Are you a man magnet?


November 2020 --> 14 years natural!!!
Are you single (or married but still) and attract men like a magnet? What do you attribute that to? Spill the beans here! I welcome long posts:).
I am not a man magnet, pretty much low key and invisible. However I have been told that folks are attraxted to me. I guess I'm just so intimidating (insert sarcasm here)
I get hit on a lot but I don't consider that being a man magnet. Random men wanting to sleep with you - but not much else - isn't much of a compliment, as it turns out.
I am not a magnet but sometimes I have men (usually white) say some awkward things to me or just walk up to me.

I am far from a model and I don't love my body but I won't lie, I do think I am sexy and I think confidence and swagger go a long way.

Just yesterday I we ran into someone I hadn't seen in years. We were in a work situation and I told him that I remembered when he tried to push me in a pool and this he said "that's because I wanted to get on top of you." HUH?

My SO thinks I am a magnet because people naturally talk to me when we are in social situations. I remember once I was meeting him for dinner and I was running late. He was the only person at the bar when I got there. When I got there the female waitress asked me what I wanted. He said he waited 10 minutes to get served and I was served immediately.
i am not a man magnet, but i am told that guys are attracted or asking about me but dont approach me
I'm a man magnet! Or should I say scrub magnet. All these ugly, lazy, 50-11 kid having man are always the ones to say something to me. I usually say im 16 or something like that lol. If a good looking man decides to talk to me its when I'm working or at the gym. At the mall, all the ugly boys are the ones with the confidence to come talk to me, the cute ones are scared that's all lol
If I wear this:

Nope, but my best friend is. I stand there invisible as every male demographic tries to push up on her. She's very personable but more importantly, she looks like Denise Huxtable :yep:
If I wear this:


Oh no :nono:. She looks like she had a c-section or something & did not shave/wax. What was she thinking?

Anyway, I have been married a long time but I do seem to attract men, mostly nice-looking, clean cut black men, but also all kinds of Hispanic men, and the occasion yt man with a pot-belly & missing teeth:ohwell:.

Attribute to my look, how I dress, and my smile. I tend to be pretty friendly and have a positive attitude.
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I get my fair share of attention....I think I'm only a so called "magnet" when I am wearing something that may be a bit revealing or accents my figure in a sexy way. I think most of us have our magnet days :lol: but on a daily basis? No, not me anyways.
Depends on the frame of mind I'm in. If I want attention, it comes. If I don't, then it doesn't. Funny how internal feelings and attitudes manifest themselves externally.
I get a good amount of male attention. When I was in college my friends laughed at how I'd get hit on nearly every time we went out. I'm more than busy in grad school now so I don't get hit on as much because besides home, school and the occasional grocery store trip I don't go much else. However I notice when I drive many guys give me that "look" lol.
No, I was never the typical "man magnet", but I do turn heads...they rarely approach though.

I have one man that I love and he's all I need! :love:
I never thought I was, but recently I come to find out it was my bottle-coke glasses and "don't talk to me attitude" that has been 100% man repellant. I've not worn my glasses a very few times on weekends, smiling more, and the men have been really rushing at me. Because of no glasses and smiling, I have date tomorrow night for the first time in over 8 months and I am afraid.
I never thought I was, but recently I come to find out it was my bottle-coke glasses and "don't talk to me attitude" that has been 100% man repellant. I've not worn my glasses a very few times on weekends, smiling more, and the men have been really rushing at me. Because of no glasses and smiling, I have date tomorrow night for the first time in over 8 months and I am afraid.

Have fun tomorrow!!!
Let us know how it goes! :)
I never thought I was, but recently I come to find out it was my bottle-coke glasses and "don't talk to me attitude" that has been 100% man repellant. I've not worn my glasses a very few times on weekends, smiling more, and the men have been really rushing at me. Because of no glasses and smiling, I have date tomorrow night for the first time in over 8 months and I am afraid.

Girl, be confident! I'm rooting for you! Relax and have fun!
I have always gotten male attention but mostly just stares most men dont have enough confidence to approach. The men that I go for are the ones who are very persistent
Not to toot my own horn. I used to be a man magnet. I say used to because I'm not looking right now and usually focus doing my own thing lately. I've been told by men and women it's my smile, confidence and positive attitude. I guess it also helps to flirt and add fun to the mix.
Oh no :nono:. She looks like she had a c-section or something & did not shave/wax. What was she thinking?

Anyway, I have been married a long time but I do seem to attract men, mostly nice-looking, clean cut black men, but also all kinds of Hispanic men, and the occasion yt man with a pot-belly & missing teeth:ohwell:.

Attribute to my look, how I dress, and my smile. I tend to be pretty friendly and have a positive attitude.

That line is a sign of having a baby. Cut marks are horizontal. Linea negra or something like that. And I can see where he normal cooch hairs are supposed to be. If she had not worn those cut-away cooter pants, it would have looked better. something about it just bullseye to the p****. Yuck!
^^Details please ladies!

Anyhoo, I get a lot of compliments. Mind you, I have some weight to lose around my midriff. :rolleyes: But it's coming along. Anyhoo, I think it's just that some souls are on fire and some are more hidden. Doesn't mean that they aren't worth noticing. Everyone gets admirers, but some are very outspoken whereas other are quiet. Introversion...maybe they sense that and don't want to trip up your space? :yep: That's not a bad thing either. And some just simply don't want.
Maracuja ,

:lol: Hey, I was trying to break it down in few words.

Well, I've had Many marriage proposals. All day I get flirts and asked out . I just can't get rid of exes. This has been happening since I was a size 3-5 (in my 20's) to size 14 (where I am now). It doesnt matter is I'm looking like a total BUM either. These firts and date requests are coming from teens, 30's and 40's, and old men...of different races.

On a few occasions, my daughters had to tell their teenage friends that I am their mother, because either one was flirting or talking about how good I look.:look: :lol: It's not just men, it's boys too.:look:

^^Details please ladies!
I think I am a people magnet. For some reason people have always been interested in me. I have no idea why. My mom says it is because I am so cute. But,I think it is more than that. There are other attactive people I know that this doesn't happen to. It is actally very weird.

When I go out with someone I have never been out with before I have to warn them that I get stared at. They usually think I am being vain. Whether they believe me or not they always end up noticing.

I had one friend get really upset about it once. We were in Vegas and we were walking through a casino and got on an elevator full of people. I guess she finally got fed up with it and yelled "What the h*ll is wrong with these people why do they keep staring at you!!"

Random people always come up to me. Men, women, dogs, children...its like the movie Inception.

I remember when I was in school and I did the BC. After i got it done I literally walked from the shop to my dorm room. I did not see anyone I knew. I called the guy I was seeing at the time to tell him. about it. When I told him he said "I already know 5 people called me to tell me already."

I have a million stories. I could never commit a crime.

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