2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

For the past year, I've been blessed with these daily devotions from Pastor Henderson. Three days ago, he shared his personal testimony that was so profound..and in season, I thought I'd pass it on.

Good Evening,

I know it can be difficult for some of you to be thankful, especially if the holiday season has painful memories. I want to testify for just a moment. I lost my oldest brother November 21st 2003, and then my father a year later on November 18th. I had just finished celebrating my birthday only days before each of those unexpected tragedies. The word of God tells us to give thanks in all things. It doesn't tell us to give thanks for all things. God is the only One capable of healing the broken heart. In this season, try not to focus entirely on what or who you no longer have. Try to focus on what or who you have left. Go ahead and grieve, but don't let it prevent you from celebrating the good things. So, to my Eternal Moments family, thank you for your prayers and Happy Thanksgiving to your entire household.

Pastor Ray
Tomorrow I begin a fast with my church until Dec 22. I'm praying to overcome worry, fear, anxiety. Thank you in advance Father God.

Praise God!

Heavenly Father thank you for Luving Me's desire to depend totally on you. Give her strength, dear Lord as she fasts so she can grow in her faith. Lord, give her victory over worry, fear, and anxiety as we know that the things we feed will grow and the things we ignore will cease to grow. I pray Lord that this fast, this very special time spent focusing on You and your inerrant word, will bring about miraculous change, spiritual growth, and an end to the things the enemy uses to steal our joy. We know that you are more than enough to meet our needs, be our confidant, and to be our protector. Bless Luving Me with peace that passes all understanding, tremendous joy, supernatural giftings, and abundant favor.

Blackpearl1993, I can't thank you enough for that beautiful prayer. I can't express in words how wonderful it is to know that someone's praying for my success. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And I thank God for you.
I am so tired of other people slandering my name and then expecting me to stay silent. It's so hard not to be angry when people are spewing lies about me.
From the Ministry of Encouragement

Many people stop following
the Lord because they did
not count the cost in the
beginning or maybe they
just couldn’t have their
own way.

The good thing about
spiritual dropouts is
that God gives the grace
for them to drop back in.

John 6:66 - “From that time many of his
disciples went back, and walked no
more with him.”
God told me something. He then had 5 people who know nothing about each other (and a couple of them don't know me- only my first name) confirm the same word within 10 days of each other. I've never had that many people speak something into my life or had God confirm Himself that many times.

So, is it something I am not getting or yielding to? I willingly received it the 2nd - 5th (lol) times it was spoken. Or is it that big that He trying to get me prepared by reiterating Himself?

Thoughts? Shimmie Iwanthealthyhair67 Laela

At the bolded, based on the information provided its hard to say (confirm:grin:). But I'll tell you this; its important for us to really know the voice of God because there will be times when He will give instructions that require immediate obedience and there will be no one to 'confirm' His word.

You said you accepted it but are you truly convinced?

God told me something. He then had 5 people who know nothing about each other (and a couple of them don't know me- only my first name) confirm the same word within 10 days of each other. I've never had that many people speak something into my life or had God confirm Himself that many times.

So, is it something I am not getting or yielding to? I willingly received it the 2nd - 5th (lol) times it was spoken. Or is it that big that He trying to get me prepared by reiterating Himself?

Thoughts? @Shimmie @Iwanthealthyhair67 @Laela
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Iwanthealthyhair67 I'm kinda convinced. God gave it to me a year about a year ago. I started to move on it a little then completely dismissed it. He reminded me about 2 weeks ago and since then has confirmed and reconfirmed it.

ETA- I found my answer. Sending you a pm.
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So much is being revealed to me during this fast and it's only day 2. Thank you Father God, my mind, my heart, and my soul are open to your word.
@msdr... ITA with Healthyhair... glad to see you got the answer! I also wanted to share a past thread about attestation, if you've not yet seen it.

