2013 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

Iwanthealthyhair67 Why did that just give me the shivers. When one thinks no one loves them,hears them or is concerned about them their is always one. You may never see their face,hear their voice or know their name but there is always one. I know I pray for those I don't know all the time because I can identify with the underdog too well. As I grow I hope to help others do the same.

I know the group Mary Mary is on the it list in this section of the board. The song "I will never" really is hitting me. To think I have been holding on even when I when I want to quit. I have came in here a many times think this is it I'm done with this place, this section,this walk ,everything. All the while I'm still here. To some I'm a whiner or wishy washy or just uncute for the standards of the LHCF board. However I know for at least one out there my voice speaks for them. I always felt I would be a voice for the voiceless since I was in grade school. I guess that is coming full circle.
GoddessMaker trust me you have more support than you think, this scripture comes to mind;

2 Kings 6:16
He said, “Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

@Iwanthealthyhair67 Why did that just give me the shivers. When one thinks no one loves them,hears them or is concerned about them their is always one. You may never see their face,hear their voice or know their name but there is always one. I know I pray for those I don't know all the time because I can identify with the underdog too well. As I grow I hope to help others do the same.

I know the group Mary Mary is on the it list in this section of the board. The song "I will never" really is hitting me. To think I have been holding on even when I when I want to quit. I have came in here a many times think this is it I'm done with this place, this section,this walk ,everything. All the while I'm still here. To some I'm a whiner or wishy washy or just uncute for the standards of the LHCF board. However I know for at least one out there my voice speaks for them. I always felt I would be a voice for the voiceless since I was in grade school. I guess that is coming full circle.
RT: I'm truly happy for the sister... in a Christian forum full of single women, it's great to see a real example of waiting on the Lord, and that He will be The Guest of Honor ...
Sorting Through Some Things (Side Note): If we have struggled with saying the same stuff for over years, ask God to actually make you mean the words. Our actions today build our tomorrows. If we are doing things with severe consequences, it will lead to serious shame.

The Holy Spirit can ghostwrite your heart to make a turnaround from severe character flaws that lead down the broad road of destruction in this life and the next... Feeling bad about our actions never leads to real change especially if we have been kicking this game for years with the same lines.

I am happy for those expecting restoration and I pray that God does it. He will. It's more than time. Get in position. :grin:
Sorting Through Some Things (Side Note): If we have struggled with saying the same stuff for over years, ask God to actually make you mean the words. Our actions today build our tomorrows. If we are doing things with severe consequences, it will lead to serious shame.

The Holy Spirit can ghostwrite your heart to make a turnaround from severe character flaws that lead down the broad road of destruction in this life and the next... Feeling bad about our actions never leads to real change especially if we have been kicking this game for years with the same lines.

I am happy for those expecting restoration and I pray that God does it. He will. It's more than time. Get in position. :grin:
Can you please explain what you mean when you say "this life and the NEXT?"

This is an expression of a random thought. I simply wrote down a thought. I hope you are doing well.
Oh, ok. I just thought that you could explain what you meant by it...but, ok.

I am doing extremely well thank you and I hope you are doing well too.
Meditating on Proverbs 4 today:

20 My son, pay attention to what I say;
turn your ear to my words.
21 Do not let them out of your sight,
keep them within your heart;
22 for they are life to those who find them
and health to one’s whole body.
23 Above all else, guard your heart,
for everything you do flows from it.
24 Keep your mouth free of perversity;
keep corrupt talk far from your lips.
25 Let your eyes look straight ahead;
fix your gaze directly before you.
26 Give careful thought to the paths for your feet
and be steadfast in all your ways.
27 Do not turn to the right or the left;
keep your foot from evil.
We must love one another not hate. We must do this because love covers a many of sin. I'm reading some stuff here and it's like why dang it why? Why so much animoisty towards one another why so much strife. Ok you think your great at what you know in God ok good. Don't get too high and mighty that you can't talk to people like your humble. This is why I couldn't do churches anymore. My coworker believes I'm so relaxed about things spritually but it's oh the opposite. To be some place that you are loved as you are and you feel that and it's weird is sad. I hope that doesn't ruffle feathers but the world is hell we shouldn't be bringing hell to one another.
The work has already started in you, your conscience is pricked, ask God to give you the strength to apologise, it will help you and help the person even more...

Thank you lady! I couldn't rest until I reached out, I called and all is well now. Funny thing the person wasn't even hurt, yet still I know I didn't do things the right way and had to make things right.
I hope one day soon I get to a phase where I know that I know that I know I know that God will bring me out of this slavery and bondage and that he will make great on his promises. I'm so happy I went to recovery tonight and was able to be me at my raw. I notice that I sorta lead things it's not intended it's just who I am at the core. I told my light version story and encouraged others in the room to do so to and this was just a intro class lol. I believe firmly that I can and will be ok in 2013. I firmly believe the pain in my heart will go away from the past and the rejection I feel from men,women,jobs,life in general will stop as well. God has placed me where he desired me for the moment and I need to do all I can to make the best of it. I can't be real like I want to here but there are many here who could go through recovery and be even brighter. We all have one common thing we are sinners who need Jesus seriously. All our pain is the same even though the circumstances might be different. I saw that tonight. Some did drugs,others did boys and girls and others are just unsure about life, but all in all we have pain and it's the human condition. Thank God that God is God and he is unchanging and is steadfast in his love for us. We run from him because we don't know his real self. When we do we can understand that yes when he gives us whoopins with a switch it hurts but it hurts him more because he loves us. Dying on the cross can't get any more omg amazing of how much he loves us. I know I have days where I feel he doesn't but that is the bloody enemy who is using his trickery to blind me. With all the jacked up things I have done and the horrid things that have happen to me I'm still sane or well lol,not on drugs or drank and no babies. I'm thankful for God allowing me to go through all that so I can be here right now able to help others.

