2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

Nice & Wavy said:
This right here...can only be said in the CF:nono:

How sad.

I wanted to say this on the thread about prayer at daycare but I think I would be wasting my time and possibly rile people up :/

The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned. 1 Cor 2:14
Psalms 118:24
This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it. (New King James Version)

This is the verse the popular song comes from. Although many people sing it, how many of us realize this is a song to encourage us through tough times. In verse five, the psalmist declared how he called the Lord out of distress and he was set in a large place. God specializes in relief from distress. You would rarely call on the Lord if everything was fine. The press gets the best out of you. The press also gets the genuine character out of you. When your back is against the wall, your strength comes forth. God knows what He put in you, and He knows what it takes to get it out of you. This is the day the LORD has made. We are the people the LORD has made. Even if the day reveals some trials and tribulations, God still made this day. To rejoice teaches us the value of being included in the plan of God. If you don't think it's a blessing to be in a day the Lord has made, ask yourself where you would be if you were excluded from this day.

Elder S R Henderson, Associate Pastor
The Rock Baptist Church
Christians believe Jesus is the only real God and every other god is false. This is what our belief is based on. Stating that is not being disrespectful it is just stating what is a belief. It's like saying the sky is blue for us. If you're not a Christian this may come off as negative but know that is NOT the intention. It may appear rigid but this is because you don't think Jesus/God is real. If someone told u 2+2=5 you wouldn't even entertain this possibility and guess what? You wouldn't come off as negative either lol. It's the same way with Christians

This reminds me of a time I said "Merry Christmas" to a friend of mine at work. She said "its not politically correct to say Merry Christmas" :spinning: I said, ummm I am a Christian and its CHRISTMAS so I'm going to say Merry Christmas. Whoever doesn't like it can kick rocks.

When did it become politically incorrect to say Merry Christmas? If someone were to get offended at a Jewish person for saying Happy Hanukkah during Hanukkah it would be just as ridiculous.
BostonMaria said:
This reminds me of a time I said "Merry Christmas" to a friend of mine at work. She said "its not politically correct to say Merry Christmas" :spinning: I said, ummm I am a Christian and its CHRISTMAS so I'm going to say Merry Christmas. Whoever doesn't like it can kick rocks.

When did it become politically incorrect to say Merry Christmas? If someone were to get offended at a Jewish person for saying Happy Hanukkah during Hanukkah it would be just as ridiculous.

Exactly. Christian viewpoints and beliefs are marginalized. Agnosticism is becoming America's new religion and this is evident in the changes in our culture. We need to wake up. Seriously. I think the reason why many of us, including myself are more sensitive now and unwilling to compromise is because the enemy is really battling for a complete paradigm shift especially in America.
kila82 said:
Exactly. Christian viewpoints and beliefs are marginalized. Agnosticism is becoming America's new religion and this is evident in the changes in our culture. We need to wake up. Seriously. I think the reason why many of us, including myself are more sensitive now and unwilling to compromise is because the enemy is really battling for a complete paradigm shift especially in America.

Yepp. People look down on Christians specifically, even though they say they hate religion a lot of times it's just us. They can be "tolerant" of everything and everyone but us.
We don't draw back from doing the right things that bring glory to God. We flee doing evil that brings shame to the name of Christ. There will be consequences and we do reap a harvest from it. Apart of God's grace is to stop us, but if we are stubborn. We will go down roads that we may not be able to handle even if it is incarceration. I pray that everyone who is about promoting God's purpose prosper and are rescued from their troubles. God is a good God and he still has more in store for us.
I want to encourage you ladies to continue to say the same as Jesus and don't shrink back.
ITA!!! Amen, sis!

This reminds me of a time I said "Merry Christmas" to a friend of mine at work. She said "its not politically correct to say Merry Christmas" :spinning: I said, ummm I am a Christian and its CHRISTMAS so I'm going to say Merry Christmas. Whoever doesn't like it can kick rocks.

