2013 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

Blessed is the man who walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly

More and more I am praying for discernment when it comes to seeking advice
I am learning more and more to pray and seek God first
it's so important
and I've noticed the difference
Blessed is the man who walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly

More and more I am praying for discernment when it comes to seeking advice
I am learning more and more to pray and seek God first
it's so important
and I've noticed the difference


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I re-read this post yesterday evening and then this morning listened to a John Piper sermon about one of the purposes of marriage being to create new worshippers of God whether through biological childbearing or adoption or fostering or just making your God-centred home a place where all the kids love to be, and I prayed.. for myself and her father, and need to do so continually. Lord please help us to be images of you, reflections of your love, teachers of your Word and doers also, to bring up this child in the nurture and admonition of You. In Jesus' mighty name, Amen.

PS - Kisses to you Shimmie

:kiss: Love and hugs and kisses and prayers and blessings and much, much more, to you and your New Baby Princess... Your New Beautiful 'Baby Girl'.

Pooks, what's her name? I can't wait to see her pictures.

You are surrounded by the love of God and His angels who have been assigned, to carry your baby gently from your womb, into this earth realm. .

I'm so excited for you and your husband. :yep: :pray: :yep:

To God be the glory, forever and ever, Amen.
Meditating on the potency of this Word today...

John 12:24 (New King James Version (NKJV)
Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.
I feel bad right now. Something happened last night and I reacted badly. I feel that God placed me in that situation for a reason and I need to re-eval my life and figure out how to get out of the situation. I know that I still fail so badly by different things but I know one day the things that really get me will not. I know God is working on me and working things out of me. Thank God for another chance and day.
So thankful for the Word today. Abortion was the topic today and I love the presentation of it. I love my Pastor and glad he doesn't try and just talk at folks or throw out judgement. I know that the topic hit alot of folks at their core. Be it active or due to being passive about it. Can't wait til Recovery meeting on Wednesday. Credit cards jacked,no money in the bank, job makes me miserable but I'm happy to be alive and will find ways to get to church.
G-d surrounds us with art and beauty and we are to partake in that. It's part of what we call "life" on this earth. But if we are more concerned with the art and beauty and not the spiritual realm of that beauty internally, we miss out on the most wonderful miracle of all.
This is hard to write. I know I only want what is good and awesome. I always think why did I get such a hard hand in life. Why does it seem others get to skate by in life and be able to show all this or that. I need to be ok with equal amount of bad as I desire good. Why me I want to scream out loud to God. Why not me in the concern of negative. God must trust me enough to go through the rough. I know some of the things that are going on is because of my own ratchet self while others is because of a fallen world and the things that are deeper still are because of sins that where done against me. I will dig deeper in the Word and remember that power of life and death is in my mouth. My mouth is a gift I need to make sure I'm using it for good and not killing my own life because of anger.
sometimes you get tired. of hoping so you live for Yah. da best you can.. dreams. change. desires. change .. falling in love doesn't hold the appeal it used to.. because you keep seeing it denied.. so you stop asking .. im okay with it.. now to learn. to live with it is the next step
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I need a hug!!!! I have been needing a hug for a long time. Like I'm tired of holding it all in. I'm making myself crazy and tired. I hate this feeling. I may just hug one of the pastors tomorrow. It's not for you it's for me. I haven't been touched in a long time and part is because I haven't allowed it. I need a hug since I feel so alone and so overwhelmed with changes I need to make in my poor pathetic life right now. Things that should be admirable like trying to stop cursing is seen as crazy. Wanting more for myself is seen as doing too much. I just want to scream. Pray I get a hug tomorrow ladies I really need it. And hug someone today not your boo but someone who is down on their luck and out like me.
I hope this is okay to put here. It is truly random and it happened at church so I guess here is fine.

I work in the nursery at church and this Sunday there was a little baby that looked just like me as a kid!

@_@ I swear you would have thought she was my kid. Same skin complexion, same curl pattern, hair was in a bun like I wore then. She even acted like me. Cried in the corner for her mom and then wanted to be picked up and feel promptly asleep in my arms.

We actually had on matching clothing too This probably sounds unremarkable, but, I've been working in the nursery for 10 years and I've never thought this.
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I hope this is okay to put here. It is truly random and it happened at church so I guess here is fine.

I work in the nursery at church and this Sunday there was a little baby that looked just like me as a kid! @_@ I swear you would have thought she was my kid. Same skin complexion, same curl pattern, hair was in a bun like I wore then. She even acted like me. :lol: Cried in the corner for her mom and then wanted to be picked up and feel promptly asleep in my arms.
We actually had on matching clothing too :drunk: This probably sounds unremarkable, but, I've been working in the nursery for 10 years and I've never thought this.

