To all the "Other Women" out there

FlowerHair I could not disagree with you more. I have exceptionally high self esteem & I know my value and worth in my eyes & God's eyes. However, I too am a "married man magnet", so-to-speak. Men of all kinds have been hitting on me since I was 17 but the majority of them since my 20's have been married.

EVERY single one of them I asked why they chose to approach me and attempt to involve me in an illicit affair and all responded similarly. They liked my personality, I'm mature, I have a positive attitude, of course they find me physically/sexually attractive (that is a given), I'm intelligent, well spoken, well read, able to converse intelligently on many subjects (all falling under intellectually stimulating), and the list goes on. They all also said they knew I'd say no but they wanted to try anyway.

Of the married or attached men who have tried to get at me, each one's home situation was different. One had a wife who was cheating on him and she eventually left him and their sons for another COUPLE to live the swinger/multiple partner lifestyle. One was very happily married and no intention of leaving his wife, he was just bored sexually and wanted something new (yes, he told me that up front from jump). One was miserable but flat out said he can't leave her because he would lose too much financially. Another said I had what his lady lacked and she had what I lacked and together he'd have one whole woman (??????) -he really said that-.

So you see, low self esteem is NOT what makes a woman a MMM. It is the man's lack of integrity and no commitment to fidelity that causes him to attempt to stray. Additionally, this is in NO WAY a justification for their behavior, but in some cases their SO is not doing what she should at home (as the Bible tells men AND women to do in their marriages) and that gives the devil an opportunity to tempt people who are then drawn away of their own lusts. And the saying goes: what one woman won't do another will (can someone say Karrine Stephans?)

Don't get me started on married women who fall in this category:

2Tim 3:6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts


Let me also add 1. ITA w/ both of the above posts. ^^^^ 2. All of the married men that have hit on me are so-called Christians (I'm not them so I can't speak on their spiritual walk). So I hit them with the Word and some of them have thanked me for that, others told me I was naïve and for me to get real or get with the program and grow up and not be so idealistic and unrealistic others told me to go to hell w/ all that.

I agree with your post. I think the self-esteem issues comes into play when a woman chooses to engage a married man in an affair. That really says alot of what a woman thinks she deserves. Any woman who truly values herself, would never knowingly play second fiddle to any woman!