2012 Single & Ready to Mingle Challenge!

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Well, ladies, it's about that time . . .


Same rules as last time! *copy* *paste*

What is involved in this challenge? Actually going outside of your house
and attending social events/functions at which you will have the opportunity to interact with eligible men who you are likely to want to date a minimum of twice per month.

What counts as an "outing"? Okay, it does not have to be a speed-dating event or hitting the club with your girls. On the contrary, it can be any event (book club meeting, meetup.com group outing, organizational happy hour, wine tasting, fundraiser, community service activity) that is outside of your normal routine and involve some sort of interaction with others.

What doesn't count as an "outing"? Outings must be outside of our normal routine AND must be events/places at which you have a reasonable expectation of meeting eligible men that you actually would/could date. (So no "Oh I went to choir rehearsal" when you know good and well that all the men in the choir are married or gay

Dates achieved as a result of these outings do NOT count.
(So, even if you land a date or two, that doesn't excuse you from still going out to two outings that month.)

Women-only events do not count as an "outing." (So, nope, your girls' book club meeting doesn't count - even if y'all meet at Starbucks.)

What is the goal of this challenge? While certainly, I hope that this challenge does lead many of us to meet our future spouses, that is not the only nor even the primary purpose of this challenge. I am incredibly shy around men and have virtually no male friends. Therefore, for me, a large part of this challenge is just learning how to interact with men -- learning how to read their signals, to flirt, and to learn to not start mentally planning my honeymoon anytime a guy looks at me funny

Report back here about our outings and any lessons we learn.

Shout outs to SuchMagnificance for reminding me to start this thread. I actually have been hemming and hawing over whether to attend an event this weekend . . . by myself. But now that I am part of this challenge, I will definitely do so.

It's a Christian jazz event. I'm worried that it will be either all women or all couples . . . or all corny dudes on the down low :look: I am very tempted to take a friend . . . or two along with me, to at least have some company. But I know that will only keep any potential suitors at bay. So, I'm going to go ahead on . . . by myself. *gulp*
I am SO IN! (duh....)

Soooo what is my game plan?

I joined a social club last April. I've been going to events 1-2x per month. I will continue to do that. I've met some guys through it who I hope to build friendships with. If I don't hit it off with them, they may have a friend.

On top of that, one of my good gal pals and I are going to plan to hit cute bars at least 1x per week. I know, I know, bars are not the best place to meet guys.... But until we come up with a better idea, this is it.

Later this month, I'm going on a ski trip to Aspen, CO. It's a singles trip.... Lots of men should be going! Plus, there will be a major sporting event going on, where there will be even more men! Um, how could I -not- meet straight dudes?!

I'm also telling everyone I know that I am on the prowl. I have 2 colleagues who have potential set ups... I didnt ask them to. They've just been thinking about it on their own. Lol. I'm flattered that anyone would consider me awesome enough to set up with. So I may take up that option...

I even have my dad on watch. He hires men to work with him on projects and they are typically around my age. I asked him about this after one of his freelancers showed up at his office last week. Hooooootttttt.... He doesn't live in the same city as me but hell, if a guy is father approved, it's worth looking into.

I need more ideas!! Dating is my primary focus in 2012.
Im in..Game plan hasnt changed.
I will try to go out atleast once a week..
I will sit at the bar,
I will smile,
I will make conversation,
I will look pretty.
I will step out of my comfort zone

ETA: I am so glad that this thread is here..If no one else needs it, I do..It has been so hard trying to explain to people IRL that I would like a partner,companion...My friends are no help at all..I have to do this alone..I appreciate the stories and advice we share with each other..thats why I post, because there might be someone out there who needs a little encouragement.
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I normally do..Its gotten alot easier over time..With both of my best friends in a relationship and married, I dont really have a choice..I cant stop living my life because they cant tag along..I put on my big girl panties and get out the damn house. I tend to have more fun when I do..I met a looker last week when I went to watch Monday Night Football..Since then we have been to dinner and we might have plans this weekend...try it...
I go early to get a good parking spot near the door, I go to well lit places and I normally just go to watch sports, which I know is a male dominated area..The ratio is normally more men then women in sport bars, so I just let them come to me..
I'm in! For now I won't be able to commit to the number of times but I surely will try my hardest. And SuchMagnificance do you switch up the spots you go to? Also, how did everyone find out places to go?

Since the playoffs for football is starting in a couple of weeks, I need to take advantage of the opportunity. I live in Packer-Country for heaven's sake.
I'm in! For now I won't be able to commit to the number of times but I surely will try my hardest. And @SuchMagnificance do you switch up the spots you go to? Also, how did everyone find out places to go?

Since the playoffs for football is starting in a couple of weeks, I need to take advantage of the opportunity. I live in Packer-Country for heaven's sake.


Im a creature of habit...so on Mondays I go to the sports bar for Monday Night Football..but since playoffs are coming, Im going to have to find out where Im going after the season is over. I find that I meet more men during the week versus the weekend..
Ok. I'm in! I'm going to start by going to the Black Socials events here in Dallas, even though there are never a whole lot of men there...

Other than that I don't know where to go. I'm still relatively new to the city, so I just don't know where the hangout spots are. Also, where do you recommend a gal who isn't really into sports go hang out?
I'm in! For now I won't be able to commit to the number of times but I surely will try my hardest. And SuchMagnificance do you switch up the spots you go to? Also, how did everyone find out places to go?

Since the playoffs for football is starting in a couple of weeks, I need to take advantage of the opportunity. I live in Packer-Country for heaven's sake.

FYI Playoffs started this Sat. But your Packers play next weekend. =)

I think if nothing else that I must be brave like SuchMagnificance and go out to a sports bar alone once a month...I am so scared. lol. But I guess the good thing is that I love football (I will tolerate basketball, I will have to like it for the week visit though), but it is only on Sat and Sun now.

I actually like the idea of going on a weekday, because I figure it wouldn't be too many families or ppl in a group looking at me weirdly (lol, I shouldn't care).
It's a Christian jazz event. I'm worried that it will be either all women or all couples . . . or all corny dudes on the down low :look: I am very tempted to take a friend . . . or two along with me, to at least have some company. But I know that will only keep any potential suitors at bay. So, I'm going to go ahead on . . . by myself. *gulp*

Okay so the good news is that I went to this event last weekend. The bad news is that I did bring a friend (a guy friend at that) because somehow, I just *knew* that this would be a lame event as far as connecting with eligible bachelors. Well, it turns out I was right . . . it was basically like an evening church service. The only men there were brought there by their wives and girlfriends. :nono: But I'm glad that I at least got to go check out the venue . . . I had been hearing a lot about the show and had been curious for a while now.

Onto the next!
Ok I'm going to a concert tomorrow at a small venue with a friend. Hoping to meet cute guys there.

I'm also going to brunch over the weekend with 2 friends. There's a bar in front and it's very popular amongst young people and guys. I did get picked up by a guy once there. So here's to that...!
Checking in..at a local sports bar watching the NFL playoffs...and Im looking mighty good, if I might add..lol

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I'm in! I joined some groups on meetup.com and usually go on Groupon.com to find fun inexpensive things to do in the city. I brought tickets last week from Groupon for a black tie charity event for children in Africa.

I also brought from Groupon a walking tour of the stores in the city that sell chocolate. They said they would also provide us with free samples.

I also went on a two mile walk with my meetup group last week.

I'm going to try to do something every week.
I want to join.I can say I will do something at least once a month to start.I have taken on 2 babies so I know I will be balancing them and trying to get a social/romantic life.I will go to the art museum next month.I will attempt to pull my guard down when I'm out places.I will pay attention to my dress bc on the weekends I live in workout gear since I workout.
I am SO IN! (duh....)

Soooo what is my game plan?

I joined a social club last April. I've been going to events 1-2x per month. I will continue to do that. I've met some guys through it who I hope to build friendships with. If I don't hit it off with them, they may have a friend.

