A Smoker

Probably not. But I can never say never.

Question. Do young(er) people smoke cigarettes. Like 35 and under. I don't see that often?

Since I spend most time around the college crowd, I find that most stick with drinking but when it comes to smoking, I see very few. However, some I've never seen smoke but they reek of the odor :nono:
I dated one and hated it. Couldn't stand kissing him and having that after taste. :barf:

I'm with you! Cigarettes, Black n Milds, Weed......it's all the same and it's all disgusting :barf::barf::barf:

Nasty stankin breath, clothes and hair smellin like an ash tray, yellow teeth, black lips.....

I tried once with someone who was an occasional, infrequent smoker. It was a problem for him that I did not want to be close to him in any way after he smoked. Kissing was out of the question. Mints and toothpaste don't cover smoke.
Ideally, nope. I hate cigarette smoke. But I dated a guy for over 6 months before I even found out he smoked. I had no idea until he told me. He only smokes outside so it doesn't get in his clothes and he always brushes his teeth immediately after. I still have yet to SEE him smoking. He doesn't let women he's dating actually see him smoking.
Not frequent smoky smoke.

But I smoke cigars socially and so does SO...like a monthly frequency or so.

My previous SO used to smoke daily, but I never smelled or tasted it.
Absolutely not!

I can't stand the smell of smoke. I don't like how it gets embedded into everything so easily.

Plus, I have to like a guy's mouth for us to mesh. The deep, dark black lips and the butter yellow teeth that come from smoking is NOT a good look.
Knowingly, no. But I have before and its mostly because they seemed to hide it around me then after we got serious let it show. They would still not smoke around me but it is bothersome. If I saw a guy smoking it would be a serious turn off.
It WAS a deal breaker for me. Met the current SO, he's a smoker. It's not my favorite thing, and I wish he would quit, but it isn't a deal breaker.
^ I agree. Just b/c a guy smokes I wouldn't refuse to date him. He could be an amazing man. Just b/c he smokes I'm supposed to pass him up? I don't think so.

If you smoke, then you do not care about your health and you will not be a proper mate for me.

I don't date men who smoke ANY kind of substances.
I could not date a smoker. It tells me he doesn't take his personal health seriously. Plus, I just can't take the smell. :nono: