***2013 Up Your Water Intake Challenge ***


:lachen::lachen::lachen: Girl, that was me recommending water apps and asking if anyone else wanted to recommend a particular one about three, fo pages ago. :grin: I needs mine. It charts progress and not wanting to mess up my chart keeps me on track. :look:

Which one did you download. I'm using Water Your Body.

This is the app I'm using too, it is very detailed and helps with keeping on track, now that I've worked most of it out it is working really well for me apart from the notifications, so I downloaded the Drink More Water app. It's not as sophisticated as Water Your Body, but it allows me to set hourly notifications, I'm using the latter for reminders and the former to keep a log of my intake

Yesterday I got 34/71 oz today I'm doing much better
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Haven't reached my 64oz goal for the last couple of days. I think I need to start drinking first thing in the morning to have a decent chance. Tomorrow is another day and at least I'm drinking some water now.
Just do the best you can each day. You'll get better. Crawl, walk, then run. Now tie them laces. You'll be running before you know it.

And there it tis … that's the best perspective to have; very encouraging!! :)

Checking In …

I have 40.5/72 oz so far. Just need two more bottles and I'm good. :look:

ETA: Finished with 61 oz … I'm getting closer to that 72 oz.
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Yesterday I tried to reach my RDI of water just to get a feel for it and see how I could work it through my day. I got 68/71 oz although it felt like a lot more, I can't believe I drunk so much! I didn't enjoy it I think it's because I started late in the day and drunk 200ml every hour for 10 hours, I felt constantly full throughout the day and this was a little uncomfortable. It's amazing how easy I can get through juices though, if that 68oz had been tropical juice etc, it wouldn't have taken me 10 hours to get through it all.
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Friday and Saturday were major fails for me got in only 1 33.8oz of water, so that made me determine to get back on tack. Today reached my goal. 85oz, actual 92.6. No green tea though.
I got in 2L and I had a 32oz half and half! Lol! I couldn't finish more water if I tried. Will get the full amount in tmrw. I bought a 2.2L jug :-)
Yesterday I only drank 24oz.... Today will do much better. I just wish I had a drink before leaving 4 work. I'm on the train and I'm actually thirsty!
So, weekends - when this challenge should be a breeze - are apparently when I need to be very aware of my water intake. It's not always like that, but I had *no* pure water all day Sunday. :perplexed Saturday I got close to goal, but that's only because i pushed for it after I got a late start.

Well, it's a new day and I'm (kinda) started on my goal for today. 64 oz here I come...
Got me a tea pot... that I filled with water and I'm making a brew of moringa and rose petal tea. I'm getting my water and a lot of good stuff as well:yep:
I'm in! My goal is to at least 54 oz of water regularly. I will drink at least 3-4 16oz cups of water daily for the month of Jan and see how it goes from there. I also love plain tea so I'll indulge in the benefits of that as well!
Today I had 57oz of water and 8oz of herbal tea. I was able to go above my goal of water since it wasn't as cold today as it has been for the past week:yep:.
I had a very busy day today. Lots of running around taking my dad to doctors and specialists. Not only didn't I drink water but, I didn't find time to eat breakfast or lunch. By 5 pm, I felt dehydrated and exhausted. My lips, dry! My eyes, dry! My energy level, bone dry! When I finally got around to eating something, I drank like a camel! (Wait. A camel drinks a lot to store up water, right? :perplexed) Any who, It's almost 10pm and I'm STILL dry. I hate to drink so close to bedtime but, I'm about to guzzle as much as I possibly can tonight. This is crazy how I can feel so dry like this. So far, I've only had 32 oz but, I'm gonna hit 2 more 32 oz cups before the night's over. I gotta. Whew.