**2010 Random Christian Thoughts Thread**

God you are the reason for my life I wish you could show me why I was born to a mother who only sees me as a dollar instead of her child.I feel so hurt that bc I set out to be something Im seen as bad..I live with these ppl which makes it so bad..Lord I know this situation will make me better..I will keep staying on my knees in prayer Lord bc I hate this feeling..I also pray this thought of man I crush on would go away its not proper to like a taken man at all..I know God is my source time to lean in more..

I give the Pain of not having a strong relationship with my earthly father to You O Heavenly Father.. i know for a long time You've nudged in my heart for me to give gthat over to you and let You be the Father that You are and want to be in my life.... I'm finally ready to give that up... I love you and I want to know You not just as Adonai and Savior but as FATHER..... I'm ready for you to fill that hole
I come to this section of the board to give my heavy feeling about real things.I had a really long convo with my best friend and her mother about my mother.Her mother wasnt too thrilled that I really hate my mother.Her grandmother heard me and that hurt her.I feel so bad that I give a blank about family period.Family has caused me nothing but agony.I know I'm part of the blame because I just won't accept the status quo.I know as they say they did they best but their best is disturbing.

I would have loved to have had a great relationship with my mother but I don't believe its possible.I don't believe God would force me to like or love someone like her.How can you be a mother and whore? How can you be a mother and ignore your childs black eyes and rape? How can you throw a fit bc I won't give you my gas money?

I want to be a mother but as my friend was saying if I don't fight for my family I will be left behind.I'm in my room close to tears again because I'm so frustrated.I hate just laying and taking nonsense.My friend was like you have a crown of pride on your head you look down on them and I really don't but I want to have some class for once in my life.

Pray ladies finally having peace and now Im frustrated.
I dont believe God can't I just don't believe God will..I know he is all powerful but I don't know if Im worth all that..I really dislike this
I dont believe God can't I just don't believe God will..I know he is all powerful but I don't know if Im worth all that..I really dislike this

Romans 3:23 (New International Version)
23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

None of us are worth it, GoddessMaker. When God does for us, it's because He loves us regardless. He does for us because that's just who he is...a generous God who gives without finding fault.

May God bless you!
Wondering how does one work on pride which is caused by low self worth..Im very critical of myself that it comes off that way in my analysis of others.I don't want to get left behind but this is hard to face..to know I'm fearful of success and failure and the fear of what a better me may look like.I guess I have grown accustomed with a subpar me..pray for me ladies as Im praying for all of you ladies..you mean alot to me.
I'm leaving it with you God. You know what I need/want, and what I'm requesting. I believe you will fulfill my needs.
I come to this section of the board to give my heavy feeling about real things.I had a really long convo with my best friend and her mother about my mother.Her mother wasnt too thrilled that I really hate my mother.Her grandmother heard me and that hurt her.I feel so bad that I give a blank about family period.Family has caused me nothing but agony.I know I'm part of the blame because I just won't accept the status quo.I know as they say they did they best but their best is disturbing.

I would have loved to have had a great relationship with my mother but I don't believe its possible.I don't believe God would force me to like or love someone like her.How can you be a mother and whore? How can you be a mother and ignore your childs black eyes and rape? How can you throw a fit bc I won't give you my gas money?

I want to be a mother but as my friend was saying if I don't fight for my family I will be left behind.I'm in my room close to tears again because I'm so frustrated.I hate just laying and taking nonsense.My friend was like you have a crown of pride on your head you look down on them and I really don't but I want to have some class for once in my life.

Pray ladies finally having peace and now Im frustrated.
I hate my family also. They are truly a thorn on my side. I hope that both of us find healing and provide a better life for future generations.
@GoddessMaker, come here for some e-hugs.it's gonna be ok.
As human, we are sometimes so vain and full of ourselves that we forgot that there is the true and real ONE who is above everything, who made us, who LOVES US, NO MATTER what has been done. We just have to confess, to come back to Him and allow Him be in our life. Don't be so hard at yourself, let the holy blood of your Savior wash out everything.

