2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

From the Ministry of Encouragement

Please do not allow
anything in life to move
you away from God.

God loves closeness,
so draw near to Him.

Drawing close to the
Lord will produce the
power you need to
overcome anything
that life throws your way.

Keep working for Him,
because He's working for you!

1 CORINTHIANS 15: 58 – “ Therefore, my beloved brethren,
be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding
in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know
that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.”
The Promise of God are Yes and Amen!

Today's promise ...

Romans 8:37-39

No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.

And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Being wrapped in His everlasting, unfailing love is amazing. I've NEVER experienced anything like this before in my life. This is what intimacy is supposed to feel like? Wow.
Sisters, please pray for my brother who suffered a fractured skull on Saturday night. He had surgery and according to doctors it was successful. Please help me pray that he will have a full recovery in Jesus name. I have been by his bedside this entire time and it's so hard seeing him lay there so helpless but I have to be strong for my mom who is a wreck right now.

Thanks in advance, BN.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your constant love and protection that surrounds our sister BrandNew and her brother. In the same manner that she has so lovingly and faithfully remained by her brother's side, you are right there with them, a million -fold more.

Father thank you for restoring his soul, that this accident will not breed fear into his heart; let him be confident, yet not overly so, for his guidance and assurance shall be from you. Let his heart be restored and empowered with your presence, and Father thank you for making all things broken, brand new.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Sisters, please pray for my brother who suffered a fractured skull on Saturday night. He had surgery and according to doctors it was successful. Please help me pray that he will have a full recovery in Jesus name. I have been by his bedside this entire time and it's so hard seeing him lay there so helpless but I have to be strong for my mom who is a wreck right now.

Thanks in advance, BN.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your constant love and protection that surrounds our sister @BrandNew and her brother. In the same manner that she has so lovingly and faithfully remained by her brother's side, you are right there with them, a million -fold more.

Father thank you for restoring his soul, that this accident will not breed fear into his heart; let him be confident, yet not overly so, for his guidance and assurance shall be from you. Let his heart be restored and empowered with your presence, and Father thank you for making all things broken, brand new.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

I am in total agreement with Shimmie's prayer for you. I will be praying as well. :love3:

Can you imagine the doubts the soldiers and musicians had as they marched around and around a fortified city? Or how about the ridicule they endured from their adversaries watching from their perches?

One thing for certain as God moved and the walls started to crumble, there must have been some shocked individuals from among the ranks of both armies.:grin:
I shouldn't have to deal with this. What makes me so angry is people who are so very wrong, but try work against you in a way that makes you look bad. Yes I went "off" on somebody tonight and that's not even my style. But being a pushover is not either, not when *you* want to come into *my* home and constantly stir the pot, create disturbances, and talk about me thinking I can't hear!! I'm not a wimp and God's not either. I know He probably didn't want me to yell like that, but He also knows enough is enough of this foolishness. And I'm the one who ends up crying - I am not made for conflict. I'm tired of being the only one who stands up for what is right. We don't live in topsy turby land and it's not backwards day so what's the problem with putting an end to evil works? I need to calm down - it takes A LOT to get me upset, but once it's done it's done. There's only two particular people I know who get me this upset, and they work together to do it. Some people think they can do any and everything to me because I seem so "nice". And others just can't stand to be around someone who's truly worshipping God.
This may be a bit judgmental, but I don't want anyone praying for me who has been saved for 30 years who has no victory in almost all arenas of their lives. Or understand why would others? It doesn't count if you piggyback and join praying women groups who successfully pray for others and answers are granted from heaven. It highly unlikely that your prayers helped...

We go through seasons of silence, but not 30 years of defeat. Something is wrong.... I wondering even the devil is puzzled by your track record of defeat. Oh, but then again, I will be quiet now...
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I know this may sound crazy but ever since I decided to work towards the non-profit that I believe God told me to create, my flesh has really been rearing up. I've been having the desire to do things I haven't done in years and I feel like my own body is working against me. Even last night I had to really take control of my flesh and get my thoughts in check. I know this is probably a necessary process but it seems more difficult than it should be. Even after I pray for God to help me I feel like I still am struggling to get past whatever is tempting me. Granted I feel victorious once I'm over it but I feel like he's really making me work my spiritual muscles lol