The OT has great examples of cultural confirmation (like when Ruth was redeemed to Boaz when her relative give up the rights to marry her by taking off his shoe) ...this also, IMHO, translates spiritually -- a spiritual redemption or transference of sort is set to take place, if we recognize it as from God and accept it. God is trying to tell you something comes to mind.. but I believe that confirmation surely is from God when the people involved don't know anything about you, have never observed you or have no bias/connection to you whatsover. It can be scary, but I believe it's God's way of letting you know it's HIM. Pure, undefiled attestation... HTH..and Stay blessed!
I realize that my faith in God makes me kinda of arrogant to those around me. But when given the option of believing the lastest rumor in the office about layoff or believing in Philippians 4:19, its a no brainer for me. My pastor always says when fear comes a knocking at your door or in my case my cublice, let faith answer it.

All the specualtion in the world about what is going on with this job does not stop, hinder and deter God from keeping His Word to me. He will supply ALL my needs according to his riches in Glory by Christ Jesus.


My heart is praying with you and for you... :love2:

There is no fault in you... none, whatsoever. Just love and beauty inside and out.
I knew something was going to happen today. I posted in the career forum that I got a heads up from a company insider that a meeting would be held today to discuss pay cuts. Well, just got out of the meeting and I was moved from full time to part time of what I have been calling my "dream job". This is a total shock and surprise as we had NO idea the company was in financial distress. I feel weak and numb. Just before the holidays and this is what they do to me. Lord...
^^^Thank him you weren't given a pink slip! You might be able to get another holiday part-time and save your holidays and then for the new year, you know you have the experience to move onto a better company and get a higher position. Think positively and I'll say a prayer for you!!! HUGS>
Sin just gets more ugly and folks protect it even more...in spite of the adverse consequences.


Well that was quick. As soon as I 'typed' (asked 'why') God gave me the answer.

I was immediately reminded of Pharoah. No matter how many times Moses warned Pharoah and showed him the signs from God, Pharoah became more resistant to the Truth and more resistant to acknowleding God.

It took the floods of the Red Sea to overcome Pharoah.

I wish no harm on anyone...yet how long will they be allowed to harm the minds of children who are now dying from the adults who validate and sponsor the sin?
From the Ministry of Encouragement

We are all unfinished people
but God is still working on us.

So be patient with yourself
and others because there
is still a lot of work to do.

Don’t focus on your
Weaknesses but focus
on God’s strength,
His faithfulness,
and what He can do.

“And we all, who with unveiled
faces contemplate the Lord’s glory,
are being transformed into his image
with ever-increasing glory, which comes
from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”
2 Corinthians 3:18 –
God told me something. He then had 5 people who know nothing about each other (and a couple of them don't know me- only my first name) confirm the same word within 10 days of each other. I've never had that many people speak something into my life or had God confirm Himself that many times.

So, is it something I am not getting or yielding to? I willingly received it the 2nd - 5th (lol) times it was spoken. Or is it that big that He trying to get me prepared by reiterating Himself?

Thoughts? Shimmie Iwanthealthyhair67 Laela


This is a wpnderful exercise for you, learing the voice of God. You're not alone in this. I'm still learning and trusting. This is what I have learned though. When my spirit, my heart feels at peace and I naturally 'flow' with God. It's not something that I 'think' is God, it's a peaceful 'know'.

Babygirl, 'You'll know'. :kiss:

Father I thank you so much for msdr. She loves you and it shows so much in her heart and in her witness. She loves you so much that she doesn't want to fail you. Let her know, in a way that you know will calm her heart, please let her know your voice and promptings of the Holy Spirit so clearly that she will never have fear nor doubt. She's a jewel and you love her far more than any diamonds, pearls or rubies. She's your babygirl, to whom you have captured into your heart forever.

Bless her and keep her, always.

In Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen.

"He who is able to keep you from falling will continue until the day of Jesus' Christ."
Matthew 24

43 But know this, that if the master of the house had known in what part of the night the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and would not have let his house be broken into.

44 Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.