2013 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

I was upset earlier today. All of my issues were "easy" fixes, but I let the issues take control before God whispered to me, "Ok, so what are you going to do about it?" Issues handled. Lord, please help me to be slow to react.
James 1:12 ESV
Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.
For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 13 And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.
I've been thinking about changing careers for about a year now, not because I hate what I do but because the industry I'm in is not very friendly and accepting of a black woman in a high position and the unnecessary drama they put me through is really starting to take a toll on me. I do not enjoy my job as much as I used to and to add to it, I'm freelance so I don't always have the stability of working year round. But anyway...

I've been tossing several new career options around in my mind but the only thing that makes my heart jump is ministry. I always knew I would become active in a ministry at some point, maybe even spearhead one but now that I'm desiring to change careers, does this mean that God wants me to do it full time? Or is it just my emotions and the frustration from my job making me feel this way?

These are just my random thoughts I'm sharing. I know that God is the only one who can reveal His plan to me, but I'm praying about and it would be great if you can help me pray too. I started working on the ministry that God has placed on my heart. I took the first step he gave me and now I'm praying for courage to take the next step. I sit in awe some times at the way God works. I never imagined I'd feel this much passion about ministry.
The bible says holiness without, no man shall see the Lord.Why is holiness not being taught in the churches today? He said be ye holy, for I am holy. God has called us to a set apart, consecrated life unto Him. He never intended His people to be doubleminded or defiled by the things of this life. What is all this new teaching about grace, grace, grace, grace. The bible says grace teaches us to DENY ungodliness and to live soberly and righteous in THIS life. What is this sin, sin, sin and just ask God to forgive me and go back to sinning. Forgiveness does not get you into heaven but repentance does. He said unless you be converted, you shall no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven. We MUST be changed and conformed into the image of His son. This is not a option, but a commandment. Jesus didnt just die for our sins so we can live a life of bondage, but He died to give us power to overcome sin. Churches give their congregation excuse to sin with saying stuff like " Everybody gone sin a little bit" and "God know your heart, it's ok".

This post is not directed toward anyone just ranting on with my thoughts, nor is it to attack. I just get so burden seeing people living their life bound and not knowing how to be free because they are being taught false doctrines. Jesus said he came to give us life more abundantly. God bless.
The bible says holiness without, no man shall see the Lord.Why is holiness not being taught in the churches today? He said be ye holy, for I am holy. God has called us to a set apart, consecrated life unto Him. He never intended His people to be doubleminded or defiled by the things of this life. What is all this new teaching about grace, grace, grace, grace. The bible says grace teaches us to DENY ungodliness and to live soberly and righteous in THIS life. What is this sin, sin, sin and just ask God to forgive me and go back to sinning. Forgiveness does not get you into heaven but repentance does. He said unless you be converted, you shall no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven. We MUST be changed and conformed into the image of His son. This is not a option, but a commandment. Jesus didnt just die for our sins so we can live a life of bondage, but He died to give us power to overcome sin. Churches give their congregation excuse to sin with saying stuff like " Everybody gone sin a little bit" and "God know your heart, it's ok".

This post is not directed toward anyone just ranting on with my thoughts, nor is it to attack. I just get so burden seeing people living their life bound and not knowing how to be free because they are being taught false doctrines. Jesus said he came to give us life more abundantly. God bless.

See.... This right here is why you aren't allowed to take breaks from us! Lol. Something to make us pause and think about what we really should be doing. Amen Sis!
I like that God's ways aren't our (human) ways.... there are times Divine Intervention needs to interrupt.. so what if things are left undone, incomplete. There is always a reason.
People are so bold and it's sad when you are Christian involved in stalking. Posting stuff out of context online to scare off a Christian that you never knew is sick for almost 2+ years and you are telling on yourself. An evildoer and associates are counting on a victim of their crime to stay quiet. Never stay quiet! Pursue legal means against them. A sociopath will call a war when a person is about changing lives especially a covetous one. Sociopaths are not limited to people calling on Jesus:

"All warfare is based on deception"

Though the wicked sprout like weeds and evildoers flourish, they will be destroyed forever.
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Colossians 3:2-3 AMP

