2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread


Can you imagine the doubts the soldiers and musicians had as they marched around and around a fortified city? Or how about the ridicule they endured from their adversaries watching from their perches?

One thing for certain as God moved and the walls started to crumble, there must have been some shocked individuals from among the ranks of both armies.:grin:

Nice & Wavy...

I love this. You don't know how much it blesses me. Praise God for such a wonderful message, reminding me that it's the 'simple' things that God uses to confound the wise.

They 'chided' Noah; they threatened Nehemiah as he proceeded to build the wall, a weapon in one hand, a tool in the other; they chided Jesus when He hung upon that Cross...

OH But God... He always performs His Omega to His Alpha. God completes what He commands us to start... :yep:

God is so good!!! He moved on a situation before I even had a chance to pray about it. "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord, who are called according to his purpose." So excited to see how this will unfold! God you are ever faithful!

I love moments like that!
So someone really really close to me said he's not sure if he believes in God and this has just sidelined me. I know he's going through a lot but this is just... idk how to process this. Like I understand people don't but this it makes me just sad. Today's my bday and for the first time in a few years I was actually happy, but now i just feel like laying down and crying.
Some people find it easy to walk away from God. For others, however, we can’t leave Him because our commitment to Him is born out of the call on our lives!
So someone really really close to me said he's not sure if he believes in God and this has just sidelined me. I know he's going through a lot but this is just... idk how to process this. Like I understand people don't but this it makes me just sad. Today's my bday and for the first time in a few years I was actually happy, but now i just feel like laying down and crying.
Happy birthday, brg240! Enjoy your day!

God has your friend in the palms of His hands! Trust Him and keep him in your prayers!
Saying you are a forgiving person and jumping through hoops shouting it out among your other superior spiritual defeats differs from actuality. Sometimes, you blame others for things that just aren't true only because you perceive them to be truth. But be thankful that others are much more patient and loving towards you, despite your attacks, than you are with them. It's not easy with you and you must realize that by now but in Christ, we are all the same. Just please have mercy on others, no matter how much you hate them...cuz that's truly what it is. You don't have love for them. But remember, He who gives is generous with all. Not easy working with you. Christ have mercy.
Sooo I'm not under attack I'm just more sensitive to what I SHOULD be doing and how I SHOULD be behaving lol

Well then...*blushing* thank God for growth! Lol :)
^^So am I, which was the point of the post. Ever have somebody so spiritually heavenly, they are no earthly good? And all they do is attack everybody else for every single little thing they feel wrong? Doesn't feel good being around them at all. You can't breathe right for them finding demons. It's maddening. G-d help us all. Maybe working for myself is better.
auparavant said:
^^So am I, which was the point of the post. Ever have somebody so spiritually heavenly, they are no earthly good? And all they do is attack everybody else for every single little thing they feel wrong? Doesn't feel good being around them at all. You can't breathe right for them finding demons. It's maddening. G-d help us all. Maybe working for myself is better.

Yes honey I call them Pharisees!!! Lol my mom's old friend was like this. She is no longer friends with this woman but the lady was intense and sooo judgmental smh. It was so sad :(
You didn’t pull yourself up by your bootstraps; God gave you the boots, the straps, and the strength to pull them up!


It even feels guilty just talking about it because I'm not trying to judge them in turn, but I needed to get that off my chest. People can say the worst things in the name of Christ without regards to their human dignity.
auparavant said:

It even feels guilty just talking about it because I'm not trying to judge them in turn, but I needed to get that off my chest. People can say the worst things in the name of Christ without regards to their human dignity.

Awww :( I completely understand! God please help me to NEVER act 'holier than thou'
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I don't know whose pastor this is.. but I enjoy his messages, even the ones that convict.

October 25
I Samuel 2:35
I will raise up for myself a faithful priest, who will do according to what is in my heart and mind. I will firmly establish his house, and he will minister before my anointed one always. (New International Version)

These words came to Eli, because his sons weren't exactly a chip off the old block. You have to walk closely with the Lord if you want to do according to what is in His heart and mind. The Lord's heart is to represent the unrepresented, to heal broken hearts, and minister to those that are cast aside. The mind of the Lord is to walk in His statutes and be the same in private as you are in public. When you really think of it, since God sees everything, we are always in public with Him. A faithful priest is one that God doesn't have to rebuke for taking more than his share of the sacrifice. A faithful priest is one that knows and performs what God expects. A faithful priest is one that doesn't shop himself out to the highest bidder. A faithful priest in one that knows how to atone for his own failures before correcting anyone else. God promises to firmly establish the house of the faithful priest, and allow him to minister before the Anointed One at all times. I wonder how many faithful priests He has found since these words were first voiced?

