2015 Christian Random Thoughts - Stand Strong - 11:58 is Not Too Late

It's an uphill climb. There are dips and rocks and weeds all along the path. But the climb is upwards.

Joshua 24:14

New International Version
"Now fear the LORD and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your ancestors worshiped beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt, and serve the LORD.
It is a battle for souls. There are wolves in sheep's clothing on every corner and then there are true, caring shepherds. Few listen to them. How to improve the community? Spiritually. But will you listen? So many have fallen away from belief and it is a detriment to the soul. Now you are ships without rudders, cast in many directions. Get back on course by holding on to the only one who can lead you to the truth and eternal life. As it is now, you aren't seeking and you don't want to take direction with the result that you are lost and looking for the path.
Just reading a few posts in this thread and the tears are just streaming!! So many of you have posted my personal feelings TODAY. I stress today because with God EVERYTHING is subject to change.
Aunt Tillie is upset because nobody invited her to the singing contest. "Take Me to the King"

My former best friend, that I have been missing so much for the past year commented on one of my post on a social media site a few days ago. Since then I have been wondering if this means I should reach out to her or if it was just a comment. I have prayed about the matter and I am still not sure. I know a few months ago I was thinking about reaching out to her and even wrote a letter to her in a notebook of what I would say. I acted foolishly last year during our last conversation as well as all last year during our friendship and have regretted it since then now that it's been a year later. I feel I have grown so much since a year ago and am ready to talk if she is open to it. Lord I just pray and ask for guidance as to what I should do....
I go to a white church. Sometimes I am the only black OR brown face in the crowd.
1. I grew up going to a military base church. I'm just used to the cadence of that type of service.
2. It is 5 minutes from my house. Unless it's work, I never get anywhere on time unless it's really close (church, the gym)
3. One hour service. Full stop.
4. Ph.D.s I'm a snob. I like intellectual preachers. I want the ones with a Ph.D. from a reputable seminary. I don't like emotional appeals, or "Free verse." I like a tight, well planned, researched sermon.

Anyway... I don't want to go tomorrow after Charleston. I'm positive the preacher will say something perfectly wonderful. And he'll say just the RIGHT thing, too. He's like that. He's one of the good guys. But I don't feel comfortable with the rest of those white folks.

They keep asking me why I don't go to sunday school.

So I want to skip church tomorrow. I just wish I hadn't skipped LAST sunday. I volunteered at vacation bible school the previous Mon-Thurs. and I figured that was enough church for the week!

I remember last week talking to the preacher's wife. Really sweet lady. We were working the "bible adventures" room during vacation bible school together. I remember saying something that was racial. Nothing extreme, but I thought later that I might have made her feel uncomfortable. You know, nice white people sometimes don't know what to do with "race" topics. So I felt bad. Her husband, the pastor would have handled it fine, no problem. But I wasn't sure about her.

Now here I am feeling some kind of way about taking my glowing brown face into that church. Not worried about the pastor. Worried about the "nice" white people... and the not so nice as well.

Part of me even imagines what a great target Id be for some crazed gunman. But I have a dreadful imagination like that. I get it from my Mom.

I should try a black church tomorrow. But I'm positive they are not ANYWHERE near where I live. And guess what... they ain't getting out in an hour.
I've fell off from my faith...HARD. I just don't have a desire to pray, praise or read the Bible like I used to. Not even sure why.
At last November 2014's family reunion, I felt "left out." I have a cousin who I realize has always been "too much" for me. She's a fast talker and aggressive in a subtle way. She's the "beautiful" one in the family and has kids doing amazing things. But I honestly think my Ph.D. and my suddenly "compliment worthy" hair (thanks LHGF) made her even more pushy and mean. And this year she had "W", an Asian cousin-in-law to be ugly with.

Now I know some people seem to brush off ugliness, or don't seem to have the need to push back. I do. I KNOW at least the Asian cousin-in-law has a reputation for ugliness because a few other people made comments.

Anyway... those times I was left out... I was pushed over to sit with my cousin Tracy and her husband. And they were entertaining and funny and sweet. I was constantly pushed out of my "regular group" with my brother, and put with them. I don't think the pretty cousin and "W" are all that nice. It's just that my brother had a stroke so they were being nice to him out of pity.

My cousin Tracy died in May. If I hadn't been pushed away, I wouldn't have gotten to spend so much time with her and her wonderful family. So it was a blessing in disguise. I know that.

I am both grateful to have spent all the time with Tracy, and yet still hurt by W and the pretty cousin and even my brother who didn't stand up for me. I sort of can't blame my brother because he's stupid about that sort of thing. In the face of women's wiles... he is inept. But it still bothers me.

