2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

I am thanking God in advance for answering the prayer that I submitted yesterday. The people who killed my father have not been granted bail. I know this even though the ruling is yet to be handed down. I will post this when it is. Dear father I THANK YOU AND BEAR TESTIMONY TO YOUR FAITHFULLNESS.

I wrote the above about 2 hours ago. An hour ago I learnt that they were granted bail equivalent to 10,000 dollars each. That is pocket change to them.

People kept saying the justice of god will prevail. I don't want to hear it. There is no God. And if there is he is deaf. And unfair. There is no justice. They will be home with their wives and children tomorrow and I still WILL NEVER GET TO HUG MY FATHER AGAIN.

I am beyond numb.

ivyness I know there are no human words that can comfort you right now so I'll just give you God's word, Psalms 56: 8-9 (NLT)...

8 You keep track of all my sorrows.[b]
You have collected all my tears in your bottle.
You have recorded each one in your book.

9 My enemies will retreat when I call to you for help.
This I know: God is on my side!

Go ahead and cry, let the pain out because God understands your every tear. He collects and records each one. And as for your enemies, their day will come as God has promised.

You know there are times I attempt to draw faith and peace from things around me. If I can figure out how something is going to work out, I tend to relax my faith. But there is really nothing that compares to the faith and peace you get from God presence. That quiet peace and knowing that "God Got me", nothing outside me can touch me so deeply on the inside.
It's not about being perfect, it's about which standard you attempt to live up to. Why accept mediocrity? Cuz it's easy. A high standard is very hard work. It hurts, it doesn't feel good, it makes you tired. It gives the most reward in the end. It's above man because we make excuses all the time.
I can understand your anger, ivyness... agreeing w/others in prayer.

I am thanking God in advance for answering the prayer that I submitted yesterday. The people who killed my father have not been granted bail. I know this even though the ruling is yet to be handed down. I will post this when it is. Dear father I THANK YOU AND BEAR TESTIMONY TO YOUR FAITHFULLNESS.

I wrote the above about 2 hours ago. An hour ago I learnt that they were granted bail equivalent to 10,000 dollars each. That is pocket change to them.

People kept saying the justice of god will prevail. I don't want to hear it. There is no God. And if there is he is deaf. And unfair. There is no justice. They will be home with their wives and children tomorrow and I still WILL NEVER GET TO HUG MY FATHER AGAIN.

I am beyond numb.
ivyness I read your post earlier and it grieved my heart to see you in so much pain. I won't even attempt to say I understand the magnitude of your exact pain but I do know the pain of losing someone tragically. You will come through this stronger than before. You will be used through this don't ever quit. The pain and anger you feel is natural. Don't allow anyone esp those over zealous fake Christians tell you anything different. Continue to pray and focus on God. He gave you a gift your father he wanted him back. I know the way he went back was horrid but even in the midst of pain God gets glory from this simple because God allowed it.

I will keep you in prayer as I know right now prayer is the last thing on your mind.Hugs sis..
All year I've been going through changes, some good, bad, neutral & downright ugly, but I thank God that in the midst of the hustle & bustle he allows his grace, his love & the greater purpose to be seen.

I'm confident that a shift is occurring in the spirit realm & the manifestation of that shift in the natural is coming soon. I know that all the skills he's been cultivating in me will be put to good use in this coming season & for once I'm not afraid/apprehensive/unprepared.

He hasn't brought me this far to leave me.
I am thanking God in advance for answering the prayer that I submitted yesterday. The people who killed my father have not been granted bail. I know this even though the ruling is yet to be handed down. I will post this when it is. Dear father I THANK YOU AND BEAR TESTIMONY TO YOUR FAITHFULLNESS.

I wrote the above about 2 hours ago. An hour ago I learnt that they were granted bail equivalent to 10,000 dollars each. That is pocket change to them.

People kept saying the justice of god will prevail. I don't want to hear it. There is no God. And if there is he is deaf. And unfair. There is no justice. They will be home with their wives and children tomorrow and I still WILL NEVER GET TO HUG MY FATHER AGAIN.

I am beyond numb.

Dearest ivyness

Please don't give up. God is still Jehovah Mizpah... our strong tower, our refuge, Our God of Justice.

Justice isn't always served behind bars.

Allow God to do His perfect work in this situation. Allow God to continue His perfect work in you.

Babygirl, you can still trust Him. You can still trust God. In this and in all things.

Release the anger and let God move in and do what He still intends to do.

It's okay to cry, Little sister... let it out and allow the tears to cleanse your pain... in Jesus' Name. Amen.


For you, Precious Ivy...