You know what, you are so worthy that He sent His son to save you and the good news is that He left the 99 sheeps to go and look for you. When you're reading the Bible is about you, you as a person, you as a human being. Jesus is talking to to personnally and you are alreading feeling his sight on you, don't you?He's whispering your name and how much He loves.

The situation with your family is a huge challenge but glory be to the Lord, you are aware of the situation and you know you have to work on it. Your prayers will guide you and the Lord will heal your heart. Instead of focusing on things you want, just keep your life going on, praying and workshiping Him for you're blessed.Don't be worry about what is coming next cause He's your shepherd and will provide for everything.

Look at the beautiful God's child you are !!!! be prepared, be ready cause He's working on you actually and His blessings are already on their way down to your crown. you're a princess, you're God's child so WORTHY AND PRECIOUS :yay:.

@ you and lovelylife, I'm so sorry you have those feelings for your family; I can imagine how hard it must have been fo you to develop that feeling of hate toward your fams. My prayers are with you for I think to fully enjoy your lives and build your own fam successfully, you will need to free your hearts and minds from this. It may be a long journey, surely a painful one but the good news is that you'll have the victory in Jesus 'name.Hang in here, I mean in this part of the forum; I'm sure some women will come with useful advice.
Proverbs 15:33 "Before honor comes humility"

Proverbs 16:18 "Pride comes before the fall"

God I am learning so much during this season in the wilderness. Thank you Lord! I will never forget the lessons I'm learning.
To complain or not to complain...and get setup to get canned? I think part of the problem is that they are prejudiced and jealous that I'm not low-class in my actions like them. Oh, I've got my problems but in private...don't wear them on the street like that. These wasichus are giving me hell now and I've done nothing but what I was instructed to do...and above and beyond because, L-rd knows, they aren't capable. I do what I'm supposed to be doing, even when you are not looking.

2 Timothy 2:15

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.
Since I've been reconnected to Jesus, He lifted my pains, my worries and my fears (and there awere lot in my life) :yay::yay:
I feel so blessed in fact I think any God's child is just blessed. He is waiting for each of us, don't let Him wait in vain, or too long. Let yourself be in peace!

We are given solutions and weapons to be happy, truely happy and safe in Jesus but we turn our back to Him and later find ourselves so miserable. I'm just at the beginning of the path and it's sometimes hard but gosh!!!! I'm soooo thankful I'm aware, I know and witness Jesus' love. It's the strongest thing and feeling; He is so good to me? he was always there and everything just falls into place with Him.

Sometimes I just yell "how powerful and good You are, I love You" and feel so overwhelmed that I cry. GOD IS is truely, really, obviously GOOD!
God I know that you love me and want the very best for me. I know that you will show me the college that you want me to go to.
Even though my future in collegiate level basketball looks bleak, I trust that you will intervene in my situation and bless me the way you want.
God is always doing wonderful things. Right focus is so important and key. Always doing good things and bringing new levels forth.
God my heart feels so heavy with pain from my job and this world period..then when I look at my home I feel even worse Lord..why do I have to be at a job where I help ladies who are 20 that have 3 kids and one on the way no wedding band in sight and no wedding to be hoped for..just babies to die alone or with some ninja laying up in the house..and God I praise you since I grew up in the hood as well but you had me go another way all together..I hear you father when my coworker who is a believer said God why did you put me here what is it Im suppose to learn..I hear you saying its not for you its for them
I feel that I've been very naive. I honestly try to believe the best of people...but it's to a fault. 2010 was a year of recognizing that hurts I've experienced are the result of people's selfishness and lack of love toward me, not just unfortunate accidents.

I'm reading and meditating on Luke 6:28-36:

[Love Your Enemies]
[27 ] “But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, [28 ] bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. [29 ] To one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also, and from one who takes away your cloak do not withhold your tunic either. [30 ] Give to everyone who begs from you, and from one who takes away your goods do not demand them back. [31 ] And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.
[32 ] “If you love those who love you, what benefit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. [33 ] And if you do good to those who do good to you, what benefit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. [34 ] And if you lend to those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, to get back the same amount. [35 ] But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. [36 ] Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful.
(Luke 6:27-36 ESV)