2013 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

Life just got real........
Avidprayer- I said the same thing yesterday-- signs everywhere

Jesus is coming back.... because people don't believe it, doesn't make it untrue. Focusing on Truth, the importance of Life!
Laela- AMEN!!! So thankful I was given another chance to get it together....I sure can be stubborn:look:
But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one (2 Thessalonians 3:3 NKJV).
Nice Lady- Thank you for this...was feeling a sense of doubt creeping in and I just prayed that I get a booster and confirmation...Even with the circumstances with my family I've been staying in my praise/worship, praying and fast...I know Satan is mad but i'm standing still not wavering!
This is random but every since I did that fast in the begining of the yr...I just have been HUNGRY for God...like it was like I given fresh batteries lol Havent felt like this since I was a little girl and i just want to say THANK YOU LORD for I dont deserve your grace! I want to bring more ppl into His Word and helped them get saved. I dont know where to start so asking for tips/advice. I know my brother needs a relationship with Christ to have the power to fight the demons in his life but I dont know what to tell him to get him started. Asking for direction TIA
I was sharing with my sister via email as well as in the Career portion of the forum that I was over my job and the long drive each day. Today for some reason, I am really not feeling it at all. I said to God earlier Lord I want to honor you, but I really don't care about this job. I don't want to become negative about it so please tell me what to do.

My sister sent me this email response fifteen minutes later:

Just pray for a divine connection; a divine hook up. He can put you in the right place, at just the right time; somebody won't even know why they have to hire you, they just will! They will be burdened to have you! What God has for you, it is for you! And it is not His will for you to be sitting there right now miserable. Or making that long trek to a job you don't even like. He can give you a bigger, better paycheck doing what you love! After all, He put the desire IN YOU to be an accountant!

God still hears and still answers my prayers.
Gen 4:
7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.”
Sitting quiet God speaks. I felt something last night that I haven't fully forgiven the dude who did me harm at my job. I think I still have a bit of resentment towards him. The same for the dude from the gym I don't care if he lives or dies honestly. God also showed me that I can be so jealous at times of others getting close to my mother. I don't like folks getting close to her or them calling her mom or anything. For me since I really didn't get mothered from her I don't like that others are getting what I should have gotten. Revealtion is really good.
Ecclesiastes 8:11-13 NKJV

Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. Though a sinner does evil a hundred times, and his days are prolonged, yet I surely know that it will be well with those who fear God, who fear before Him. But it will not be well with the wicked; nor will he prolong his days, which are as a shadow, because he does not fear before God.
This is a sure sign of growth, when God reveals 'you to you' it aint always pretty, but we acknowledge something that we previously did not know was a hinderance to us before His revelation and are willing to make the change necessary for our healing.

Sitting quiet God speaks. I felt something last night that I haven't fully forgiven the dude who did me harm at my job. I think I still have a bit of resentment towards him. The same for the dude from the gym I don't care if he lives or dies honestly. God also showed me that I can be so jealous at times of others getting close to my mother. I don't like folks getting close to her or them calling her mom or anything. For me since I really didn't get mothered from her I don't like that others are getting what I should have gotten. Revealtion is really good.
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Just sharing...

Several years ago before my mom died the Lord revealed to me that my mom did the best that she could considering her circumstances. (I called her up one day and told that I understood that she only did the best she could, she agreed with me and repeated it a few times and she told me that she loved me, that was enough for me.)

When I considered the environment that she was brought up in, it's a miracle that I am even here today. I forgave her long ago, in fact, I actually felt sorry for her she was ill equipped teen mother that truly did not know to deal with an unwanted pregnancy (me), there was NO example in the home only disfunction at every hand.

The two of us missed out on so much, but God, He has restored me and loved all the hurt away.
Iwanthealthyhair67 I'm so glad God is a restorer. I am very understanding of my mom. She was depressed my whole childhood so I know she did the best she could. It still at times is a bit raw because it's like man now others get the goodies.

