2013 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

My mind feels like it's in a vice grip or something when it comes to trying to push on and get things done. I don't like this uncomfort but I know it's the only way for me to grow. I don't have the luxary to be a wife or nothing so I have to push through. The rejection hurts but I know eventually I will be able to deal with it better. I need prayer and great encouragment. Where do I turn.

Psalm 34:17-20 ESV When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken.
My mind feels like it's in a vice grip or something when it comes to trying to push on and get things done. I don't like this uncomfort but I know it's the only way for me to grow. I don't have the luxary to be a wife or nothing so I have to push through. The rejection hurts but I know eventually I will be able to deal with it better. I need prayer and great encouragment. Where do I turn.

Each time the Lord blesses you with the Word and with a season of victory, the enemy comes with the intent to 'snatch' it away.

Yesterday was an explosive time for you filled with spiritual blessings. Today is just scripture coming to pass as noted in Mark 4:14(b).

When they hear, Satan comes immediately and takes away the word that was sown in their hearts.

However, this time, the enemy is not succeeding. The seed which God watered into your heart yesterday is incorruptible. It cannot be crushed. As tiny as it may appear today, that seed is forever planted into your heart and soul and it can never be destroyed nor uprooted.

So yeah... satan is only up to his ole tricks again. he's done it before, but this time he's lost his game. It's old and no longer has it's flame that he has used in time's past steal and conquer your joy. You are in it, God's land of recovery for a lifetime and into eternity. Do not listen to the enemy's lies. You know now, what it feels like to give total yield of yourself unto God. Keep giving unto Him, ignoring the enemy. he's that one that's a nothing and a nobody.

You ARE somebody and God still has you and He Is Not Letting You Go! You're too deeply embedded into His Heart. Remember those heavy weighted nails that pierced His hands, feet and the sword in His body? Deeper you are embedded into the Life Blood and Heart of Jesus, eternally.

Kristian... Have a Good Day on Jesus! :love3:
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I know I'm tired more physical than mental. I keep mulling over the words from yesterday. Something that stuck out to me was that we are suppose to encourage one another and weep with one another. This idea is so foreign to me. I have read it so many times but it's never seems to happen. Most walk away because your too much or not enough or whatever. I'm going to keep pushing and get some rest.
I know I'm tired more physical than mental. I keep mulling over the words from yesterday. Something that stuck out to me was that we are suppose to encourage one another and weep with one another. This idea is so foreign to me. I have read it so many times but it's never seems to happen. Most walk away because your too much or not enough or whatever. I'm going to keep pushing and get some rest.

I think I'm in the 'too much' category. :look:

:bighug: Get some rest. You'll feel better when your body is rested. :yep:
Lord have mercy...this makes me sad:sad: I dont think churches are doing much of this nowadays they are too busy with meaningless things...sometimes my Pastor will just send you to someone and say hug them show them the love of the Father, I have see many break (including myself) from such a hug, churches dont know what people need anymore to busy with messages of prosperity while prosperity is important love is so much important.

I've seen people struggling with forgiveness, abandonment, abuse etc., and the whole church (though small) would stay back and pray and tarry with that person until the got their deliverance...

I know I'm tired more physical than mental. I keep mulling over the words from yesterday. Something that stuck out to me was that we are suppose to encourage one another and weep with one another. This idea is so foreign to me. I have read it so many times but it's never seems to happen. Most walk away because your too much or not enough or whatever. I'm going to keep pushing and get some rest.
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Will you go after that 'one'...