I pray tonight that someone here reading receives that blessing that you have been needing badly. Not just material but inside where it really counts.
Phil. 4:7

Then God's peace, which goes beyond anything we can imagine, will guard your thoughts and emotions through Christ Jesus. (Gods Word)

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus. (ASV)

And the peace of God, which surpasseth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (Douay Reims Bible)

I like all these versions...
You are NOT what your momma, daddy or anyone else says, if they aren't saying what the WORD says:

Psalms 139
13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,
as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
16 You saw me before I was born.
Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out
before a single day had passed.

17 How precious are your thoughts about me, O God.
They cannot be numbered!
18 I can’t even count them;
they outnumber the grains of sand!
And when I wake up,
you are still with me!
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I don't like to "count chickens before they hatch", but I will have a testimony this year. I will have a story to tell this year. I WILL. Not of blessings or money but of survival ... of endurance. Amen, and Amen.
‎"If Christ, God in flesh sinless and holy, saw you of enough worth to willingly suffer and die for then that means you retain an incalculable value. Things that are of high value deserve protection. Please, do not tolerate a person who doesn’t see that value and treats you in a way that suggests you are common trash, because you are not common trash. You are inherently valuable because you bear the image of God." Good Woman Project
I don't like to "count chickens before they hatch", but I will have a testimony this year. I will have a story to tell this year. I WILL. Not of blessings or money but of survival ... of endurance. Amen, and Amen.

"Beauty for Ashes..." :love3:

i've been waking up almost every night either an hr or 2hrs before my alarm goes off ever since I started this Daniels fast (i'm trying to stick to it)...and I dont mean oh i just turn over type of wake up...but alert sit up maybe open my eyes etc....it used to happen before but this time but it definitely feels different now...I just knew it was God but nothing would happen...i even started to pray when it would happen asking God to reveal to me whatever he wants...still nothing! I would wake up kinda doubting it...but i would still hold on to my faith that I'm not making this up...so finally this morning I had a short dream and i'm confused Was it God showing me this...or did I just think of this because of the discussion I had earlier....arrrgh why is the Devil bothering me GEEZ This morning my check was in lower then usual and i'm already financially stressed but I thanked God for giving me a job and didnt let it bring me down

Still gonna keep the faith...but i'm almost getting to the point of begging...I want a gift I want a change I want to be stronger in my faith and I NEED to get on His plan...I dont even know where this sudden urgency is coming from tho but i think i'm being selfish so I'm gonna pray about that too....I havent done anything to deserve a blessing so I dont want to have thoughts of "i'm only doing this to get blessed" I just want to be highly favored like those in the Bible

Devil trying to ride my back smh
@stephluv, the devil is bothering you because you're fasting and focused. He wouldn't mess with you if he had you in pocket; and he goes hard and fast most when we're fasting. Hang in there...count it all joy as all these tests of your faith take place... Father God has your back... stay near and focused on Him. :sunshine:
Just rambling thoughts......Have you ever felt a breakthrough in the Spiritual realm; but it hasn't manifested in the Natural realm.

That is how I feel about some areas of my life. Like that thing has broken off of me. But I don't "see" it yet. I feel it; sense it; but I don't see it yet.

hmmmm......gotta go read the bible on that one.
8:28 PM (5 hours ago)
January 18

II Thessalonians 1:5
All this is evidence that God's judgment is right, and as a result you will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are suffering. (New International Version)

This is one of those rare churches where their persecution produced an even greater faith and evident love within the church itself. Most of the time, suffering will cause many to defect, and think God has abandoned them. You know your faith is genuine when pressure of the enemy squeezes spiritual fruit juice from you. Paul is convinced their Christianity is real too as he uses it to prove God's righteous judgment. You see my friend, God knows how to help you through whatever He allows to come upon you. Just because it came upon you doesn't mean it came upon Him. God doesn't need proof for what He put in you: you need proof. The sum total of these things is that He will count you worthy of the kingdom that put you on the front line of suffering. Jesus will personally invite you to enter into the joy of the Lord one day. Once you hear those words, you will immediately forget how much this life hurt. If you want the devil to hate bothering you, make sure he always pushes you closer to God.

Elder S R Henderson, Associate Pastor
The Rock Baptist Church
God is protecting Pooks and her princess baby girl. The angels of the Lord have been duly assigned to them to lead, guide and to protect them for all of their lives which shall be long and strong.

I so admire such a woman who has cradled the life of her baby in spite of the 'complications'. Pooks is a beautiful mother inside and out. It's no small wonder that God's favour is fully upon her and her family.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.

:Rose: :Rose: :Rose:

I re-read this post yesterday evening and then this morning listened to a John Piper sermon about one of the purposes of marriage being to create new worshippers of God whether through biological childbearing or adoption or fostering or just making your God-centred home a place where all the kids love to be, and I prayed.. for myself and her father, and need to do so continually. Lord please help us to be images of you, reflections of your love, teachers of your Word and doers also, to bring up this child in the nurture and admonition of You. In Jesus' mighty name, Amen.

PS - Kisses to you Shimmie
The enemy comes in many forms so don't allow him to steal your joy.

It is God's Will for His children to live a life filled with peace and joy....:Rose:

These things I have spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full (John 15:11).