Are You Happily or Unhappily Married??

Are You Unhappily Married or Happily Married?

  • Happily Married

    Votes: 198 70.7%
  • Unhappily Married

    Votes: 82 29.3%

  • Total voters
BLESSED1 said:
Oh my gosh that avatar pic is HOT! I'm going to purposely look for a gorgeous husband so I can take a pic like that :grin:
I know that's right Girl! :lol: Thanks and good luck finding him!
I wish all you ladies much success in your relationships. I think I will stay single as the odd of sustaining a good marriage is certainly a 50/50 chance.
Shalilac said:
Happily married for 6 yrs! Yeah baby!
And here's a recent family pic. I'm so proud!

Oh BTW, that's us in my avatar! Ain't we cute?!!! LOL
Beautiful fam!!! I love both pics!'s cool, I just wanted to make sure that everyone knows it is a private poll, cause sometimes they are public...and I figured if you or anyone else thought it was public, surely someone else thought the same. :) But, you have to go out of your way to make the poll public, the default settings make it private unless you change them while setting up your poll.
It is wonderful and refreshing to hear so many positives about marriage! I've been happily married for 9 weeks. :D
michelle3147 said:
I wish all you ladies much success in your relationships. I think I will stay single as the odd of sustaining a good marriage is certainly a 50/50 chance.

michelle3147: But the odds of a good marriage is 0 if you never marry! :) Don't despair.

Shalilac - your family is beautiful!
I'm very happily married, and have been for 3 years and we also have a beautiful little girl!!! I love my hubby he's such a wonderful man, and I love my daughter the most precious angel anybody could ask for....I thanks GOD for blessing me with such a wonderful family!!!!
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I am happily married for almost 2 years. I don't regret getting married at all, if you find the right, my dh walked in just now and read what I was writing and gave me a big ol' kiss, lol. No, but we have had some very rough times, but we are both in it for the long haul. We tell each other daily that we love each other, and with anything you have to work on it. The Bible says "He who findeth a wife findeth a good thing."
Shalilac said:
Happily married for 6 yrs! Yeah baby!
And here's a recent family pic. I'm so proud!

Oh BTW, that's us in my avatar! Ain't we cute?!!! LOL
OH!! I Just love You & your family!!! Thats' the most BEAUTIFUL family pic I have ever seen! Adorable kids! I wanna be like y'all when I get married and have some kids!
Happily married for 10 years with 2 kids. Our keys to successful marriage:
- Never be afraid to admit when you are wrong
- Never go to bed mad
- Remember love is a verb, its something you DO
- Be quick to listen and slow to anger (easier said than done sometimes)
- Don't forget to laugh
- In this order: God, husband, kids
Supergirl said:
It is wonderful and refreshing to hear so many positives about marriage! I've been happily married for 9 weeks. :D

Woah!!! >>picking myself up off the floor<< Where have I been? Supergirl, you're married now?!

[size=+2]Many congratulations to you![/size]
Happily married! But off course like any couple we fuss (mostly due to my hormones raging). Say what you gotta say and keep it moving.
Keep family and friends out of your biz.
Put God First and your spouse second.
Go out on a date at least 2x per month.
Family vacation together a least 2x per year.
Forgive and don't hold grudges.
Keep the romance going.
Pick your battles....everything is not worthy of a hour + long debate. :)

Good Advice.
Happily married for 9 months and no kids. But looking at that cute family photo Shalilac has makes me wanna start soon. Are your daughters identical twins?
Sweet C said:
Happily married for 9 months and no kids. But looking at that cute family photo Shalilac has makes me wanna start soon. Are your daughters identical twins?

Doesn't it? We're going to try to hold off another couple of years. I think we'll start with a cute little dog first. :) Build up our patience.
I'm happily married. Our first anniversary is coming up on October 10! Actually, I'm enjoying marriage A LOT more than I thought I would. I thought that it would take a long time to get adjusted to...but so far it's been pretty easy.
CandiceC said:
Doesn't it? We're going to try to hold off another couple of years. I think we'll start with a cute little dog first. :) Build up our patience.

LOL, that's what me and my hubby did. We just got a new puppy. :D
I'm very happily married.:)
Together 12 years & married almost 2 years. There couldn't be a more perfect union. He's my guardian angel on earth. I will even go off on a limb and say that he's perfect...LOL We have mutual feelings for each other.
The key to our relationship is: We are the best of friends,
We share a lot of the same interests, Enjoy being together, Love, Understanding, Trust, Not taking each other for granted, and most importantly, the communication has always been there.

*In the past, I never thought I'd be married. I did not believe anyone would be good enough. Never had an interest, but I guess that's when love comes knocking at your door.:lol:
i am extremely happy in my marriage! my husband is the most loving, God fearing, selfless, understanding man I know. He would do anything for me and I for him. I thank God everyday for what He has blessed me with. I know how hard it is in this day and time to find a good man. We have been married 2 1/2 years and together for 5 1/2 years. No children yet, but we are best friends and we love spending time with each other. He even goes shopping with me and doesn't complain!:lol:
Congrats Supergirl !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dang will somebody please say their marriage sucks and they are miserable? My single behind is gettin jealous ova hurr! :lol:
Excuse me. I will take the two above comments made by LizLeila and CBC as personal attacks. When this thread was originally created BY ME last September, there were several conversations about marriage going on at the time in which members made comments about being unhappily married ON THEIR OWN prior to me even starting such a "nosey" thread. As someone who is not married and conflicted about the idea of marriage, it was interesting to me to see that several people on the board were unhappily married and I was curious to know if this was something widespread. This is why I created the thread and the poll, both of which are STRICTLY VOLUNTEER, the poll is even PRIVATE. If you don't like it, you can not vote and ignore the thread, but I don't believe it was necessary to assume that I was being nosey or trying to get into other people's business. The questions that I asked are no different from many others that are posed on this board...a lot seek advice and discussion related to personal issues and opinions, but that doesn't make the OP "nosey".

I would hate to think that this board has gotten to the point where one can't ask a somewhat "personal" question without being labeled as nosey. Again, if it's THAT PERSONAL to you, stay out of it and keep your rude comments to yourself.

Also...let me thank the ladies that have participated in the thread thus far. It was and has been very encouraging to read such positive stories about marriage being that I am a product of divorce. Aside from focusing on unhappy unions, I wanted to create a thread in which women could positively talk about their marriages because it seems that a lot of times I come across posts about negative marriage experiences and all sorts of divorces on the ET forum. It gives me hope that I too can one day start a loving family after creating a strong and healthy marriage. :)
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Great thread Cincy.

I do not post often but I would like to say the board is about freedom of expression and lately some on here have stated they are tired of this and that. Well if that is the case then move on. You may have heard it all or feel someone is being nosy but the post or thread may benefit someone other than yourself. Nuff said.

I will be happily married 4 years on the 27th of April.