2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

Jesus says:

When you need me, I am 'there' for you. I am there for you, 'always'...

Whenever, Wherever, I am 'there', always...

for 'you'.

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I have backslidden something fierce! No fornication - Praise God, coming up on 2 years celibate. Just reading the wrong thing, allowing old habits to reform, not doing my schoolwirk for weeks.

I am paying for it in my work and financial life.

I know that God is on the Throne and is never going to leave me...

I need to get that attitude of gratitude back.
Yesterday was my birthday and it was the first time in years; that I enjoyed it!! I mean, I'm usually depress because it's another year of the same old things. But I ACTUALLY felt like it was a celebration. I didn't do anything fantastic. But I was and am still happy!

Thank you God!
MarriageMaterial said:
Yesterday was my birthday and it was the first time in years; that I enjoyed it!! I mean, I'm usually depress because it's another year of the same old things. But I ACTUALLY felt like it was a celebration. I didn't do anything fantastic. But I was and am still happy!

Thank you God!

Aww that is awesome!!! Happy happy birthday!!! God bless :D
Yesterday was my birthday and it was the first time in years; that I enjoyed it!! I mean, I'm usually depress because it's another year of the same old things. But I ACTUALLY felt like it was a celebration. I didn't do anything fantastic. But I was and am still happy!

Thank you God!

Happy Birthday Precious M&M... :kiss:

The Joy of the Lord is the Best Gift of All. It surrounds you from the inside out with God's gift of peace.

:flowers: :Rose: :flowers:
Thanks Shimmie and loolalooh

Trying times, please keep me in your prayers

All the Times can do is 'try', they cannot run without a motor, which they do not have. However you have the faith and the Faith Giver, which beats a 'try' every single time.

In Jesus' Name... Amen.

Fear not darkness, for you are 'The Light' of the World'. :Rose:

In Jesus' Name, Amen.
From the Ministry of Encouragement ...

New Age “Spirituality”
may sound cool and deep,
but it’s really just another
man-centered rejection
of the Bible and God’s
Plan of Redemption
through Jesus Christ.

Satan wants us to believe
that we need to be transformed
to a higher consciousness
so that we can realize our
own “Divinity.”

Don’t buy it, it’s just another scam!

1 Timothy 4:1
“ Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter
times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed
to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.”
Father wonderful God, I exalt you and sing your praises Lord...

I thank you for friendships today that were made because of this network, your word says let brotherly love continue, and not to forget to entertain strangers, for by doing so we may be entertaining angels, I beleive that is what we are doing on the CF...Help us to be a continued source of encouragement to one another...you said two are better than one, help is to lift each other up praying for one another, bearing one another's burdens, greeting each other with kindness....

You have commanded us to love each other as you have loved us, teach us to love you so that we may know how to love each other, you said that there is only one body, one body with many members but we are one in you ... we are all in need of the other, so teach us to be caring a compassionate...

Lord we love you and we trust that you will do all that you said that you will do because you are not man that you should lie, thank you for loving us, thank you for your grace and mercy...In Jesus name, Amen!
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Father wonderful God, I exalt you and sing your praises Lord...

I thank you for friendships today that were made because of this network, your word says let brotherly love continue, and not to forget to entertain strangers, for by doing so we may be entertaining angels, I beleive that is what we are doing on the CF...Help us to be a continued source of encouragement to one another...you said two are better than one, help is to lift each other up praying for one another, bearing one another's burdens, greeting each other with kindness....

You have commanded us to love each other as you have loved us, teach us to love you so that we may know how to love each other, you said that there is only one body, one body with many members but we are one in you ... we are all in need of the other, so teach us to be caring a compassionate...

Lord we love you and we trust that you will do all that you said that you will do because you are not man that you should lie, thank you for loving us, thank you for your grace in mercy...In Jesus name, Amen!

This is such a beautiful prayer. God is preparing my heart to be 'graceful' and not haughty, when I've witnessed a defeat of the enemy. The sad issue is that even when the enemy is defeated and that he is the actual foe, there are others who followed him / lead astray and they will be heartbroken and devasted because of the enemy's plans being rendered null and voild.

God says to pray for them, for many hearts shall be broken, distraught, overwhelmed with fear and anger, distress, and anxiety; so pray for them to be set free from depending upon the enemy and to give their hearts unto God.

Iwanthealthyhair67... I'm almost certain as to what this is about.

Certain... almost, I am. :yep:
This is encouraging to read these days...

link to video:
In Honduras, 8,000 children and parents gathered in a stadium to pray earnestly for their country, which is suffering an epidemic of drug trafficking and violence.
The children came from many different churches to intercede for the future of their country. Underlining the depth of the crisis, President Porfirio Lobo also attended this year's event.
Every year since 1999, the prayers of these children reach the nation through a network of radio and TV stations.
According to the prayer event founder Roy Santos, these intercessors, ranging from age 7 to 12 years old, have prevented major natural and political disasters.
"Then a political crisis arrived. And they prayed for the crisis that social problems would not rise in Honduras, and that God would give us a strong leader, and that those that wanted to act against the will of God, that God would remove them. When the political crisis arrived, God delivered us," Pastor Roy Santos, with Harvest Ministries, said.
Pastors and teachers train child intercessors through weekly Bible studies and prayer before they participate in major prayer events.
Had a long conversation with the Lord about the election. Conclusion: If this country sails into the unknown, know that Obama is only the sign of the times, not the cause of them.
Prayer changes things, but it cannot be used to cover up our sins or prevent facing punishment for years of committing criminal acts. God's grace should be not taken lightly. We can talk about raising children, but we have to be accountable for the ones God has put us in charge of.

If we have failed as a parent, then we have the opportunity to be open and honest about our mistakes. Transparency will get others to actually listen to us. People can identify falseness from afar.

God doesn't want us talking about how bad our neighborhoods are if we are not covering it with the blood and praying for its prosperity. This is irrespective of whether the people are saved or not. Eventually, they will come to Christ if we are good witnesses by our lives.