Ladies please pray for me. I feel like the enemy is tempting me with this man I work with (who happens to be a pastor) he's very attractive and is interested in implementing my nonprofit at his church so I know the enemy is trying to get me to mess this up smh...this is an area for me
I know this may sound crazy but ever since I decided to work towards the non-profit that I believe God told me to create, my flesh has really been rearing up. I've been having the desire to do things I haven't done in years and I feel like my own body is working against me. Even last night I had to really take control of my flesh and get my thoughts in check. I know this is probably a necessary process but it seems more difficult than it should be. Even after I pray for God to help me I feel like I still am struggling to get past whatever is tempting me. Granted I feel victorious once I'm over it but I feel like he's really making me work my spiritual muscles lol

Ladies please pray for me. I feel like the enemy is tempting me with this man I work with (who happens to be a pastor) he's very attractive and is interested in implementing my nonprofit at his church so I know the enemy is trying to get me to mess this up smh...this is an area for me

How is the enemy tempting you if you are working with someone who probably has done some of the footwork and the channels already set up? I don't understand how is that tempting if God's calling you...

If you are focused on a goal, men don't get in the way even if they are attractive.
I know this may sound crazy but ever since I decided to work towards the non-profit that I believe God told me to create, my flesh has really been rearing up. I've been having the desire to do things I haven't done in years and I feel like my own body is working against me. Even last night I had to really take control of my flesh and get my thoughts in check. I know this is probably a necessary process but it seems more difficult than it should be. Even after I pray for God to help me I feel like I still am struggling to get past whatever is tempting me. Granted I feel victorious once I'm over it but I feel like he's really making me work my spiritual muscles lol

Ladies please pray for me. I feel like the enemy is tempting me with this man I work with (who happens to be a pastor) he's very attractive and is interested in implementing my nonprofit at his church so I know the enemy is trying to get me to mess this up smh...this is an area for me
In all that you have shared here, this is what is standing out to me. You are asking for prayer and I shall pray for you, because that is what we are called to do. :bighug:

My advice for you is for you to meet with your pastor and ask for some counseling between him and his wife. This is a serious thing. The other thing would be to NOT implement your nonprofit at his church. Think about ALL you have and you have much! You can stand against this demonic thing and say "NO MORE!" You are covered by the blood and when Jesus died on the cross, He took that thing you are having a problem with and crucified it. Do not take it back...don't own something that don't belong to you!:nono: Remember "...the last state of that man is now worse than the first."

Since God called you to do this, you have the strength and the tenacity to overcome any obstacles that have been put in front of you. Speak to that thing and tell it that it has no place in your life. You are the righteousness of God because Jesus lives in you!!!

Proclaim this day that you are an Overcomer and declare that any doors that the enemy has/is trying to open be closed in the name of Jesus.

Now, walk in the strength that the Lord has given you and rejoice! For the Lord is with you as the Captain of the Hosts!!!
Nice Lady said:
How is the enemy tempting you if you are working with someone who probably has done some of the footwork and the channels already set up? I don't understand how is that tempting if God's calling you...

If you are focused on a goal, men don't get in the way even if they are attractive.

Men and alcohol are my areas. Unfortunately, the enemy uses our weak areas against us and that's what I feel like he is trying to do right now. Is the attractive pastor getting in the way? Of course not. He's a very nice man and wants to help. Are my issues getting in the way? They're trying too. That's why I asked for prayer. I know my weaknesses and thankfully God is strong where I am weak. I'm still in a process of growth as we all are and it looks like my deliverance in these areas is going to be hard work, but I'm up for the challenge.

You may not understand if these are not issues you struggle with but thankfully I'm aware of them and I know God is going to bring me thru so I can accomplish this vision.

Again ladies, your prayers are greatly appreciated :D
Men and alcohol are my areas. Unfortunately, the enemy uses our weak areas against us and that's what I feel like he is trying to do right now. Is the attractive pastor getting in the way? Of course not. He's a very nice man and wants to help. Are my issues getting in the way? They're trying too. That's why I asked for prayer. I know my weaknesses and thankfully God is strong where I am weak. I'm still in a process of growth as we all are and it looks like my deliverance in these areas is going to be hard work, but I'm up for the challenge.

You may not understand if these are not issues you struggle with but thankfully I'm aware of them and I know God is going to bring me thru so I can accomplish this vision.

Again ladies, your prayers are greatly appreciated :D
That's all that matters, sis. Keep your FOCUS!!!

ETA: When you say this
Men and alcohol are my areas
you are owning it...it doesn't belong to you! Give it back and tell the enemy where he can put it:look:.
Nice & Wavy said:
In all that you have shared here, this is what is standing out to me. You are asking for prayer and I shall pray for you, because that is what we are called to do. :bighug:

My advice for you is for you to meet with your pastor and ask for some counseling between him and his wife. This is a serious thing. The other thing would be to NOT implement your nonprofit at his church. Think about ALL you have and you have much! You can stand against this demonic thing and say "NO MORE!" You are covered by the blood and when Jesus died on the cross, He took that thing you are having a problem with and crucified it. Do not take it back...don't own something that don't belong to you!:nono: Remember "...the last state of that man is now worse than the first."