This is how God sees you in His heart... Precious and Dear and Indeed He has heard and will not forsake the prayers of your heart.... :love2:

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Thank you God for my day today. Two years ago I was hell bent on being dead. Now I'm oh so thankful that you allowed my request to die to go unanswered. I thank you for the pain and the joy,the storms and the sunshine the tears and the smiles. I thank you for all the misfortune and abuse but as well as the future fortune and healing and victory. I thank you God for my birthday today. My momma didn't know what you had planted in her back in 85 and that gift is taking shape to something beauitful.
(KJV)1 Corinthians 10:13
There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

Sent from my 4G HTC Thunderbolt using LHCF
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From the Ministry of Encouragment

Why do we put distance
between ourselves and Jesus?

We’re afraid the world won’t
like or accept us because we
love and serve a God that
they cannot see.

We cannot get close
to the Father by continuing
to follow His Son from afar.

Close the gap!

Luke 22:54 – “Then took they him,
and led him, and brought him into
the high priest's house.

And Peter followed afar off.”
* Found out these peopel want an extra $2,000 that I currently do not have to give them and the payment they want are double what I can afford.
* Folks at my job are tripping and I may be caught in a mess- that is completely not my doing.
* I need new tires- don't have the money for that either.
* Me and many of my lady friends are under attack, especially in their mind. Ex's are coming out of the woodwork, people feel like failures, they question if they really heard God, family members are sick and the doctors are giving up hope.

All of that I woke up today with a song of praise running through my spirit, I feel good, and God is still good. He is the everlasting God who has the power to break of chain in our lives. And knowing that, no matter what it looks like right now- I'm good. :)
Running with this today...

November 21

II Corinthians 4:9
We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed. (New Living Translation)

One genuine characteristic of a child of God is perseverance. If you have no desire to come back after a set back, maybe you should look back and check back, because God has got your back! When you accepted Christ, you also accepted the hatred of the underworld. The hounds of Hades are constantly on your trail. You have two reasons to keep it moving: God is always at work in the next thing, and your enemies are hot on your trail from the last thing. When the hunters catch up with you, they don't realize they must deal with God in order to get to you. His army surrounds the ones surrounding you. Even if they manage to knock you down, they will never destroy you. God is the only One with the power of destruction, and He has decided to invite you into His family. We were abandoned when He found us, so why would He ever return us to the state He found us in? He deals with us according to what we need: not according to what we deserve.

No matter how it looks now, He specializes in helping the hunted.

Elder S R Henderson, Associate Pastor
The Rock Baptist Church
I use the excuse of I'm not there yet
I say I'm not spiritually strong enough, not been saved long enough
But it really isn't about me, it has never been
It's about you Lord
This may get a little raw my apologies. Ok so today when I was leaving my sister/bff house I almost got hit real bad. When I say I so thought me and the drunkard where going to collide it was so scary. I was able by the grace of new tires and God that I was able to swerve off and not let the dude hit me. He just rolled off after everything. I was praising God but I also got real mad. Like no you jack wagon you will not take me out. I am the only one who could do that. I want to beat that man so badly.

It made me start thinking that God you have me and you won't let me go. I have been going through some things to real for lhcf lately and none of those things would take off and I only can conclude God blocked it. I am trying to make sense of things but I know that is the only likely answer. 27 years old and still feeling like 7.
From the Ministry of Encouragement

On the other side of
our obstacles & fears
are God’s promises
and our destiny.

God will order our
Steps but we must
move our own feet.

Stop asking questions
and start moving forward.

Exodus 14:15 - “And the LORD said unto Moses,
Wherefore criest thou unto me? Speak unto the
children of Israel that they go forward.”
Some people are so desperate to be loved because they don't know how to maintain and develop healthy relationships. They will do anything to maintain one even with people who obviously don't like them, but tolerate them.
Tomorrow I begin a fast with my church until Dec 22. I'm praying to overcome worry, fear, anxiety. Thank you in advance Father God.
November 24
II Peter 2:3
In their greed they will make up clever lies to get hold of your money. But God condemned them long ago, and their destruction will not be delayed. (New Living Translation)

Isn't it interesting how people will use religious manipulation to separate us from our blessings. Yes things cost money to maintain. Yes things cost money to host and sponsor. If you go back to the previous verses, Peter is pulling the wool off false prophets. Why is it so hard for the people of God to discern false prophets? Sometimes it may be due to believers being new to the faith. Other times it is probably due to believers not growing in their faith. If you don't do the things necessary to know God better, you will fall for anyone that knows how to say the right things. When your heart is open, you become vulnerable. The word tells us to guard the heart very diligently because when your heart is captured, it is extremely difficult to pull away. God has done all of the right things to capture your heart, so why do you require more from Him? Knowing the bible is an exciting expedition in getting to know the One that loves you just the way you are. He knows all there is to know and He loves you anyway. Can you beat that?

Elder S R Henderson, Associate Pastor
The Rock Baptist Church