Luke 15
3 Then Jesus told them this parable: 4 “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? 5 And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders 6 and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ 7 I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.
I remember a Coptic priest retreat seminar on Youtube where he was talking about trusting in G-d and learning how to stand on him. He's a priest and all, in charge of the congregation, but he made mention of simply being busy at times, with his family and other things and that he's not always able to help another through situations. There was one particular person who wanted to call upon his priest to help through an ordeal that was not an emergency situation and he couldn't get to his priest at all for he was out-of-town resting with his family. When Fr. got back, this man actually went to him to tell him about a miraculous revelation he had. He said, "I needed you but you weren't available...thank G-d because I had to depend upon just me and Jesus" (not verbatim). He said it was the best thing for him to not have been able to depend upon his human spiritual advisor.
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Lord have mercy...this makes me sad:sad: I dont think churches are doing much of this nowadays they are too busy with meaningless things...sometimes my Pastor will just send you to someone and say hug them show them the love of the Father, I have see many break (including myself) from such a hug, churches dont know what people need anymore to busy with messages of prosperity while prosperity is important love is so much important.

I've seen people struggling with forgiveness, abandonment, abuse etc., and the whole church (though small) would stay back and pray and tarry with that person until the got their deliverance...

This next phrase isn't of the offensive nor age but the only thing I can come up with. Chile you don't know the half of it. Most churches I have gone to and grew up in if you didnt' pay big bucks you got no love. For instance very current actually going on now. My grandmother even though she isn't blood has been attending her church say something of 30 years. She just had a triple bypass and only 1 has come to see about her in the hospital or call the house to check. My mother who was the hospitality president for the last 2 years got no calls either. Because my mother is poor and so is my grandmother now after my late aunts drug issues, no one has made a mention of them.

See I don't share that here often or anything but this is why I have in the last 5 to 8 years been very hell bent on not ever going to another church. Now my church that I'm now going to and in process of becoming a member of they are real about making folks get right and grow. I wanted to do a recovery intense class. I was told nope you need to build community first then we will work on that for the fall. I was so surprised but they mean what they say about really being at the core of what the word says. I am so outside of myself in regards to the drive and passion behind it. I can feel them on so many levels.
I would have done left that church,:grin: that's what it's all about being there for people, God don't come down no more WE are his hands and feet in the earth, some of us dont represent him well at all:nono:, how we must disappoint him so...Thank God that my church is not like that at all they are really like family...

I'm excited to hear that you have found somewhere to worship, where you can learn and grow and have to keep your guard up all the time it's a blessing.

This next phrase isn't of the offensive nor age but the only thing I can come up with. Chile you don't know the half of it. Most churches I have gone to and grew up in if you didnt' pay big bucks you got no love. For instance very current actually going on now. My grandmother even though she isn't blood has been attending her church say something of 30 years. She just had a triple bypass and only 1 has come to see about her in the hospital or call the house to check. My mother who was the hospitality president for the last 2 years got no calls either. Because my mother is poor and so is my grandmother now after my late aunts drug issues, no one has made a mention of them.

See I don't share that here often or anything but this is why I have in the last 5 to 8 years been very hell bent on not ever going to another church. Now my church that I'm now going to and in process of becoming a member of they are real about making folks get right and grow. I wanted to do a recovery intense class. I was told nope you need to build community first then we will work on that for the fall. I was so surprised but they mean what they say about really being at the core of what the word says. I am so outside of myself in regards to the drive and passion behind it. I can feel them on so many levels.
It's raining 'cats and dogs' over here, which brings to rememberance...it rains on the just and the unjust just the same. But I thank God for the rain just the same.. He is Timekeeper.
Just wanted to send everyone here some love :bighug: I pray that the Lord will keep you strong in whatever you may be going through and strong in him :)

I'm filling out applications and I began feeling really anxious/stressed/very sad and ended up laying down. When I feel like this I generally like to lose myself in a book but I'm giving up secular books for the month. :| So I'm laying down crying and was like at least I can listen to something inspirational.

So I listened to Je'Kob's Faith and prayed. (After that I felt better so I got up and looked up trip lee on yt and ad for Chris Tomlin's song 'Whom Shall Fear' came on. You know what I quoted that verse when I was praying. :) Praise God he knew what I was looking for even if I didn't know. (:
Psalm 119:104-105 KJV
Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way. [105] Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

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Will you go after that 'one'...