In the expression of a random thought, I don't get four things about your story: (1) how long has the child been in the nursery?; (2) didn't you mean instead of "I've never thought this" that "you never saw her?"; (3) I never see kids have matching clothes to adults--don't mean matching patterns or colors?; and (4) how big is the nursery in terms of number of kids? Those things were very much unclear from your story. It is good that you worked for 10 years in the nursery because whatever you do for Christ will last if we are His. What has been your experience in those 10 years? Are you running it?
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@Nice Lady
:lol: I'm so sorry I really do have a problem clearly relating back stories. I hope these answers help some.

1. This is the first time I've ever seen the child, but, she could have come a sunday I wasn't there.
2. No, I meant I've never thought 'wow, this child reminds me of myself.' Ever.
3. Yes, I meant matching colors. We both had on egg plant tops and black bottoms.
4. It depends on the month and the Sunday. The Sunday I work always has the least amount of kids; I at most will have 2. And no, I'm not running it. I just volunteer one sun. every month (all the nursery workers do.) For the most part I enjoy working in the nursery. It's been interesting, sometimes exhausting. While I adore babies I'm thinking of making this my last year.
In the expression of a random thought, I don't get four things about your story: (1) how long has the child been in the nursery?; (2) didn't you mean instead of "I've never thought this" that "you never saw her?"; (3) I never see kids have matching clothes to adults--don't mean matching patterns or colors?; and (4) how big is the nursery in terms of number of kids? Those things were very much unclear from your story. It is good that you worked for 10 years in the nursery because whatever you do for Christ will last if we are His. What has been your experience in those 10 years? Are you running it?

@Nice Lady
:lol: I'm so sorry I really do have a problem clearly relating back stories. I hope these answers help some.

1. This is the first time I've ever seen the child, but, she could have come a sunday I wasn't there.
2. No, I meant I've never thought 'wow, this child reminds me of myself.' Ever.
3. Yes, I meant matching colors. We both had on egg plant tops and black bottoms.
4. It depends on the month and the Sunday. The Sunday I work always has the least amount of kids; I at most will have 2. And no, I'm not running it. I just volunteer one sun. every month (all the nursery workers do.) For the most part I enjoy working in the nursery. It's been interesting, sometimes exhausting. While I adore babies I'm thinking of making this my last year.

Well, you answered almost all the questions, but the last one wasn't really. But, it was so nice of you to share that story of 10 years of work in the nursery.:lol: It doessn't really matter...
Nice Lady said:
Well, you answered almost all the questions, but the last one wasn't really. But, it was so nice of you to share that story of 10 years of work in the nursery.:lol: It doessn't really matter...

I'm a little :perplexed: at your questioning.
Well, you answered almost all the questions, but the last one wasn't really. But, it was so nice of you to share that story of 10 years of work in the nursery.:lol: It doessn't really matter...
@Nice Lady
I'm sorry, I'm a little confused as well. Are you being sarcastic with me? It's hard to tell online.

If you are, I wasn't trying to make it a big deal or anything and I'm sorry it came off that way. I only shared that because, I've never thought that in the time I've worked there and I wanted to give a point of reference.

But thanks for making me feel bad about it.

I'll go ahead and remove the story b/c I didn't know that's how it'd be seen. If you don't mind would you remove my comment you quoted?
@Nice Lady
I'm sorry, I'm a little confused as well. Are you being sarcastic with me? It's hard to tell online.

If you are, I wasn't trying to make it a big deal or anything and I'm sorry it came off that way. I only shared that because, I've never thought that in the time I've worked there and I wanted to give a point of reference.

But thanks for making me feel bad about it.

I'll go ahead and remove the story b/c I didn't know that's how it'd be seen. If you don't mind would you remove my comment you quoted?

I was interested in your story. I didn't understand where you were going with it. So, I asked questions. That's it in a nutshell....
I was interested in your story. I didn't understand where you were going with it. So, I asked questions. That's it in a nutshell....
I guess it's a misunderstanding on my part then. I apologize. I'm not sure why you're underlining 10 years though? I'm also, not sure what I didn't answer.

I wasn't really going anywhere with my story. It was just a random story that happened at church.
Joel 2:25

"I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten--the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm--my great army that I sent among you.

New International Version (©1984)
Lord I pray that tonight all those who come to recovery will be open for your word and healing that only you can provide. I know that your healing may be through others Lord so help all of use be open to you. Help those who will give their testimony so far will be not scared and do it with boldness. I pray one day to be able to share with those who are nonjudgemental and in need of encouragement that only comes forth in showing what you God did for me and how you God kept me when I really would have rather found a weapon.

Help me right now Lord. I'm scared,lonely,feeling oh so contrary to your word. Help me to get what I'm needing deeply. I know I desire touch and I desire to be accepted,acknowledged and wanted. I pray that people are added to me and people who need to be removed are. I pray this for everyone in this section. Hope the true greatness of everyone isn't washed away because of stupidity or pride.
@brg I just read your post and I thought that it was so sweet. I could only imagine what you were experiencing at that moment...especially when the little girl fell asleep in your arms....too cute!

God bless you for your ministry. 10 years is a long time to do what you do and I know, the nursery isn't easy at all. I do hope you stay though...those children need your sweet spirit there:yep:

God bless you, always :kiss: