americans. I mistakenly called a Hatian Jamaican once and got my head chewed off. :perplexed And English folks will not appreciate being called French either. Now that's another story......

the new debate would probably be between the flat heads vs. those with perfectly round bald heads. lol :rolleyes:

some folks sip on the divide and conquer Kool-aid till they choke.

Who has a more/less a black looking head or something...we'll think of something to argue about!

Somehow I can't help but imagine other ethnic groups just sitting back :nono: while we have a 50% high school drop-out rate yet we have time to concentrate on other folks' hair whether natural OR relaxed.
Thank you for this post, Bluetopia. My main problem is that I find it incredibly insulting and offensive to hear another black woman say that my style choice is “disingenuous” in light of our history, or that my choices are being “dictated” by western beauty standards.

In my opinion, if you say things like this, then you're a Natural nazi/Napzi, because you're trying to tell me that I have to think the same way you do. You're trying to tell me that I don't know my own mind. Thanks, but no thanks...I'm really not into group think.

You made an excellent point that if the Obamas thought this way, they wouldn't be where they are today. We really need to move past this idea that our actions, as individuals, still have to be constrained and dictated by our collective history.

while i understand the sentiment of what you are saying - this is the kind of comment you have to be very careful about making.

case in point - im a 4b who had natural hair and/or locs for 7 years and who not only LOVES but actually prefers natural hair

and yet I recently started to straighten my hair when it isnt braided because it is so extremely coily and dry it is easier to manage when it's straight.

so the idea that straight hair cant simply be a styling choice is false (i am proof of this) and assumes a lack of self awareness on the part of the person wearing straight hair that is presumptious and slightly offensive.

Also - i know Naturals who have enough self hate to sink a ship

Natural hair doesnt mean you love yourself just as heat straightened hair doesnt automatically mean you want to be white.

Both mind sets can be found across all groups of people.

I understand why after being marginalized - sistahs who are natural can get really passionate and excited about embracing their hair. I know I sure was after my big chop.

HOWEVER - u cant use being condemned as an excuse TO condemn.

The hyporcrisy is a lil too blatant to be ignored (at least by me).

Look at Barack Obama...if he EVER acted the way those who attacked him acted he wouldn't be where he is now. I know that a huge leap...but the principal is still the same.

If you've ever felt slighted or hurt, or attacked by someone for a hair choice...the magnanimous thing to do is to remember that feeling and rise above it.

Not mimick it.

Just my opinion.
Thank you for this post, Bluetopia. My main problem is that I find it incredibly insulting and offensive to hear another black woman say that my style choice is “disingenuous” in light of our history, or that my choices are being “dictated” by western beauty standards.

In my opinion, if you say things like this, then you're a Natural nazi/Napzi, because you're trying to tell me that I have to think the same way you do. You're trying to tell me that I don't know my own mind. Thanks, but no thanks...I'm really not into group think.

You made an excellent point that if the Obamas thought this way, they wouldn't be where they are today. We really need to move past this idea that our actions, as individuals, still have to be constrained and dictated by our collective history.

Thank you for your post mstar. I actually didn't know that people felt the way you do.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't believe that one of the reasons people relax is to fit into the western standard of beauty. But, I don't think it's the only reason or the one that is foremost in their minds.

What bothers me most is not relaxing, it's anti-natural sentiments that many relaxed heads and the general community (especially blacks) have. I guess that's why I don't consider myself a "n***". I'm not anti-relaxer, I'm just pro-natural.

Anyway, great post. Definitely gives me some food for thought.
I'm not anti-relaxer, I'm just pro-natural.

MAN!!!! this is what i tell people about my pro-black stance all the time! just because i'm pro-black, doesn't mean i'm anti-white!

and just because i'm pro-natural, doesn't mean i'm anti-relaxer. i have no beef with the majority of women who relax... once again, the few bad apples try to spoil the bunch. i'm quite sure most women who relax aren't self-hating wanna-be-whites who can't appreciate natural hair.

shoot i was relaxed too, and i didn't feel that way at all! :spinning:
while i understand the sentiment of what you are saying - this is the kind of comment you have to be very careful about making.

case in point - im a 4b who had natural hair and/or locs for 7 years and who not only LOVES but actually prefers natural hair

and yet I recently started to straighten my hair when it isnt braided because it is so extremely coily and dry it is easier to manage when it's straight.

so the idea that straight hair cant simply be a styling choice is false (i am proof of this) and assumes a lack of self awareness on the part of the person wearing straight hair that is presumptious and slightly offensive.

Also - i know Naturals who have enough self hate to sink a ship

Natural hair doesnt mean you love yourself just as heat straightened hair doesnt automatically mean you want to be white.

Both mind sets can be found across all groups of people.

I understand why after being marginalized - sistahs who are natural can get really passionate and excited about embracing their hair. I know I sure was after my big chop.

HOWEVER - u cant use being condemned as an excuse TO condemn.

The hyporcrisy is a lil too blatant to be ignored (at least by me).

Look at Barack Obama...if he EVER acted the way those who attacked him acted he wouldn't be where he is now. I know that a huge leap...but the principal is still the same.

If you've ever felt slighted or hurt, or attacked by someone for a hair choice...the magnanimous thing to do is to remember that feeling and rise above it.

Not mimick it.

Just my opinion.

Amen! I co-sign!
how about... no bashing of people PERIOD? whether they believe what you believe or not? what's so wrong with that?

whenever this is brought up, people wanna jump in and say, "well that's not how the world works, there's all kinds of people out there and not everyone is gonna sugar-coat everything, yadda yadda yadda," but then a thread like this is started, to bash the bashers and it's all gravy?


i don't know why i'm even in this thread. it doesn't pertain to me, as i do not give out unsolicited advice and don't usually go out of my way to insult anyone. and people who do, get the :rolleyes: face from me, as i tune out anything they have to say.
HOWEVER - u cant use being condemned as an excuse TO condemn.

The hyporcrisy is a lil too blatant to be ignored (at least by me).

If you've ever felt slighted or hurt, or attacked by someone for a hair choice...the magnanimous thing to do is to remember that feeling and rise above it.

Not mimick it.

Just wanted to say thanks for this. Totally agree.

ok this thread can go back to the graveyard now. lol
HOWEVER - u cant use being condemned as an excuse TO condemn.

The hyporcrisy is a lil too blatant to be ignored (at least by me).

Look at Barack Obama...if he EVER acted the way those who attacked him acted he wouldn't be where he is now. I know that a huge leap...but the principal is still the same.

If you've ever felt slighted or hurt, or attacked by someone for a hair choice...the magnanimous thing to do is to remember that feeling and rise above it.

Not mimick it.

Just my opinion.

In my experience, I've yet to see a natural treat a relaxed head in the same way that relaxed heads treat naturals IRL.

I've never gone up to a someone who is relaxed and said "Ugh look at that mess on your head, when are you going to do something about that?" or "You would be so pretty if you just cut your hair down to the new growth". I've never seen a natural stylist walk up to someone with a relaxer, hand them their business card, and say "Girl you need to call me so I can do something about that head".

While some ridiculous stuff may be said on hair boards some times, IRL I'm not seeing the same dynamics being played out. Maybe because you can't really tell if someone is relaxed just by looking at them. Or maybe because most naturals have been relaxed at some point and so would feel hypocritical about insulting a relaxed head.

Whatever the reason, the treatment is definitely not the same and we need to stop pretending like women with relaxers are ridiculed (actively and passively) by hordes of "natural n***'s" on a regular basis.
how about... no bashing of people PERIOD? whether they believe what you believe or not? what's so wrong with that?

whenever this is brought up, people wanna jump in and say, "well that's not how the world works, there's all kinds of people out there and not everyone is gonna sugar-coat everything, yadda yadda yadda," but then a thread like this is started, to bash the bashers and it's all gravy?


i don't know why i'm even in this thread. it doesn't pertain to me, as i do not give out unsolicited advice and don't usually go out of my way to insult anyone. and people who do, get the :rolleyes: face from me, as i tune out anything they have to say.

i'm with ya on the no bashing thing!

i think (i.e., hope) that rather than attempting to "bash the bashers" the original point of the post was to raise a mirror to people who may unwittingly become self righteous and overzealous in their approach.

and i say this because according to the magazine that originally posted this piece - the sistah who wrote the article is natural herself and was growing sick of her counterparts being unkind to others.

we can all agree that most women who have gone natural are used to getting flak from friends, family etc (i know i did). and that's become the widely accepted "story"

"if you go natural - girl watch out cause they will try and oppress you!"

we all know that side

HOWEVER now it seems the bashed are now bashing themselves...and when the tide turns in that way it's an interesting, and valid development to examine.

i totally agree with you that it shouldn't be an excuse to all of a sudden attack naturals (cause attacking folks in general is wack)

but i can see why this topic was raised and how - if handled properly -could provide a platform for some really great dialogue to take place.

i bet a couple folks learned something new or at least began to understand new perspectives just from reading this thread :yep:

and thats cool!

these are the kind of candid conversations we need to have in order to move past the pink elephant in the room holding the pressing comb lol. :grin:
In my experience, I've yet to see a natural treat a relaxed head in the same way that relaxed heads treat naturals IRL.

I've never gone up to a someone who is relaxed and said "Ugh look at that mess on your head, when are you going to do something about that?" or

Whatever the reason, the treatment is definitely not the same and we need to stop pretending like women with relaxers are ridiculed (actively and passively) by hordes of "natural n***'s" on a regular basis.

i have. and it aint pretty. so consider yourself lucky.

99% of my friends and associates are natural. we are all faded, fro'd or loc'd with the exception of maybe 2 girls who probably dont even come around anymore cause they got clowned so much.

when i straightened my own hair a few months back i got the side eye from a handful of folks who quickly swallowed their comments cause im just not the chick you want to start mess with. but the disdain was clearly written on their faces.

and when my bff came to visit from New York even she mentioned how she noticed that whenever I took her to functions with my old crew she was the only straight haired person there.

bottom line: the natural girls talk ish. the relaxed girls talk ish. how about PPL talk ish period.

It happens IRL.

and irregardless of who talks smack the end of the day it's a bad look coming out of any body's mouth.
i have. and it aint pretty. so consider yourself lucky.

99% of my friends and associates are natural. we are all faded, fro'd or loc'd with the exception of maybe 2 girls who probably dont even come around anymore cause they got clowned so much.

when i straightened my own hair a few months back i got the side eye from a handful of folks who quickly swallowed their comments cause im just not the chick you want to start mess with. but the disdain was clearly written on their faces.

and when my bff came to visit from New York even she mentioned how she noticed that whenever I took her to functions with my old crew she was the only straight haired person there.

bottom line: the natural girls talk ish. the relaxed girls talk ish. how about PPL talk ish period.

It happens IRL.

and irregardless of who talks smack the end of the day it's a bad look coming out of any body's mouth.

Our experiences are just different. I think that may be because there really aren't that many naturals (who don't wear their hair straightened) where I am so there's no way for something like that to happen.

Interesting though. I do hope I get to see that one day.
Just wanted to say thanks for this. Totally agree.

ok this thread can go back to the graveyard now. lol

No prob hun!

The hilarious thing is - im not relaxed. :lachen:

so when i talk about "naturals" im actually talking about myself and the bulk of the people in my life.

i may texturize someday (or not). im still too much in shock that i no longer have locs so deciding isnt a priority right now.

the only reason i even came out of lurking after all these months to speak up is cause i have a strong aversion to the "us vs. them" mentality in any realm - but especially when it comes to women of color. nappy, curly, permed, light, dark, my book black is beautiful however u choose to rock it.
I live in Los Angeles county and see TONS of naturals. I was natural until last year and hardly every pressed my hair. All (but one) of my friends are natural now.

Again, I never knew that there was this ... this "struggle" between natural and relaxed. :nono:

Maybe 'cause I choose to remain positive and associate with positive people.:look:

ETA: MSA, I am so sorry for your negative experiences. I grew up in an all white school as well and did not have those experiences. In fact, they appear to be more accepting than our kinfolk. If I did have a negative experience (and we ALL do), I thank god that I had a fantastic family that did not teach the good/bad hair to me and therefore I was able to "let it roll" without affecting my self-esteem. As I stated before, I have a "rainbow" in my family and of all of my sisters, the darkest skinned (dark chocolate) , 4ZZZZZ haired is the one with the highest self-esteem and the most beautiful. Home is where it is...
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Our experiences are just different. I think that may be because there really aren't that many naturals (who don't wear their hair straightened) where I am so there's no way for something like that to happen.

Interesting though. I do hope I get to see that one day.

yeah my situation provides me with a really rare point of view on all this. when my girls and i go out people usually gawk a lil bit cause imagine a dozen or so fierce sistahs rocking locs and fro's traveling in a pack.

it is quite a sight! lol

funny enough MSA - u and the other ladies who are speaking up for the natural perspective arent even the Natural Police that the article is calling out. You're views seem really accepting and inclusive.