Luke 15
3 Then Jesus told them this parable: 4 “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? 5 And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders 6 and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ 7 I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.

Iwanthealthyhair67 ...

I've literally 'watched' you do this 'go after that one' in love, fasting and prayer. You have such a loving heart and you always go after the ones who have been hurt the most for God's healing to flow into their lives.

Yes, you do this. I've watched and have heard you in prayer.

When Jesus said...He'd leave the 90 and 9 for that one that no one else would follow... He knew He could count on you.

Glory to God.
It's raining 'cats and dogs' over here, which brings to rememberance...it rains on the just and the unjust just the same. But I thank God for the rain just the same.. He is Timekeeper.

Showers of Blessings... :love3:
Lord I think I'm slowly understanding timing. I think I'm finally understanding this is all a process. I want to love the process but I don't but I respect it.

So many say be a lady but this or that but I can't. Who am I being a lady for when there are no men in sight in my life. I feel as though it may take me alot longer for me to heal and take off my mask because I don't have anyone to turn to in the flesh. I am me al one. I really hope I keep pushing through this season of uncomfort in order to be able to get to the other side.
Was thinking on the way to work about service on Sunday. The pastor mentioned that people are messy and being in community will be messy and just dealing with people as a whole is messy and you are messy. I think that is why for the longest one doesn't want to deal with their issues both the ones that you did and those that were afflicted by others. It's also why I think for me that I will throw folks away at the drop of a dime because if it's not smooth sailing I won't deal with you anymore. I'm hoping as I become apart of community I will be able to be ok in the messiness as it deals with people.

I'm noticing my spirtual and physical health are very important to me. Like both are about even. I know that the spirtual is important long term-eternal but the physical is just important in order to be ok to do the work that I need to do,catch a mate,and just to be proud of myself. I know as that becomes better my mental health will be even grander.
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Last night in prayer meeting the word came forth with such power 'prepare becuase the bridegroom cometh', at the end of the service when we were all hugging one another when I got to this certain sister she just broke down and I couldn't let her go such a heaviness was on her I just couldn't let her go I started crying too and she said; 'I just want to be ready' all I could do was hold her tighter rub her back and say we all want to be ready, I pray that the Lord gives you strength for this journey and I love you sis...

I'm not trying to exalt myself in anyway but what i would like us to be is more sensitive to Holy Spirit, there are hurting people all around us and sometimes we sit right next to them and dont know or even care about them...

I pray that the Lord gives us a spirit of compassion and discernment so that we move outside of ourselves and help somebody else (other than our family and friends and the folk we like)...help don't always mean money it may be listening, saying a prayer taking someone to the grocery store, cooking a meal, cleaning out your closet and giving stuff away or giving someone a bag a groceries maybe even some coconut oil for their hair it dont take much to express the love of God ...
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Iwanthealthyhair67 I have been hesitant in responding to your post upthread about being sensitive to others. I find what you did very rare and ambicalble. Many wouldn't have done so. In this society we are all about us. We don't care about what others are going through and when they voice it it's over looked or your perceived as a whiner or something with a negative connoation. I can pick up on people being heavy and weighted just like being near someone who is airy and light. It's a huge difference. It's normal for us to steer to the left of someone who is going through things or heavy. It's our jobs to go through with them as we aren't meant to go alone. This just was so resounding with me right now.
@GoddessMaker I'll share something with you, last night when I was hugging that lady I thought of you and I asked God to send someone to you to show you Daddy's love...

@Iwanthealthyhair67 I have been hesitant in responding to your post upthread about being sensitive to others. I find what you did very rare and ambicalble. Many wouldn't have done so. In this society we are all about us. We don't care about what others are going through and when they voice it it's over looked or your perceived as a whiner or something with a negative connoation. I can pick up on people being heavy and weighted just like being near someone who is airy and light. It's a huge difference. It's normal for us to steer to the left of someone who is going through things or heavy. It's our jobs to go through with them as we aren't meant to go alone. This just was so resounding with me right now.