Are You Happily or Unhappily Married??

Are You Unhappily Married or Happily Married?

  • Happily Married

    Votes: 198 70.7%
  • Unhappily Married

    Votes: 82 29.3%

  • Total voters
Please. Save the drama. I will determine to what and in what manner it is necessary to make my comments. If you feel it is rude, that is fine. I dont take it personally. If feeling personally conflicted about marriage caused you to ask such a personal, and in my opinion nosey question, then so be it. The reasons behind it doesnt change the nature of the question for me. The beauty of a messageboard is that everyone can share and "express themselves".;) :)
saratess said:
Great thread Cincy.

I do not post often but I would like to say the board is about freedom of expression and lately some on here have stated they are tired of this and that. Well if that is the case then move on. You may have heard it all or feel someone is being nosy but the post or thread may benefit someone other than yourself. Nuff said.

I will be happily married 4 years on the 27th of April.
Thank you, and that is the entire point of this thread. I've also appreciate the advice that some of you have given. Thanks again! :)

LizLeila said:
Please. Save the drama.
Interesting comment coming from someone who took the time to start some drama. Right.
LizLeila said:
Please. Save the drama. I will determine to what and in what manner it is necessary to make my comments. If you feel it is rude, that is fine. I dont take it personally. If feeling personally conflicted about marriage caused you to ask such a personal, and in my opinion nosey question, then so be it. The reasons behind it doesnt change the nature of the question for me. The beauty of a messageboard is that everyone can share and "express themselves".;) :)

Why comment if your comment isn't productive at ALL. The thread was started MONTHS ago. Your comment on someone ELSE'S thread was RUDE. If people don't like the question, they don't answer. PERIOD. I don't think the original thread asked for people to comment about the merit of her thread.
Cincysweetie said:
Interesting comment coming from someone who took the time to start some drama. Right.

No drama and no hard feelings on my part. Just sharing an opinion as people on messageboards do. ;)
Geez, some folks are uptight!
Anyway, been married for a blissful month! Can I get a high five?!
Happily Married 57 68.67%
Unhappily Married 26 31.33%

Ok, I wanna hear from the 31% that look across the table and wonder what ole dude would look like wearing a pot full of hot grits. :lachen:
JCoily said:
Happily Married 57 68.67%
Unhappily Married 26 31.33%

Ok, I wanna hear from the 31% that look across the table and wonder what ole dude would look like wearing a pot full of hot grits. :lachen:
HELLER!!!!! :lol:
JCoily said:
Happily Married 57 68.67%
Unhappily Married 26 31.33%

Ok, I wanna hear from the 31% that look across the table and wonder what ole dude would look like wearing a pot full of hot grits. :lachen:

:lachen: J Coily, you're a mes!
I guess I will be the first to admit that I am a miserable woman with my current husband that I "thought" was God sent! (yall remember my internet story right)
Well, I found out that he was cheating. I would have never, NEVER thought that this man would cheat on me. I'm filing for a divorce.
Never read your thread Tami but keep your strength and your head and God and you will make it through.
MzTami, I'm so sorry to hear that! Stay strong and do what your heart tells you.

I'm happily married for 3 years, but every day hasn't been happy. We have definitely had ups and downs, and I'm sure we'll have more, but I think that's what marriage is all about.
lauren450 said:
MzTami, I'm so sorry to hear that! Stay strong and do what your heart tells you.

I'm happily married for 3 years, but every day hasn't been happy. We have definitely had ups and downs, and I'm sure we'll have more, but I think that's what marriage is all about.

nappyme said:
Never read your thread Tami but keep your strength and your head and God and you will make it through.

Thank you ladies both! But it was an April Fool's joke!
My husband and I are both happily married :kissing4:
MzTami said:
Thank you ladies both! But it was an April Fool's joke!
My husband and I are both happily married :kissing4:

Oh, good. I didn't think I would get fooled today!
MzTami said:
Thank you ladies both! But it was an April Fool's joke!
My husband and I are both happily married :kissing4:

:lachen: That is too funny!! But, I will be the first to say for real.. no April Fool's Joke that I am unhappily married!! But we are separated now..and I'm much much much much happier!!! My husband is worse than Scott Peterson.. he hasn't mudered anybody..but other than that.. Scott's got nothing on him.. We have/had been together 18 years.. half my life.. married for almost 7.5.. he left us last April.. I would say that over the 18 years that I've known him.. 80-85% of everything he has ever said.. is a lie.. he's an abuser, he's a pathological liar, a sociopath, narcassistic, a serial bully, and psychotic! NO SH*T!!! I have an order of protection against him and I'm filing for a divorce.. I have a job...I don't make hardly anything..but, I'm going to school..I'm gonna get an Associates and then a Masters.. I will be taking a program where I can skip the Bachelor's and just get a I have a good plan to follow.. and I can do whatever I want..whenever I want and I don't have to walk on eggshells everyday and I don't have to answer to anybody but myself.. I've got 2 awesome kids and hopefully that low-life soon to be ex-husband of mine doesn't get any visitation at all..because all he's done.. he doesn't deserve it.. and he doesn't care about them anyway.. so, that's my story and I'm sticking to it..:lol: Those of you who are happily married.. you are very lucky!! Hopefully some day the rest of us will find the same.. :D
I have been married for almost 6 years and I must say I was not happily married for 5 of them. :lol: My Daddy told me on the day we wed that if we could survive the first 5 years, things would get better and he was right. I think that you have to get adjusted to each other and work out all the kinks before its smooth sailing. I must say that I am now a happily married woman, but it didn't come easy. I wanted to leave his behind more times than I could count but I am glad I hung in there.
JCoily said:
Happily Married 57 68.67%
Unhappily Married 26 31.33%

Ok, I wanna hear from the 31% that look across the table and wonder what ole dude would look like wearing a pot full of hot grits. :lachen:
J, you never cease to crack me up! :lachen:
i was in a shoe shop yesterday and they announced on the radio that 80% of married people would have sex with an ex if they happened to run in to them and went out for lunch (or something like that). it was really sad to think that we don't have control over our bodies.

i'm happily married. i've been with my hubby for 5 years and we've been married for 7 months. marriage doesn't change the relationship, it's just as it was prior to marriage. there are ups and downs but we love each other and plan on being together forever.
mz tami when I first read your post I was like OH NO!! I felt so bad for you! But I am happy that it was just a joke and that you are happily married.

Rush Girl I am glad you are feeling good about yourself and you are starting over. I think that takes courage because not a lot of women would want to leave their spouse after being with them for so long even though their spouse isn't good for them.

this is a good thread. If I ever get married one day i'll remember the tips that were given here.
locabouthair said:
mz tami when I first read your post I was like OH NO!! I felt so bad for you! But I am happy that it was just a joke and that you are happily married.

Rush Girl I am glad you are feeling good about yourself and you are starting over. I think that takes courage because not a lot of women would want to leave their spouse after being with them for so long even though their spouse isn't good for them.

this is a good thread. If I ever get married one day i'll remember the tips that were given here.

Thank you locabouthair!! I am starting to feel good about myself.. I have been to hell and have no idea...the things I have been through over the last 18 years are surreal! It is hard to leave.. but, he abandoned us..and then was stringing me along so that I would think that things would still be okay..and things were gonna work out.. yadda yadda yadda..but now, I'm glad he left.... he was accusing me of being on crystal meth..that I was bringing some guy in the house.. that I was giving medicine to make my kids sleep all night so I could have some guy over..who doesn't exist..and we could do all this sick stuff.. and on and on and on.. all sorts of f'd up stuff.. he even told my father and one of my friends that he wanted the kids taken away from me and put into foster care..:eek: he is a truly sick person.. and I'm so glad to be out.. life now is so much easier.. I've come a long way in a short amount of time and I'm pretty damn proud of myself.. and so are my kids...and that's what's important..:grin:
locabouthair said:
mz tami when I first read your post I was like OH NO!! I felt so bad for you! But I am happy that it was just a joke and that you are happily married.
Rush Girl I am glad you are feeling good about yourself and you are starting over. I think that takes courage because not a lot of women would want to leave their spouse after being with them for so long even though their spouse isn't good for them.

this is a good thread. If I ever get married one day i'll remember the tips that were given here.

Thank you! I was trying to fool Cincy because she got me good with that "I'm pregnant" thread! I wanted to get her back.:lachen: :lachen:
Happily married for 15 years....2 dogs, and one Bunny!

My secret?

No kids.

:lol: .....I'm just kidding...But, really I don't have any kids.:look:
Happily married. However, I had to wait until today to post this because I was mad at him last week and I wasn't too happy. But yes we've been happily married for 12 years -- he is my best friend however, I can be controlling and he just refuses to be controlled and this can cause some friction at times.

We have two beautiful daughters and two dogs -- one dog just ate our 8 hambergers that I just took off of the grill and put to the side to wrap up. My youngest daughter let out the Siberian Husky out of her pin without my knowledge. She guzzled them down in like 5 seconds by the time I walked inside to get the wrap and walk back outside they were gone. She was standing there looking at me with her crazy blue eyes like "I don't know what happened to the hamburgers". I'm sooo mad. Anyway this is the life of a wife, mother and dog owner.
Giddily happily married. LOL! And it's not a lot of work. I know how I want to be treated and treat him the same way. We respect and love each other. And when we're mad...we cuss each other out and move on...LOL!
it'll be 4 years happily married(2 kids) this year too.

umm:scratchch.. i could use summore diamonds tho', other than that we're swell.:lol:


yah i've got issues.

ps. i was unhappily married from 89-91 so i know that hell too.