2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

I swear I'm not "copying" you guys. But last week, I felt that "something" was going to happen. I didn't know if it was good or bad.....just "something."

Today at work, I felt that same "something" and again when I was at White Castle :lick:.

I agree it has nothing to do with the elections.

My heart is so heavy today, what is wrong with me? :( I'm gonna try and read the bible or something. I feel so anxious

There's nothing wrong with you....it's in the spirit.

I just told my husband that I feel very uneasy in my spirit and we just prayed.

I don't believe it has anything to do with this election. Something is going to happen...just don't know what.

I swear I'm not "copying" you guys. But last week, I felt that "something" was going to happen. I didn't know if it was good or bad.....just "something."

Today at work, I felt that same "something" and again when I was at White Castle :lick:.

I agree it has nothing to do with the elections.

President Obama needs serious prayer... :pray:

Not to win, but to yield his heart unto the Lord... He must. Yes, he must.
LOL! It's not my hair yet....it's my inspiration. Is that your little one in your siggy? So cute!

I'm in total agreement that you will 'exceed' your hair growth expectation, in Jesus' Name.... AMEN. I'm so serious. :yep:

And YES, that's my baby grandson. He turned 3 years old two weeks ago. He loves dancing, (just like me :lol:) and he's an artist. Purple crayon on the wall... :lol:
I too have felt that same "something is about to happen"/ "God is moving". I truly believe that the prayers that Shimmie urged us all to pray have been heard by God. I believe that Obama will yield his heart to God.
I feel a little better, but God is telling me that this is just the beginning. I have to keep praying because something big/bigger is about to happen. Excited to see God move like never before.
I too believe that we need to continue to pray for the First Family. Also, please pray that by the grace of G-d, there'll not be an attempt on the President's life. Although we don't agree with some of his policies and values, we don't wish him harmed, but you can belief that some do... especially after his re-election.

I'm seeing disgruntled people and can feel them seething; I guess they really thought that Mitt would win.
From the Ministry of Encouragement ...

We cannot practice godly living

without a love for God’s Word.

We should love the Word

More than anything else in life:

our homes, cars, sports,

work and even life itself.

There is a great reward for those

who would love the Word of God.

Psalm 1:2: “But his delight is in the law

of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate

day and night.”
I too believe that we need to continue to pray for the First Family. Also, please pray that by the grace of G-d, there'll not be an attempt on the President's life. Although we don't agree with some of his policies and values, we don't wish him harmed, but you can belief that some do... especially after his re-election.

I'm seeing disgruntled people and can feel them seething; I guess they really thought that Mitt would win.

He has to give his heart to the Lord... total surrender. The problem is that many of his choices have removed the cover of our prayers for his safety.

This is scripture. If one moves from an umbrella in the rain, he gets wet; if one moves from the covering of God, he cannot be protected. We have to pray for his heart and surrender unto God. He's pulled away into a different direction which is from God; he has to allow God to rule his heart and direction. No prayer can protect him unless he does.

This is serious and I wish more people would get this. This man should not be satan's trophy; plus there should not be another Black man taken from his family. However, he has to yield to God for protection, not the demands of satan who is the one using him against God's will.
I too believe that we need to continue to pray for the First Family. Also, please pray that by the grace of G-d, there'll not be an attempt on the President's life. Although we don't agree with some of his policies and values, we don't wish him harmed, but you can belief that some do... especially after his re-election.

I'm seeing disgruntled people and can feel them seething; I guess they really thought that Mitt would win.

Mitt wasn't qualified to win. To this day, I still cannot understand how he made it to the 'finals' for the presidential run. I don't see how that happened. :nono:

Right now, President Obama has three crucial Biblical stikes against him and he must repent and do things right.

He MUST respect Israel... He Must. There is no escape from this. None.

God will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who do not.

He must turn away from gay rights... he must.

He must reform abortion.. he must.

All three of these spell life or death. God says, choose life.

I am scared for President Obama. I'm still praying for him. I care about his life and his soul. Anyone who truly loves this man, will care enough to pray for his heart to yield unto God in complete surrender.
Mitt wasn't qualified to win. To this day, I still cannot understand how he made it to the 'finals' for the presidential run. I don't see how that happened. :nono:

Right now, President Obama has three crucial Biblical stikes against him and he must repent and do things right.

He MUST respect Israel... He Must. There is no escape from this. None.

God will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who do not.

He must turn away from gay rights... he must.