And set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth. For [as far as this world is concerned] you have died, and your [new, real] life is hidden with Christ in God.
“Stop determining your worth and value by what other people say. Be determined by what the Word of God (scriptures)says.”
― Joyce Meyer
This may come across as rambling and I apologize beforehand for that but I just had to share this epiphany I've had as of late. As Christians we all love to quote 1 Cor 13:4, I used to just recite it all fast and think to myself: what a beautiful definition of love. It wasn't since my pastor paused on each definition and explained what it truly implied that I've decided to delve even deeper on this scripture. And not too long ago I read an article on ForHarriet.com about our 'fast food society', how everything is done in a rush now and it hit me. A lot of people nowadays complain about how there's just no love in the world anymore and how is this manifesting itself? By the lack of patience that we have for one another.
Today a nice breeze was blowing in our faces in the car... no a/c needed. An air conditioner "conditions" the air, or alters its properties. But God already made the air the way it should be... It's the little things, like that, that keep me in awe and reminds me of God's marvelous works of His Hand... what's the little things that keep you in awe? (rhetorical)... :spinning:
That's exactly why I posted that verse above. There is no race in Christ. I have the same love for all brethren be they black or white but I also have nothing against people in the world who are other races. The Bible says that in the last days nation will rise against nation, l.

I believe the last days began with the advent of Jesus until now and until. Things certainly are getting worse. People do not realize that they cannot fight evil with more evil. People are surely frustrated and angry they they are not being treated fairly and that their human dignity is not protected nor respected. But they err to believe this gives them the right to pass on the hatred. I believe racism and racial prejudice (of course, many believe Blacks cannot ever be racist) are grave sins, among others. How does a society become destroyed? Usually from within at the hands of it's people and against themselves. :nono: I am in no way perfect, but I try. And if I have to stand alone knowing the truth about this awful, unjust attitude, I'll choose to be alone as I've chosen most of my life. People are afraid to stand alone and uphold the truth. Others don't care and promote wickedness. Whether they like it or leave it, they are all in this mess together and it's up to them to figure it out...and it won't work until they uphold each others' human dignity.
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Yesturday's message was so good! It was talking about the 10 virgins,5 wise,5 foolish. It really made me examine my "lamp" and make sure I'm always keeping it full because you never know when He will return. Some people are just satisfied with having lamp, making people think they got something or they got power, but they walking around dead and empty. Having a name that they are alive but dead. But I want the real deal! The power, not just the form of it. He also talked about the women with the issue of blood and how she pressed her way to Jesus. You got to get desperate to begin to see results. Can you imagine how bad this woman smelled and how she was probably shunned by society because of her condition, but she didn't care. She needed Him. Her faith caused her to push through the impossible, and her only touching His garment made her whole. It's all about faith and determination. Several times in the gospel it says "Thy faith has made thee whole". This is what I've been meditating on.
Enjoying this Word on "fullness"

"What does fullness look like? It looks like loving people like Christ loves you. It's not about power and authority. Paul never disconnected fullness from the First and Second Commandments. When one truly experiences the catalytic love of Christ, they are able to bear all with the inconvenience of people's brokenness; God's Power is awesome and will get your attention but it's the tenderness of God that keeps the heart..."

I've had certain loved ones on my mind since hearing this... Glory be to God for his faithful servant who shared that Word.
Colossians 3:11 NCV

In the new life there is no difference between Greeks and Jews, those who are circumcised and those who are not circumcised, or people who are foreigners, or Scythians. There is no difference between slaves and free people. But Christ is in all believers, and Christ is all that is important.
I'm not trying to step on any toes when I say this or maybe it's something I'm not getting but why is there so much anomosity against white people on this board? :ohwell: Yes, I understand there is racism in the world, I'm not that naive, but it seems like a dislike for the whole entire race. And not like a passive dislike but like a real aggression, its.....scary.:sad:
I'm not trying to step on any toes when I say this or maybe it's something I'm not getting but why is there so much anomosity against white people on this board? :ohwell: Yes, I understand there is racism in the world, I'm not that naive, but it seems like a dislike for the whole entire race. And not like a passive dislike but like a real aggression, its.....scary.:sad:

That's exactly why I posted that verse above. There is no race in Christ. I have the same love for all brethren be they black or white but I also have nothing against people in the world who are other races. The Bible says that in the last days nation will rise against nation, which is referring to ethnic group against ethnic group. This has been prophesied but the media played up that Trayvon Martin case to get people in animosity. I wish people would wake up and realize that the only enemy we have is the devil.
I keep having these horrible dreams.. that my mom injected my brother with the mark of the beast so he could have food to eat.. and I see her weeping saying I had to.. I had to.. I didn't want to.. I had to... sighs..
I need to develop a new hunger and thrist for the God and His Word. My inner man is straved and even I have noticed I got a stank attitude lately. I am too busy with things that are not increasing my faith walk or encouraging me to walk in love. There is no internal or external victory where the revelation of God's word is absent. Just because an activity is not bad, doesn't mean it is good for your walk with God. (I am preaching to myself.)
Yeah, well we really cannot deny or overlook the historical unfairness toward people of color... but I understand what you mean.

