***2013 Up Your Water Intake Challenge ***

Yesterday 40oz water and 8oz of herbal tea. I will try to make my goal today but I hate drinking too much when it gets late.
I did really well today:yep: I'm on my last cup of rose petal tea .. think I had 3 of those and 3 cups of plain water....

Rose petal tea sounds so...dainty. :lick:

I'm so behind schedule. It's after 8pm and I'm just working on my first 32 oz. Ah well. I'll get it done.
Caught the stomach bug and much of everything is coming out. Yuck! So needless to say I didn't even make it through a cup of water since I spent all my time putting it out rather than in. Hopefully tomorrow is better and this bug passes. I may have to trade water for Gatorade for one day to replenish with electrolytes.
Caught the stomach bug and much of everything is coming out. Yuck! So needless to say I didn't even make it through a cup of water since I spent all my time putting it out rather than in. Hopefully tomorrow is better and this bug passes. I may have to trade water for Gatorade for one day to replenish with electrolytes.

Ohhh sorry to hear @grantalston my dd had it the other day. ..thankfully it lasted only 1 day. Hope you feel better soon:yep:

NJoy.... it's so refreshing you should try it:yep:
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So i only got 24oz/64oz today (i'm drinking tea now but it's oolong so i don't think it counts..).

In my defense it all went downhill when i got 2 work. Bathrooms weren't working at all until almost noon. I *really* didn't want to get caught with all that good water pushing on my bladder with no bathroom in sight!
I did really well today:yep: I'm on my last cup of rose petal tea .. think I had 3 of those and 3 cups of plain water....
:scratchch, so can I just roll over to the botanical garden and snatch a few leaves for my water - just saying :sekret:

So i only got 24oz/64oz today (i'm drinking tea now but it's oolong so i don't think it counts..).

In my defense it all went downhill when i got 2 work. Bathrooms weren't working at all until almost noon. I *really* didn't want to get caught with all that good water pushing on my bladder with no bathroom in sight!

I am spending so much time in the bathroom, I might have to redocorate it into a living room.
Seamonster that seems about right:grin: they are literally dried petals. ..they are aromatic and are actually pretty good for you:yep:

Eta: you don't even need to have them dried.
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Yeah, weekends are tough for me too. Not that I'm drinking other stuff but, too busy to remember to drink water.

I didn't hit my goal last night. Got started too late. And that was because of all the running around I had to do too. Gonna pay attention to my water app today. I really need those reminders to stay on track over the weekend. That said, let me get my first 32 oz in. Wishing everyone a great day today. DRINK UP!
Water app!!!!???? !! Why didn't you say so:lachen: I never thought of it....I just downloaded one. I'm suppose to drink 61 oz:perplexed:
I'm in...
My goal is 55 oz everyday. I've had a lot of success lately with drinking herbal teas instead of just plain water so I will continue doing that.
I've not gotten off to a great start this year, I've drunk 3 8oz glasses today but I need to do better. I've noticed that some of you guys are drinking herbal teas or lemon in water, I didn't know that counted? Maybe I need to look at some alternative until I can increase my intake, any suggestions will be appreciated.

I downloaded a water app the other day it says I need to drink 71oz a day, I can't work out how to set up the reminders so I'm gonna look for another one that's easier to use. I want Monday to be the day that I turn the page and get serious with the water intake, my body is craving it although my mind is playing catch up.

ETA: when I checked, I had the notifications turned off, hence no reminders to drink.
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Water app!!!!???? !! Why didn't you say so:lachen: I never thought of it....I just downloaded one. I'm suppose to drink 61 oz:perplexed:


:lachen::lachen::lachen: Girl, that was me recommending water apps and asking if anyone else wanted to recommend a particular one about three, fo pages ago. :grin: I needs mine. It charts progress and not wanting to mess up my chart keeps me on track. :look:

Which one did you download. I'm using Water Your Body.
I'm in. My water goals are 90oz per day :look: I've got a 24 oz water bottle so 4 of those a day will put me at goal each day. Last year when I upped my water intake I had great results: better skin and softer new growth :yep:

:lachen::lachen::lachen: Girl, that was me recommending water apps and asking if anyone else wanted to recommend a particular one about three, fo pages ago. :grin: I needs mine. It charts progress and not wanting to mess up my chart keeps me on track. :look:

Which one did you download. I'm using Water Your Body.

:lachen: :lachen: as they say reading is fundamental:giggle: I downloaded the same one:grin: I just have to figure out how to use it:perplexed:
Yesterday 37oz and today only 20oz :ohwell:. Unfortunately I chose to drink too much coffee instead. I'll see what I can do tomorrow :yep:.
How about, my first 32 oz is STILL sitting on my nightstand. The doorbell rang and I forgot all about it. That means, I've had zero water all day so far. WTH?! Oh, Hubby just walked in with a fresh 32 oz for me. I'ma marry him one day.

We'll see how much I can get in before bedtime. :perplexed
Hey Ladies,

Yesterday I got 54/72 ounces in and today I'm at 56/72 oz … if wine counted, I would be good to go for the rest of the night. *wink*
I think i got 60oz/64oz today...not entirely sure because i was sucking down the water but forgot to keep exact count- i'm trying to recreate my count based on where/when i recall refilling my container... *sigh*
Checking in...
I only drank 24/55 oz of marshmallow root tea yesterday :(
This is going to be harder than I thought, but I'm sure that I'll get there in the next few days.
Still sick, yuck! I got 20oz of water to stay down and 8oz of ginger tea. Hopefully this bug will be over soon so I can get my whole 80oz.