2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

auparavant said:
But is that your desire? ^^^^ Ask of the L-rd and BELIEVE Him while you wait. He cares.

Honesty I really don't care if I have a man or not. I never did and I do everything by myself anyway so being a single parent was never a scary concept.

I am praying and hoping that God will fix this but I can't worry about it anymore and if I'm the only person that's trying to make things right then it's obvious he doesn't care either or is too comfortable. Either way my situation sucks and I'm tired.
Honesty I really don't care if I have a man or not. I never did and I do everything by myself anyway so being a single parent was never a scary concept.

I am praying and hoping that God will fix this but I can't worry about it anymore and if I'm the only person that's trying to make things right then it's obvious he doesn't care either or is too comfortable. Either way my situation sucks and I'm tired.

Oh, I didn't realize you were in a relationship already.
@kila82, I pray all goes well for you.... one thing I've learned about marriage is that it's like I'm standing in front of a mirror.. can't get away from yourself. Are you guys considering marriage counseling or anything?
Laela said:
@kila82, I pray all goes well for you.... one thing I've learned about marriage is that it's like I'm standing in front of a mirror.. can't get away from yourself. Are you guys considering marriage counseling or anything?

Hmm that's an interesting take. I'm open to counseling if he suggests it. I'm honestly fed up with doing everything and making all the effort. If he wants to save our marriage he's gonna have to put in some work too. I'm done babysitting him smh...

I'm hoping this will wake him up since he deals in extremes. I guess we'll see what happens
Today, my friends are going through a really difficult time. We are praying for a miracle! Please keep all of us in your prayers today as we minister to them.

Thank you.
Thank you for all who prayed for us! God is good and my friends are doing so much better....better than was expected and so quickly!!! Thank you, Jesus!!!
So glad to have had a dream speaking of good things when so many coming before showed only disappointment.

I know many people are waiting for a breakthrough, for a turn of season, for a word of encouragement and assurance. He will answer. It will come as you persevere in hope.

"I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." Psalm 27:13
Philippians 4:11
"Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content."

I cannot WAIT for my testimony. I know that He has already won!

The storm MUST pass and all I have to do is watch God at work. I see His Hands, thanking Him in advance for favor.
Philippians 4:11
"Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content."

I cannot WAIT for my testimony. I know that He has already won!

The storm MUST pass and all I have to do is watch God at work. I see His Hands, thanking Him in advance for favor.

The thanks button just wasn't enough. THANKS SO MUCH for posting this!! This is really encouraging!

I found out yesterday that the project I'm working on is not being extended, therefore my last day of work is next Wednesday. I'm a contract employee who has been blessed over the years to go from project to project with no break in between, but this year I have felt the effects of the economy. I have had two 10-week periods of no work this year already. I was disappointed when I heard the news yesterday but I didn't let it get me down. I know God has a big change in store for my career and just as you said, "I cannot WAIT for my testimony. I know that HE has already won!"
The thanks button just wasn't enough. THANKS SO MUCH for posting this!! This is really encouraging!

I found out yesterday that the project I'm working on is not being extended, therefore my last day of work is next Wednesday. I'm a contract employee who has been blessed over the years to go from project to project with no break in between, but this year I have felt the effects of the economy. I have had two 10-week periods of no work this year already. I was disappointed when I heard the news yesterday but I didn't let it get me down. I know God has a big change in store for my career and just as you said, "I cannot WAIT for my testimony. I know that HE has already won!"

You are more than welcome lady! God has got you covered. I thought this sermon was a real blessing, I hope you're blessed by it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hh90uXpHzMo
The enemy is wreaking havoc in the lives of my circle of God-fearing women. We are all struggling to overcome hardship right now. But God...!

Even in our dark times, we acknowledge you for who You are. We ain't goin crazy and we ain't gon die, one way or another, God is gonna see us through, so we will not forfeit our praise, we will not let go of His hand, not forget who our Father is!

Tell Satan to back off and tell our flesh to buck up its ideas when it wants to lead us away from what we know through the Holy Spirit God has placed within us.

'I shall not die, but live and declare the works of the Lord' Ps 118:17. Amen!
Be conscious of your position in Christ ... it's not the same as your condition. (Joseph Prince)
Let me give my 6am testimony... So I've been up since about 2:30 this morning... I fell asleep at about 11:30 last night... the Lord will occasionally wake me up out of my sleep at an early hour like this if there is something He needs me to know... Although it leaves me tired for the day, I'm so very thankful that He does this! whenever He wakes me up like this I usually pick up my Bible and randomly read a book/chapter... I read three different chapters from three different books this morning (John 3, John 2, and Thessalonians) and the theme that I got from all three was "trust."

I've been in so much doubt lately about so much... Particularly about my future... So I immediately picked up on what He wanted me to get from this and I praised and thanked Him for the word.