He must reform abortion.. he must.

All three of these spell life or death. God says, choose life.

I am scared for President Obama. I'm still praying for him. I care about his life and his soul. Anyone who truly loves this man, will care enough to pray for his heart to yield unto God in complete surrender.

You know what though, that was played way out of proportion with WHITE Jews. A lot of the fear-mongering we saw here was the result of racism, honestly. Jerusalem Post endorsed him. He supports Israel, always has, but there's a level of responsibility to be brought to the table. Trust me, he won't do anything against Israel.
And truth be told, Israel needs to correct many societal ills itself....it's HORRIBLE what is going on. That's nobody's fault other than them. Obama won't declare Jerusalem the capital of the West Bank.
You know what though, that was played way out of proportion with WHITE Jews. A lot of the fear-mongering we saw here was the result of racism, honestly. Jerusalem Post endorsed him. He supports Israel, always has, but there's a level of responsibility to be brought to the table. Trust me, he won't do anything against Israel.
And truth be told, Israel needs to correct many societal ills itself....it's HORRIBLE what is going on. That's nobody's fault other than them. Obama won't declare Jerusalem the capital of the West Bank.

If the West Bank is Biblically theirs, no one has any right to keep it from them. The best thing for Obama to do is to stay out of it, free and clear. He needs to do what Pilate did, 'wash is hands of it' and back off. He can't afford to have God turned away from him. God still have a Covenant with Israel and it's not changing. There are too many jagged edges with this and his position needs to be more supportive.
If the West Bank is Biblically theirs, no one has any right to keep it from them. The best thing for Obama to do is to stay out of it, free and clear. He needs to do what Pilate did, 'wash is hands of it' and back off. He can't afford to have God turned away from him. God still have a Covenant with Israel and it's not changing. There are too many jagged edges with this and his position needs to be more supportive.

West Bank (claimed by Israel from Jordan...occupied by Palestinians). Jerusalem is biblically Israel's... It's the big red button because if any president of the West ever declared it the "capitol" of Palestine, all WWIII will break out....no kidding. You can't even go to El Qud's (Dome of the Rock) and pray for the Messiah to come and reign...not even silently...you will be ushered promptly off the property lol. Obama is very supportive and I don't think he will ever declare Jerusalem the capitol of Palestine. That's why nobody will tackle this issue quite yet and partly why he snubbed meeting with Bibi Net. last time. There's a lot to do but a superpower declaring it anything is open season for the Arab states to pull another Yom Kippur war on them. It's very dangerous.

Now, I do agree that both sides (Palestinians and Jews) has legitimate rights. I wouldn't like to see Jerusalem split either and shared...cuz they will try to claim El Quds...and we know this is where David built the temple.
Closer Than You Think

Today's Scripture:

Do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward.
Hebrews 10:35, NKJV.

Today's Word:

Have you been praying and believing for something that seems like it’s taking a lot longer than you thought? Many times, people can miss God’s best simply because they give up before they see their “due season” come. Don’t let that be you! Be encouraged today, your answer is closer than you think. If it seems like things are getting more difficult, remember, when the intensity heats up, that means you are closer to your victory. It always seems darkest just before the dawn arrives.

We serve a faithful God, and He’s working behind the scenes on your behalf. Don’t cast away your confidence today because your reward is coming. And just like a new mother forgets about her labor pain once she is finally holding her newborn, you’ll forget about your struggle when you are holding on to your promise. While you are waiting, keep an attitude of faith and expectancy. Wake up every morning and say out loud, “I’ve come too far to give up now. My due season is coming. I will reap my harvest.” Stay in faith and look for His hand of blessing because He has promised you victory, and it’s closer than you think!

Prayer for Today:

Father in heaven, today I stand believing that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf. Give me Your strength to stand in faith until I see every promise fulfilled in my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Though I didn't vote for him, God Bless Barack Obama, The President of the United States of America; his wife, his children, his family. I pray for his protection everywhere he goes and that God will send the right people around him, so that he makes sound decisions that benefit the elderly, the sick, children and orphans, and the poor.
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Dear God,

Please untie the knots that are
in my mind, my heart, and my life.

Remove the have nots
the can nots,
and the do nots that I have in my mind.

Erase the may nots,
and the might nots that might have found
a home in my heart.

Release me from the could nots,
would nots, and
should nots that obstruct my life.