When did it become politically incorrect to say Merry Christmas? If someone were to get offended at a Jewish person for saying Happy Hanukkah during Hanukkah it would be just as ridiculous.
I know that persecution is going to come, but I'm apart of the Fellowship of the Unashamed and I refuse to back down...I will speak up because it seems when we allow it to happen, it becomes louder and louder and I'm tired of these people yelling at me:lol:
Reading The book of Nehemiah right now and it is building me up! Nehemiah was NOT playing!!! Lol wow...and I love how he and the other Jews repented of their sins, fasted and prayed for hours on October 31st. They also made a promise on that day to follow the Law of God

I will be doing the same on that day :)
"Yo Ho Ho Ho" didn't give me that fried chicken dinner to eat today. It was the L-rd G-d. I'll rightly make the sign of the cross before I eat.
I think out of all the books in bible I love Job. The reason for it is Job seem like a cool fella. After today's message about Job it really makes me love it more. My pastor pulled 3 major points that we can apply to the process going through. One Job worshipped in the mist of it all. Praising gives us a mental break from our issues. Job complained which allowed him to purge things out of his soul--most religious folks don't want to see you complain or say anything negative about God but God is God therefore he already know whatever the thought is anyway and by saying it it helps that at times others can gain relief in knowing I'm not the only one. Lastly Job waited in his body . He didn't know how long it may be but he knows God is faithful and he who started a good work will see it to the end be the end happily ever after or death. God didn't give Job what he asked for which was take me now.

The one thing that was so profound in this sermon was Pastor Battle went in on those who like in the book of Job just ripped Job apart. Oh your kids deserverd to die they were bad or this is all your fault bc you sinned when that wasn't the case. Also it is very key to know that God gave the devil permission to let all this happen but yet in still God gave guidelines to the devil.

Sometimes I cry and complain and praise all at the same time. I felt like I was or am such a low level christian because I don't keep up this facade that everything is everything. I still get sad that I got let go from a job bc I was depressed or that I am irritated by my situation or that I come from a abusive negative barren childhood. But know that God blessed Job with more than he even had at first is refreshing. Job's wife was used against him and his friends who should have been there to uplift tore him down. But God is good and thankfully God isn't like us.

Ok I will shut up now I just wanted to share this and hope it may encourage one who is going through. Some may feel like they are going through a spiritual schizophrenia where you have two personalities that are waring one another. God who created you started a good work therefore take heart in knowing he will see it to completion and glory will be gotten.
I'm convinced, Joel Olsteen is full of crap:perplexed

He's scared of confrontation. He's like the meek and gentle guy who afraid of getting into a fight for fear of losing, even if he wins.

This meaning that even if he wins the issue with the Truth, he fears the opposition's reaction and retaliation.

He's needs some 'Harlem' in him. I'll be happy to teach him. :strong:
Oprah asked him will gays (in all their ways die), will they go to heaven and he said "Oh, Yes":perplexed

:lol::lol::lol: at 'oh yes.' I could hear him, literally. ;lol:

He's so scared of Oprah.

I sure wish she's interview me. :grin:

Errr body be tuned in for weeks/months and 2 next seasons. :lol:

And I'll STILL have more to say. :lol:
Reading The book of Nehemiah right now and it is building me up! Nehemiah was NOT playing!!! Lol wow...and I love how he and the other Jews repented of their sins, fasted and prayed for hours on October 31st. They also made a promise on that day to follow the Law of God

I will be doing the same on that day :)

Thank you kila82 ... :Rose:

This is yet another Bible story that I love. loolalooh shared about Gideon in another thread today.

The people were so mad at Nehemiah who would not come down from that wall, that they sent a letter to the King stating (lying) that Nehemiah was offending the King, rebelling against him.

HOWEVER, even after the King initially believed the lie, he ended up sending a letter to Nehemiah telling him to 'PROCEED' on that wall. Instead of condeming Nehemiah and commanding him to stop, the King said, 'Proceed'.

Praise God.

Whatever it is that God has told you to do. Ignore the oppostion and simply 'Proceed', for God is with you and will keep you and see you through, no matter what.


He's scared of confrontation. He's like the meek and gentle guy who afraid of getting into a fight for fear of losing, even if he wins.

This meaning that even if he wins the issue with the Truth, he fears the opposition's reaction and retaliation.

He's needs some 'Harlem' in him. I'll be happy to teach him. :strong:
The one thing I can't stand is a punk in the pulpit. Sorry if I offend anyone, but that's how I feel.

These people are so afraid of offending the world, that they forget why they are in the pulpit in the first place. They rather offend God and not do what He told them too...it makes me :rolleyes:

I can't with these people right now....:nono:

:lol::lol::lol: at 'oh yes.' I could hear him, literally. ;lol:

He's so scared of Oprah.