Now I'm up for the day and I decide to get my work laptop out the car and do some work... very careless, I know... I leave my work computer and my purse in the car overnight... So, I go to my car at about 5:30 this morning and notice that my front window is WIDE open... ALL THE WAY DOWN... My purse was on the passenger seat and the laptop was in the backseat....AND my car was parked on the side of the road and not in the driveway.

Y'all, all of my stuff was there untouched!! mind you, I live in the 'hood... That's not saying much because people break into cars everywhere... But silly me... My window was down which meant easy access for a thief... I immediately began praising the Lord... That lesson taught me that I need to put all my trust in Him because He will take care of me even in my carelessness! What a mighty God we serve! Thank you Jesus! Have a blessed day ladies!
Be conscious of your position in Christ ... it's not the same as your condition. (Joseph Prince)

Laela...you always have something wise to share. Thank you for that quote, because it is so true! It's sometimes easy for us to forget this in our flesh because we can't always physically see what God is doing. But rest assured, He is always watching over us; we are written on the palm of his hand.
What I'm about to write may not come out fluidly but it's on my heart and it's needs to come out.

So I was out this weekend with my old friends for one of their bdays. I was in sea of gay black men. All such good men with great accomplishments and personas but those 3 letters wreck havoc on my soul. Why you might ask? As someone who desires marriage with a black man preferable it's so saddening to see this. I love each and everyone of them because I just do. I love the person not the lifestyle. Being gay doesn't make them a horrid person. A sin is a sin no matter what it is. I do know the Word is very strong in this regard however. I fight my own demons on many of issues so I can be so much more understanding and not on my christian high horse like some I have seen.

Some days I wonder am I really meant to be a Christian really. Was my mom wrong for naming that. I desire some of the off the wall things and I feel like maybe my desire and my walk don't match. Like really wanting to be wanted by a man,wanting to make a great living and living a fab stylish life. I'm outspoken,intelligent and a bit deeper than most. I get sad at times and I get angry about things. I can't get up early to read the bible or do long 400 day fast. I have no desire to attend a church locally and some Christians bore me to death and I feel so bad for that. Life is meant to be lived and it's not meant to be a dreary thing either. I guess I can finally say I'm going to live my life and stop being so hung up on every little religious ritual. Some may disregard me and some may quit me but I can't talk non-stop about the Word or about pastor such and such. What about the day,what about those amazing shoes,or what about deeper thought provoking things that enrich not only your life but that of the world.
GoddessMaker said:
What I'm about to write may not come out fluidly but it's on my heart and it's needs to come out.

So I was out this weekend with my old friends for one of their bdays. I was in sea of gay black men. All such good men with great accomplishments and personas but those 3 letters wreck havoc on my soul. Why you might ask? As someone who desires marriage with a black man preferable it's so saddening to see this. I love each and everyone of them because I just do. I love the person not the lifestyle. Being gay doesn't make them a horrid person. A sin is a sin no matter what it is. I do know the Word is very strong in this regard however. I fight my own demons on many of issues so I can be so much more understanding and not on my christian high horse like some I have seen.

Some days I wonder am I really meant to be a Christian really. Was my mom wrong for naming that. I desire some of the off the wall things and I feel like maybe my desire and my walk don't match. Like really wanting to be wanted by a man,wanting to make a great living and living a fab stylish life. I'm outspoken,intelligent and a bit deeper than most. I get sad at times and I get angry about things. I can't get up early to read the bible or do long 400 day fast. I have no desire to attend a church locally and some Christians bore me to death and I feel so bad for that. Life is meant to be lived and it's not meant to be a dreary thing either. I guess I can finally say I'm going to live my life and stop being so hung up on every little religious ritual. Some may disregard me and some may quit me but I can't talk non-stop about the Word or about pastor such and such. What about the day,what about those amazing shoes,or what about deeper thought provoking things that enrich not only your life but that of the world.

Those things and being a Christian are not mutually exclusive. I don't see any sin in your desires (well that you listed) so I don't understand how those things would make you not meant to be a Christian.

You sound burned out, possibly by legalism.
I am thanking God in advance for answering the prayer that I submitted yesterday. The people who killed my father have not been granted bail. I know this even though the ruling is yet to be handed down. I will post this when it is. Dear father I THANK YOU AND BEAR TESTIMONY TO YOUR FAITHFULLNESS.

I wrote the above about 2 hours ago. An hour ago I learnt that they were granted bail equivalent to 10,000 dollars each. That is pocket change to them.

People kept saying the justice of god will prevail. I don't want to hear it. There is no God. And if there is he is deaf. And unfair. There is no justice. They will be home with their wives and children tomorrow and I still WILL NEVER GET TO HUG MY FATHER AGAIN.

I am beyond numb.