2013 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

Sometimes I really wonder what is of God and what is of me? I mean I have desires but are they about God's purposes. I really thought I wanted to do counseling but I honestly don't want to be overwhelmed by the issues of others. I want to take certain things on that really are a interest to me. I know I prefer to work in a professional business setting however. I desire to get a grad degree but I'm really dragging in the process because of my doubt. I know doubt and fear are not of God but how can one be so sure of anything. I guess relying on my understanding and seeing my track record makes me a bit nerved.

I have prayed for family and it has come to pass. They don't look like me but God I know they are from you. I can really see myself diving into things. I really wish to have some quiet time today but my mind needs to be quiet.
Got a call today about the job I interviewed for last Thursday. I have been sent to the hopefully last of the process to interview with the Partner. I pray God's will even if it's not my own. That goes for the interview I had for the part time job yesterday let his will be done. I won't lie and act all holy I do desire both jobs as it would help me get out of the money mess I'm in and be able to help those around me or at least be able to tithe and help those who are doing mission work in my church. I know God's will at times is a huge difference in what I desire so I will just focus on today and not worry about the end result.
Today is a sad day. My heart is heavy and it feels like crying. Where is the love ?

Some people would really benefit in discovering that there's a world out there. our point of view, our reasoning, our priorities are obviously different then yours, but it doesn't mean that yours are more valid.


God did not reject his people, whom he foreknew.
Got a call today about the job I interviewed for last Thursday. I have been sent to the hopefully last of the process to interview with the Partner. I pray God's will even if it's not my own. That goes for the interview I had for the part time job yesterday let his will be done. I won't lie and act all holy I do desire both jobs as it would help me get out of the money mess I'm in and be able to help those around me or at least be able to tithe and help those who are doing mission work in my church. I know God's will at times is a huge difference in what I desire so I will just focus on today and not worry about the end result.

yey great news im so happy to hear that, i will be praying alongside you!
Today is going to be a day of breakthrough in your life!

You've been praying, interceding, petitioning God for something that has been weighing on your heart. You may have begun to think it wasn't going to happen. Well, I am standing in faith with you today, knowing that . . .

It's not wrong to desire things from God; you can approach Him in prayer with the desires of your heart. 1 Corinthians 2:7-10 says that the Spirit of God reveals to you the things that God is preparing for you. You may not have seen it in the natural, but it is being revealed to your spirit.

That means when you spend time with God, it is the Holy Spirit giving you that desire, those dreams, that passion. It's time for you to start believing what He's telling you so you can receive!

Seeds of faith sown in prayer will always reap a harvest.

And your harvest is coming in due season. But first there are some things you need to realize in order to receive what you've been praying for . . .

Give God your desires.

Too many believers have given up on the desires of their heart. They don't want anything anymore. Somewhere along the way they stopped asking God for His goodness.

Recapture that hunger. Recapture that desire. Recapture that spiritual appetite for more.

Get in your prayer closet.

We need to get back to that place of prayer. When you pray, God will show you what desires are of Him and what desires are of the flesh. When your desires have been purged through the fire of prayer, watch out! Get ready to receive.

Believe you have it.

Jesus said to believe first and then you can receive. Faith precedes provision. You can't receive something in the natural until you've received it first in the spirit.

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I just need to write this so I can go and breathe as I feel Satan is up to his old tricks of trying to make me feel heavy and boggled down.

God will give you what you pray for. You may have to pray often but he will mend things. I say this because I have prayed so often about having people in my life and having family. I got that from church and I even see my own mother who wasn't very loving towards me growing up because she was depressed and has Bipolar disorder now. But I notice her sending me little things and saying I love you and stuff. God will mend the broken hearted and will restore what was destroyed the thing you never thought would ever be such as for me love. I have been rejected by many in my life in real life and here but God is so good he has connected me with his people who are showing Godly love in its purest form and its' so new and refreshing I don't know how to act. It's scary but Im going all in. I know if their love is a extension of God's then God's love will drown me for sure. Love something I never thought I would ever experience now I can say I know what love is and people can love me the one that has always felt like damaged fatally flawed goods.
God comes first always and must in our lives. It benefits us as well as those around us:

“Spending time with God is the key to our strength and success in all areas of life. Be sure that you never try to work God into your schedule, but always work your schedule around Him.”
― Joyce Meyer

I am so happy for you, I praise and thank God for this ...there's more to come trust me.