And most of all , Dear God,
I ask you to remove from
my mind, my heart, and my life
all the “am nots” that I have allowed
to hold me back,
especially the thought that
I am not good enough.

(Author Unknown)
Man, we all make mistakes...but to accuse somebody of something with absolutely NO PROOF and the record is set straight...then to deny or ignore you caused harm and spoke evil of someone with all that embarassing egg on your face. Humpf! Always take the high road and learn to apologize to people when you are in the wrong.

And I just knew it! Hidden agenda. Thank you, L-rd, for protecting me. There are evil wolves on all sides but I have an advocate!


Scripture says our conflicts are fueled by hidden agendas, cravings and self-centered demands. James 4:1-3 makes this very clear:
What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don't they come from your desires that battle within you? You want something but don't get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have, because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.

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Well, I realized that I have to get new friends.

I'm 30 and I'm gonna have to start over with friendships. I don't have any Christian friends that are more mature spiritually than I am which isn't saying much in my opinion. I have my mom but that's about it.

I'm not currently serving in church. I was, but then stopped so I could finish my BA. Now that I'm done I really have no excuse. If I was more active in church I would probably have more Christian friends :/
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Though I didn't vote for him, God Bless Barack Obama, The President of the United States of America; his wife, his children, his family. I pray for his protection everywhere he goes and that God will send the right people around him, so that he makes sound decisions that benefit the elderly, the sick, children and orphans, and the poor.

Amen, Laela... I agree and that he gives / totally surrenders his heart to the Lord... all the way, holding nothing back.

That while he is still in office, which God 'allowed' him to be, that he will give total surrender to the heart of God the Father, forsaking all others who disagree with him and do the work of the Lord, in running this country.

For without God there is no country... only barren land.

Visit his heart Father God, visit him day and night, night and day; give him no rest, no escape from you. Let him make true peace with you and he shall make peace with you, all the way. Let him run this place with your law, your rule, your will, fearing no one but you. His name is not Pharoah, he is not King Saul, unto you is his heart, unto you, his all.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen. :Rose:
Ladies I need your prayers please. I am worried I may have a leak in my amniotic sac. Will be going to hospital in a few hours to get this fully checked out.
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Father creator of life your word brings life to us and healing to our flesh and so we speak life and healing over @Pooks body right now, we ask that you grant this little one full term of nurture, we declare that the enemy has no authority over Pooks and we bind him from operating against her and her baby in any way.

Father you said whatsoever we ask in Jesus name it will be done so we declare in faith that it is done and healing is complete in the name of Jesus and Lord we also ask that you bring peace to Pooks spirit and that she would rest and trust in you in Jesus name.

Thank you so much Iwanthealthyhair67 and any who prayed.

The hospital tested and said they cannot detect any amniotic fluid now (suspected leak was yesterday morning) and did ultrasound, confirming there is definitely adequate fluid around my little one. Thank you Lord!

I saw a couple of changes in my tummy's size and feeling, which jogged my memory about the little leak I think I may have had. Not to be ignored, better to be sure all is ok. In any case, there is no way now to determine whether what I think was a leak was or was not, but given my history, it was certainly better to check it out.
Thank you so much Iwanthealthyhair67 and any who prayed.

The hospital tested and said they cannot detect any amniotic fluid now (suspected leak was yesterday morning) and did ultrasound, confirming there is definitely adequate fluid around my little one. Thank you Lord!

I saw a couple of changes in my tummy's size and feeling, which jogged my memory about the little leak I think I may have had. Not to be ignored, better to be sure all is ok. In any case, there is no way now to determine whether what I think was a leak was or was not, but given my history, it was certainly better to check it out.


Praying that all is well with you and your baby. Thanking God for surrounding you and your baby with His divine love and protection in Jesus' Name, Amen.
They told me to keep an eye on it - if I feel I have leaked again at all don't clean up and return to the hospital. Praying my mind is just playing tricks on me now..
Father creator of life your word brings life to us and healing to our flesh and so we speak life and healing over @Pooks body right now, we ask that you grant this little one full term of nurture, we declare that the enemy has no authority over Pooks and we bind him from operating against her and her baby in any way.

Father you said whatsoever we ask in Jesus name it will be done so we declare in faith that it is done and healing is complete in the name of Jesus and Lord we also ask that you bring peace to Pooks spirit and that she would rest and trust in you in Jesus name.


Amen, I totally agree with this prayer. Thank you for such a rich annointing and love for God and all who seek prayer and comfort in Him.