2013 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

When we know we are fearfully and wonderfully made, it's okay to be us and sound like us. Not someone else. Freedom

Still happy!:grin:
@Nice & Wavy do you know where I can buy that, I think I need a new bible holder..
Iwanthealthyhair67 not that one in particular, but here is a website that has many of them...they are nice too as gifts!


Here are a few of them:

Is anyone doing the "read the Bible in a year" this year? Just curious.. I may start it again.. I always discover something "new" , missed from previous studies. God's Word is so amazing....never gets old.
Is anyone doing the "read the Bible in a year" this year? Just curious.. I may start it again.. I always discover something "new" , missed from previous studies. God's Word is so amazing....never gets old.

I am. But I'm not starting from Genesis then going to revelation in order. I'm going as the Holy Spirit leads. I just finished Genesis. My goal is at least 10 chapters a day.

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Is anyone doing the "read the Bible in a year" this year? Just curious.. I may start it again.. I always discover something "new" , missed from previous studies. God's Word is so amazing....never gets old.

And yes you're so right. The Word never gets old. I read Genesis a few months ago and I felt led by the Holy Ghost to go back and I got so more from it than I did the first time.

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Is anyone doing the "read the Bible in a year" this year? Just curious.. I may start it again.. I always discover something "new" , missed from previous studies. God's Word is so amazing....never gets old.
I just finished in December...it was wonderful. I may start again, but I'm doing a different study right now. You are right, God's Word never gets old. I remember a saying my old pastor use to say: "God's Word is pregnant, its constantly giving birth to new revelation!"

I just finished in December...it was wonderful. I may start again, but I'm doing a different study right now. You are right, God's Word never gets old. I remember a saying my old pastor use to say: "God's Word is pregnant, its constantly giving birth to new revelation!"
God I guess it gets harder while your refining me right? I know I'm not perfect and I know I'm a bit sharp with those who I feel don't really have any bearings in the long run but these folks you have me near want to see me fail. My keeping to myself isn't working so I don't know what else to do. I can't do what I want to do which is light them up like a newport. I guess this may be a tiny bit of growth for me. I wonder if the urge to read folks ever goes away. I may never be one of those gentle doe like church folk but I do know what matters and who matters in my focus,the unemployed and the abused.
Is anyone doing the "read the Bible in a year" this year? Just curious.. I may start it again.. I always discover something "new" , missed from previous studies. God's Word is so amazing....never gets old.

I am. I bought myself a chronological bible for Christmas and am really enjoying reading the Bible in a new way.
I am. I bought myself a chronological bible for Christmas and am really enjoying reading the Bible in a new way.

I have never seen a chronological Bible but it sounds like a good gift for someone who is new to the Bible.

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God is going to do the new
thing in your heart,
finances, relationships...

He has obligated himself to do it,
He’s able to do it,
He has the experience to do it,
and He wants to do it.

Isaiah 43:19 - “Behold, I will do a new thing;
now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it?”
Daily Devotional for Friday January 11, 2013

Then Rebekah and her servants mounted the camels and left with Abraham's servant.

-Genesis 24:61

Rebekah's journey to meet Isaac is an inspiring lesson in devotion to the unseen. Although she had never seen Isaac, Rebekah willingly separated from her family for life. There was no courtship, no "trial period," and no way home! A thousand-mile camel ride stood between her family and her decision to marry Isaac.

As though leaving her family was not enough, Rebekah embarked on one of the roughest journeys a bride could ever face, involving weeks of camelback travel over harsh desert terrain. All her endurance was based upon the servant's description of Isaac. No wonder Isaac's heart was filled with love for this bride when he saw the camels approaching (Genesis 24:63-67)!

In the same way, Jesus is looking for His Bride. He is looking for a Church that is willing to separate forever from its family and follow after Him. His Church must be able to endure hardship on its journey through the desert of life. The Church presses on toward heaven with one motive: devotion to Jesus.

Get on your camel one more time, for this may be the day you see your long-awaited Bridegroom!

Daily Readings: Genesis 24:52-26:16 • Matthew 8:18-34
• Psalm 10:1-15 • Proverbs 3:7-8

Reading God's Word is so different with a teen...questions of a deeper level. But I'm enjoying our study of Ecclesiastes; it's one of the better books for teens, IMHO. It's not of gloom, doom but of hope. What child doesn't want to be as wise as Solomon when they grow up?
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It baffles me how people are turning a blind eye to the things that are so blantant and in your face in regards to the media, entertainers and our government. I have a laundry list of things and I cant comprehend how people dont see this. The various entertainers that people are worshipping or giving a "pass" just because they're attractive or appear to be a "good" person. They are pushing satan's agenda harder than ever and the majority of people are drinking the koolaide. It saddens me and I pray thier eyes are opened to God's truth before it's to late.

I hope our dear sister GodivaChocolate does not mind me posting this in the 2013 Christian random thoughts thread. This is absolute truth. I pray for all the body of Christ that we exalt the truth of God's Word above all, including our own feelings.

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God is protecting Pooks and her princess baby girl. The angels of the Lord have been duly assigned to them to lead, guide and to protect them for all of their lives which shall be long and strong.

I so admire such a woman who has cradled the life of her baby in spite of the 'complications'. Pooks is a beautiful mother inside and out. It's no small wonder that God's favour is fully upon her and her family.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.

:Rose: :Rose: :Rose:
My thoughts are coming from today's church service. Please know that this is my thoughts which are shaped by my perceptions and reality.

The church I'm now going through the process of being in is a mixed church with more white than anything. I was lead there a few years ago by a former friend. I find that it's so biblical based. They have founded everything on the word and they take time in really making it plan and making what the relationship of the church and the person really is.

I was so scared to be there as though no one would accept me in because I'm black. I know for most that there is no such thing as a black church. However for me there is. There are different perceptions and attitudes that go forth or at least the ones I have attended. This church is relaxed but serious about God. They aren't staunchy in a Sunday Easter suit type of way either which I love. I was able to be cute in my jeans and scarf and felt like I was at home. I have never seen men who are like so sold out for God and showed emotion.

I was scared today because I went to new members class. It was packed. It was 3 hours but I have a very good understanding of what is my responsibility and see this place as somewhere I can take my mask off and not be harmed. I know they are people and I'm not saying that the white man is my god. What I am saying is I have finally found somewhere local that is very real and raw about what is going on in the life of people. They spoke about homosexuality,sexual issues,marriage and the like.

I feel like I can grow here. I also feel like I can see a place where the yoke is light and burden is easy. I know people go through stuff but to see such a lightness is so awesome. Like to be able to just breathe and not feel so heavy and not always so angry. To see a pastor who is welcoming and open. To not feel like I need to bow before senior elders or anyone is so refreshing.

I don't cry but I love that fact that when I did the lights where down and everyone isn't all in your business. I guess I was open because I met about 5 people today. I really love that I will be able to do home groups and then start in recovery meetings. It's time to step deeper in my faith of God if I'm going to do it. I can't do it alone and I can't do it at a church where folks are too busy worrying about getting this new car or new house or the hat and matching purse and all that mess. I'm hurting, I need a hug,I want to cry,I'm angry,I'm broken and broke and will be jobless soon.I need understanding but also encouragement.I also need a swift kick in the rump at times too.

I have been quiet in here as of late because I know my views and the main focus views differ. I wish at times I could really express what I feel but being a black sheep here makes that hard. I believe in God but I don't believe everything is doom and gloom. Everything isn't snappy and sassy. This church gives real. Today's message was on the characteristics of a repent culture. The basis of this is racial reconciliation. I didn't think I was but I was mildly scared of whites because I think they look at me a fat black poor chick and look down. The reality all may do that but I can't allow that to stop me. All but 2 where black folks who talked to me. The others where white people. I don't want to see race as a bad thing anymore. I like the pastor closing mark that no one should be color blind as it takes away of the beauty God made in every creation.
Jesus loves me me me. The undeserving,overlooked,overworked,ugly,angry,bankaccount with 30 dollars in it me. He loves me unconditionally if I get the promotion or if I'm homeless he loves me. The raped,slandered,abused,beaten,fat me. The me who cursing and wants to bop people on the high way me. Jesus loves me because his Word says so. The me who doesn't always prays and sometimes can't be bothered me. Thank you Jesus for unconditional love when man and woman look down on me for not being from a good family that isn't riddled with mental illness. Thank you for allowing me today not to feel silly to smile at someone and to be ok with joy. Jesus loves me.
Jesus loves me me me. The undeserving,overlooked,overworked,ugly,angry,bankaccount with 30 dollars in it me. He loves me unconditionally if I get the promotion or if I'm homeless he loves me. The raped,slandered,abused,beaten,fat me. The me who cursing and wants to bop people on the high way me. Jesus loves me because his Word says so. The me who doesn't always prays and sometimes can't be bothered me. Thank you Jesus for unconditional love when man and woman look down on me for not being from a good family that isn't riddled with mental illness. Thank you for allowing me today not to feel silly to smile at someone and to be ok with joy. Jesus loves me.

Philippians 3:13-14 KJV
Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do , forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, [14] I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Jesus Paid it all

To think of the pain God suffered on the cross and to think he did that for me. To think that I feel I don't deserve to be joyful or happy or have anything is stupid. The light is hitting me like wow. How dare I second guess God's ability or if he loves me. He bore the sins of my ratchet life and the sins of the pain others afflicted me with. Lord have mercy.
Jesus loves me me me. The undeserving,overlooked,overworked,ugly,angry,bankaccount with 30 dollars in it me. He loves me unconditionally if I get the promotion or if I'm homeless he loves me. The raped,slandered,abused,beaten,fat me. The me who cursing and wants to bop people on the high way me. Jesus loves me because his Word says so. The me who doesn't always prays and sometimes can't be bothered me. Thank you Jesus for unconditional love when man and woman look down on me for not being from a good family that isn't riddled with mental illness. Thank you for allowing me today not to feel silly to smile at someone and to be ok with joy. Jesus loves me.

Yes He surely does... Jesus Love YOU...GoddessMaker. YOU!
Meditating on this Word ... Eccl 4:9-12 So grateful for my friends today, Lord. :love2:

Two are better than one,
Because they have a good reward for their labor.
For if they fall, one will lift up his companion.
But woe to him who is alone when he falls,
For he has no one to help him up.
Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm;
But how can one be warm alone?
Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him.
And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.