Ladies in LONG-TERM relationships or MARRIED - Are you in love or in like? Be honest.

Re: Ladies in LONG-TERM relationships or MARRIED - Are you in love or in like? Be hon

I'm definitely in love, but it's not the giddy, butterflies in my stomach type of love. It's a real love, a "I can tolerate your morning breath" or "walk into the bathroom after you've done a #2" type of love. We definitely are emotionally and physically attracted to eachtoher most of the time, but there are days when we're not and I think that's normal. We love eachtother and have a wonderful time, but there are bad days too. I think that relationships should be 100% / 100% ... bothing giving their full effort, but there are days when one person may give 25% so the other spouse has to take up the slack and give 175%... so all in all, yes I'm in love but it's a different deeper less "surface/superficial" type of love.

I've been married for 11yrs, and you've summed up my feeling perfectly!!!