Since God called you to do this, you have the strength and the tenacity to overcome any obstacles that have been put in front of you. Speak to that thing and tell it that it has no place in your life. You are the righteousness of God because Jesus lives in you!!!

Proclaim this day that you are an Overcomer and declare that any doors that the enemy has/is trying to open be closed in the name of Jesus.

Now, walk in the strength that the Lord has given you and rejoice! For the Lord is with you as the Captain of the Hosts!!!

Thank u Nice & Wavy. I think I knew that I'm not supposed to implement the nonprofit at his church. Sigh. I was just happy about someone wanting to use it that I figured I could just ignore my attraction to him. Obviously I need to flee from temptation not go towards it lol. I have to believe God is going to make a way for this nonprofit to succeed and make sure that my decisions regarding it line up with his will and his word. I guess I wouldn't be feeling tempted if this was meant to be

ETA: you're right I have to stop saying that there my issues. The devil is a liar smh...
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Thank u Nice & Wavy. I think I knew that I'm not supposed to implement the nonprofit at his church. Sigh. I was just happy about someone wanting to use it that I figured I could just ignore my attraction to him. Obviously I need to flee from temptation not go towards it lol. I have to believe God is going to make a way for this nonprofit to succeed and make sure that my decisions regarding it line up with his will and his word. I guess I wouldn't be feeling tempted if this was meant to be
That's not true. It is meant to be...don't doubt the word that the Lord spoke to you to get this started. The devil will always come against what the Lord will bless, so this is from HIM! When you see the devil coming against you, begin to proclaim Ephesians 6:10 -13

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand....STAND!"
Nice & Wavy said:
That's not true. It is meant to be...don't doubt the word that the Lord spoke to you to get this started. The devil will always come against what the Lord will bless, so this is from HIM! When you see the devil coming against you, begin to proclaim Ephesians 6:10 -13

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand."

Oh I'm sorry I should've specified meant to be at HIS church lol! I definitely know without a doubt this nonprofit is my call and I have to be careful not to jeopardize it by letting the enemy get to me.

Thank you for that scripture I'm going to meditate on this at lunch. *hugs* thanks sis!!!
When does the urge to knock folks out go away as you progress in your walk? I am singing to negro sprituals to myself bc if I don't I will take my scissors and do something to someone. I don't know why folks seem to think that as a christian I'm some type of punk. Like no I'm no punk. All I want to do is do my work and think of the Word which is good and encouraging.
GoddessMaker said:
When does the urge to knock folks out go away as you progress in your walk? .

I know you prolly didn't mean for this to be funny but it made me lol

I'm sorry people are trying you at work! I will def say a prayer for u mama!
I know you prolly didn't mean for this to be funny but it made me lol

I'm sorry people are trying you at work! I will def say a prayer for u mama!

It's funny but not really. Yes people are trying me and it's like why. I know the word says my days aren't going to be nice and sweet but come on son you playing with me at work. I will be in isolate until I leave this place.
What God, the Father speaks over His Children is all that matters in this cold, sad world. This Word is hung around my neck and keeps my heart warm:

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." - Jeremiah 29:11
God is so good!!! He moved on a situation before I even had a chance to pray about it. "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord, who are called according to his purpose." So excited to see how this will unfold! God you are ever faithful!
GoddessMaker said:
When does the urge to knock folks out go away as you progress in your walk? I am singing to negro sprituals to myself bc if I don't I will take my scissors and do something to someone. I don't know why folks seem to think that as a christian I'm some type of punk. Like no I'm no punk. All I want to do is do my work and think of the Word which is good and encouraging.

Hmm maybe it doesn't.... I think not actually doing it is the fruit.

See that's when people want to mess with you the most, if you were just doing whatever you wanted and not trying to please God they'd leave you alone. That's what makes me mad.
Hmm maybe it doesn't.... I think not actually doing it is the fruit.

See that's when people want to mess with you the most, if you were just doing whatever you wanted and not trying to please God they'd leave you alone. That's what makes me mad.

Maybe so. I have been getting info that so many in my area are soo messy and want to see me fired. It's a shame that black women can't work together great.
We see the biggest move of the Hand of God when His people is faced with adversity. The church sleeps during times of prosperity, thrives during prosecution (SermonIndex).

It's good to hear folks with a different ear and see with a different eye...