Elder S R Henderson, Associate Pastor
The Rock Baptist Church
Lord I'm tired why did you even bother giving me another day? I feel used and thrown away. I feel so behind in life. I see so many able to live great lives and I want the same. Religion seems to boggle me down alot. I feel happy for a friend who just got a job offer and while I was writing up her 2 week notice I felt like why am I not being able to do this for myself? I work hard job hunting nightly. Why am left to be in a cesspool of horrid people who take joy of trying to poke at me.

I'm venting and don't need any hyper critical remarks today. I'm so on edge I stayed at home in fear I may just go off on anyone. Back to bed to read.
Happy birthday, brg240! Enjoy your day!

God has your friend in the palms of His hands! Trust Him and keep him in your prayers!
thank you Nice & Wavy :hug3: I still feel a bit weepy but I know God began a good work in him and will bring it to completion. Everyone has to work out their own salvation so I'm just going to pray for him :yep:
GoddessMaker said:
Lord I'm tired why did you even bother giving me another day? I feel used and thrown away. I feel so behind in life. I see so many able to live great lives and I want the same. Religion seems to boggle me down alot. I feel happy for a friend who just got a job offer and while I was writing up her 2 week notice I felt like why am I not being able to do this for myself? I work hard job hunting nightly. Why am left to be in a cesspool of horrid people who take joy of trying to poke at me.

I'm venting and don't need any hyper critical remarks today. I'm so on edge I stayed at home in fear I may just go off on anyone. Back to bed to read.

*hugs* I have those days.
No everything hasn't been smooth sailing, in fact the boat rocks even at the present moment, but when I want to complain, I remember how good He's been and that He's got it all in control. Teach me to depend completely on you always!

Thank you for life, your provision, a healthy womb inhabitant :) and all the ways You have yet to make for us. I love you Lord!

Oh yes and thank You for answered prayer on that one issue that was kinda grinding me down. I know You have the rest in hand.

Please bless the ladies in this forum and those I have contact with on other sites also, in light of recent events help us to love and uplift one another every chance we get as we do not know what the next minute (much less tomorrow) holds.
Sisters, please pray for my brother who suffered a fractured skull on Saturday night. He had surgery and according to doctors it was successful. Please help me pray that he will have a full recovery in Jesus name. I have been by his bedside this entire time and it's so hard seeing him lay there so helpless but I have to be strong for my mom who is a wreck right now.

Thanks in advance, BN.

Thanks for your prayers! He is recovering well and has had progress that is even amazing his doctors. Just days after surgery he is coming along. Amazing, awesome God!
Thanks for your prayers! He is recovering well and has had progress that is even amazing his doctors. Just days after surgery he is coming along. Amazing, awesome God!
Oh no...I'm so sorry, BrandNew. I did not see your post..I'm so sorry, please forgive me. :bighug:

I'm happy that he is recovering...praise God! :love3:
Christians believe Jesus is the only real God and every other god is false. This is what our belief is based on. Stating that is not being disrespectful it is just stating what is a belief. It's like saying the sky is blue for us. If you're not a Christian this may come off as negative but know that is NOT the intention. It may appear rigid but this is because you don't think Jesus/God is real. If someone told u 2+2=5 you wouldn't even entertain this possibility and guess what? You wouldn't come off as negative either lol. It's the same way with Christians
Dear Lord,

Please deliver me from this secretarial position into a career I loved. I make mistakes my boss catches almost on a weekly basis. He just called me today, yes on a Saturday, to tell me a mistake I made. I'm shocked he hasn't fired me as of yet; but I know I'm tired of being a secretary and don't want to do it anymore. Give me the strength to be the best at this "job" until it's time for me to work in the BETTER job/career I desire.

In Jesus name I pray AMEN!
Christians believe Jesus is the only real God and every other god is false. This is what our belief is based on. Stating that is not being disrespectful it is just stating what is a belief. It's like saying the sky is blue for us. If you're not a Christian this may come off as negative but know that is NOT the intention. It may appear rigid but this is because you don't think Jesus/God is real. If someone told u 2+2=5 you wouldn't even entertain this possibility and guess what? You wouldn't come off as negative either lol. It's the same way with Christians
This right here...can only be said in the CF:nono:

How sad.