I want to hold on to the time with Tracy, and let go of the other. But it's hard for me.
Who was it in this thread that said "sometimes it's just you and God"?? They ain't never lied!!! Those words are ringing so true for me in my life right now... and I'm grateful to say that I trust God because it's just me and Him. He's showing me that He is all I've ever needed.
Psalm 80:2
2Before Ephraim and Benjamin and Manasseh, stir up Your power
And come to save us!
3O God, restore us
And cause Your face to shine upon us, and we will be saved.

4O LORD God of hosts,
How long will You be angry with the prayer of Your people?

5You have fed them with the bread of tears,
And You have made them to drink tears in large measure.

6You make us an object of contention to our neighbors,
And our enemies laugh among themselves.

7O God of hosts, restore us
And cause Your face to shine upon us, and we will be saved.
Yesterday, Saturday August 8, 2015, I got baptized!!!
When I look back, I see the unlikely way I got here and I am so grateful that God pursued me relentlessly! Matthew 18:12-13 are the verses that will always be written on my heart. I just had to share the good news, and I hope that it can an encouragement to someone :love2:
I'm feeling like I'm being sent a message and I'm not "getting it". I went to church with my boyfriend on Saturday night and the sermon was based on John chapter 6. Yesterday, I'm listening to a sermon on the radio and guess what they're preaching on? John chapter 6?

Of course this may just be coincidental :look:
John 8:44
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Jeremiah 17:9
The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?

Zechariah 7:11

"But they refused to pay attention; stubbornly they turned their backs and covered their ears.
People are using the Duggar's fall as an excuse to persecute those who believe in G-d's word. If you don't live in fornication and other mortal sins, then you're some kind of a "fanatic." We all have biology, we are all organisms and we all desire sex. But I am not an animal and I do not have to succumb to sexual desires that are not appropriate. Man is more than his animal tendencies.
It could've been me. It should've been me. It would've been me. If it wasn't for the BLOOD!

Oh, the blood of Jesus. The redeeming blood of Jesus.

I'm grateful today. I try not to judge others for the choices that they make. We all have a different story. We all have the same Savior.

Truth is, it could easily be me today. Living with a debilitating disease. In jail. Strung out. Homeless. Jobless. Or worse--dead.

Today I made a conscious decision to not focus on what is lacking in my life, but to focus on where God has brought me from and more importantly on what God has kept me from.

I'm grateful today!
The enemy is really trying to take me out, but it's not over until God says so! Things have gotten so horrible in my life that I just wanted God to take me home with him. I couldn't bear to live another day. I didn't want to be apart of this sin-filled world anymore. Today I starting crying because I'm too young to want my life to end so soon.

When I get hit by so many tests at the same time, I always wonder if Satan has it out for me. He cannot stand the fact that I chose to serve God. My past isn't pretty and he reminds me of that any chance he can get.

I'm still here today because God has a purpose for my life. These tests only strengthen my faith. God doesn't give me an option to quit even when I feel like giving up. I'm thankful that my father loves me enough not to turn me over to my desires! He sees something in me that I can't even see in myself.
@Daughter I've experienced this too in the past. At the time I wasn't happy with my life and I blamed God for the state my life was in so I stopped truly taking time out to pray. I felt so alone at that time. I'm not exactly sure how things changed but they did. I feel so blessed to have a Father who loves me despite my past rejection of him.
The enemy is really trying to take me out, but it's not over until God says so! Things have gotten so horrible in my life that I just wanted God to take me home with him. I couldn't bear to live another day. I didn't want to be apart of this sin-filled world anymore. Today I starting crying because I'm too young to want my life to end so soon.

When I get hit by so many tests at the same time, I always wonder if Satan has it out for me. He cannot stand the fact that I chose to serve God. My past isn't pretty and he reminds me of that any chance he can get.

I'm still here today because God has a purpose for my life. These tests only strengthen my faith. God doesn't give me an option to quit even when I feel like giving up. I'm thankful that my father loves me enough not to turn me over to my desires! He sees something in me that I can't even see in myself.
Amen! I just want my Father to take me home so bad, but we have to be patient a little while longer. He'll be here soon :-) Thank you God for grace, mercy, and unrelenting love.
While I was at my church's bookstore I read something on a shirt that really affected me. It said something along the lines of "If you were on trial for being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict you?"
We ask how on earth could a genocide happen to those in the past and wonder how they just allowed it to slip by without much notice without realizing we are doing the very same today, even christians.
"As I look back on my life, I realize that every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better."
-Steve Maraboli