God I'm glad you are convicting me of things. I need to learn to be softer with others. I'm very sharp shooting at work and it makes me seem like a total not nice person. I don't want to be defensive at all I just need to work on me.
I NEED God everyday. Well, "duh" but I DO!!! I can feel it if I don't hear or read His Word. It's a must for me. My what a long way I've come....only through and by Him.
Compassion is a characteristic of God and a spiritual response .... pity is an emotional reaction. When I see I'm starting to feel sorry for someone or pity them, I choose to lift them up in prayer instead.. I'm commanded to.
I just noticed something. I can understand why one should be with equally yoked folks. I feel crummy when I'm with folks who have more than I do. I have coworker who can always afford to shop I can't. I am really scaping by. Hanging around those who aren't on my level makes it painful to really deal. I will have to throw myself into God's love right now because I feel extra low right now.

Scripture Text: Ecclesiates 12:1 - Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth.

What matters is not how long you live, but how well you live.

Some people live for 85 years and do very little. Others live only a relatively few years, but they fill that time with service to God and others, and their influence lives on.

Many people are concerned only with prolonging their stay here on this earth, and so they strive to add years to their lives. Every year we spend billions of dollars for medicines, vitamins and special diets to stay alive. And yet we forget that it is not the quantity of life but the quality of life and what we accomplish for the Lord that makes life meaningful.

Only when we devote our lives to the Creator do our days on earth count for eternity.

Today, let's seek to fill the hours with service, worship, and work for the Master. If this is our last day (and who knows, it may be), rather than wasting it in dreaming of a long life, let it be occupied with producing abundant fruit and being a blessing. Instead of just drifting aimlessly through our allotted hours and days, let us truly live.

Yes, the only life that's worthwhile (be it long or short) is the one spent in service for the Lord and in bringing blessings
to others.

Take me life and let it be
Consecrated, Lord, to Thee;
Take my moments and my days,
Let them flow in ceaseless praise!

It is better to add life to your years than to add years to your life.
I just noticed something. I can understand why one should be with equally yoked folks. I feel crummy when I'm with folks who have more than I do. I have coworker who can always afford to shop I can't. I am really scaping by. Hanging around those who aren't on my level makes it painful to really deal. I will have to throw myself into God's love right now because I feel extra low right now.

Hey lady,

Do you mean spiritually? I could be misinterpreting your post, but having more money to shop doesn't make her better than you in any sense. People have different circumstances. Anytime you are tempted to compare yourself to her, just replace it with another thought. Everything about you makes you uniquely you, you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
No not spiritually but life's status. You hit it on the head however as I that is how I felt or feel. I know I'm unique but I know I desire more but I'm trying not to let it get the best of me as that would be coveting thy neighbor.
Random questions
Why do I take on so much additional responsibility like I feel like I need to help others but I don't feel that anyone should do it for me?

Why is it some are able to be themselves and cry or whatever so freely while I feel undeserving of such?

Why do I feel so scared of those I feel safe with? Maybe because I don't feel I have a good judgement call with people since many have hurt me ie parents,men etc.

Had some real good thoughts last night at my sponsor meeting. She said maybe God is holding your weight loss up because you have made it into a idol. I was like wow hadn't thought about that but I do idolize those who are skinny,those with tiny waist and large bottoms and those who are pretty. I will allow this time to rid of that idol and heal properly for a time. Revelation is good.
Where is everyone? You all better be out praying or something lol.

I feel hurt and being honest is the only way to get it over it. I know this is a internet site and one shouldn't care about the people on it. But it pains me that some take things and run with them and not really understand everything. I think back to 2 people here that I feel just have gone poof from responding to me for various things. One that really strings makes me just baffled that one minute everything is welcome then in the next one is like a pure annoyance. I have to check myself because I don't desire that to pour over into my real life with others and be too scared to talk bc of being misunderstood. At times I think there are many believers here but then things happen and I feel like it's a show only. One can't just throw away one from the body but then I guess on the web or whatever anything can happen. It really pushes me to dissolve come September.
Philippians 1:9-11 MSG

So this is my prayer: that your love will flourish and that you will not only love much but well. Learn to love appropriately. You need to use your head and test your feelings so that your love is sincere and intelligent, not sentimental gush. Live a lover's life, circumspect and exemplary, a life Jesus will be proud of: bountiful in fruits from the soul, making Jesus Christ attractive to all, getting everyone involved in the glory and praise of God.
Where is everyone? You all better be out praying or something lol.