I sure wish she's interview me. :grin:

Errr body be tuned in for weeks/months and 2 next seasons. :lol:

And I'll STILL have more to say. :lol:
And you should have seen her face when she asked him these questions and he was fumblin' and mumblin and absolutely scurred. I would give him credit though when she asked him if he felt that homosexuality is a sin and he said that he thought that it was a sin because the bible says so. But, he put it out there and started talking about a other sins too...that's not what she asked him.

You should have heard DH, chile...he was just like you "put me up there with her, I'll tell her the truth!":lol:

I can see it now....You would be telling her a thing or two all the while smiling and staring at her straight in the eyes...she would turn away from you...she can't stand true people of God!:yep:
The one thing I can't stand is a punk in the pulpit. Sorry if I offend anyone, but that's how I feel.

These people are so afraid of offending the world, that they forget why they are in the pulpit in the first place. They rather offend God and not do what He told them too...it makes me :rolleyes:

I can't with these people right now....:nono:

And you should have seen her face when she asked him these questions and he was fumblin' and mumblin and absolutely scurred. I would give him credit though when she asked him if he felt that homosexuality is a sin and he said that he thought that it was a sin because the bible says so. But, he put it out there and started talking about a other sins too...that's not what she asked him.

You should have heard DH, chile...he was just like you "put me up there with her, I'll tell her the truth!":lol:

I can see it now....You would be telling her a thing or two all the while smiling and staring at her straight in the eyes...she would turn away from you...she can't stand true people of God!:yep:

I think they 'select' and continue to pick on Joel on purpose to misrepresent the Church when it comes to standing firm.

Just look Oprah in the eyes and tell her it's wrong. period!

I can imagine Hubby being upset... God says to be unwavering and to stand firm against the enemy. Joel is allowing himself to be bullied by the media.

Kirk Cameron needs to be with Oprah. :brucelee: :lol:

I love Kirk Cameron.... quote: "Well ask me then...."

Wooooo, bro' man wasn't being bulllied by Piers Morgan...not at all. :nono:
Shimmie said:
Thank you kila82 ... :Rose:

This is yet another Bible story that I love. loolalooh shared about Gideon in another thread today.

The people were so mad at Nehemiah who would not come down from that wall, that they sent a letter to the King stating (lying) that Nehemiah was offending the King, rebelling against him.

HOWEVER, even after the King initially believed the lie, he ended up sending a letter to Nehemiah telling him to 'PROCEED' on that wall. Instead of condeming Nehemiah and commanding him to stop, the King said, 'Proceed'.

Praise God.

Whatever it is that God has told you to do. Ignore the oppostion and simply 'Proceed', for God is with you and will keep you and see you through, no matter what.



You go 'head and preach Shimmie!!!!
Shimmie said:
He's scared of confrontation. He's like the meek and gentle guy who afraid of getting into a fight for fear of losing, even if he wins.

This meaning that even if he wins the issue with the Truth, he fears the opposition's reaction and retaliation.

He's needs some 'Harlem' in him. I'll be happy to teach him. :strong:

All of this.

And I believe he's uneducated in some of his beliefs. I'm not saying you have to go to seminary to be a pastor/preacher if you're called you're called however it is important to know what you're talking about especially when it's about your faith. And it's ok to say "I don't know" if you don't know!

When he made that comment about Mormonism being the same as Christianity I almost spit my food out lol! Sigh...I think Joel is so energetic and positive but he shouldn't just make up something if he doesn't know the answer. It's confusing to people and God does not like confusion!
I'm convinced, Joel Olsteen is full of crap:perplexed

Sometimes wonder if he does those interviews on purpose to make the church look bad. It's getting ridiculous. At what point will he turn down the money and avoid doing these ridiculous shows that are only catering to the world anyway? He has sold out to the enemy so he has to say those things. I am understanding now more than ever just how true the Word is. He didn't get where he is by telling the truth and if he wants to stay there then he never can tell the truth. There is a price to be paid for bowing down and denying Jesus to have the things of the world. What does it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul.... It's really sad when I think about it.

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How do I release my anxiety, lord? I feel weak. My better mind says to let go and let GOD, but I keep replaying in my head what might happen. I know better but I feel hopeless in my situation and it's causing me great fear. Help me, please.