I just need to write this so I can go and breathe as I feel Satan is up to his old tricks of trying to make me feel heavy and boggled down.

God will give you what you pray for. You may have to pray often but he will mend things. I say this because I have prayed so often about having people in my life and having family. I got that from church and I even see my own mother who wasn't very loving towards me growing up because she was depressed and has Bipolar disorder now. But I notice her sending me little things and saying I love you and stuff. God will mend the broken hearted and will restore what was destroyed the thing you never thought would ever be such as for me love. I have been rejected by many in my life in real life and here but God is so good he has connected me with his people who are showing Godly love in its purest form and its' so new and refreshing I don't know how to act. It's scary but Im going all in. I know if their love is a extension of God's then God's love will drown me for sure. Love something I never thought I would ever experience now I can say I know what love is and people can love me the one that has always felt like damaged fatally flawed goods.
Jesus your a provider. Just got the call for the pt job and I got it. Wasn't expecting to hear from them til Friday at the earliest. Lord your good. Now for me to wait on the full time job that I will be going through the last interview with the partner sometime next week hopefully. Lord your good God your awesome. I'm still in shock right now because the tears haven't hit but God your great. Then got a phone call from a old mentor while I was growing up. It's awesome my number hasn't changed through out the years.
Jesus your a provider. Just got the call for the pt job and I got it. Wasn't expecting to hear from them til Friday at the earliest. Lord your good. Now for me to wait on the full time job that I will be going through the last interview with the partner sometime next week hopefully. Lord your good God your awesome. I'm still in shock right now because the tears haven't hit but God your great. Then got a phone call from a old mentor while I was growing up. It's awesome my number hasn't changed through out the years.
I am so proud of you, GM....you just don't know :kiss:

Congratulations! Keep trusting HIM!!!
I must share again. God is a provider a way maker out of no way. My adoptive parents came by and wanted to celebrate the victory. I had to be honest and tell them that I didn't go to work today bc I need to make my gas stretch til Saturday. Why did they bring food over and just gave me the money they were going to spend on our dinner. I am so shock up right now I can't even type right. God is so great ladies if you are nervous of trusting it's scary but God will come on his time. I have times when nothing comes but then God will met the needs. I look forward to helping the needs of others soon.
I must share again. God is a provider a way maker out of no way. My adoptive parents came by and wanted to celebrate the victory. I had to be honest and tell them that I didn't go to work today bc I need to make my gas stretch til Saturday. Why did they bring food over and just gave me the money they were going to spend on our dinner. I am so shock up right now I can't even type right. God is so great ladies if you are nervous of trusting it's scary but God will come on his time. I have times when nothing comes but then God will met the needs. I look forward to helping the needs of others soon.

"I have been young, and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread." Psalm 37:25

"And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19

Jesus your a provider. Just got the call for the pt job and I got it. Wasn't expecting to hear from them til Friday at the earliest. Lord your good. Now for me to wait on the full time job that I will be going through the last interview with the partner sometime next week hopefully. Lord your good God your awesome. I'm still in shock right now because the tears haven't hit but God your great. Then got a phone call from a old mentor while I was growing up. It's awesome my number hasn't changed through out the years.

Congrats GM God is not done with you yet! I'm so happy for you!
Ecclesiastes 5

8 Don't be surprised when you see that the government oppresses the poor and denies them justice and their rights. Every official is protected by someone higher, and both are protected by still higher officials.
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