On top of that, one of my good gal pals and I are going to plan to hit cute bars at least 1x per week. I know, I know, bars are not the best place to meet guys.... But until we come up with a better idea, this is it.

Later this month, I'm going on a ski trip to Aspen, CO. It's a singles trip.... Lots of men should be going! Plus, there will be a major sporting event going on, where there will be even more men! Um, how could I -not- meet straight dudes?!

I'm also telling everyone I know that I am on the prowl. I have 2 colleagues who have potential set ups... I didnt ask them to. They've just been thinking about it on their own. Lol. I'm flattered that anyone would consider me awesome enough to set up with. So I may take up that option...

I even have my dad on watch. He hires men to work with him on projects and they are typically around my age. I asked him about this after one of his freelancers showed up at his office last week. Hooooootttttt.... He doesn't live in the same city as me but hell, if a guy is father approved, it's worth looking into.

I need more ideas!! Dating is my primary focus in 2012.
LivingDol1, what social club?
I'm happy I found this today :grin:. I am soooo in! Okay, I'm going to a meetup tonight at a bar/lounge. So, that'll count as my first outing of the month. I'll update you guys on how it all goes.
Went to a group dinner on monday night. Was not enthused with my table. Went to go sit with my friends as soon as I could escape. Oh well! Not my night.

Excited about my trip tomorrow. A number of single strangers, all sharing a house.... Sounds like the real world? I think so. Gosh, I hope they're all nice! I've planned some activities for myself just in case.
Update: So, I've had my 2 outings of the month. I went to a bar/lounge meetup 2 Thursdays ago and I went snow tubing this weekend. There were very few guys at the bar I went to, but I still had a good time talking with the ladies in the group. Snow tubing, of course, was a blast. Most of the men I saw were there with their children (that's a no for me). I haven't met anyone I like yet, but the good thing is I'm having fun and not going to these events solely looking for guys.
Another year .. and I'm in. Last year I did speed dating and a lot of outings.. Met a couple guys here and there but nothing remotely serious.
This year.. Looking to do more singles events and going out with my group of single girl friends.
I am SO IN! (duh....)

Soooo what is my game plan?

I joined a social club last April. I've been going to events 1-2x per month. I will continue to do that. I've met some guys through it who I hope to build friendships with. If I don't hit it off with them, they may have a friend.

On top of that, one of my good gal pals and I are going to plan to hit cute bars at least 1x per week. I know, I know, bars are not the best place to meet guys.... But until we come up with a better idea, this is it.

Later this month, I'm going on a ski trip to Aspen, CO. It's a singles trip.... Lots of men should be going! Plus, there will be a major sporting event going on, where there will be even more men! Um, how could I -not- meet straight dudes?!

I'm also telling everyone I know that I am on the prowl. I have 2 colleagues who have potential set ups... I didnt ask them to. They've just been thinking about it on their own. Lol. I'm flattered that anyone would consider me awesome enough to set up with. So I may take up that option...

I even have my dad on watch. He hires men to work with him on projects and they are typically around my age. I asked him about this after one of his freelancers showed up at his office last week. Hooooootttttt.... He doesn't live in the same city as me but hell, if a guy is father approved, it's worth looking into.

I need more ideas!! Dating is my primary focus in 2012.

How do you join a social club??
I am in ladies. Spent last year wasting dating someone forever..then he didnt want a relationship in the end. I havent gone out to any events yet. I plan to attend an event I saw on meet-up.com on Feb. 10 with a friend. I am free this weekend, so I want to see if I can get out the house. I will keep you ladies posted. Best of look to you ladies.
So, I forced myself to go to a happy hour this evening. It was downtown - lots of lawyers and such. Of course, I had to be the one to break the ice, but I found myself chatting with a cute, Ivy League educated doctor for 20 minutes . . . turns out he has a girlfriend. But at least it restored my confidence that there are nice, SMART guys out there.
