2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

Musing from today's church service.

Are you spiritually obese? This is where you feed on the Word and it just sits. Like over eating and not working out it will just sit and you will be obese. With spiritual obesity you know so much knowledge of the Word but yet you don't use it.

Do you know the foundation of the gospel? Many times we become to well into our vanity thinking we know all about the Word. So not correct.
I exercise my God given right to walk in the power and authority that He has given me, no longer will I operate in spiritual poverty, because he has given me everything pertaining to life and Godliness and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
I've been reflecting on 2012 and I've learned sooooo much this year. Half way through the year I started calling it the worst year of my life because I had so many ups and downs and the downs weren't just downs... they were huge pitfalls. But, now as I sit back and reflect I'm considering this year one of the best years of my life. I'm ranking it in the best category because I did it WITH God. 2007 was a very bad year for me and I went through it alone because I was so spiritually immature that I felt God left me but the reality was I had turned my back on Him. So I suffered more than I should have because I refused to turn to God.

Well THANK GOD that was NOT the case in 2012. I prayed more this year than I have ever prayed in my life and although the praying did not take my test and trials away, it did give me a new praise. The words "I'm still standing" have never meant so much to me before. God took me back to the basics where I was just happy to be alive. The enemy has attacked me from all directions this year. I have tripped so many times (not tripped over sin necessarily, but tripped over my emotions) that I thought God would get angry with me but he never did. He just picked me up, dusted me off, and told me to start over again.

The fact that I can sit here and even type this is a praise in itself. The enemy tried to take me out this year. He literally tried to kill me but my God said NO. I'm so thankful that what felt like it was going to be my worst year has actually turned into one of my best years. And the most amazing part about it is that for the most part my blessings this year were not tangible. My biggest blessing from God has been wisdom and that will make my tangible blessings, like a new job, a husband, new furniture and all the other things I'm praying for, so much more worth it when I get them.

This year I focused on SURVIVING. "I'm still standing" got me through the year but in 2013 I'm focusing on SOARING. I'm taking my new found wisdom and I'm soaring high! Thank you God for everything that waits ahead. I'll take the good and the bad as long as you're by my side. I LOVE YOU LORD!

Happy New Year to my sisters in Christ!
Thank you, L-rd, for all of your blessings, for the good and for the bad. Help me to see beyond the struggles and help me to trust that You are the one who makes things new. I ask you to restore to all those who seek you all that the moths have eaten and devoured. I ask you to protect us all and bless us in many ways.
I've been reflecting on 2012 and I've learned sooooo much this year. Half way through the year I started calling it the worst year of my life because I had so many ups and downs and the downs weren't just downs... they were huge pitfalls. But, now as I sit back and reflect I'm considering this year one of the best years of my life. I'm ranking it in the best category because I did it WITH God. 2007 was a very bad year for me and I went through it alone because I was so spiritually immature that I felt God left me but the reality was I had turned my back on Him. So I suffered more than I should have because I refused to turn to God.

Well THANK GOD that was NOT the case in 2012. I prayed more this year than I have ever prayed in my life and although the praying did not take my test and trials away, it did give me a new praise. The words "I'm still standing" have never meant so much to me before. God took me back to the basics where I was just happy to be alive. The enemy has attacked me from all directions this year. I have tripped so many times (not tripped over sin necessarily, but tripped over my emotions) that I thought God would get angry with me but he never did. He just picked me up, dusted me off, and told me to start over again.

The fact that I can sit here and even type this is a praise in itself. The enemy tried to take me out this year. He literally tried to kill me but my God said NO. I'm so thankful that what felt like it was going to be my worst year has actually turned into one of my best years. And the most amazing part about it is that for the most part my blessings this year were not tangible. My biggest blessing from God has been wisdom and that will make my tangible blessings, like a new job, a husband, new furniture and all the other things I'm praying for, so much more worth it when I get them.

This year I focused on SURVIVING. "I'm still standing" got me through the year but in 2013 I'm focusing on SOARING. I'm taking my new found wisdom and I'm soaring high! Thank you God for everything that waits ahead. I'll take the good and the bad as long as you're by my side. I LOVE YOU LORD!

Happy New Year to my sisters in Christ!
Hallelujah...praise the name of the Lord, Jesus!!!

Happy New Year to you, my sister! :love3:
I exercise my God given right to walk in the power and authority that He has given me, no longer will I operate in spiritual poverty, because he has given me everything pertaining to life and Godliness and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Hallelujah!!! Hallelujah!!! Love this post!!!
I hope all here have a sweet new year. Some will be left behind and others will be added. In 2013 I desire to no longer be a posing Christian(ie church pew warmer) nor follow religious(rule) traditions. I desire to really know the God I follow and really be myself but with a moral compass that is deeper than trying to be like others or follow the flock. I'm tired of drowning in sorrows of yesterday and of the future. I'm wanting peace,understanding and joy that comes from not following a ritualistic religion.

I think on how many times I should be dead for the things I tried and did. But God kept me anyway. I know my time here has started to come to a end because I feel like a outsider looking in. The things that grieve me make most Christians clutch their pearls. The people I will focus on is those who are the forgotten or those that many here judge and look at like your nothing.

2013 will be a great year for many. Each day that is given is a new chance. I deeply believe things that will prayed about will come to pass. Happy early 2013!
It baffles me how people are turning a blind eye to the things that are so blantant and in your face in regards to the media, entertainers and our government. I have a laundry list of things and I cant comprehend how people dont see this. The various entertainers that people are worshipping or giving a "pass" just because they're attractive or appear to be a "good" person. They are pushing satan's agenda harder than ever and the majority of people are drinking the koolaide. It saddens me and I pray thier eyes are opened to God's truth before it's to late.
Heading to Atlanta tonight for the Pinky Promise Conf- this is the first trip I have ever taken that was based on taking steps to grow my relationship with Christ My vacations usually consist of some crazy worldly stuff even if I didnt participate I was still there so this year i'm taking a different route...