I wonder how the ones being addressed actually feel about this. :look:
I visited a natural hair board :hint hint: lol when I decided on transitioning and mentioned I was wearing weaves and extensions to help my transition and I got jumped on like a flea on a dog. It hurt me so much because I was looking for support I was almost like forget about trying this I will stick to my relaxers..But luckily I ran into some AWESOME Youtubers who I heart dearly and they made it sound like a great thing to do but they spoke to me like a friend and they use commercial and natural products.

I could care less what someone does to their hair...they can set it on fiyah and yell like Micheal Jackson and I wouldn't care lol seriously too each his own


LMAO! :lachen::lachen: : lachen:
People{Hair Nazis} need to stop it..after all it aint growing outta their scalp so why the heck do they care so much? So many important things going on in this world but they have time to put people down for personal choices.:rolleyes:
I'm relaxed, but...There are so many relaxer nazis out there, black women,hair stylists, american society discouraging and insulting black hair encouraging blacks to always straighten, shaming nappy hair,....that I can deal with some natural nazis annoying as they maybe. It's EASY to see where they became radicalized in a world that hates natural black hair so much, we need some counter extremism before people can balance out...and also people get radicalized for a reason it's totally understandable

I think you nailed it!! Some naturals feel the need to defend the nappy, kinky wiry afro most African American women were born with. Look at main stream media the majority of black women have long straight hair and all the black women resemble Caucasians...we can say or in this case write whatever we want to, but there is much more to this ongoing natural vs. relaxed vs. texlaxed vs. Bkt vs. heat straightened debate that is much deeper than most want to admit and it goes beyond the hair itself. And to those asking is it that deep, for some yes it is. Look back at history and see how blacks created hair products to straighten black hair in order to be more acceptable to the white man... I am no extremist because I have been on both sides, but I do understand how some naturals feel the need to inform, but others take it too far. I for one am glad that I made the decision to embrace my nappy hair regardless of the “you need a relaxer” attitude from the black folks who know their hair would be just as nappy had it not been for their last touchup.

To refer to someone as a Nazi is immature, degrading, and just plain ignorant. Does that person know what a Nazi is? Not cool:nono:

I am not trying to hear this “it is just hair” business because if that were truly your attitude about your hair why would you be seeking knowledge to grow you hair...if it is just hair rock a fade, shave it off…
To refer to someone as a Nazi is immature, degrading, and just plain ignorant. Does that person know what a Nazi is? Not cool:nono:

I am not trying to hear this “it is just hair” business because if that were truly your attitude about your hair why would you be seeking knowledge to grow you hair...if it is just hair rock a fade, shave it off…

is it safe to say that u are equally opposed to ppl being called "relaxer nazis" as well?

i prefer "hair police" myself

unfortunately from what ive heard natural hair nazi is a term thats been used for quite a while :sad:
I think that the term creamy crack is just as bad as natural nazi. Let's face it each side takes pot shots at the other.
I think that the term creamy crack is just as bad as natural nazi. Let's face it each side takes pot shots at the other.

I agree.

Funny thing is, a lot of relaxed heads use the term as well. It's especially popular in threads where people are saying they're ending their transition. It always seems to be used in a negative manner by the person, but it still keeps getting used.

I hate both the terms.
Our experiences are just different. I think that may be because there really aren't that many naturals (who don't wear their hair straightened) where I am so there's no way for something like that to happen.

Interesting though. I do hope I get to see that one day.

No you don't! :spank:
is it safe to say that u are equally opposed to ppl being called "relaxer nazis" as well?

i prefer "hair police" myself

unfortunately from what ive heard natural hair nazi is a term thats been used for quite a while :sad:

The term Nazi should not be used period when referring to hair, naturals or relaxed... regardless of how ever long it has been around still does not make it appropriate.

Hair police...okay I can buy that for 10 cents.
I agree.

Funny thing is, a lot of relaxed heads use the term as well. It's especially popular in threads where people are saying they're ending their transition. It always seems to be used in a negative manner by the person, but it still keeps getting used.

I hate both the terms.

I know what you mean, I see lots of naturals use the term natural nazi to describe a phase they went through right after their BC.