I feel hurt and being honest is the only way to get it over it. I know this is a internet site and one shouldn't care about the people on it. But it pains me that some take things and run with them and not really understand everything. I think back to 2 people here that I feel just have gone poof from responding to me for various things. One that really strings makes me just baffled that one minute everything is welcome then in the next one is like a pure annoyance. I have to check myself because I don't desire that to pour over into my real life with others and be too scared to talk bc of being misunderstood. At times I think there are many believers here but then things happen and I feel like it's a show only. One can't just throw away one from the body but then I guess on the web or whatever anything can happen. It really pushes me to dissolve come September.

GoddessMaker, All the women on the Christian board have grown on me in one way or another. I am on here frequently and even when I rarely respond everyone is in my prayers.
Only Jesus can fully carry us. We can support one another, but sometimes, it proves too much to another person and draining. There could be many reasons why that is so. Maybe they are under stress or don't have the wherewithall to properly advise someone in serious situations. Our first choice has to be Jesus, as difficult as that can seem.
I love people and I know some pretty awesome ones
but my early experiences have taught me that ppl have so much of their own personal stuff to deal with that it's hard to lean on them
not b'c they don't want to be there, but b'c they too are dealing with a lot
that's why it's soooooooooo important to lean on Jesus
we are here to help each other which is great
but we can really only fully depend on Him
b'c all of us are fallible
and in being fallible we let each other down
The deeper I get into my church and the Word it really pushes me to really make sure I do life with others. We can't be so stuck on ourselves that we don't help others. I know for myself being depressed for so long I was so stuck on me that I could help others nor do life with others. When you are actually in the body of Christ one can't just do things when it's comfy for you. I know for the past 2 Sundays I have wanted to stay home but each time it has been fruitful because it's not all about me. I rather be with someone in their low then their high because it gives me a better appreciation for the work God has done in them. To here congrats from someone who doesn't know me rings hollow for me personally but those who know the struggle really it's like so full it's overflowing.

Today's sermon was so great to me yet it challenges. When you get lazy in your studies repent and move on. It's a great joy to have true saints around me now. I am just in awe with God and how he loves through people. Leaning on God means being open to others to give godly counsel. Know the Word and being open to the body of believers.
I'm so mad hurt and any other not nice feeling right now. Just had a interview for assistance and was so nicely turned down. My income is too much yet they don't take in account for all the things that have to be paid. I'm really feeling a bit of fear but I'm not suppose to as a Christian but I am. I don't know how I will keep going and having to constantly pay a cc then reuse it. It's a never ending spiral. God I need a better paying job where I can have some advancement. I don't like asking for help and to be frank no one is going out of their way to help and I don't blame them as I'm adult and should be able to stand on my own two feet. I need gas I need grocery money weekly. It makes me want to forsake my diet as I feel like most judge you for not eating crap if your not making alot and who are you to desire to eat fresh produce and such. I want to cry right now but I can't but this is mad stressful.
@GoddessMaker, is there some type of part-time position available somewhere you live where you don't have to pay extra gas to get there? Is there something you can do for your apartment building, like vacuum the halls for a discount or extra little check monthly? Pick up around the grounds? Even at your gym??? Don't give up. I'm praying for you.
Luke 2:34-35 NLT

Then Simeon blessed them, and he said to Mary, the baby’s mother, “This child is destined to cause many in Israel to fall, but he will be a joy to many others. He has been sent as a sign from God, but many will oppose him. As a result, the deepest thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your very soul.”
Romans 8:38-39
For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.