2013 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

2 Cor. 4:7 But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.
I'm losing my way.... I am so unhappy with my job and it affects me in every way. I am angry all the time. I'm trying to keep the faith since God does help me get everything I want. But, it's too much. I'm so unhappy. Please pray for me...

I'm broken and still breaking.
nynewyork said:
I'm losing my way.... I am so unhappy with my job and it affects me in every way. I am angry all the time. I'm trying to keep the faith since God does help me get everything I want. But, it's too much. I'm so unhappy. Please pray for me...

I'm broken and still breaking.

You aren't broken. Maybe a bit bruised or bending back and forth with the wind. You've asked for prayers so deep down you know the enemy is trying to discourage you. Tell God each time you dislike something. Pray for guidance and wisdom.

You are in my prayers.
Still here...

It's been very busy outside of the forum. Taking a few moments to 'catch up' with posts/threads.

Still Praying for all... :pray:

Especially for Pooks. I thank God for your health and your beautiful baby princess who will come into this earth realm, beaming with love, life, and Jesus.

This baby is already 'crowned' with God's glory and destiny. Bless her heart. :love3:

You are surrounded and hidden in the safe and loving arms of Jesus. You can rest in there for sure. :love2:
Glad to hear that, sis. Ecclesiastes puts everything in its proper perspective; all is vanity.

Meditating on this verse today:

Eccl 2:13
Then I saw that wisdom excelleth folly, as far as light excelleth darkness.

stay blessed!

I have been meditating on Eccl during my fast. The Lord is speaking.......
Shimmie God bless you, I needed that. I feel warmth and love radiating from your post to my heart. Love how God uses us to uplift and encourage one another!

I am so excited to meet my precious gift... :)

*God is still God. :)
*I'm learning to trust Him more each day. It's tough, because I can be very ananlytical and anticipate things going the way I've planned them. It's truly breaking new ground for me.
*God is moving and changing some things in major ways. There isn't time for anymore of this lukewarm, play- play, I'm a kinda Christian stuff. It's real in these streets. People need to be introduced to a real God, by real people.
*God is moving and changing some things in major ways. There isn't time for anymore of this lukewarm, play- play, I'm a kinda Christian stuff. It's real in these streets. People need to be introduced to a real God, by real people.

This... Amen!

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*God is still God. :)
*I'm learning to trust Him more each day. It's tough, because I can be very ananlytical and anticipate things going the way I've planned them. It's truly breaking new ground for me.
*God is moving and changing some things in major ways. There isn't time for anymore of this lukewarm, play- play, I'm a kinda Christian stuff. It's real in these streets. People need to be introduced to a real God, by real people.
Thank you for this...Amen!:yep:

*God is still God. :)
*I'm learning to trust Him more each day. It's tough, because I can be very ananlytical and anticipate things going the way I've planned them. It's truly breaking new ground for me.
*God is moving and changing some things in major ways. There isn't time for anymore of this lukewarm, play- play, I'm a kinda Christian stuff. It's real in these streets. People need to be introduced to a real God, by real people.

Amen! It's time that Christians "come out from among them". It's time that Christians actually be salt and light. Christians cannot continue to give license to the foolishness of the world and cosign the a humanist world view.
I'm losing my way.... I am so unhappy with my job and it affects me in every way. I am angry all the time. I'm trying to keep the faith since God does help me get everything I want. But, it's too much. I'm so unhappy. Please pray for me...

I'm broken and still breaking.

When satan pushes you backwards don't fret because you fall right into the arms of Goodness & Mercy!

"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever." Psalm 23:6

The Name of the Lord is a strong tower...the righteous run into it and are safe!

Run...run...run into the tower of God!!! Don't allow the enemy to take away what the Lord has given to you and that is His Peace!

This is the prayer that the Lord wants YOU to pray:

The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
He leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul:
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name' sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil: For thou art with me;
Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies;
Thou annointest my head with oil; My cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever. Psalm 23

*Thought for the Week*

If you were arrested and charged with being a Child of God, would there be enough evidence to convict you?
Just because there are things we can handle in the natural doesn't mean that our Lord can't take care of it in the spirit. The weaker we are in the natural the more God can do with us in the spirit.
I ran 1 mile today...for the first time in 6 years:yay:. I couldn't do much of anything (exercise) after I was in a car accident in 2007 and had surgery in 2008. The last 2 years have been better and I have been doing light exercises, but nothing to really make me feel like I did something.

I feel so renewed! I am so happy that I can run again! I have dreams of running and when I wake up, I'm so sad because I always loved to run.

God is restoring me and I am so grateful and thankful to Him for this. This day has been monumental for me.

Praise the name of the Lord, Jesus!!!
You aren't broken. Maybe a bit bruised or bending back and forth with the wind. You've asked for prayers so deep down you know the enemy is trying to discourage you. Tell God each time you dislike something. Pray for guidance and wisdom.

You are in my prayers.


Good Word :up: :yep: :up:
I ran 1 mile today...for the first time in 6 years:yay:. I couldn't do much of anything (exercise) after I was in a car accident in 2007 and had surgery in 2008. The last 2 years have been better and I have been doing light exercises, but nothing to really make me feel like I did something.

I feel so renewed! I am so happy that I can run again! I have dreams of running and when I wake up, I'm so sad because I always loved to run.

God is restoring me and I am so grateful and thankful to Him for this. This day has been monumental for me.

Praise the name of the Lord, Jesus!!!

:congrats: :yay: :congrats:
Stay encouraged..even during this time, as Jehovah-Jireh is our real employer.. ;) knowing that always keeps me focused..but, you're also in my prayers for that provision!

sooo tired of being unemployed.I need much prayers