That's exactly why I posted that verse above. There is no race in Christ. I have the same love for all brethren be they black or white but I also have nothing against people in the world who are other races. The Bible says that in the last days nation will rise against nation, which is referring to ethnic group against ethnic group. This has been prophesied but the media played up that Trayvon Martin case to get people in animosity. I wish people would wake up and realize that the only enemy we have is the devil.
I've been enjoying Mary Welchel this week on hiding places... that God allows us to face the music in the places we most likely run to, like Jonah. Food for thought this week. Can never tire of Psalms 91:1, either. All who run to Him, He will in no wise cast out.
hey ladies, I just wanted to share a link. Legacy Conference is going on right now and they have a live stream up. I haven't been but my bro has been in the past (and is there now) and I know he's been ministered to while there.


Here is the mission of Legacy in case your wondering

The Legacy exists to equip those that are serious about being disciples of Christ to make disciples for Christ.
Our Core Values

Sola Scriptura (By Scripture Alone)
Sola scriptura is the teaching that the Bible is the only inspired and authoritative word of God, is the only source for Christian doctrine, and is accessible to all.

Sola Fide (By Faith Alone)
Sola fide is the teaching that justification (interpreted as, “being declared right by God”), is received by faith only, without any mixture of or need for good works, though saving faith is always evidenced by good works.

Sola Gratia (By Grace Alone)
Sola gratia is the teaching that salvation comes by God’s grace or “unmerited favor” only — not as something merited by the sinner. This means that salvation is an unearned gift from God for Jesus’ sake.

Solus Christus (Christ Alone)
Solus Christus is the teaching that Christ is the only mediator between God and man, and that there is salvation through no other.

Soli Deo Gloria (Glory to God Alone)
Soli Deo gloria is the teaching that all glory is to be due to God alone, since salvation is accomplished solely through His will and action — not only the gift of the all-sufficient atonement of Jesus on the cross but also the gift of faith in that atonement, created in the heart of the believer by the Holy Spirit.
Our Distinctives

The Legacy targets a primarily urban audience.
The Legacy is biblically-based.
The Legacy models disciple-making relationships.
The Legacy encourages application of the knowledge that is acquired.
The Legacy is affordable.
That's exactly why I posted that verse above. There is no race in Christ. I have the same love for all brethren be they black or white but I also have nothing against people in the world who are other races. The Bible says that in the last days nation will rise against nation, which is referring to ethnic group against ethnic group. This has been prophesied but the media played up that Trayvon Martin case to get people in animosity. I wish people would wake up and realize that the only enemy we have is the devil.

I've never considered this verse in that way. Wow

I keep having these horrible dreams.. that my mom injected my brother with the mark of the beast so he could have food to eat.. and I see her weeping saying I had to.. I had to.. I didn't want to.. I had to... sighs..


Most dreams are given to us to 'prevent' what God is showing us in the dream. A warning and an appeal to pray for the persons we dream about.

Remember the dreams that Pharoah had and God gave the interpretation to Joseph about the 7 lean cows who came up from the Nile and began to swallow the fatter cows? (Refer to Genesis 41)

It was a warning of a famine in the land that would be soon approaching and to prepare for it. Which is what Joseph did. They began to store up the wheat, the corn, the water supplies so that there would be provision during the famine.

Pray for your mother that her faith will not fail. That she will begin to grow closer to the Lord and to believe Him and not be one of those who succomb to the 'mark' of a beast that we shall not honour, in Jesus' Name.

I cannot tell you how many times God has awaken me from sleep to 'pray' for my son because he was in 'trouble' and each time, God's rescue came on his behalf. Many, many times.

You see, God showed this to you about your mom and your brother ahead of time in order to prevent it from coming to pass. He hears your prayers; He knew you would listen to Him in this dream.

Never fear a dream. They are always a Gift from God, no matter how unnerving they may seem. He wants your mom to be covered in prayers that only you can pray for her to be 'saved', in Jesus' Name, Amen.

I set my heart in agreement for your prayers for your Mom and Brother, in Jesus' Name. Thanking God for the gift of knowing ahead of time. Amen.
